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If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...?

Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
21 Feb 2019 /  #151
Polish forces were brave, but the political and military leadership was awful

That has been the case throughout history and with all nations.
Why single out The Poles?
What pleasure are you deriving from slagging off Poles?
I just don't get your angle.....and there must be one.....I prefer you when you talk about music.... :-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #152
Why single out The Poles?

Well...we're on Polishforums, aren't we? I mean, I can also talk about "utterly idiotic war-related events in Yugoslavia and former Yugoslavia 1918-1999" but this isn't yugoforums.com.

(my angle - I hate what the political/military leadership did to Poland between 1925-1939)
Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
21 Feb 2019 /  #153
Ok,I get you now.
You don't like right wing governments.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #154
Nah, nothing against them - West Germany's success was built on the right wing CDU/CSU, and Gaullism was arguably right wing too.

The Polish government between 1925 and 1939 was just rubbish, nothing more than that.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
21 Feb 2019 /  #155
I'll wait and see your future posts and if this pattern of slagging off Poles continues I will remind you of your propensity to do this.
Lyzko  44 | 9727  
22 Feb 2019 /  #156
Poles did indeed sacrifice more than their share in helping their Jewish neighbors and fellow citizens, everybody! No one's denying that, certainly not yours truly.

However, for every Pilecki, Leopold Socha, along with those nameless heroes who resisted the Nazis and lost their lives because of it, there were plenty who sadly allowed their bigotry to interfere with their Christian values and turned in Jews as well.

There's always the other side of the coin, as I keep saying!


Ck. out Dr Janusz Korczak, Polish Jew, proud of his Polish and Jewish heritage, whose orphanage was not only limited to Jewish children in the least, and who

accompanied his little orphans to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. That's not a Polish hero, if not patriot???
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
22 Feb 2019 /  #157
Ck. out Dr Janusz Korczak, Polish Jew, proud of his Polish and

I read about that one. An absolute crass story.

In Germany we have streets and schools and of course at least one children's home named after him.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
22 Feb 2019 /  #158
If Poles were anti-semitic, would.

Jews prefer Poland to Western Europe?


Chief Rabbi of Poland suggests that he feels safer in Poland than in Paris, France, where he is always cautious when out.
The Jerusalem Post has reported that PM Netanyahu told Israeli journalists that "anti-Semitism today is more dangerous in Western Europe than in the East."
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Feb 2019 /  #159
Lyzko, let us not forget that there were also Jews who turned other Jews in. Read about "Żagiew"


Dr Janusz Korczak

There's a primary school in my hometown named after him
Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
22 Feb 2019 /  #160
Dr Janusz Korczak, Polish Jew, proud of his Polish and Jewish heritage

Too few.....far more Poles saved Jews......
You have way lost this argument Lyzko.....
Yad Vashem. ..?
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #161
Oh please!

No country especially Poland should to defer to some outfit in Israel when it has been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
23 Feb 2019 /  #162
Anyone ever look up the origin of the term "anti-semite"? Another weaponized word created by gangsters to deflect criticism of their terminally chronic misdeeds and criminality. As such a word, it is now exposed for it's original obfuscatory intention and becomes more worthless by the minute. The whole charade has backfired as no one really gives a damn anymore. Coercion by threat of force has never been a tenable means to motivate a population and that's all the word has going for it now. It will evaporate like a f-art in the wind when shrieked and the crimes it used to run cover for will instead be glaringly laid bare with punishments waiting in the wings. It was so obvious an end to see for those capable.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
23 Feb 2019 /  #163
Some useful facts on WW2.
Numbers of people executed for helping Jews by country;
France -0
Italy - 0
Netherlands -0
Belgium -0
Norway - 0
Denmark - 1
Poland - over 30,000
Lyzko  44 | 9727  
23 Feb 2019 /  #164
You're right there, Milo, 'cuz there were far more gentiles to Jews in Poland, therefore mathematically there were more Jews requiring rescue than non-Jews!

It's another no-brainer, dude.

@B.B. Methinks I smell some language interference. Did you mean "..eine krasse Geschichte"? In English, "crass" is a false calque with the German "krass", and

means "bald" in the sense of "bare-faced" or "purposely shocking". You probably meant, instead of "a crass story", an "astounding story" etc.

Sorry to be the eternal pedant, but I know your goal is to improve your EnglishLOL
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #165
there were more Jews requiring rescue than non-Jews!

