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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

Ironside  50 | 12946  
2 Oct 2010 /  #361
we both know how devious he is

he is competent, its Russian elite and culture which make him a bad ass!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Oct 2010 /  #362
Well, he has no input into the Silesian question so that's ok :)
27 Apr 2014 /  #363
The man is obsessed with territory, a bit like Messrs Karadzić and Mladić were.

Good call, Seanus! Guess the worry is not on the western side after all.
27 Apr 2014 /  #364
I am an offspring of a Polish lady of Jewinh desent and a German soldier
Dont mean any harm to anyone. So, I hope to get somewhere to live peacefilly when you guys settle your disputes.
28 Jun 2014 /  #365
Poland has lived under Germanies shadow. It is not surprising these amateurs we call poles won't give up "their" land. What do you expect from a country that has been pushed around since 1200. They are pathetic and their only use was to be a buffer zone between REAL countries.

Poland is a joke of a country. At least Germany would put the land to good use.
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Jun 2014 /  #366
Poland is a joke of a country. At least Germany would put the land to good use.

its always interesting to me to note how people easily forget their previous mistakes.

Listen. Comparing to Poland, Germany isn`t even a country. Germany could be much more appropriate described as vault of the stolen Slavic property. Its easy to prosper on the wings of looting and crime.

But, when we Serbs replace Germany on the position of the main Russian business partner in Europe, you can forget about partition of Poland. We Serbs love business very much and Russians likes to talk to us about business. That`s the game isn`t it? But, no, no. This time is the endgame. Or, the beginning.

Way would be shown to the Arkona, entire Rujan and to Lusatia. Let democracy and human rights prevail. Order, order.

As for Poland. Forget it. Poland prosper and goes up. That`s in the business package.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Jun 2014 /  #367
Crow, why do you feed the troll?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Jun 2014 /  #368
We Serbs love business very much

That's why Germany is your #2 import and export partner behind Italy... :)
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Jun 2014 /  #369
Crow, why do you feed the troll?

i was inspired to tell him cruel truth. Somebody had to do it

He can forget about German-Russian business. We Serbs are middleman now.

That's why Germany is your #2 import and export partner behind Italy... :)

sure. They all wants to work with us because we have preferential status and special agreements with Russia and China.

They have law in Russia that if THEY produce in Serbia, THEY can sell it to Russia. All things produced in Serbia are tax free in Russia. Imagine that. Plus, THEY are then qualified to more easily apply for Russian natural resources. That is why they are coming to invest in Serbia, while in fact hate us.
28 Jun 2014 /  #370
The creeps that start threads like this one need counseling.
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Jun 2014 /  #371
don`t worry. Europe is changing.

Situation where Poland existed between two powers that are natural enemies but, due to historical circumstances were forced to cooperate on the account of Poles is already behind us. Balance that was back in past destroyed with Turkish invasion on Europe is almost completely restored.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Jun 2014 /  #372
They all wants to work with us because we have preferential status and special agreements with Russia and China.

Come on, Crow, don't be silly. Germany had already been the number 1 export nation when Yugoslavia still existed. They didn't need you then and they won't need you in the future to gain access to the Russian market.

while in fact hate us.

They don't hate *you*, they hate what you've done.
2 Jul 2014 /  #373
When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

Read the thread called "Polabia back to Slavs?" and enjoy
SzenkUK88  1 | 19  
2 Jul 2014 /  #374
I don't think that you can take an absolute whooping in 2 World Wars, massacre a ton of Jews and other folk that you consider "undesirable" and still ***** about having land snatched away from you.
2 Jul 2014 /  #375
Poland has lived under Germanic shadow.

But, dear Vogiel, please take into account the pleasant fact that the Germans are more Western Slaves than the Poles are Germans and don't forget that it was thanks to Poland that Germany isnt a Muslim world country now (Polish-Ottoman War (1683-99) ) and remember that both Poland's refusal to join German DRANG NACH OSTEN and Enigma Project (WW2) resulted in forced reeuropeization and forced democratization of Germany after 1945.

It seems , dear Vogiel, that the conclusion that Germany has always lived under Poland's shadow. Is much more correct ...........
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
2 Jul 2014 /  #376
Quite accurate ;) and let's not forget the Prussian Homage. which of course is the correct order of things.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Jul 2014 /  #377
Germany has always lived under Poland's shadow

Especially after Prussia, Austria and Russia wiped you off the map... :)
3 Jul 2014 /  #378
wiped you off the map

I don't want you to be ignorant when it comes to important things, so
listen to me attentively , Poland has never been wiped off the map, It's possible to find a map of Poland of any historical period, even during the partitions the country was present on maps.

