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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
28 Aug 2010 /  #151
Serbia in 90 fought against all NATO, with interesting result.

I ( as a Pole) prefer Serbians than Germans as far as millitar ally. They are simply better soldiers.

Yeah...they lost, didn't they? Cut down to sitze....holy (lost forever) Kosovo anyone?

Please do...we want to have a laugh! :)

Isn`t. BB

It is.

Typical polish macho talk again here...totally overestimating polish power again...like "In Berlin in one week" August 1939..ROFL

I don't remember kissing french ass in 1918.

Well, you should...after all they gave you your country. Without the Treaty of Versailles you would still speak German.
And play for the german football Mannschaft...oopsie! :)

You kicked nobody's ass for a very long time now!
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Aug 2010 /  #152
I ( as a Pole) prefer Serbians than Germans as far as millitar ally. They are simply better soldiers.

thank you. You are very objective.

What? thats a very weird thing to say. In any case Germany would blow you away without even losing breath.

as NATO member or individually, it is impossible to Germany to blow Serbia. Germany can only blow to Serbia, if you understand me

from our conventional land troops to the our rocket units that are hardened and all in veteran status, we can compete with the German army.

But, if you point on NATO behind Germany, forget about that. In serious NATO move against Serbia, Serbs won`t be alone. When say that, i don`t think only about Russian support to Serbia but i also seriously count on Polish patriots, on patriots in all Slavic countries that are NATO members. Serious NATO war against Serbia would be actually end of NATO. NATO bombing campaign in 1999 proved that possibility and NATO deflected from land invasion on Serbia and pledge to end bombing as soon as possible.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
28 Aug 2010 /  #153
thank you. You are very objective.

Yeah...that's why Kosovo belongs still to Serbia (instead of in their wet dreams only) ROFL

Serious NATO war against Serbia would be actually end of NATO.

Been there, done that....*yawn*

There is no Serbia to fight anymore....you are already knocking on EU-doors, begging for entry!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Aug 2010 /  #154
But BB, you have to take it on merit. You can't just feel instant redress because German lands were taken by the Poles. That's way too minimalist. 2 wrongs don't make a right and German foreign policy in the Balkans has been heavy-handed. Watch 'It Started with a Lie', a documentary made by Germans for Germans to wake up and see the reality.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
28 Aug 2010 /  #155

Watch 'It Started with a Lie', a documentary made by Germans for Germans to wake up and see the reality.

notes: No more conspirational youtube videos for Seanie
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Aug 2010 /  #156
Yes but you joined it ;)

Anyway, I think there is a strong case for arguing that lands here are German but why isn't there any momentum now? International relations make for interesting study and they seem to trump meritorious claims.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
28 Aug 2010 /  #157
Yes but you joined it ;)

No, I didn't...I just answered some anti-german sh'it with some anti-polish sh'it...somebody has to! (To keep the balance you know?) :)

I think there is a strong case for arguing that lands here are German but why isn't there any momentum now?

Erm...why? The borders are open, we are close economical and military allies now...any German can go where he wants...if he is an expellee (or an descendant) he can relocate when and where he wants to....our both people never had it so good, stable, on the way to becoming prosperous, peaceful...

(Okay...the polish football is still a sore on the eyes and they need to work on that!)

What should a "momentum" gain us what we not already have???

Quite the contrary....any new ******** between our people because of things happening 3 generations back would make sure our future generations losing all that what we now have again...it would be suicide!
valpomike  11 | 194  
29 Aug 2010 /  #158
If nobody told you two, the war is over, we won. Now leave it that way, unless the Dam Germans start to act up again. I think they learned a lesson with the last war. Now they just need to keep to themselves. I find, many people from Germany are the hardest to get along with, even more when I travel. They act like they are better than all the rest, and we know they are not, and in some cases, not even as good, as most.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 Aug 2010 /  #159
This must explain why the second largest group of non-Germans in Berlin is Polish.

