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Have Poles blood on their hands? :)

ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #121
Did you read topic?
Shortly: Mr. Neuman(vel. Najman) wants property in Poland, as a proove thouse property has been taken from his father, he shows judge's decision giving half of the house to his father. This idiot can't read and only property they had has been given by communist. BTW deserted property (highly possibly property belonged to other sic! dead jew)

he he what a hyena

lets make bbq from hispanic cow
vetala  - | 381  
30 Dec 2009 /  #122
Well, it's the same guy who's bragging about his daddy in communist militia and uses the 'our strets your houses' proverb as if it was positive. Can he get even more stupid?
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #123
lack of knowladge of polish language and trained hatress to polish nation or its a part of holocaust industry
lets make bbq from hispanic cow
it's bc only I bother to read this comunist crap

there is other possibilty somebody make a fool from Mr Scott Marshall Neuman from 2196 Commons Parkway, Okemos, Michigan, USA
lets make bbq from hispanic cow
yehudi  1 | 433  
30 Dec 2009 /  #124
lets make bbq from hispanic cow

Is that a Polish expression? Why don't you explain it.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #125
I like beef. lets make bbq from hispanic cow

poles like to think that they fight against the Germans but some poles enjoy doing barbecues.

for now I can say I personaly regret out fight
yehudi  1 | 433  
30 Dec 2009 /  #126
Oh. Well, that clears it up.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #127
hispanic cow?! who's your daddy?
whats more Mr. Scott wants

Jewish items. Those items include mezuzots, holy books, sabbath candlesticks, Torah scrolls, pictures, etc... .
These items are of no use to the good citizens of Radziejow, but can and will be of great sentimental value to the relatives of the Jews

from what I know such things belongs to synagogues community, but price of gold is sky high recently so I don't blame him and if can I would give this things stright away to him and inform other surviver about it. I would be in heaven.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #128
Jewish communists were acting on orders from Poles with the approval of Poles

To be more precise, on Soviet orders.

Teresa Toranska interviewed Berman and few others for her book "Them."

While some commentators have tried to minimize the fact or at least significance of the strongly disproportionate Jewish participation in Communism (the Zydokomuna), the top Communists surveyed in this book do not do so. For example, Roman Werfel, a Communist Jew himself, had this to say about the much-hated Communist terror police, the UB (U. B., or Bezpieka): "There's one principle you have to stick to in beating, however: Johnny has to be beaten by Johnny, and not by Moshe. I can see now that there were too many Jews in the security services, because we hadn't considered the security services in that light."(p. 109).

But the order to torture came most likely from a Jew.

Speaking of Berman. His brother, Adolf, a respected Israeli now, who worked together with Sendler in rescuing Jewish kids and placing them with Polish families during the war, went around Poland after the war taking (basically stealing) those kids and placing them in orphanages in kibbutzes in Israel. Irena Sendler, as one might imagine was very critical of Berman and this Israeli policy. That is why no one outside of Poland had heard of her for decades. Take a look in Yad Vashem at the shrine built to Oskar Schindler and notice the absence of Irena Sendler who rescued children for humanitarian resons and not profit.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #129
Between 1944-1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology.

Jakub Berman był bratem Adolfa Bermana

In 1950 he made aliyah to Israel, where he joined Mapam. He was elected to the Knesset on the party's list in 1951 elections, but on 20 February 1952 left the party and formed the Left Faction together with Rostam Bastuni and Moshe Sneh.[2] On 1 November 1954 Berman and Sneh joined Maki. He lost his seat in the 1955 elections.

lets make bbq from hispanic cow
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #130
The remark was aimed at 1jola's tendency to dismiss anything that may conclude that SOME Poles may have done bad things as nonsense

No, MG, I don't dismiss anything. Crimes were committed during and after the war. While the discussion is always centered on defenceless Jews dying, there is little discussion of Jews murdering Poles. So, a little balance is required.

Take the example of szmalcowniks. A criminal element of society, turning in Jews to their detrement and their Polish hosts too. The penalty for hiding Jews was death. The AK met out death sentences to szmalcowiks, Polish and Jewish. Yes, there were Jews turning in Jews. Many of them. They worked directly for Gestapo. Little is written about that, and even less talked about. Another imbalance is that every Jew killed was an act of anti-Semitism. A killed UBek becomes an innocent Jew and not a traitor. Thus AK and NSZ becomes a murdering bunch killing Jews and not patriots fighting for independence. Stalinist propaganda in effect today.

Take a look at this shocking ignorance in action: forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=160325
vetala  - | 381  
30 Dec 2009 /  #131
"I can see now that there were too many Jews in the security services, because we hadn't considered the security services in that light."