The polish victory in the Russian -Polish war (1918 -1920) saved Germany from communist revolution and Russian rule, that is Germany remained within European civilization till Hitler's Rise to Power.

So it has always been Poland that determined the type of civilization in Germany (1683, 1920 and in 1945)

Enjoy it and have a nice day
4 eigner  2 | 816  
3 Jul 2014 /  #379
Poland has never been wiped off the map


I guess, this is what The Other is talking about

or this

3 Jul 2014 /  #380
I guess, this is what The Other is talking about

I do not know what The Other is talking about, about his dreams probably , because at the same time there existed maps with Poland clearly depicted.

Turkey for example never recognized the partitions. What maps do you think Turkey produced depicting the country on the map, or not depicting ? What about Poles ? What maps do you think they produced ? What about Congress Poland ? It is always easy to find a map of Congress Poland, even The Other is able to find it or you for example, I'm almost sure about it . Was it Poland or China maybe ?

Prussia, Austria and Russia

Prussian Homage

We have been talking about Germany and Poland not about Prussia, Austria and Russia, I thought it was clear...................

You shouldn't confuse Germany and Prussia, Austria or Germany and especially Russia....
It is difficult to talk about them as German countries with the German speaking population in the minority .
Remember Austria was renamed the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867) .The same goes for Prussia because it was a mish-mash of nationalities, not a pure German state

I understand that I have somehow hurt my German friends feelings in my previous posts and they are full of revenge, and wanna, wanna to retaliate...

But please do not confuse the notions or like showing off ignorance in the international environment ?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
3 Jul 2014 /  #381
because at the same time there existed maps with Poland clearly depicted.

c'mon RUR,

The Polish state temporarily ceased to exist when the territories of the once-powerful Kingdom of Poland were divided among Prussia, Austria, and Russia in three partitions of 1772, 1793, and 1795


This thread is starting to stray from the title, can all posters keep on topic please.
4 Jul 2014 /  #382
What do you mean give back? How much would you pay for it?
21 Apr 2015 /  #383
A lot of rubbish is spoken on this subject but little is of historical fact. Prior to 600AD most of the land that we now know as Poland was in fact inhabited by Germanic tribes. As these tribes moved Westward they were followed by Slavic peoples but not at the exclusion of all Germanic peoples. East Prussia was never Polish and indeed was conquered by the Teutonic Knights at the bequest of Poland. It is certainly true that Poland was treated very badly by the Allies at the end of the war and allowed the Soviet union to dictate the terms of surrender and post war borders. As an historian I don't like to get involved in silly arguments but I'm afraid when it comes to armies even the Romans met more than their match when they invaded Germany. Even the Russians saw the East Germans as the best of the Warsaw Pact troops.
jon357  72 | 23483  
21 Apr 2015 /  #384
Prior to 600AD most of the land that we now know as Poland was in fact inhabited by Germanic tribes

Very true, but no basis for land ownership today. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since.

East Prussia was never Polish and indeed was conquered by the Teutonic Knights at the bequest of Poland

gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Apr 2015 /  #385
but I'm afraid when it comes to armies even the Romans met more than their match when they invaded Germany. Even the Russians saw the East Germans as the best of the Warsaw Pact troops.

your mighty German armies were thoroughly beaten in the II World War - what kind of historian are you that you need to bring back the forgotten glories of the Teutons - maybe you haven't learned anything from history

Vox  - | 172  
21 Apr 2015 /  #386
Prior to 600AD most of the land that we now know as Poland was in fact inhabited by Germanic tribes.

jon357  72 | 23483  
21 Apr 2015 /  #387
Perhaps you know something that archaeologists don't.

In any case, past inhabitants are irrelevant to current ownership. We all came from Africa anyway.
Vox  - | 172  
21 Apr 2015 /  #388
Perhaps you know something that archaeologists don't

I know something you don't know.Aerology cannot answer as to what was their ethnicity or what language those people spoke.

In any case, past inhabitants are irrelevant to current ownership

Particularly if those past inhabitants are only guessed past inhabitants.
jon357  72 | 23483  
21 Apr 2015 /  #389
I'll trust the archaeologists, thanks. They spend more time dealing with things like that. And yes, they can tell ethnicity, not that Polish or modern German ethnicity existed then.

Though as I say, Iron Age (iron side???) inhabitants have nothing to do with ownership today.
Crow  154 | 9541  
21 Apr 2015 /  #390
i hope that Germany won`t do something suicidal in attempt to continue Drang Nach Osten. Poland is loved by other Slavs who in the same time anyway don`t like Germany.

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