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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

plk123  8 | 4119  
26 Aug 2010 /  #31
98 percent German

janurary 1944? sure, sure

Nothing polish about Danzig for many centuries.

nothing in your books maybe.. Gdansk was originally Polish just like Wroclaw before invasion by your kind..

But then...if 600 years of german history isn't enough for a town to become fully german in your eyes, then 60 years of being polish is nothing...easily reversable...isn't it?

i like it how germans tend to change history.. oh well, one day you'll attack PL once again.. that's why i was always against reunification.. huge mistake.. huge

Thank you for rebuilding Breslau and Danzig the german way mostly...that was nice of you! :)

the architecture isn't german, per se.. german or polish, it's really about the same..


hey, whatever will separate you from your money, is good for PL.. we learn well, don't ya think? lol

That they belong together wherever the modern borders are is now plainly to see...the same style of architecture....

wtf are you talking about? osten is still quite russiyfied today.. i bet you haven't been there, have you?

Sorry but i rather go for french stuff!!!

but their cars are crap

german wallets can buy you!

isn't it more like reparations?

For the longest time the german history of much of Poland was a taboo in polish history lessons...but now it's getting better! Poles come to learn about it and to embrace it :)

as your quote proves, as poles got killed by the mongols, you gerries took over our lands.. jeez, learn the truth not some nazi shlt they are pushing on you over there..

Denying one people is denying history and just wrong!

i surely never deny your occupations of polish lands.. nope, no need to.. we need to remember you for what you really are.. :)
Marek11111  9 | 807  
26 Aug 2010 /  #32
Hay Germans I want my grandfather life back and other innocent victims of your murderous past
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #33
No need to either...he would be dead by now anyhow...

oh well, one day you'll attack PL once again.. that's why i was always against reunification.. huge mistake.. huge

To late...we will get everything we want...peacefully...and you will say even "thank you"! :):):)
We have the money and the time!

we need to remember you for what you really are.. :)

That's why your people build monuments to our Bismarck and the red baron! :)
26 Aug 2010 /  #34
We have the money and the time!

But your pop music still stinks :) and Podolski is still Polish
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #35
But your pop music still stinks :)

Hey! No reason to be mean!

Unheilig rocks!!! :)

and Podolski is still Polish

As long as he scores so beautifully we are not complaining! :)

the topic is wandering
26 Aug 2010 /  #36
the topic is wandering

What's with cranky Mods today?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #37
Yeah...they should work on reinstating our avatars instead...but nooooooo! :(
jasinski  10 | 62  
26 Aug 2010 /  #38
germans yelling over land rights. how retro!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #39
It wasn't a German opening this thread but some polish troll...we are quite satisfied with how things are! :)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
26 Aug 2010 /  #40
why dont you give back the eastern German lands which you stole

Why don't you get yourself a knife and run into it
jasinski  10 | 62  
26 Aug 2010 /  #41
trouble makers!
Marek11111  9 | 807  
26 Aug 2010 /  #42
Hay Germans I want my grandfather life back and other innocent victims of your murderous past
No need to either...he would be dead by now anyhow...

then why you want the land back the people that ware living there are dead by now anyhow....
tygrys  2 | 290  
26 Aug 2010 /  #43
you Polish always bragging how you hate communists and all that,
why dont you give back the eastern German lands which you stole

Lets go back in history and fight who's is what now. Let loose the dinosaurs and they will take what's theirs.
Stop living in the past dude, it's not healthy.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Aug 2010 /  #44
Isn't robbery covered by courts? ;)
Crow  154 | 9541  
27 Aug 2010 /  #45
trouble makers!

but at the end they cry and complaint
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
27 Aug 2010 /  #46
then why you want the land back the people that ware living there are dead by now anyhow....

Are you blind? Or stupid? Both??? I didn't open this thread...that was one of yours!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Aug 2010 /  #47
It seems it was a Pole that began this thread...or at least somebody that says they speak Polish..???
Marek11111  9 | 807  
27 Aug 2010 /  #48
you are German BB so you do not want the land back ?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Aug 2010 /  #49
Millions of people died to have the borders where they are now..i don,t think anyone is in a rush to change them again....
Galloglaich  3 | 36  
27 Aug 2010 /  #50
I think the funny thing abot these Prussian towns which keep coming up over and over on this forum is that the Prussian cities themselves chose to be Polish, in the sense that they joined with Poland politically and militarily at their own instigation. It was clear they had more potential freedom within the Polish kingdom than within any of the local German states such as Livonia, Brandenburg, Pomerania etc. These "German" towns went on to fight a war against their own overlords, that most Germanic of institutions, the Teutonic Order, which they won with the help of the Poles, Czech mercenaries, and their own militias and privateer fleets. Ultimately these towns became part of Poland where they prospered as they had never done before, right up until the partition. I don't recall any records of Danzig or Torun asking to rejoin the HRE or Austria during this period.

It seems to me as a naive outsider that religion and ethnic bigotry has been an impediment to the whole region for centuries. Events like the 30 years war and WW II were catastrophes for all the people in the region, German, Ukranian, Polish, it reall didn't matter, civilians were massacred, robbed, raped, armies were annihilated and ground to nothing. It was a victory for the crows and the worms. Yes there is yearning for connection to the old Baltic cities, especially by relatives of the displaced, but most Germans I know have given up completely on the nationalist aggressive policies of the 20th Century, because they know this jingoism only led to catastrophe for their own people. I find more Americans actually fall for this kind of propagandistic rhetoric.