Here's your answer. They didn't think in terms of nationality then.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #132
No, here is my answer:

"I can see now that there were too many Jews in the security services

vetala  - | 381  
30 Dec 2009 /  #133
In that case I suppose you will be happy to know that after 68 security services became exclusively Polish. Polakomuna.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #134
Why would I be happy? The murders mainly stopped by then anyway. In 1968, the internal communist purges have no relevance, but since you found numbers of Jews killed by Poles after the war, do find numbers of repression against Poles by Jewish communists. Don't make excuses; allow some balance. Like I wrote before, study this period a little and you will get a better picture of the very visible presence of Jews in the terror that followed the war at the highest levels of MBP. You will also see that Berman was the de facto leader of this terror. Stalin used Jews for this job as he knew they had no sympathy for independent Poland. It was similar in all the East European countries. In Hungary, he didn't even place a Hungerian puppet at the top; the top four were Jewish.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Dec 2009 /  #135
do find numbers of repression against Poles by Jewish communists.

I love your intepretation of history - the very idea of "Jewish communists" is absolutely sidesplittingly hilarious. I'm not sure what's funnier - the idea that it was a "Jewish Communist' plot against Poland, or the fact that you seem to actually believe this nonsense.

Is it really so hard to admit to yourself that it was Poles against Poles in a de facto civil war? Or is this against your revisionist history that seeks to blame SOMEONE for the fact that some Poles decided that Communism was the best bet?

Some Jews were happy when the Germans came, this much is undeniable, historical fact. Then again, some citizens of the Polish state were happy too.

I suppose you'll tell us that Jaruzelski was a Jew, too?
vetala  - | 381  
30 Dec 2009 /  #136
Yes, there were Jewish communists and yes, it would be better if there were less. However it's impossible to say that communism was somehow a 'Jewish' thing. Perhaps you're right and Stalin did put Jews in positions of power because he freaking felt like it, but it's not like seats were given to every Jew that Stalin could find. And it's DEFINITELY not like every single Jew just dreamed of becoming a communist. Please remember that there were also many Jews who took part in anty-commie protests and lots of Solidarity members were Jewish. You can't equate communist sympathies with nationality!
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #137
I love your intepretation of history - the very idea of "Jewish communists" is absolutely sidesplittingly hilarious. I'm not sure what's funnier - the idea that it was a "Jewish Communist' plot against Poland, or the fact that you seem to actually believe this nonsense.

I said nothing of a Jewish communist plot, so what are you talking about?

What is ridiculous about Jewish communists in charge of MBP-UB? Do you even know what it was? You don't much about it's structure.

I suppose you'll tell us that Jaruzelski was a Jew, too?

Where did that come from? My views on Jaruzelski are on another thread I started. Go there.

Perhaps you're right and Stalin did put Jews in positions of power because he freaking felt like it, but it's not like seats were given to every Jew that Stalin could find.

Are you a Valley girl? It is essential to have some knowledge on the subject one wishes to discuss. You lack that.

And it's DEFINITELY not like every single Jew just dreamed of becoming a communist.

You are a Valley girl.

Please remember that there were also many Jews who took part in anty-commie protests and lots of Solidarity members were Jewish. You can't equate communist sympathies with nationality!

Of course there were. We are talking about the ones that were signing death sentences and thus have blood on their hands. You are making excuses for their actions.

Let me help you a little bit. Since you are not ready for books on the subject, here is a little from wiki:

During Stalinism, the preferred Soviet policy was to keep sensitive posts in the hands of non-Poles. As a result "all or nearly all of the directors (of the widely despised Ministry of Public Security of Poland) were Jewish" as noted by Polish journalist Teresa Torańska[75] among others.[76]

The Polish-American historian Marek Jan Chodakiewicz stressed that after the Soviet takeover of Poland in 1945 violence had developed amid postwar retribution and counter-retribution, exacerbated by the breakdown of law and order and a Polish anti-Communist insurgency.[69] According to Chodakiewicz, some Jewish "avengers" endeavored to extract justice from the Poles who harmed Jews during the War and in some cases Jews attempted to reclaim property confiscated by the Nazis. These phenomena further reinforced the stereotype of Żydokomuna, a Jewish-Communist conspiracy in post-war Poland. Chodakiewicz noted that after World War Two, the Jews were not only victims, but also aggressors. He describes cases in which Jews cooperated with the Polish secret police, denouncing Poles and members of the Home Army. Chodakiewicz noted that some 3500 to 6500 Poles died in late 1940s because of Jewish denunciations or were killed by Jews themselves.[70]

So, who has blood on their hands?

You have probably not heard of Bloody Luna, and she was a real beast.

You can read about her sadism here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Brystiger

She was not typical of the bunch, because she was actually well educated, which was not the norm.

