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If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...?

OP pawian  226 | 27364  
18 Feb 2019 /  #121
Fanatic Jews accuse all Poles of being antisemites who "suck anti-Semitism with their mothers' milk.

It seems some Jews like repeating that phrase which I used years ago to start the thread. But let`s remember - there are bad Jews and good Jews. We mustn`t hurt good ones because those nasty ones attack us.

E..g, Polish Jews reject Izraeli Foreign Minister words about Polish antisemitism.
The offensive words of Israel's FM Yisrael Katz describing Poles as people who "have suckled anti-Semitism with their mother's milk" were also criticised by the American Jewish Committee."Accusing all Poles of antisemitism offends the Righteous [among the Nations]... and it also offends us, Polish Jews, who are part of that society," the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland wrote in its statement, signed by its head Monika Krawczyk and the Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich.

Yes, I know, fanatic Jews don`t love us. But we are going to love them so much that one day they will love us too.
18 Feb 2019 /  #122
That's a truly Christian approach, Pawian! *smiles in admiration, and a bit of shame at his own inability to love his enemies properly*
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Feb 2019 /  #123
But we are going to love them so much that one day they will love us too.

Damnit. Much respect, Pawian.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
18 Feb 2019 /  #124
Thank you, guys, Only through love towards our neighbours, not matter how many times they have sinned against us, can we overcome sin in the world. When bad Jews witness and feel our love, they will certainly change for better, too.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
18 Feb 2019 /  #126
All of us are needed here, even those controvercial ones, because we were born into this world through divine power and have the same role to play - live our lives the best we can and through our example, show others how to live. If some people don`t know how to live decently, we mustn`t reject them but love them, then we will help them.

So, coming back to the topic,
Would all Poles be antisemitic if ....

Shitonya Brits  
18 Feb 2019 /  #127
But we are going to love them so much that one day they will love us too...they will certainly change for better.

A very interesting undertaking. A very devout, cult-like commitment too.

Don't see how this group (self-proclaimed as "God's chosen people" and with a sense of entitlement to undeserved reparations from Poland) would see anything wrong with themselves or feel the need to change for anyone especially you.

But one day they'll love you, huh?

Time will tell if you are right or if all the stars in the Universe will burn out first (my safe bet is on the latter).

Damnit. Much respect, Pawian.

A How nice. A no-cost pat on the head for the Shabbos goy's declaration of love.

Pretty obvious though that you didn't extend your own commitment to change yourself for the better. You didn't requite his love either.

Two takeaways from the hollow exchange of words between these two:

1) The first quote is an example of the psychology of virtue-signalling;

2) The second quote is an example of a narcissist expressing pleasure at finding a free and reliable source of narcissistic supply.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Feb 2019 /  #128
I don`t understand why some people are intrusively meddling into Polish Jewish affairs if they are neither Polish nor Jewish. Why? Are they those infamous Kremlin puppets who propagate speech of hate online to turn certain nationalities/groups of people against each other and thus stir bad emotions and ferment in societies?

Let me repeat, and I can do it hundreds of times, so no need to attempt to educate me about it because it will be a waste of time: We, Poles, know that bad Jews don`t love us. But we, especially good Poles, will love them so much and so long, that one day they will love us too.

Don`t talk about stars, better read about mountains.
Shitonya Brits  
19 Feb 2019 /  #129
You are the one who said you are going to change the Jews "for the better". If this isn't intrusive and uninvited meddling then nothing is.

If you were a sincere student of history then you would know that Poland has been every bit intertwined with and ruled over by Russia for centuries.

You would admit that despite numbering in the millions at the time the Jews in Poland did next to nothing to stop or repel the Nazis. Also look at how many abandoned Poland after the war and then more when the communist gravy train came to a halt.

Russia is still Poland's neighbour. It is a Christian country as well. You should practice your faith and love them too. So much and so long that one day they will love you back.

Does "love thy neighbour" and "forgive thy enemies" ring a bell?

Yeah. Sure it does.

It seems your brand of Christianity is highly selective. But this is not uncommon.

You remind me of those Christian Zionists over in America where Jews have lived since it was founded. Those Christians also have a scary zeal and devotion towards Jews. Unsurprisingly, you never see the Jews do anything to return the favour though.

