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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Aug 2010 /  #121
me too. off to watch a Swedish vampire film. goodnight.
jeden  - | 226  
27 Aug 2010 /  #123
Bismarcks Kulturkampf being solely directed against Poles to opress especially them.

Poles was the biggest minority in Prussia, so Kulturkampf "touch" espescially them.

That being a Pole in Prussia had been pure terror...

Have you ever heard about Września? - pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strajk_dzieci_wrzesi%C5%84skich

or Drzymała-- pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micha%C5%82_Drzyma%C5%82a

In Polish sry. Deal with it ;)

That Germans eat polish babies for breakfast..
probably not true, but who knows ;) just kidding.

Yeah, well..there is a reason that Prussia was so advanced...all this infrastructure and industrialisations has to be paid by someone.
Also Bismarcks welfare laws (which had been also for polish workers) had been expensive...

Taxes went mostly for army wchich was smashed in battles with Napolean. Jena and Aurstadt.(?)

2) welfare is badddddddd ;)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
27 Aug 2010 /  #124
Bismarcks Kulturkampf being solely directed against Poles to opress especially them.
That being a Pole in Prussia had been pure terror...

Whether Kulturkampf was solely directed against Poles or not, or whether living in Prussia was a pure terror for them doesn't really matter. The point is that it did affect them to a degree that when the right time came they stood up and fought for their independence. Surely you don't risk your life if everything is fine and dandy.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
28 Aug 2010 /  #125
Give back ?


Come and get it!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Aug 2010 /  #126
Looks like the Polish cavalry is once again waiting to attack German tanks. ;)
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Aug 2010 /  #127
how could Poles give back something to Germany what is Polish actually? Its nonsense
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Aug 2010 /  #128
Well, the history of Danzig is quite complicated, Crow. 966 onwards sees fundamental changes. Poland has secured its status now, though :)
David_18  65 | 966  
28 Aug 2010 /  #129
Looks like the Polish cavalry is once again waiting to attack German tanks. ;)

You mean tanks like this?


German soldiers practice with paper tank props. Heavy weapons were banned under the Treaty of Versailles, so the army had to make do with substitutes.
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Aug 2010 /  #130
Poland has secured its status now, though :)

yes. Like white mouse in black laboratory of Dr. Oba Ma
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Aug 2010 /  #131
Was that a racist comment, Crow? ;) ;) Tusk could yet 'negotiate' with Merkel. Is Kommie permanently asleep? The man is a non-entity.
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Aug 2010 /  #132
Was that a racist comment, Crow? ;) ;)

no. Polish situation is darker then Oba Ma

Tusk could yet 'negotiate' with Merkel.

what can truly religious man actually accomplish for Poland?

Is Kommie permanently asleep? The man is a non-entity.

who knows
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Aug 2010 /  #133
Wow, let's get a torch out :)

Trouble :(

Please find 'who' as I want to ask him :)

Silesia is here but not changing hands any time soon :)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Aug 2010 /  #134
You mean tanks like this?

LOL. Were those the tanks that rolled over Poland in 1939?
David_18  65 | 966  
28 Aug 2010 /  #136
LOL. Were those the tanks that rolled over Poland in 1939?

Sadly yes....

And some of those that got raped by the polish tanks ;)

Polish pride


To bad poland could only make 140 of those before the war broke out....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
28 Aug 2010 /  #137
Silesia is here but not changing hands any time soon :)

I might buy some estate there some time in the future! ;)

To bad poland could only make 140 of those before the war broke out....

Don't sweat it...the french had much more and it didn't help them...
David_18  65 | 966  
28 Aug 2010 /  #138
the difference between the poles and the French is that poles knows how to make use of their weapons ;)

Just look at the French, they build maginot line and spent over half their budget on it... Must have been really hard for the Germans to just walk around through Belgium.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
28 Aug 2010 /  #139
just look how much tanks soviets had and Taliban took them down and look how much tanks and other military hardware United States has and taliban is bringing them down and on the other hand banks do not have any military and they are destroing country after country and it's people, it's called financial terrorism waging destruction with out firing single shoot
guesswho  4 | 1272  
28 Aug 2010 /  #140
this land was not stolen by Poles-it was merely compensation for land we lost in the east

well, the thing is that the "lost" eastern part of Poland didn't go to the Germans.

OK guys, the WWII is over, move on.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
28 Aug 2010 /  #141
Poland needs to take more land from Germans, they do not deserve even exist on this planet
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Aug 2010 /  #142
Forgot to take your pills again, Mark? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
28 Aug 2010 /  #143
Poland needs to take more land from Germans, they do not deserve even exist on this planet

"Deserve"??? ROFL

Says who??? You? Survival of the fittest baby! :)
Between us it's clear who is the stronger, isn't it? Proven several time in recent history. Do you as the weakling in the family "deserve" anything???

Kiss french arse for your independence in 1918.
Kiss russian arse for saving you from obliteration by the Nazis during WWII!
Kiss american arse for the iron curtain and the fall of it!
Kiss german arse for getting into the EU and becoming our happy backyard.

What do you "deserve"?


Now a laugh for the night
Galloglaich  3 | 36  
28 Aug 2010 /  #144
I really don't get the primitive jingoism
jeden  - | 226  
28 Aug 2010 /  #145
Between us it's clear who is the stronger, isn't it? Proven several time in recent history.

Isn`t. BB

Proven several times that it depends of situation. Remember about some slaps wchich you get in 1525. And begging for help in 1683. I show You my mercy and I won`t mention about Grunwald (1410) and battle in Byczyna 1588

As far as Danzing I would like to remind You that in 1454 citizens of Gdańska gave Poland money to create army and to incorporate their city to Crown. So did they feel conection with their german overlords???
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
28 Aug 2010 /  #146
Kiss French arse for your independence in 1918.

I don't remember kissing French ass in 1918. I do however remember that Poles did kick german ass that year, though. :)
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Aug 2010 /  #147
Germany provoke? Polish-Serbian alliance would prove to be inevitable solution
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Aug 2010 /  #148
What? thats a very weird thing to say. In any case Germany would blow you away without even losing breath.
jeden  - | 226  
28 Aug 2010 /  #149
Are you kidding? don`t underestimate Serbians. Germany is weak now.

Serbia in 90 fought against all NATO, with interesting result.

I ( as a Pole) prefer Serbians than Germans as far as military ally. They are simply better soldiers.
Babinich  1 | 453  
28 Aug 2010 /  #150
My only wish is that my ancestors and the native Poles at that time in history we're given the opportunity to personally convey their sentiments towards Stalin.

Kiss german arse for getting into the EU and becoming our happy backyard.

Happy backyard? More sovereign write downs are on the way and the Germans hold the checkbook.

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