Nah, there's an explanation for this: psychologytoday.com/us/blog/between-the-lines/201801/what-we-mean-when-we-talk-about-entitlement

- Entitlement is an enduring personality trait, characterized by the belief that one deserves preferences and resources that others do not.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
23 Feb 2019 /  #166
there were far more gentiles to Jews in Poland, therefore mathematically there were more Jews requiring rescue than non-Jews

And so you shrug off over 30,000 executed Poles just like that?

Here are some more stats....
Members of the Waffen SS by country;

Belgium - 40,000
Netherlands - 25,000
France - 20,000
Italy - 15,000
Denmark - 6,000
Norway - 6,000
UK - 54
Poland - 0
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
23 Feb 2019 /  #167
And so you shrug off over 30,000 executed Poles just like that?

Na ja, that's not the Jews fault....only the Gemans.

Poland - 0

Do you think there would had been enough Poles ready to fill a SS Division if that had been on the offer?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
23 Feb 2019 /  #168
Na ja, that's not the Jews fault....only the Gemans

I am not blaming Jews for that,but Lyzko is showing the ingratitude that some Jews show for the sacrifice some Poles made for them.

Thankfully he is in a minority of Jews.

Do you think there would had been enough Poles ready to fill a SS Division if that had been on the offer?

Irrelevent,Poles weren't interested.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
23 Feb 2019 /  #169
Do you think there would had been enough Poles ready to fill a SS Division if that had been on the offer?

It was on the offer and the offer was refused. The most famous failed attempt was forming Goralenvolk SS division but the recruits have deserted. The whole idea was abandoned as impossible by Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
23 Feb 2019 /  #170
There was a polish Waffen-SS Division???

Do you have a link?

And no the Goralenvolk doesn't count...as you can see already on the name "volk".

the Nazis proclaimed that this group were part of the Greater Germanic Race and worthy of separate treatment from the Poles

Lyzko  44 | 9727  
23 Feb 2019 /  #171
Jews were nonetheless a minority within Poland, that is all I was saying, so please leave us not start twisting my words.
Are you a lawyer by profession, perchance? If not, you'd sure make a good one:-) In German, we'd call one a "Rechtverdreher", one who contorts

the law!
Miloslaw  22 | 5222  
23 Feb 2019 /  #172
Jews were nonetheless a minority within Poland

A large minority that many Poles tried to save.
And yet you just shrug your shoulders.
You are a very poor example for Jews.....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Feb 2019 /  #173
Some useful facts on WW2. Numbers of people executed for helping Jews by country;

Glad you posted those numbers. Those numbers, btw, is all that's needed to STFU, but it's no happening.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #174
the Nazis proclaimed that this group were part of the Greater Germanic Race and worthy of separate treatment from the Poles

German Nazis have proclaimed many nonsense things. Since when are they mentors to you, @BratwurstBoy? ;-)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #175
If Poles were anti-semitic

would they hold Polish -Israel high school exchanges?


  • polishforums15.JP.jpg
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #176
Exchanges are a waste of time and only serve to reinforce Zionist indoctrination.

I mentioned previously in post #114 how the Israeli media reported that Israeli youth are so brainwashed by their country's education system with racist anti-Polonism that they arrive in Poland brewing with deep prejudices against Poles. This has been going on year in and year out for decades.

There's an Israeli film called Defamation (quickly suppressed online when it does surface) which shows this disturbing psychosis on full display.

As any informed person knows, Israel has one of the worst human rights records in all of human history. It's not just dozens and dozens of UN resolutions which have recorded it. Go back to the Old Testament and they literally boast about carrying out genocidal campaigns and all done in the name of their fanatical religious beliefs.

Poland's goodwill gestures and projects like the POLIN museum (which still charges an admission fee despite initial and annual funding from the Polish government and Warsaw City Council) and the new Holocaust museum are frequently and heavily criticized in Israel. Their neurosis ranges from suspicion of Polish intentions to build these museums in the first place to even the mere location of them despite being in Polish cities and Israel being a foreign country having ultimately no say in the matter.

Polish youth should not be mislead into believing that Israel is a normal, civilised country and that Poland-hating Zionist Jews should still be shown undeserved deference and respect regardless.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #177
Poland's goodwill gestures and projects like the POLIN museum and the new Holocaust museum are frequently and heavily criticized in Israel

Why are you lying so blatantly? Come on, are you so naive to suppose that we will swallow those falsities?


The newly launched spectacle is a superb project that makes wonderful use of multi-media to present a millennium of Polish-Jewish history.


Less than three years after it opening, the core exhibition of the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews registered a million visitors, management said.

