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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #181
Sure they did...did they became part of Great Britain, speaking saxon instead of gaelic or whatever mainly or not? ;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Aug 2010 /  #182
Which is why they don't speak English to this day.

Was in a local pub in Lewis the other day. They all turned to Scots Gaelic when they heard us talking English, many pints were had when I told them to stop being snobs in Gaelic :D

Sure they did...did they became part of Great Britain, speaking saxon instead of gaelic or whatever mainly or not? ;)

Not really. Gaelic only stopped being the number 1 language in Scotland about 300 years ago. It is still the first language of Wales and is now making a huge come back in Ireland too.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
29 Aug 2010 /  #183
Being conquered in 4 weeks, and then after a coalition did ones work declaring oneself a winner....now THAT is pathetic!

Do you know why you have to revert to excuses? Because try as you may you were not the winners of WWII! You haven't won a single war since XIX century. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #184
Gaelic only stopped being the number 1 language in Scotland about 300 years ago. It is still the first language of Wales and is now making a huge come back in Ireland too.

I didn't know that...but great to hear! :)

Do you know why you have to revert to excuses? Because try as you may you were not the winners of WWII!

I never said we were the winners of WWII....we lost...we lost dearly....hammered.
But look how we fighted...it needed a whole coalition of half of the world to bring us down.

You haven't won a single war since XIX century. :)

But we won many wars and great battles. Read the history...about how many proud countries surrendered to Germany.
We won against all european countries besides Russia. This proved just to much!

But when such a loser country declares now itself as a winner and starts to brag about it it just get's the answer it deserves...nothing personal! :)

(I wouldn't take that crap from the French either)...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Aug 2010 /  #185
I didn't know that...but great to hear! :)

Yep, it wasn't until "our" British king declared speaking it to be an offence punished by death that it died out. Nowadays its still spoken in the north west and is making a come back due to schools now having it as part of the language system.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #186
I like that the Celts discover their roots again...to much was lost during the centuries!

Would posters please try to remain on topic. The thread may be closed otherwise.
Thank you.

Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
29 Aug 2010 /  #187
I never said we were the winners of WWII....we lost...we lost dearly....hammered.
But look how we fighted...it needed a whole coalition of half of the world to bring us down.

A loser will always find an excuse. It's not how you start things that matters but how you end them. And every conflict that you participated in the 20 th century you ended up loosing. So, in regards to your statement that started our little discussion I have only one thing to say:

You kicked nobody's ass for a very long time now!

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #188
A loser will always find an excuse

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! :)

Ditto! :)

It's not how you start things that matters but how you end them.

Tell that the Brits and the French, they started WWII with the end of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles.
Both conflicts were about the new power structure of Europe, the old Bullies against the new kid on the bloc.
And now Germany has it's place on top of Europe that it deserves...so we ended it good, didn't we? ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Aug 2010 /  #189
A loser will always find an excuse.

The US, Soviet Union, and PRC (well, eventually) won. Everyone else lost, big time.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Aug 2010 /  #190
When will Poles give back German land? Probably never until another mad Austrian appears on the scene.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #191
Oh stop that Seanie...nobody is asking for it!

The US, Soviet Union, and PRC (well, eventually) won. Everyone else lost, big time.

The PRC?

Poor people though...
McCoy  27 | 1268  
29 Aug 2010 /  #192
never. gerries became a liberal pus5ies and now they give their land to the turks in the name of the political correctness.
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Aug 2010 /  #193
The PRC?

Poor people though...

Yea, but they got a country out of it...took a bit of time, but definitely took advantage of it.

never. gerries became a liberal pus5ies and now they give their land to the turks in the name of the political correctness.

Right... Just out of curiosity, why are Poles "giving away" their land to Germans?
McCoy  27 | 1268  
29 Aug 2010 /  #194
to keep an eye on them bastards
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #195
never. gerries became a liberal pus5ies and now they give their land to the turks in the name of the political correctness.

ROFL...if we became pussies, then what became of the proud Poles, huh?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Aug 2010 /  #196
Well the thread is dead then, BB. I know nobody is asking for it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #197
It was a death birth from the beginning...oh and I.did.not.start.it!

McCoy  27 | 1268  
29 Aug 2010 /  #198
then what became of the proud Poles, huh?

sorry to dissapoint you but nothing yet
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #199
No fear of dissapointing me, I'm not expecting anything from you!
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
29 Aug 2010 /  #200
The US, Soviet Union, and PRC (well, eventually) won. Everyone else lost, big time.

Yes, Europe lost big time, but I never said the opposite.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
30 Aug 2010 /  #201
Which is why they don't speak English to this day.

