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Have Poles blood on their hands? :)

ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #151
lets say NOT every jew hates poles in fact common people like everywhere don't care. Only some of them wants money. its always about money. its blackmail

ask any pole whom he prefer jew or arab? 90% tell you jew. and why? cos they supporting each other way we are unable to do.

they took money from german so? germans the deserved it
they took money from swiss so? swiss will handle
why this thread made me pissed? explanation is above but I can repeat
miss espana THE COW wrote

Have Poles blood on their hands? :)
and put the link to this page
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Dec 2009 /  #152
Interesting quote on the almighty wikipedia page for Jan T Gross:

Marek Edelman, one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising said in an interview with the Gazeta Wyborcza daily, "Postwar violence against Jews was mostly not about anti-Semitism, murdering Jews was pure banditry."
Barney  19 | 1733  
30 Dec 2009 /  #153
lets say NOT every jew hates poles in fact common people like everywhere don't care.

And not every Polish person hates Jewish people.

Historical events are far more complicated than a simple retelling of facts no matter how they are presented, what makes it interesting is the back story.

Lumping people together is never a good idea, I recall the anarchists expelled during the partition era lots ended up in London and continued their activities, they were Poles of all flavours. I cant speak for British people but I know they didnt lump Poles together as anarchists. Those Poles were trying to free their country (rightly or wrongly)
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #154
Notice that Espana started this flaming thread but is not here to discuss it.

The moderators do a very poor job by allowing obviously flaming threads to stand. Imagine getting on some Jewish forum and starting threads about Jews killing innocent Poles. Fat chance. Polish forum in name only.
Barney  19 | 1733  
30 Dec 2009 /  #155
Often the flaming is the content:)
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #156
usual lies 1600 killed Jews instead of real 300. guys father lost his property in Poland (like many other Poles) he shows pic of his father and present him as a member of Militia (communist police). Ups its made me suspicious 99.9% of militia were communists. So I started reading his precious court order. Guess what was there. Communist judge GAVE to his father abandoned half of the house. Such houses usually belonged to Jew (DEAD JEW). Thing even this judge decision could not made him OWNER.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #157
Marek Edelman, one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising said in an interview with the Gazeta Wyborcza daily, "Postwar violence against Jews was mostly not about anti-Semitism, murdering Jews was pure banditry."

Edelman was right, but fails to mention that killiing the NKVD filth, Jewish or Polish, was an armed struggle not banditry. For 45 years it was called banditry in communist Poland.

Killing innocents is criminal by all standards. Why is it that you only hear one side?

It is the role of the Admin and the mods to discern what is a legit topic. I recently started a thread about a Nazi concentration camp for Polish children located in the Lodz ghetto. It is virtually unknown to most Poles and certainly to the non-Poles. My thread was merged into some obscure old thread. I have some doubts about this forum and its objectivity.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #158
cos you are quiet?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Dec 2009 /  #159
I don't know what else he said, Jola. he made the quote in reference to Gross's book about Kielce etc. I think he was focussing more on the point that the so-called pogroms were more about money and less about ethnicity/religion.

Somewhere I have a reference that points out the Post-war Jewish culture in Poland actually thrived for some time, with a rise in Jewish literature, Yiddish press etc.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #160
oh please its FORUM not historical portal
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #161
It is Jews outside of Poland that stir the pot. Here things are more normal. We have a few haters like Michnik, Cichy, and Cała, but most of Polish Jews understand history better and are not prone to the Holocaust industry's propaganda.

Something like 150 Holocaust museums in the US. How many museums detailing the communist crimes. How many?
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #162
1jola said about shmalzovniks BUT undoubtedly poles who promised help just killed for more money. There is no doubt this time you could do to jew in Poland anything you wonted. some people passed humanity exam some not.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #163
oh please its FORUM not historical portal

Becoming a forum with an anti-Polish character. Look at the thread tittles.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #164
I'm sorry but thats not true. Take Wroclaw Boy he is english or irish (who care) he seems to hate poles (or polish reality) in fact he is acting like typical pole :) always angry :) always too down to earth :)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Dec 2009 /  #165
some people passed humanity exam some not.

ah, the same story everywhere, my friend. I like that phrase.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #166
and after war some Jew (a lot), Jew in power treated others poles, jews, hungarian, czechs, russian like something, thing which they can use to get more power. Scary thing is they were more ruthless then ANY other nation in communist party. and i think this tough to understand for us.

