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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Aug 2010 /  #211
was it the german one?

No, our supposed to be Scottish King who took over the English thrown. King James 6th of Scotland, 1st of England.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Aug 2010 /  #212
Oh, didn't know he outlawed under pain of death. I knew he had a problem with it.

Interesting site: scottishhistory.com/articles/highlands/gaelic/gaelic_page1.html

Funny bit in first italicized paragraph, apparently in Scotland they spoke "Scottish or Teutonic"

Bloody Germans get everywhere. No wonder Scots rode with Teutons in northern crusades.
pawian  226 | 27510  
30 Aug 2010 /  #213
What about Polish-Bolshevik war?

Hey, if you suggest that this war was started by Poles, I would strongly advise you to read more about history, even on Wikipedia. Your knowledge has serious lacks/leaks. :):):)


Excuse me, sir, but you have no right to call someone`s theory nonsense, if you have such serious lacks/leaks in your historical knowledge yourself. :):):)

I hope you accept this friendly advise without taking offence. :):):):)

In case you wanted to argue or sth, let me say that your theory about Gdańsk and Wrocław is as good as mine. I focused on "morality," you focused on "practicality."

Do you mean what I know? :):):)

Then he could be one of them:
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #214
Hey, if you suggest that this war was started by Poles, I would strongly advise you to read more about history, even on Wikipedia. Your knowledge has serious lacks/leaks. :):):)

it's england's fault. :)
30 Aug 2010 /  #215
what if someone can't have children?

Then he could be one of them:

Pawian could you give me the link to this gallery you've taken those photos from?
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #216
what if someone can't have children?

off to the gulag! ;) :D
pawian  226 | 27510  
30 Aug 2010 /  #217
Pawian could you give me the link to this gallery you've taken those photos from?

There are only 3 photos but maybe names and links will help:
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Aug 2010 /  #218
it's england's fault. :)

Don't make my get the horse whip out the broom closet yank :P ;)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Aug 2010 /  #219
Well as English and Scottish knights help the Teutonic Order make Prussia German, maybe there's a point there.
MartAnthony  2 | 38  
30 Aug 2010 /  #220
How do you people know that us from Silesia want to be part of Germany or Poland. Maybe we just want Silesia back. So we can just be ourself.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Aug 2010 /  #221
because you have a bunch of wanna be politician in front of the computers.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
30 Aug 2010 /  #222
How about when Prussia, Austria partition old Polish-Lithuanian confederation?...Any lands seized from Poles then?...How far back shall we go?...All nonsense.
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #223
How do you people know that us from Silesia want to be part of Germany or Poland. Maybe we just want Silesia back. So we can just be ourself.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
30 Aug 2010 /  #224
Can ex-Silesians vote too??? Heh:)

Crow would love that....Serbians in Serbia voting about Kosovo! :):):)
pawian  226 | 27510  
30 Aug 2010 /  #225
How do you people know that us from Silesia want to be part of Germany or Poland. Maybe we just want Silesia back. So we can just be ourself.

Unfortunately, Europe is already packed with states. There is no room for new ones.

I am really sorry because I understand your desire to live independently.

But....what language would you speak in Silesia if you managed to make it independent?
MartAnthony  2 | 38  
30 Aug 2010 /  #226
At this point in time would have to be Multilingual and then over time is own dialect would form again.
But first step is to rejoin the lands and bring the name Silesia back to the map.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
30 Aug 2010 /  #227
How big is the movement right now? Is it growing?
Crow  154 | 9541  
30 Aug 2010 /  #228
one day some Serbian general would say to Slavs: `bon appetite!`

and Slavs would eat.

and there won`t be Germany.
Crow  154 | 9541  
30 Aug 2010 /  #230

this reminds me of Kosovo
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
30 Aug 2010 /  #231
Interesting video!