LOL. Indeed they not:)
pawian  226 | 27510  
30 Aug 2010 /  #202
Well, if a population of 98 percent German and a history as a town of the german Hanseatic League since 1358 doesn't convince you the long number of german VIP's stemming from this german town won't probably either!

Nobody can deny the German contribution to the development of such cities as Gdańsk, Wrocław, Szczecin and many others. Germans did a great job there.

However, they lost the moral right to own these cities and area around them when they had started the war which led to almost total destruction:






It is quite natural that after the German rule, which ended with such a disaster, Poles took over. Despite their scant recources, they rebuilt the German heritage and for the next 600 years they will try to develop these places even better. :):):):)
30 Aug 2010 /  #203
they rebuilt the German heritage

my grandpa was one of those ppl who was rebuilding Gdańsk...
convex  20 | 3928  
30 Aug 2010 /  #204
However, they lost the moral right to own these cities and area around them when they had started the war which led to almost total destruction:

Why did they lose the moral right to Wroclaw, but not Dresden? Did Poland lose any kind of moral right to territory when they started the war in 1919?
pawian  226 | 27510  
30 Aug 2010 /  #205
Why did they lose the moral right to Wroclaw, but not Dresden?

Did Poles ever have anything common with Dresden? No.

Did Poles ever have anything common with Wrocław? Yes.

Simple question, simple answer. I like it. :):):):)

Did Poland lose any kind of moral right to territory when they started the war in 1919?

And which war do you mean exactly, especially the one started by Poles?

The only one started by Poles in 1919 was Wielkopolskie Uprising, after which Poles regained Poznań area still occupied by Germans.....

my grandpa was one of those ppl who was rebuilding Gdańsk...

He could be one of them:

More about destruction and rebuilding of Warsaw, Gdańsk and others: https://polishforums.com/history/restoration-cities-destruction-32836/
30 Aug 2010 /  #206
He could be one of them:

rather not. He was one of those who was reconstructing monuments and architectonal details of buildings... not only in Gdańsk :)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
30 Aug 2010 /  #207
If Poles want to build up Poland and make it greater there is mainly one thing to do.

Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
30 Aug 2010 /  #208
The only one started by Poles in 1919 was Wielkopolskie Uprising, after which Poles regained Poznań area still occupied by Germans.....

What about Polish-Bolshevik war?

Nonsense. The reason why Breslau was handed over to Poles was not because it was once a polish city. Germans consituted a majority in that city at least since the 17/18 th century. Wrocław was handed over to us because Stalin wanted to ensure that Poland would not stray away from the SU in the forseable future. It was certain that Germans would not let us have their land and SU was supposed to be the only guarantee for a "free" and "independent" Poland. The same thing with Stettin.

As for Gdańsk, you cannot talk about history of Poland without mentioning Gdańsk. It is a vital part of our history. However, in 1939 it was as polish as Modern Talking. The only reason why Poles wanted it to be part of their reemerged country was for pure practical reasons: Poland while resetablishing it's new boundaries managed to found itself in a war with virtually every neighbour ( apart from Romania) , and it needed a seaport to trade. Eventually Poles had to built their own sea port, Gdynia, from scratch as the inhabitants of Free city Danzig didn't want to have anything to do with Poland.

So to summarize, in politics all you need is an excuse and power and you can do whatever you want. Germans started a war, lost it and had to face consequences. Wrocław is Polish at least since 3 generations and it doesn't seem to change anytime soon.
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Aug 2010 /  #209
where the hell do you get this info from? sheesh.. Wroclaw from the beginning was a Polish city.. and yes, germans occupied it for a period or two or even three but it was founded by poles and thus should be Polish.

Gdansk wasn't all german like you want all to believe at the start of the war.. why do you think the first salvo of the war was there? germans wouldn't attack their town first, would they?

What about Polish-Bolshevik war?

did PL really start that one?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Aug 2010 /  #210
Gaelic only stopped being the number 1 language in Scotland about 300 years ago. It is still the first language of Wales and is now making a huge come back in Ireland too.

Hmm, sorry to be picky but Welsh is Brythonic rather than Gaelic. I understand it was widely spoken across Scotland and England before Gaelic made inroads (hence the word 'Aber' in both Welsh and Scottish placenames).

Strathclyde, I believe was a large 'Welsh' speaking area and places like Dumbarton were strongholds of brythonic culture (Dumbarton = Fort of the Britons)

Yep, it wasn't until "our" British king declared speaking it to be an offence punished by death that it died out.

Interesting, which king and when?

was it the german one?

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