Some time in the late 1940s, she became the head of the V Department, which specialized in the persecution of religion. Brystygier a dogmatic Marxist, yearned to destroy all religion as an "opiate for the masses"[7]. She directed the operation to arrest and detain the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, although the decision to arrest him had been made earlier in Moscow. Brystygier took an active part in the "war against the religion" in the 1950s, in which only in 1950, 123 Roman Catholic priests were arrested

In 1975, at 73, she asked for baptism and converted to the Catholic faith. She died in the same year.

vetala  - | 381  
30 Dec 2009 /  #138
And that justifies killing of innocents Jewish women and children by Poles?

Please, don't bother using numbers that are unconfirmed and taken from estimates and statistics. Statistically, more Germans died in WWII than Poles and just as many Germans are estimated to have died in post-war expulsions as Poles during the entire war. Also, numbers-wise, the biggest victims of WWII were Russians - and the number of Russian who died freeing Poland from the Nazis was bigger than the number of Poles killed by Soviets.

In addition to that, Chodaczkiewicz, although a great historian, is a Pole and clearly biased towards Poles - he highlights the numbers that are favourable to Poles and lowers the numbers that are unfavourable. ALWAYS.

You are a Valley girl.

Do you even know what this word means?
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #139
if you didn't show examples poles kilinig women and kids?
and I'm officially calling you lier same as jews guy writing this crappy blog


and you in typical jewery way are changing subject.

go play with Scott Neuman he he. your level.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #140
The third segment of Polish history which needs correction in American Jewish memory has to do with the Polish-Jewish relations under the Soviet occupation in 1939-41 and then again, in the decade following World War II.

vetala  - | 381  
30 Dec 2009 /  #141
A book published by Princeton University Press and titled Revolution from Abroad: the Soviet Conquest of Poland's Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia

Do you know who was the author of this book? Jan T. Gross ;)
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #142
And that justifies killing of innocents Jewish women and children by Poles?

Does the word airhead mean something to you?

Chodaczkiewicz, although a great historian, is a Pole and clearly biased towards Poles - he highlights the numbers that are favourable to Poles and lowers the numbers that are unfavourable. ALWAYS.

Right. A respected historian ALWAYS manipulates data? You can't even get his name correct.

Do you know who was the author of this book? Jan T. Gross ;)

Yes, I know of him. What about him? He sang a different tune before he decided to make a career out of proving Polish antisemitism. For the record, he stated on Polish TV that he personaly never experienced antisemitism in Poland.
vetala  - | 381  
30 Dec 2009 /  #143
What do you think of his other books? Is he a respected historian too, or only in the things you agree with him?

He sang a different tune before he decided to make a career out of proving Polish antisemitism. For the record, he stated on Polish TV that he personaly never experienced antisemitism in Poland.

In other words - Gross was right for as long as he said things that you liked to hear. Then he said something you did't like and with that he completely lost credibility.

Well, personally, I wouldn't bring out Gross as an expert on Polish-Jewish relation at all.

PS I still think that Jedwabne and Kielce were shameful incidents and perpetraitors can't be justified by anything.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #144
może co michnik myśli?

that how jews are talking about truth. gross with michnik work for holocaust industry. they are liars and this film is the prove
Barney  19 | 1733  
30 Dec 2009 /  #145
Sorry Mods, doesn't matter
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #146
I'm going to answer this way. Did you believe Iraq had nuclear weapon?
Barney  19 | 1733  
30 Dec 2009 /  #147
I'm not going to talk about the Middle East.
ender  5 | 394  
30 Dec 2009 /  #148
I'm not talking about ME. I'm asking about your believes. I BELIEVED AMERICANS AND ENGLISH. IS TRUE? NO. DID AMERICANS AND ENGISH KNOWS THERE IS NO NUCLEAR WEAPON? YES. Why they lied then? to make you believe. why? they wanted this war. why? probably its money but i don't give s shite about it. i don't give shite about iraqi, palestinian, israeli or american as long as they not shooting or bombing or shagging around me.
Barney  19 | 1733  
30 Dec 2009 /  #149
Ok, I asked why you thought Jewish people turned against Poles.
I didn't believe Iraq had Nuclear weapons.
Now would you answer my question.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Dec 2009 /  #150
What do you think of his other books? Is he a respected historian too, or only in the things you agree with him?

First of all, he is not historian but a sociologist.

His other books do not stand up to historical facts. They are holocaust pûrn. If you want to read a real book about that period, I suggest 'Ater the Holocaust' by Chodakiewicz.

Read the reviews here: amazon.com/After-Holocaust-Marek-Jan-Chodakiewicz/dp/0880335114

Well, personally, I wouldn't bring out Gross as an expert on Polish-Jewish relation at all.

That is wise.

PS I still think that Jedwabne and Kielce were shameful incidents and perpetraitors can't be justified by anything.

You want believe. You might want to take the time and read what those incidents were all about. You seem unconcerned about all the innocent Poles killed by the Jewish henchmen afer the war. Far more than a few hundred Jews. But Jews only see Jewish deaths worth talking about.

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