As was mentioned earlier no-one has to give anything back. Especially when people have freedom of movement.

I have noticed that German Language is almost as important/popular as English with regard to school pupils.

It is now an open Europe with a common people whose only border is language.
Crow  154 | 9541  
29 Aug 2010 /  #160
There is no Serbia to fight anymore....you are already knocking on EU-doors, begging for entry!

EU pledge to annex Serbia. Its a fact. Don`t call it membership.

If come to it, let it be for now. For now. Let EU just repair all what was damaged or destroyed by NATO/EU attack in 1999. Its only some 200 billion USA dollars. Serbia don`t need anything else from EU
king polkakamon  - | 542  
29 Aug 2010 /  #161
I find, many people from Germany are the hardest to get along with, even more when I travel.

The Germans(of some level) do not accept you if you lack certain features.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #162
Now leave it that way, unless the Dam Germans start to act up again. I think they learned a lesson with the last war

Oh yeah...we learned our lesson...now we are conquering Europe without firing a shot. We are owning Poland already and you are saying even "THANK YOU!" :)

Not to mention making deals with Russia and the US instead of fighting them...so much smarter by us! ;)

Panzers are so yesterday...Mercs are so much better! :)

They act like they are better than all the rest

Well....we are! *shrug* What can we do? ;)


To walk an urban street in Germany is a different experience from say in Athens or Istanbul - traffic follows law, pedestrians are respected, horns are used rarely, trash is absent. In other words, things work and work well.

EU pledge to annex Serbia. Its a fact. Don`t call it membership.

Matter of fact is you are begging for it! Grovelling on our our door like a dog wanting into the warmth...;)

That's why we are better than most:


In the twenty-first century it is politically incorrect to suggest that culture matters, though most privately grant that the German work ethic, cohesiveness, and competence all lead to economic and financial clout that eventually ends in superior political - and ultimately military - power.


That's why again during the biggest world economy crisis Europe is begging Germany for help even as Germany was hit by the same crisis and still has to shoulder the burden of incorporating a whole country (Eastern Germany) and bringing it up to standards (something it got NO help from the others with).

That's why right now the others hang onto Germany's again booming economy and hope we will help them to survive...little 'ol Germany shouldering again much more than anybody else and is still expected to somehow make it through without much fuss!

Tell me we are NOT better than the rest!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Aug 2010 /  #163
So disputed lands in Poland belonged to West or East Germany back in the day, BB? ;) ;) Isn't it funny that, were it to be Bonn and West Germany's old territory, that you'd have to leapfrog a whole 'country' in East Germany? ;)

BB, it was primarily Germans that tore the wall down. Stare decisis, ma man.

A little word that Germany could say, BB. NO!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #164
So disputed lands in Poland belonged to West or East Germany back in the day, BB? ;) ;) Isn't it funny that, were it to be Bonn and West Germany's old territory, that you'd have to leapfrog a whole 'country' in East Germany? ;)

What do you want to say with that?
What is known today as "East Germany" was called "Mitteldeutschland" (middle Germany") even earlier!

A little word that Germany could say, BB. NO!

Depends...if the EU becomes more German and starts to follow our example more it might be worth it to invest so much to make it work.

Problems will arise if the countries still keep wanting Germany's help and Germany's money but still also want to keep to their old ways...

That would mean a hole without a bottom to throw away our good money...then somebody will soon say: "Nein!"

It's decision time for some EU-members...but they can't have it both ways. That's why an eventual split is still not from the table.

If they want to sink and drown they should do that alone!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #166
Why not?

Germany is biggest investor in Poland....1/3 of the whole polish trade is with Germany....we have no borders anymore...every German can build and settle everywhere in Poland if he wants to...Poles happily buy and consume German goods, prefer German cars etc.

What are we missing? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Aug 2010 /  #167
Names are just names, BB. You had Bonn and Berlin as capitals of west and east so where is this middle you speak of?

