Do you display Polish colours on 1, 2, 3 May?
These three days are good dates for Polish flag waving.
History of red and white symbols of Poland:
Uncrowned white eagle on red field is traditional COA of Wielkopolska region. Eagle on flag and COA is patterned after sigillum of King Przemysł II from 1295. Przemysł II (1257-1296) was a member of Piast Dynasty and Duke of Wielkopolska since 1277. That was period of feudal partition of Poland. Przemysł II united under his rule Wielkopolska and East Pomerania in 1294. In 1295 he was crowned in Gniezno as King of Poland - first crowned ruler of Poland since more then two hundred years. Assassinated by Brandenburgans in 1296, Przemysł II remains a person symbolizing the state-building role of Wielkopolska region and the contribution of Wielkopolska into restoration the Kingdom of Poland. He was also the last ruler of Poland residing in Wielkopolska - after his death, the political centre of Poland moved to Cracow. Trapezial shape of flag is patterned after XVI Century banners of Polish lands.
The king is said to first set the red and white for Polish colours.

Next, at the battle of Orsza 1514
Also during Swedish wars in 17 century
And finally, on 3 May 1792, Warsaw ladies wore white dresses decorated with crimson ribbons. Could look like that:
Napoleon times (early 19 century):
Some cavalry units had patriotic uniforms: Poland uniform old
but flag`s colours were upside down!
These three days are good dates for Polish flag waving.
History of red and white symbols of Poland:
Uncrowned white eagle on red field is traditional COA of Wielkopolska region. Eagle on flag and COA is patterned after sigillum of King Przemysł II from 1295. Przemysł II (1257-1296) was a member of Piast Dynasty and Duke of Wielkopolska since 1277. That was period of feudal partition of Poland. Przemysł II united under his rule Wielkopolska and East Pomerania in 1294. In 1295 he was crowned in Gniezno as King of Poland - first crowned ruler of Poland since more then two hundred years. Assassinated by Brandenburgans in 1296, Przemysł II remains a person symbolizing the state-building role of Wielkopolska region and the contribution of Wielkopolska into restoration the Kingdom of Poland. He was also the last ruler of Poland residing in Wielkopolska - after his death, the political centre of Poland moved to Cracow. Trapezial shape of flag is patterned after XVI Century banners of Polish lands.
The king is said to first set the red and white for Polish colours.

Next, at the battle of Orsza 1514
Also during Swedish wars in 17 century
And finally, on 3 May 1792, Warsaw ladies wore white dresses decorated with crimson ribbons. Could look like that:
Napoleon times (early 19 century):
Some cavalry units had patriotic uniforms: Poland uniform old
but flag`s colours were upside down!