Free trade and local autonomy of some degree seems to work out better historically for the people than territorial jingoism and nationalism. Actually you could argue Europe has been worse off in some ways since the rise of the nation State. As long as people of different nationalities are allowed to live there what does it really matter which State ultimately has authority? Clearly it did not matter historically to the citizens of Danzig, Elbing, Torun et al that they were part of a Polish Kingdom, to the contrary, they sought it out in preference to having German masters who they found oppressive.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
27 Aug 2010 /  #51
Clearly it did not matter historically to the citizens of Danzig, Elbing, Torun et al that they were part of a Polish Kingdom, to the contrary, they sought it out in preference to having German masters who they found oppressive.

I wonder why so many millions of Poles then sought a better life in Germany over the centuries? In search for a better life!

Even as towns and territories had been under polish crown, the rule and law was all german...there wasn't any nationstate policy as we know it now.

And at least as these territories had been under german rule the Pole wer allowed flourish there, not expelled like the Germans under polish rule!

Actually you could argue Europe has been worse off in some ways since the rise of the nation State.

And now these towns and territories develop inside the EU again their own mixed style they lost during the time of borders and hostile nationstates.

That's the main reason Germans are quite satisfied with how it is and with the outlook.
It's a peaceful "back to the roots", as it once was and should be.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Aug 2010 /  #52
And at least as these territories had been under german rule the Pole wer allowed flourish there, not expelled like the Germans under polish rule!

I thought that under Bismark there was a certain amount of anti-Polish-culture.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
27 Aug 2010 /  #53
Poles flourished in Prussia under Bismarcks rule...a growing middle class developed in the most modern state in Europe...read up about it.

He made Prussia a modern secular state as all modern states are now. Church power got to be cut back. It wasn't anti-polish in the first place but anti-church. After all it was a german catholic trying to assassinate Bismarck for it.


THE POLES IS PRUSSIA.; Their Growing Prosperity Causes Alarm

Yeah...how opressed they had been...
Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Aug 2010 /  #54
After all it was a german catholic trying to assassinate Bismarck for it.

Interesting. I shall read up on it. Thanks.
valpomike  11 | 194  
27 Aug 2010 /  #55
This is just the way, German's and Russian's think. Give back all that was taken from the Polish and others, and than we can look at your side, Germany and Russia.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
27 Aug 2010 /  #56
Nah...you take back from the Russians what they took and we take what was taken from us by you...deal?

Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Aug 2010 /  #57
So who gets kaliningrad?

Actually we all just take what Russia gives us... or else!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
27 Aug 2010 /  #58
So who gets kaliningrad?

Who wants to keep it...(we don't) ;)

Actually we all just take what Russia gives us... or else!

Galloglaich  3 | 36  
27 Aug 2010 /  #59
Bratwurst Boy
I wonder why so many millions of Poles then sought a better life in Germany over the centuries? In search for a better life!

Well, it seems to have gone both ways. You were claiming that these Prussian cities were German for hundreds of years, I'm pointing out that they fled German rule and joined Poland of their own initiative. I mean, you can't have it both ways. Of course governments and conditions changed over the course of 500 or 1000 years, some people fled in one direction or another from various catastrophes, but in the specific case you are referring to, these cities went to Poland voluntarily, by preference. (Just as other Hanse cities had done centuries before, even to the pagan Lithuanians)

Even as towns and territories had been under polish crown, the rule and law was all german...there wasn't any nationstate policy as we know it now.

The law was Hanse law and Lubeck law which was Holy Roman Empire law. Both were international and not exclusively German. Are you suggesting that the HRE was the same thing as Germany?

And at least as these territories had been under german rule the Pole wer allowed flourish there, not expelled like the Germans under polish rule!

Poles were allowed to flourish under the rule of the Teutonic Order? I think you are trying to make all Polish Governments bad and all Germans good... which is ludicrous, not to mention the Soviets were the ones who partitioned Prussia and moved the Germans out as you I think you know pretty well.

And now these towns and territories develop inside the EU again their own mixed style they lost during the time of borders and hostile nationstates.
That's the main reason Germans are quite satisfied with how it is and with the outlook.
It's a peaceful "back to the roots", as it once was and should be.

That sounds better than demanding "your" territory back or claiming that the Prussian cities were 100% German.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
27 Aug 2010 /  #60
they fled German rule and joined Poland of their own initiative.

Erm...in the case of Danzig and Breslau and others you should better read up on the history...
I'm actually not quite sure about which town YOU are talking!

(Just as other Hanse cities had done centuries before, even to the pagan Lithuanians)

What Hanse towns went voluntarily to Poland???

Are you confusing things here?

The law was Hanse law and Lubeck law which was Holy Roman Empire law. Both were international and not exclusively German. Are you suggesting that the HRE was the same thing as Germany?

You really should read up about the Hanse....
Just in short...it was a GERMAN merchant organization....with GERMAN as official trade language under GERMAN law...barely were any non-germans allowed in.

And it was the
Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation...so, what do you think...

Poles were allowed to flourish under the rule of the Teutonic Order?

After all Poles invited them in and the Order helped making the pagans to good catholics as the Poles liked them.
And today the remnants of the mighty order like the Marienburg castle belongs to the world heritage sides of Poland.

What would Poland do without the battle of Grunwald reenactments etc....???? ;)

That sounds better than demanding "your" territory back or claiming that the Prussian cities were 100% German.


I didn't open this thread! :(

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