They are singing german!!! ;)

My greatparents spoke a silesian german dialect too...it died out with them sadly! :(
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #232
Can ex-Silesians vote too??? Heh:)

the un-funny thing is that is exactly how it went down originally so silesia was given to PL. starting world wars, cheating etc. just isn't working out for you guys. :)

But....what language would you speak in Silesia if you managed to make it independent?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
30 Aug 2010 /  #233
Hmmm...help me out here...is it about the Germans or the Silesians?
Or is it all the same to you???
pawian  226 | 27510  
30 Aug 2010 /  #234
Interesting video!
They are singing German!!! ;)

Because they are German or pretend to be ones. The bald guy says: Mein Gott! No Pole says things like that, even heavily drunk! :):):):):)
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #235
is it about the Germans


Or is it all the same to you???

are Poles not germans.. "their" language is really just polish dialect.. just like lemko or góralski.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
30 Aug 2010 /  #236
Because they are German or pretend to be ones. The bald guy says: Mein Gott! No Pole says things like that, even heavily drunk! :):):):):)

They are Silesians! Silesians had been a precious mix...Silesia was the most advanced country compared to the more agraraian east... heavily industrialized with good infrastructure.

The people had been a mix of Germans, Czechs, Poles...german work ethic prevailed...hence the success of Silesia before it fell to Poland and many Silesians got expelled.

are Poles not germans.. "their" language is really just polish dialect.. just like lemko or góralski.

Silesian is heavily german influenced (or it was). Mixed as the people had been. I understand if they feel different to the "ordinary" peasant Poles from further East....

Of course the whole silesian history and the german heritage was a "no no" for decades, a taboo in polish schools...but as I said before and the links I brought show that too...Poles re-discover their german heritage..so does Silesia! :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #237
I understand if they feel different to the "ordinary" peasant Poles from further East....

they don't feel different at all.. their language is not german.. very much PLish dialect, like i said.. can you understand anything they said? click that silesia radio link.. can you understand any of the writing?

.Poles re-discover their german heritage..so does Silesia! :)

the funny thing is that now you're in denial.. the truth is:

My greatparents spoke a silesian german dialect too...it died out with them sadly! :(

that you're probably actually more polish then german.. sorry bud.. i know this news has to be hard for you to take.. but keep hanging around here, brother kraut, we'll change you into bigos yet. ;) :D :D
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
30 Aug 2010 /  #238
they don't feel different at all.. their language is not german.. very much PLish dialect, like i said.. can you understand anything they said? click that silesia radio link.. can you understand any of the writing?

Since Million of real Silesians left and where substituted by eastern Poles and 50 years of skewed commie education I'm pleasantly surprised some still do remember....

that you're probably actually more polish then german.. sorry bud.. i know this news has to be hard for you to take.. but keep hanging around here, brother kraut, we'll change you into bigos yet. ;) :D :D

Don't play daft...even in this thread I counted myself openly as german-silesian...descendants from real Silesians. That many parts of my family stem from several towns and villages in lower Silesia.

That doesn't make me polish even if you would wish it so...;)

You really seem to have a hard time accepting Silesians and Silesians past as what they were, why is that???
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #239
Since Million of real Silesians left and where substituted by eastern Poles and 50 years of skewed commie education I'm pleasantly surprised some still do remember....

ok delph... so now because poles live there, the silesian language all of a sudden changed to polish dialect? niiice. lol it's that last statement of mine that got you worried, isn't it? ;) :D

You really seem to have a hard time accepting Silesians and Silesians past as what they were, why is that???

not at all.. i see it for what it is. not some wishful thinking that it's more german then anything.. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
30 Aug 2010 /  #240
ok delph... so now because poles live there, the silesian language all of a sudden changed to polish dialect? niiice. lol it's that last statement of mine that got you worried, isn't it? ;) :D


Yes, everything what pointed to a non-polish history was scratched out of polish history books, out of polish life for decades.
The danger that Germans would have really have a claim to these lands could not be supported at all costs.
You are the product of this brainwashing.

Gladly...you are from yesterday and more and more people are interested in the true history! :)


Until 1945 Silesian was also spoken in enclaves in Lower Silesia, as Lower Silesian language was spoken by the ethnic German majority population of that region at the time.

Silesian became "polish" by force after 1945...that means the language and the land. It was not polish before, neither the language nor the land. It's called "polonization"!

not at all.. i see it for what it is. not some wishful thinking that it's more german then anything.. :)

Oh boy...just inform yourself better...it's all there in the open for you to read about silesian history!

Look what I found! :)


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