With influence comes power. You can't tell me that you don't have the power to say no. Germany chooses to pay over the odds to other EU members. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #168
Names are just names, BB. You had Bonn and Berlin as capitals of west and east so where is this middle you speak of?

Nope...Bonn was always only an interim solution. It was part of the German basic law that once Germans are unified again the new capital would be the old, Berlin.

And yes, what is now eastern Germany was once middle Germany...what is so hard to understand?


Look at the map!

With influence comes power.

You know how people react if Germany flexes it's muscles? ;):):):)
They are sh'itting their pants and have nightmares about Panzers and marching Wehrmacht again...even 60 years after the war.
They still need time to get used to it that the modern war is battled out with cold money instead of hot machine guns (at least in Europe).

For more than 50 years things were seemingly cast in stone and most people were okay with how things did run....only recently things have begun to change and shift. We will see....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Aug 2010 /  #169
It's just a rather unfortunate name given that a wall dictated a geographical divide and, indeed, an ideological divide. I remember reading long long ago about the interim solution, yes.

This is a new Germany, BB, and it depends from which lens you look through. Germany makes the EU strong, there is no doubt about that. Heck, even in the Balkans America bowed down to German pressure.

More on topic, when are you gonna buy land here in Silesia? ;) There is some decent real estate here.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #170
Man...I have no idea....:)
I always played with the thought of buying some little estate later. Maybe for retirement who knows...right now I prefer it in Berlin! :)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
29 Aug 2010 /  #171
That's why again during the biggest world economy crisis Europe is begging Germany for help even as Germany was hit by the same crisis and still has to shoulder the burden of incorporating a whole country (Eastern Germany) and bringing it up to standards (something it got NO help from the others with).

That is true.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
29 Aug 2010 /  #172
You kicked nobody's ass for a very long time now!

Look whose talking. When was the last time Germany actually won a war? XIX century was a long time ago. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #173
We won the war against Poland, against Norway, against Denmark, against Belgium, against Luxembourg, against the Netherlands, against France, against GB (throwing them out of Europe in Dunkirk) first round, against Greece, against Yugoslavia...and so on.

We lost against Russia and an alliance of all these losers who knew they only had a chance together clasping hands against little Germany....;)

PS: Even WWI had the Frenchies and the Brits so desperate that they were crying for the US to come and save their nuts...there is no european power greater than Germany! :)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
29 Aug 2010 /  #174
We won the war against Poland, against Norway, against Denmark, against Belgium, against Luxembourg, against the Netherlands, against France, against GB (throwing them out of Europe in Dunkirk) first round, against Greece, against Yugoslavia...and so on.

Than why am I not speaking German, BB? Because you lost! :)

We lost against Russia and an alliance of all these losers who knew they only had a chance together against little Germany....;)

PS: Even WWI had the Frenchies and the Brits so desperate that they were crying for the US to come and save their nuts...there is no european power greater than Germany! :)

Of course, and if an oma had a mustache she woud be an opa! :)

It's always the same excusees, excuses...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #175
Than why am I not speaking German, BB? Because you lost! :)

Not against Poland! :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Aug 2010 /  #176
Thats why Americans speak English ;) And most of the civilised world ;)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
29 Aug 2010 /  #177
Not against Poland! :)

XIX century BB, XIX century! :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
29 Aug 2010 /  #178
Thats why Americans speak English ;) And most of the civilised world ;)

You speak Saxon, a German dialect....more or less...:)
The Saxons conquered the islands already 1000 years back! And from there America...;)

PS: But most people speak Chinese or any other non-English language I fear...

Of course, and if an oma had a moustache she would be an opa! :)
It's always the same excuses, excuses...

Being conquered in 4 weeks, and then after a coalition did ones work declaring oneself a winner....now THAT is pathetic!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Aug 2010 /  #179
The Saxons conquered the islands already 1000 years back! And from there America...;)

They didn't conquer Scotland, Wales or Ireland though :P ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Aug 2010 /  #180
Which is why they don't speak English to this day.

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