There is a false stereotype of Jews being smart, successful and wealthy. And there are many upstart, class-conscious Christians who want to be associated with this.

So like when they pray to their Jesus for good fortune they see Jews as a modern-day talisman to rub shoulders with.

Some Christians also hold deep seated racist views and secretly admire how Jews have set up their own race-based ethno-state over in Israel. It is complete with walls, segregationist laws, and a corrupt apartheid regime which stays in place no matter which party gets elected. This is most surely a heaven on earth for any nationalist out there (especially the ones living in denial about it).

You're right though to be making references to mountains because you certainly have one hell of a steep climb ahead of you. Just don't expect any Jews sitting on the top to help pull you up.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
19 Feb 2019 /  #130
Good answer Pawian so many heated debates here it's good to have love statement for a change
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Feb 2019 /  #131
the Jews in Poland did next to nothing to stop or repel the Nazis.

It is a blatant falsity. Either you lie consciously or are ignorant of basic facts. I choose the first option as you seem very prejudiced.

Russia is still Poland's neighbour. It is a Christian country as well. You should practice your faith and love them too.

But I do. I don`t have a problem with average Russians who are as crazy and amiable as Poles. I have a problem with the Kremlin which is the offspring of Satan. Do you expect me to be keen on Satanic works? Come on...

When will you, foreigners, understand that a Pole, especially educated, might be friendly towards Russians in general and suspicious about their government? Do foreigners dislike all Poles and Poland only because dumb PiS rules here? I suppose not, if anybody does, they are equally dumb.

You remind me of

Actually, I don`t care what I remind you of. You are too biased to run a fruitful discussion with. Waste of time.... Do you know where the phrase: your speech is like a fly buzz to me comes from? :):) You see, you don`t know, it`s been wasted on you....

You're right though to be making references to mountains because you certainly have one hell of a steep climb ahead of you.

Again, my subtle allusions are wasted on you. Why do I have to deal with such .... ? :)

Advice to you:
- get acquainted with the cultural heritage of mankind
- study the history of Poland.
- try to abstain from superficial assesments which are false.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Feb 2019 /  #132
Good answer Pawian so many heated debates here it's good to have love statement for a change

Yes, for a change, because heated debates are also exciting, provided your interlocutors aren`t prejudiced and possess some decent education.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
19 Feb 2019 /  #133
Either you lie consciously or are ignorant of basic facts. I choose the first option as you seem very prejudiced

I have a problem with the Kremlin which is the offspring of Satan

Two great statements.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
19 Feb 2019 /  #134
We, Poles, know that bad Jews don`t love us. But we, especially good Poles, will love them so much and so long, that one day they will love us too.

I understand that you've made a sado-masochistic joke and a "Kingsajz" reference.
Next time don't refer to yourself per "we", though, that's a privilege of kings (or a sign of schizophrenia).
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Feb 2019 /  #135
Anything is possible. :)

Next time don't refer to yourself per "we",

I can`t promise you that. :) read my reply above.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
21 Feb 2019 /  #136
If Poles were anti-semitic, would they...save hundreds of newborns?

Lyzko  44 | 9711  
21 Feb 2019 /  #137
Let's understand the following, namely, that the Poles were no more "anti-Semitic" than most everyday citizens of arch-Catholic countries aka France, Italy, Spain, the former Baltic states, and Austria!

The Poles have gotten a worse rap due to bad publicity, but probably the Lithuanians, Latvians, and the waltzing, gemuetlich denizens of Johann Strauss country, couldn't have been much worse:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Feb 2019 /  #138
Poles were no more "anti-Semitic" than most everyday citizens of arch-Catholic countries

That soft sentence is actually an insult to the Poles, in general, and the 50,000 dead Poles, in particular. Quoting:

Of the estimated 3 million non-Jewish Poles killed in World War II, thousands - perhaps as many as 50,000 - were executed by the Germans solely for saving Jews.