Can you go to another forum and lie there as you wish? This one is lost for you, I am afraid.

Polish youth should not be mislead

Also , can you leave Polish youth alone? They don`t need your false protection. They have great fun during exchanges with Israeli students. They are all wonderful young people, not infected with prejudice, which you are presenting here.
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #178
Why are you trying to mislead everyone here with your blatant lies? Come on, are you so naive to suppose that we will swallow your falsities like young Polish students with no choice but to have Zionist propaganda posted over their heads in a classroom? (More on that later!)

Here's a very succinct article from Israeli Zionist press covering the real issues I raised and which you prefer to keep your head in the sand about: haaretz.com/world-news/europe/.premium-wild-card-at-poland-s-first-holocaust-museum-the-polish-narrative-1.6745386

Warsaw's Controversial New Holocaust Museum to Present 'Polish Narrative'

I will paraphrase to keep things salient:

- The creation of the World War II museum in Gdansk is described as "controversial" because the choice of a director gave "greater emphasis to the Polish narrative."

- The Polish Righteous Gentiles monument designated for construction next to the POLIN museum has been criticised because "the monument to Poles who rescued Jews shouldn't be in a place where so many Jews were killed."

- The Markowa museum also honouring Polish Rigteous Gentiles is a target for scorn because it "blurs" and "attributes to Polish society as a whole the help that was given by [some] Poles, who acted in a way that was counter to the social norms."

- And lastly the appointment of an Israeli to be the lead historian at the new Warsaw Ghetto Museum is dismissed as being a "fig leaf" to cover an "attempt to distort history".

Now, regarding Polish youth needing protection. Indeed they do. In fact as EU citizens they have rights enshrined in EU law. Did you know this? You should and there is no such defence as ignorance to the law.

Check it out: eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:12012P/TXT


You posted photos of children with Zionist propaganda over their heads. Their body language is very telling. Vacant or uncomfortable expressions on their faces. Bodies defensively hunched over, heads down and a face protectively covered with a hand.

I see several violations here:

Article 1 - Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected.

Article 3 - Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity.

Did you obtain consent from these children or their carers to have their photos taken and posted on the internet to further your Zionist agenda? No?

More violations:

Article 7 - Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, home and communications.

Article 8 - Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her. Such data must be processed fairly for specified purposes and on the basis of the consent of the person concerned.

It's pretty clear that your interpretation of the Holocaust only addresses the Zionist narrative. Are you a paid agent by any person or organisation inside or outside of Israel to elevate Jews and shame Poles? It's entirely reasonable for you to be transparent about this.

Anyone who studies history knows that 5 million non-Jews were murdered during the Holocaust and are forgotten in the dark shade of Zionism.

Why haven't you addressed the captured Soviet troops, disabled, Roma, homosexuals and many other groups who perished? I guess they don't count in your Christian Zionist nationalist narrative.

If you think Polish youth should be exposed to Israelis (whose parents and ancestors have voted for regimes that oppress Palestinians and call asylum seekers in Israel "infiltrators") then what are you doing to have them meet and greet Palestinian youth and other oppressed minorities in Israel? Oh yeah, they don't have money and their skin is a darker shade of pale.

Evil in Israel and its putrid ideology of Zionism is easy to recognize to a righteous person.

The supporters of evil are evil by association.

That means you.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #179
I rightly accused you of lying and can see it didn`t produce any effect on you, because instead of admitting it and apologising , you go on. :):)

OK, how about accusing you of manipulating facts? Will it be any better? :):)

You said

Poland's goodwill gestures and projects like the POLIN museum and the new Holocaust museum are frequently and heavily criticized in Israel.

I offered you quotes from Israeli press about Polin Museum which proved you lied.

Now you come back with an example from Haaretz about the planned Holocaust Museum. Yes, they are critical. So what?

It is still far from what you said " frequently and heavily critisized in Israel" because you can read a very balanced article about Holocaust Museum in another Israeli paper


The museum is to be housed in a former children's hospital established by Jewish philanthropists in the late 19th century and which during World War II was enclosed within the ghetto's walls. Extensive renovations are needed. Museum director Albert Stankowski and other officials are considering adding extensions to the building or digging below ground level to create more floor space.

Sorry, your manipulations are easy to see through. :):) Thank you.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #180
would they hold Polish -Israel high school exchanges?

Israelis and Jews are two different things. Israelis are a complete package and they know how to shoot. Jews are just a layer or two and they don't.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...?Archived