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Have Poles blood on their hands? :)

1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Jan 2010 /  #271
There was never a try to form a polish Waffen-SS,

There was.

Goralischer Waffen SS Legion [edytuj]
Fiaskiem skończyła się też próba zorganizowania w drugiej połowie 1942 jednostki Goralischer Waffen SS Legion. Zgłosiło się około 300 osób, z których wytypowano 200 zdolnych do służby wojskowej. Do obozu szkoleniowego w Trawnikach trafiło około 200 ochotników. Popadli oni w konflikt ze stacjonującymi tam Ukraińcami. Większość zdezerterowała, a resztę wywieziono na roboty przymusowe w głąb Niemiec – do SS trafiło kilku spośród ochotników.

10 Jan 2010 /  #272
Remember, even Russians fighted alongside the german troops (Vlassov army).

Russians - Poles. Two different animals.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Jan 2010 /  #273
Well...I'm quite sure had Hitler been smarter and advertised the anti-communist fight more and opened the way for Poles to ally themselves with a not-so-Slavs/subhuman-Nazi-Germany there would had been collaboration....and why not?

There was alot of collaboration in the whole of Europe going on...not so much FOR the Nazis as rather AGAINST Stalin's communists (of course after the war was over most of it was quickly erased out of the official narrative - till recently that is).

Had the Nazis been smarter...well..it wouldn't had been the Nazis then...
10 Jan 2010 /  #274
Looks like a few people have forgotten that at least 89,300 Poles volunteered to join the German armed forces. We know it was at least 89,300 because that is the number of Poles who changed sides during the war and joined the western command Polish armed forces.

And no amount of insults aimed at me will change the fact that at least 89,300 Poles volunteered for the German armed forces.
10 Jan 2010 /  #275
Well...I'm quite sure had Hitler been smarter and advertised the anti-communist fight more and opened the way for Poles to ally themselves with a not-so-Slavs/subhuman-Nazi-Germany there would had been collaboration....and why not?

You see, it pays to be nice to us ;)

Looks like a few people have forgotten that at least 89,300 Poles volunteered to join the German armed forces. We know it was at least 89,300 because that is the number of Poles who changed sides during the war and joined the western command Polish armed forces.

And, of course, none of them were polonized Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Jan 2010 /  #276
And no amount of insults aimed at me will change the fact that at least 89,300 Poles volunteered for the German armed forces.

Germans, Harry....Volksdeutsche.

You see, it pays to be nice to us ;)

Absolutely! :)
1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Jan 2010 /  #277
The gist of the above:

In 1942, 300 volunteered, 200 were selected, most deserted, several joined other SS units. Thus, a complete failure so we don't even have a unit patch or realy nothing to show for it :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Jan 2010 /  #278
No Jola, there was never even a try to form a "POLISH" Waffen-SS unit....the only try was with former polish citizens which were called by Himmler of "german roots" suddenly...

These are the fine but important differences....;)
1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Jan 2010 /  #279
You're right. Hitler viewed Górale as not Polish but Germanic. He was very wrong as they very patriotic and had fought very hard like most Poles.

Himmler thought Aryans descended from Atlantis. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Jan 2010 /  #280
Hitler viewed Górale as not Polish but Germanic.

That was more Himmler's pet project....crazy guy!

Himmler thought Aryans descended from Atlantis. :)

Not Tibet???


(I mean I'm all for heritage research but some ideas of him....hmmm...)
1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Jan 2010 /  #281
Right, see my edit above. He sent expeditions to Tibet to look for Aryans, measured skulls and so forth, but I'm sure you know all about that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Jan 2010 /  #282
Imagine if they would had had DNA tests and research then already....
1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Jan 2010 /  #283
What always amazed me is Nietzsche's fondness for Poles and Hitler's fondness for Nietzsche but not for Poles. Nietzsche claimed to descend in part from Polish nobility.

"Germany is a great nation," Nietzsche would say, "only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins I am proud of my Polish descent. ...

The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche By H. L. Mencken

You can consider that to be your favorite quote from now on. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Jan 2010 /  #284
You can consider that to be your favorite quote from now on. :)

Especially in the light as Nietzsche is one of the most important heroes of Hitler.
He molded his "survival of the fittest" race - ideology on him...;)

PS: You Poles should really start to look to your own heroes instead of those of your neighbours! :)
10 Jan 2010 /  #285
89,300 Poles volunteered for the German armed forces.

Ma name is Harry,
ahm on the bridge at Leith.
I've lost the key to ma arsehole,
so ahm shi*tting through ma teeth.

No, Harry - you notorious liar and false friend of Poland (I hate that kind of people
the most - enemies who wear a mask of a friend) - it is not true that 89300 Poles
VOLUNTEERED for the German armed forces. The overwhelming majority of
them were brutally forced to join German army - many Silesian and Kashubian
families would tell you the story how their relatives were drafted using blackmail,
threats and tortures (and how most of them deserted at the first opportunity).

If you could talk to one of my neighbours, he would tell you exactly how his father
and many other Kashubians "volunteered" for the German army (that's, of course,
if you were interested in truth, instead of spreading your polonophobic lies and
claiming that it's all for the greater good of Poland).
Ironside  51 | 13113  
10 Jan 2010 /  #286
think he's one of the good guys,

very funny !
10 Jan 2010 /  #287
^ As already noted, no amount of insults aimed at me will change the fact that at least 89,300 Poles volunteered for the German armed forces.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Jan 2010 /  #288
Yeah sure....after the war was lost they were all victims....all had been forced at gunpoint and were secretly all always saboteurs and resisters....suuuuuure....