The whole of Western Europe had fewer than a dozen executed by the Germans for protecting their Jews.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
21 Feb 2019 /  #139
The french Government yes Frenchmen put 76000 Jews on trains and waved them away to Auschwitz, only 3000 survived

And Poland at the same time had no capitulating government or polish companies profiteering from those poor souls gets all the $hit from Israel.


Anyone know how many Jews, Poles are accused of murdering, 10,20,30,40,50,60,70 thousand millions? Whats the number whats tthe price , the French paid $60 Million.

Any Idea what my 20 war dead family are worth?, 1zl 2 zl 1 million, It won't bring them back.

Stop concentrating on "If Poles were" whats important is now , how we deal with antisemitism today, are we doing enough to educate people so antisemitism is no more.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #140
And Poland at the same time had no capitulating government

Poland very much capitulated. The leadership abandoned Polish territory and ran like rats, in particular, that coward Rydz-Śmigły who was the subject of all sorts of incredible propaganda before the war.

There's no shame in it - the German war machine was very capable and Poland didn't have much of a chance. Even in an alternative what-if scenario, I can't see any situation in which Poland defends all the territory held in 1939. Even if Poland allies with Germany, it's certain that the German price would be a loss of territory in the north and probably in the south.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
21 Feb 2019 /  #141
Polish territory and ran like rats,

So my father was a rat fighting In the British army. 303 rat squadron, Anders rat, Sikorski rat?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #142
Your father - no, unless he was one of the political leadership.

Anders - no, he was captured. Sikorski didn't have a political or military role during the invasion, so he can't be accused of cowardice.

When I say "fled like rats", I mean the idiots in the Polish government and their supporters as of the 1st September 1939 who fled.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
21 Feb 2019 /  #143
Three choices, 1 stay and be part of a German puppet government, 2 commit suicide, 3 go into Exile and build a free army to attempt to regain Polands freedom.

Anyway lets get back on topic here.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #144
Three choices

Or four: fight until the end and go down like a man. What Rydz-Śmigły did was a sign of a man who didn't match up to the propaganda.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
21 Feb 2019 /  #145
Chief Rabbi of Poland suggests that all miunderstandings between Poles and Jews arise from family like relations between the two. Poles and Jews are like cousins and family arguments are always hotter than the ones involving strangers.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
21 Feb 2019 /  #146
Poland very much capitulated

A disgusting statement.
Poles fought till they knew they had lost to overwhelming military superiority.
Realising this,they escaped to regroup and fight again.
And Poles in Poland continued the fight with The AK.
Which you know full well they did,in Africa,in Italy,in France and in The UK.
Why do you insult Poles so much?
You disgust me.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #147
A disgusting statement.

A truthful statement. Poland lost in WW2 in 5 weeks.

Let me define the word "capitulation" for you.

the action of ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.

Of course, Poles saw action elsewhere, but in terms of Poland - it effectively ceased to exist after 5 weeks. The AK (or ZWZ, as it was in the beginning) didn't get going until later in the war, and at least until what, December? 1939, Poland was without any real resistance movement.

Poles fought till they knew they had lost to overwhelming military superiority.

Individual Polish units, yes, but Rydz-Śmigły fled like a rat and was gone within two and a half weeks. Not exactly heroic.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
21 Feb 2019 /  #148
That's a truly Christian approach,

Some guys consider it a ridiculous approach but they lack a wide perspective. Hate can bear only more hate, it is love which must eventually bear good fruit even if it takes time. .

But let`s remember - there are bad Jews and good Jews. We mustn`t hurt good ones because those nasty ones attack us.

Israeli writer explains why he loves Poland


And yet a people deserves to be judged by its best sons and daughters, not its worst. And Poland's best are among the very best of humanity, and among the Jewish people's most trusted friends.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
21 Feb 2019 /  #149
A truthful statement. Poland lost in WW2 in 5 weeks

To overwhelming military superiority.
I really don't get where you are coming from with this.
Pragmatism is somehow cowardice?
Nah,I don't buy it.....it just sounds like anti Polish rhetoric to me.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #150
Pragmatism is somehow cowardice

Nothing pragmatic about the top military leader abandoning his forces long before they were defeated. Warsaw wasn't even lost when he ran away!

Polish forces were brave, but the political and military leadership was awful.

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