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If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2019 /  #211
money talks.

Money talks indeed, and most high school students have no problems with earning easy cash.

Such a pleasure when you know how the world works, especially when the American taxpayer pays.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #212
and no-one has ever accused me of being paid by some shadowy group.

Well, this is an effect of certain atmosphere of suspicion in the PF. Some guys suspect others are Kremlin trolls or even undercover Russians, while others believe we are paid by Zionists.

That`s what I like here - this feeling of absurd madness. :):)

So this Cracow's school has Hebrew class yet they communicate in English with Israeli students? I would assume that they would speak Hebrew

Spike, either you are joking or not. If not, I am really amazed at the shortages in your brain powers right now. How can you demand students to speak freely about their problems/life/hobbies in a foreign language if they have been learning it for a year or two in school artificial conditions? Pleeaasee....

Since when asking honest questions is about creating problems? I thought the we've put that era behind us :-)

No censorship intended, I just meant you are blowing this matter so incredibly out of its right proportions that I am flabbergasted why you are doing it.

The OP never provided a response to that either. Another case of silence equaling complicity. Very sad.

The rules of this thread don`t require the OP to react to each piece of rant. Generally, OPs have the sole right to ignore whatever they want.:):):) In your own thread, I won`t complain about being ignored.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #213
That`s what I like here - this feeling of absurd madness. :):)

That's why it's so addictive to watch madness in slow motion while hoping that others are more mad than you.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #214
I am really amazed at the shortages in your brain powers right now.

Argumentum ad hominem will take you nowhere [with me] and it only weakens your other arguments.

I just meant you are blowing this matter so incredibly out of its right proportions that I am flabbergasted why you are doing it

I like to uncover a true essence of disputed matters. In this case a basic concept and goals of such student exchanges. And I have to tell you that you have not convinced me so far :-)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #215
At least you don`t mention that language any more. Good.

That's why it's so addictive to watch madness in slow motion while hoping that others are more mad than you.

That is why we are all here.

Because some posters especially liked the photos of Polish students, here is another one. Do you recognise this place in Poland?

  • polishforums17.JP.jpg
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #216
Generally, OPs have the sole right to ignore whatever they want.:):):)

So true! So you acquiesce that Roma, Palestinians and other oppressed groups in Israel are unworthy of your time due to the the colour of their skin and inability to pay your posting fees.

Got it.

Anway, delphyboy gave you a pat on the head the other day for stroking his narcissistic ego by stating your (albeit paid) commitment to Zionism.

He himself has posted many times on this forum that he is not only Jewish but Polish too. However, I never found anything here where you personally agreed that he is Polish.

According to this thread though you made it clear that being Polish means proving your love to Jews whether they are right or wrong.

So take the time now to state for everyone that you unreservedly endorse and fully embrace delphy as a fellow Pole with no daylight between you and him.

Ironside  51 | 13086  
24 Feb 2019 /  #217

Well Lzyko, I'm surprised to agree with your post.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #218
Got it.

believe that we both said what we needed to say, now it is getting boring. I suggest we meet in another thread because I have finished with you in this one. No offence intended, I simply have limited time resources. Don`t take it personally when I ignore you.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #219
At least you don`t mention that language any more. Good.

There's an English saying which goes "a word is enough to the wise". So if it wasn't understood the first time there no need to repeat it...

That's why it's so addictive to watch madness in slow motion while hoping that others are more mad than you.

PolishForums is a training ground for both: Stoicism and Socratic dialectics :-)

If you operate on a logical level, some members can give you a headache, though. Almost like arguing with your better half :-P
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #220
So if it wasn't understood the first time there no need to repeat it...

I really regret the fact you don`t understand things and prefer to live in denial despite logical reasoning.

if Poles were antisemitic

would they organise Jewish Fairs in big cities?

E.g., Wrocław

  • 942618_12513150_83.j.jpg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
24 Feb 2019 /  #221
Sorry to be the eternal pedant, but I know your goal is to improve your EnglishLOL

And I thank you for that! :)

You probably meant, instead of "a crass story", an "astounding story" etc.

Something like "absolutely awesome", yes....
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #222
I really regret the fact you don`t understand things and prefer to live in denial despite logical reasoning.

I'm asking you politely whether it is a symmetrical initiative or just a one sided homage?

If it is symmetrical, that's good, and you would have no problem providing photos of Israelis celebrating Polish culture in Israel.

No more dodging, let's see some concrete :-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
24 Feb 2019 /  #223
you would have no problem providing photos of Israelis celebrating Polish culture in Israel.

I googled that and there are Polish Festivals around the world (most of them in the US though)...


....but not in Israel (at least not that I could find any). Which brings me to the question, isn't that what an embassy is for? A cultural institute? Wouldn't be that their job to bring people together? Not only those who are already friendly with each other and know each other well but those who don't?

Of course the bigger the polish diaspora in a country the higher the chance of a polish festival there. But there exists many Jews of polish descent in Israel:


But I still couldn't find anything about a cultural exchange or a fair or a festival or anything to acknowledge them especially....that doesn't add up. (But a similiar situation is with Germany...we have millions of Poles here...but still no huge festivals or fairs or anything)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #224
If it is symmetrical, that's good, and you would have no problem providing photos of Israelis celebrating Polish culture in Israel.

No, no, no, now you are inventing new things. Did you forget what we were talking about?: About the language only: you insisted that they should speak Polish or Hebrew, while I said that English is enough, and much more effective.

Be more consistent, please.

are there language schools in Israel which teaches Polish language or it this exchange purely asymmetrical?

about numbers [and statistics] and not exchanging values and experiences between students since they don't learn the language of the other group?

Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #225
@BratwurstBoy, you've done you're research.

Er hat ein gutes sitzfleisch

Be more consistent, please.

Both of those statements compliment each other and are built upon your consecutive answers to my further questions.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
24 Feb 2019 /  #226
@Ironside, I'm not surprised you agreed with my post! After all, underneath that tough exterior, I always suspected there lay a person of some intelligence lurking

just below the surface:-)

@B.B. My pleasure, sir! Uebung macht den Meister. Practice makes perfect.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
24 Feb 2019 /  #227
I wish that Rabin was still here with us today.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
24 Feb 2019 /  #228
You and I both.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #229
Which brings me to the question, isn't that what an embassy is for?

No, embassies don`t deal with such stuff. There is the Polish Institute in Tel Aviv which holds cultural events.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
24 Feb 2019 /  #231
Hey, it's a start, at least a step in the right direction.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #232
Yeah well...they should do more!

Of course. Whenever parents ask me about their kids` progress, I always say they do very well but there is still room for further improvement and better results.

Hey, it's a start, at least a step in the right direction.

Yes, I can see from their site they prefer little step by step approach.

Back to topic:

If Poles were antisemitic, would

Israelis flock to a Polish chain boutique opened in Jerusalem? :):)


Poland's answer to fashion chains Zara and H&M, the clothing chain "Reserved" opened Wednesday in Israel to a crowd of hundreds of overeager Israelis who waited in line for hours ahead of the launch. Within a few minutes of the store opening, the clothing stands were stripped naked. Some of the decorations hung for the occasion, such as black and silver balloons, were taken home as well. After some time, as customers stormed the counters, workers were forced to close them down.

Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
24 Feb 2019 /  #233
Israelis and Jews are two different things

Spot on and this is what too many people miss.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #234
Unfortunately for you Bieganski,

Probably not. I checked old posts, Bieganski seemed assertive but still reasonable, quite relaxed and he didn`t manipulate, while this SB is aggressive and an extremely opinionated manipulator. Or people change after years. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #235
Anti-Semitism is, like all those other isms, a European invention. We benefit from Jews as movie directors, composers, singers, and TV personalities.

That`s nice.

Israelis and Jews are two different things

But for most Poles there is no difference.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #236
Huuuuge difference.
I wonder why Palestinians would rather go straight to meet those 72 virgins without a detour through a school in Israel.
This picture makes me smile.

  • 1.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Feb 2019 /  #237
Benefit from Jews? Yeah because the financial crisis, normalizing faggotry, inviting in turd worlders really benefits us.... Not to mention the tens of billions spent on Israel every year and the American soldiers they killed

That deformity makes you smile? She's not even a 5. ****** up grill and no t and a
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #238
Your post has dug its own grave by naming Jews as the reason for all those bad things. If you wrote "we" or "us", that would make more sense.

Please, don't tell me that the 97% of non-Jews in the US are so f***king stupid, pussyfied, weak, and powerless that they can be controlled, coerced, intimidated, and blackmailed by the 3%. If they, in fact, are, maybe it's time to start shopping for better Congress and presidents abroad.

How about Putin and Netanyahu for the US president and the chief of Homeland security? Who do you trust more as better patriots, Mossad or those goofy, anti-American pencil pushers, the CIA, that gave us nothing but grief everywhere, Iraq included? Who do you trust more, TSA or the Israeli airport security?

That deformity makes you smile? She's not even a 5. ****** up grill and no t and a

That's funny. You see t&a. I see two beautiful rifles and hope they are full auto with the magazines loaded to the max to help as many virgin lovers meet those virgins.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Feb 2019 /  #239
Your post has dug its own grave by naming Jews as the reason for all those bad things.

Dug my own grave? Do some research - everything i wrote is fact. Financial crisis = treasury department which consists of jews from goldman, jewish heads of almost every single bank, Immigration = jacob "open the floodgates" javitz and his open immigration act, barbara spectre, diane fienstein, etc. feminism = countless jewish feminazis there's no way someone could even remmeber all their names (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_feminists), killing americans = attacks on uss liberty and false flags in egypt.... and don't forget the holocaust industry...

but to you its okay because a few jewish comedians (from the 4/5 media giants owned by jews that constantly spread lgbt, interracial marriage, love for darkies and hatred of whites) make you laugh....

Please, don't tell me that the 97% of non-Jews in the US are so f***king stupid, pussyfied, weak, and powerless that they can be controlled, coerced, intimidated

Yet they make up the majority of the us supreme court, majority of the execs of media companies, majority of execs in finance, numerous people in senate and congress with dual us Israeli citizenship, most of the federal reserve heads and district leaders.... but I guess you prefer to ignore that. because the jews convinced you oy vey were only 3% we have no power

Well they are because quite frankly that 3% is united, that 97% isn't. It only took 3% of the US population to launch to revolutionary war and kick out the Brits. Also, having ownership of congress, senate, presidency via AIPAC/JPAC, media, banking, federal reserve certainly helps....

You can't even buy a piece of bread without paying into a jewish establishment whether it's the fed or your own bank...

You have much to learn....

That's funny. You see t&a.

Well of course, I'm a hetero male. What do you have a preference for the same sex or something? And the M16 is garbage btw...

many virgin lovers meet those virgins.

As much as I hate muslims, I hate Zionists even more. Every time there's an attack in Israel it brightens my day.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Feb 2019 /  #240
You can quote all the stats you want. When 3% rules 97% I don't give a rat's ass how and why. The 97% are weasels and pussies. Disorganized? Then, organize.

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