*takes helmet*
1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Jan 2010 /  #289
Then 6,000,000 Poles died in the Holocaust, right, Harry baby?
10 Jan 2010 /  #290
And no amount of insults aimed at me will change the fact that at least 89,300 Poles volunteered for the German armed forces.

^ As already noted, no amount of insults aimed at me will change the fact that at least 89,300 Poles volunteered for the German armed forces.

I can see, Harry, that you are a faithful disciple of Joseph Goebbels, but unfortunately
for you, despite what your great idol used to say, the lie repeated a thousand times
DOES NOT become true.
10 Jan 2010 /  #291
Yes six million Poles did die during the holocaust. Some were Catholic, some Jewish, some Romani but all six million were Poles (and another three million who were not Poles). What was your point?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
10 Jan 2010 /  #292
Hitler viewed Górale as not Polish but Germanic. He was very wrong as they very patriotic and had fought very hard like most Poles.

When in Zakopane I read that a certain group of Górale under the leadership of one particular chap (Krzeptowski) actually pushed for the idea of Góralenvolk and attempted to gain membership of SS. Krzeptowski was later tried and hanged by his own clan members.

kith  1 | 69  
11 Jan 2010 /  #293
If you could talk to one of my neighbours, he would tell you exactly how his father
and many other Kashubians "volunteered" for the German army
(that's, of course,
if you were interested in truth, instead of spreading your polonophobic lies and
claiming that it's all for the greater good of Poland).

Crap, I was hoping Harry was a true friend. Sad to hear he's not.

You MUST video tape your neighbor and send the video to the Polish Museum in Philadelphia as well as any other Museum. Submit it to PBS for a documentary, too. The Holocaust Museum in DC might also be able to add it to an exhibit there. I haven't been to the one in DC (will do some day), but I'm hoping it's fair to the Poles.
11 Jan 2010 /  #294
You MUST video tape your neighbor and send the video to the Polish Museum in Philadelphia as well as any other Museum. Submit it to PBS for a documentary, too. The Holocaust Museum in DC might also be able to add it to an exhibit there.

Why should I tape him? It's nothing out of ordinary - the way Kashubians were
drafted into German army is a common knowledge in Poland. It's only incurable
polonophobes like Harry, who refuse to acknowledge that and keep talking
nonsense about "volunteers".
Also - what does The Holocaust Museum have to do with forceful conscription
of Kashubians into German Army??
1jola  14 | 1875  
11 Jan 2010 /  #295
I can easily make the case based on facts that Polish Jews collaborated with the Nazis more than ethnic Poles (percentage wise in relation to the respective populations). No need to be shocked. Will my argument be in good faith? No. That's why I don't make such arguments. This is what Harry does sometimes. I don't know why, but he does.

He's been in Poland for many years and makes his home here, but is not interested in understanding this country's history. On the subject at hand, I suggest he reads a little about the subject to realize that you can't just throw out a number and consider that a reliable argument. Here are articles based on archives and written by historians. He will have to stuggle through the Polish text, but it is not possible to discuss Polish history without referring to texts written by Polish historians after 1989.

This website discusses the subject in detail:


This is a good article by historian Jaroslaw Gdanski on the subject:

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
11 Jan 2010 /  #296
Also - what does The Holocaust Museum have to do with forceful conscription
of Kashubians into German Army??

I've heard they have an extra room about the brutal conscriptions of Bavarians already...;)
king polkakamon  - | 542  
11 Jan 2010 /  #297
And Austrians joined by pure force.The guys were pure Mozart lovers.
1jola  14 | 1875  
11 Jan 2010 /  #298
I've heard they have an extra room about the brutal conscriptions of Bavarians already...;)


Actually, all Polish volunteers wore special armbands. You can see them at the link. Scroll down where you see the Polish flag. It is missidentified as Waffen SD (LOL) There were 89,300 made and were popular in the Warsaw Uprising.


I'm still disappointed that all you want to trade me for the set of three of Hitler's toothpicks is the piece of toast with Goebbels' teeth marks. I'm holding out for a better offer.
11 Jan 2010 /  #299
On the subject at hand, I suggest he reads a little about the subject to realize that you can't just throw out a number and consider that a reliable argument.

The number 89,300 is given by Dr Mark Ostrowski in here that his source for the figures about the number of Polish troops is British War Office and he then goes on to say that as the British War Office had to pay for the troops, they'd be the people who know the numbers. Of course if you have any specific quotes from any other respected historians, I'd love to read them.

Yes six million Poles did die during the holocaust. Some were Catholic, some Jewish, some Romani but all six million were Poles (and another three million who were not Poles). What was your point?

I'll ask again: what was your point?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
11 Jan 2010 /  #300

I stand corrected!
After thouroughly inspection that badge clearly sports the polish colors adorned with a big fat SS sign...that's the proof! :)

The number 89,300 is given by Dr Mark Ostrowski in this book. That author says here that his source for the figures about the number of Polish troops is British War Office and he then goes on to say that as the British War Office had to pay for the troops, they'd be the people who know the numbers. Of course if you have any specific quotes from any other respected historians, I'd love to read them.

I doubt it's about the numbers, they are surely correct!

But fact was only Germans could be conscripted into the Wehrmacht...so all these "Deserters" (it was probably a decision of life "Guys, I'm one of you Poles - the mean Germans made me do it!!!" and death "german POW" for those) were GERMANS not POLES!

I don't see why that is so hard to accept...

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