I personally can not cut out all jew cos its mean no Wierzynek, no Tuwim, no Korczak, no Shultz, no Bek and many many other great jew decent poles
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Dec 2009 /  #167
I have no problems with Jews at all. For as many b@st@rds who are jewish there are probably just as many or more who aren't.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
30 Dec 2009 /  #168
In Jedwabne's case a bunch of moronic Poles were definitely perpetraitors.

Well, what give you such certainty?

What people say is that Poles massacred Jews, because that apparently is what happened there.

Marek11111  9 | 807  
31 Dec 2009 /  #169
some Poles have blood on their hand as some jews have blood on their hands as the world turns kill or be killed
do you think all Jews have blood on their hands as the Palestinians being exterminated in largest getho in the world.
ob1  1 | 30  
31 Dec 2009 /  #170
All of history is a lie. The little guy in the corner pulling all the strings, getting you to fight him, getting him to fight him is using you for pawns. Machiavelli is in control and you're pawns!
yehudi  1 | 433  
31 Dec 2009 /  #171
Machiavelli is in control and you're pawns!

Sounds like a way of evading responsibility. The man on the street may not be responsible for the situation of the world but he is responsible for his own behavior. In a democracy he's also responsible for choosing the "guy in the corner".
1jola  14 | 1875  
31 Dec 2009 /  #172
In a democracy he's also responsible for choosing the "guy in the corner".

The guy later often forgets who elected him and why. It is universal, I'm affraid. In a multiparty system, it is virtually impossible to fulfill promises as coalitions are made to gain majority in the parliament.
lesser  4 | 1311  
31 Dec 2009 /  #173
The man on the street may not be responsible for the situation of the world but he is responsible for his own behaviour.

This is of course true.

In a democracy he's also responsible for choosing the "guy in the corner".

Here is a trap. You could also write that we could democratically decide how to dismantle biological bomb. People are no more competent to choose this "guy in the corner". Let face it, most of them have no clue. It is just media controlled by those "guys in the corner" tell them that they are competent enough and provide a list of electable "guys in the corner". Basically this is controlled oligarchy, people are just provided nice illusion that they are the most important deciders. Of course there is no such thing like "collective responsibility", from the start we know that nobody will be punished.
chaza  50 | 253  
31 Dec 2009 /  #174
why do you all respond to this kind of talk, history has shown that the poles have had it bad and they have come out of it. havent enough people died before these bitter cretins kreep back under their stones. it only takes one to start this kind of nazi chat. leave them to their own verbal excrement.
yehudi  1 | 433  
31 Dec 2009 /  #175
coalitions are made to gain majority in the parliament.

That's the problem we have in Israel's democracy. Politicians work to please their parties rather than the voters. So the citizen's influence is very indirect. So disregard my comment about democracies. I still stand by my comment about individual responsibility. The point is that when people start blaming an invisible hand for their troubles or their sins it's usually an excuse.
ob1  1 | 30  
31 Dec 2009 /  #176
Right on, yehudi. Democracy is an illusion created by oligarchs, who control the world. You want democracy, go to an island with two people. Very few of us are martyrs for morality, whatever our concept of morality is.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
31 Dec 2009 /  #177
Democracy is an illusion created by oligarchs,

What is your alternative?
FredChopin  - | 61  
31 Dec 2009 /  #178
go to an island with two people.

But then, wouldn't the person elected grand leader be considered an oligarch?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
31 Dec 2009 /  #179
And only two people with different opinions makes 50/50...who gets to decide??? ;)
FredChopin  - | 61  
31 Dec 2009 /  #180
The grand leader of course. This sounds too much like American Politics. Two choices, and they probably are both poor ones.

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