Why you blame leaders in everything? Submarine sunk - it is Putin, summer heat and fires - it is Medvedev whom you blame?
Read my post like you are willing to understand English and then try not to turn their meaning around.
mmm, Ukranians? What is this? Is it people who lives "на Украине"?
It is: "Who are they?" and they were Ukrainians as an ethnic group.
Here is an article I have recently read about Holodomor. The full you may read from the link I provided below; the second is Google translation:
In addition to the arguments being made by prominent lawyers, I would still stay on the facts, which shun those who deny the special swing famine in Ukraine. In particular - the Russian part of Ukrainian historians and politicians stresses: famine swept the entire USSR, and from it equally affected all nations. Of course, you can not deny the criminal nature of the Stalinist regime, and that victims were most people who lived in the communist empire. It is known that from hunger died and representatives of other nations. However, the scale of losses in various nations differ significantly. It's enough to analyze the data that became available recently obtained by the Soviet census of 1926 and 1937. If the number of Russians within the Soviet Union during these eleven years INCREASED by 20%, Ukrainians DECREASED by 15% (from 31 to 26 million). Out of ten most numerous peoples of the USSR Kazakhs too suffered huge population losses - 28%.They also have every reason to raise the issue of genocide, organized by Moscow.
If you accept the view that equally affected all nations, it is not clear why the borders were blocked between Russia and Ukraine, who were in one state. There are many documented recollections of eyewitnesses who described the ban to leave the famine affected areas and move to Russia, where the situation was not good, but hunger is not reached this level. Nowadays there is discovered directive letter of 22 January 1933, prepared personally by Stalin, in which he ordered to prevent a massive exodus of peasants from Ukraine and Kuban (region in Russian Federation heavily populated by Ukrainians since XVII-XVIII centuries) in other regions of the USSR. Pursuant to this document to give local leaders have denied any travel documents for the peasants, however, setting the curtains on the railway and water transport, as well as taking control of soil roads.
Without the ability to travel outside Ukraine, people roamed this country. This is how a foreign communist who visited Ukraine while the territory was covered by the famine: "Dirty crowds filling station, heaps of men, women and children, waiting for God knows what train. They are chased away, but they return without having neither money nor tickets. They sit down at any train which stops and remain there until they are thrown out. They are silent and passive. Where are they heading? Just in search of bread, potatoes or work in factories ... Bread - this is a great driving force of people ... "
Hungry villagers tried to reach any cities, but found no salvation there. On the streets you can see terrifying scene. People, as usual, hurried on their cases, and among them, on the ground, crawled children and adults, enfeebled by hunger. One witness for the commission of US Congress told about this episode, which was, incidentally, in Enakievo: "Me and my brother go and we look: under the fence is a woman. She is half-recumbent, half-sitting.. Dead. We approached - and saw her baby.The woman is dead and baby alive. And she was so up to one year. Maybe a year, maybe a little less, maybe a little more. And it pulled in her mother's breast and sucks. But its mother is dead. And my brother and I, we were crying ...We feel sorry for the child because it does not know. Sucks and does not understand that there is nothing inside. So here goes sanitary machine that picks up the dead bodies. And they always went there because a lot of corpses lying. They grabbed, the two men, the dead women by her feet and child and threw both where the corses lie. They drove away with the woman and a alive kid and the rest bodies to the common ditch at the cemetary."
So having the richest lands in the former Soviet Union, Ukraine's population decreaded 15% in 1926-37 interwar period, while Russians increased 20%. It is 6 million people!!! The number is still worse - it reaches 10 million offset by births of newborn.