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If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...?

sofijufka  2 | 187  
20 Aug 2013 /  #91
Kajtus Czarodziej is really depressing
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Aug 2013 /  #92
Kajtus Czarodziej is really depressing

The book depicts a schoolboy who gains magic powers. At first, Kajtuś acts as a selfish child, using his power for mischief. Eventually, he becomes dissatisfied with himself, and leaves his home town, where he acquires a reputation as a troublemaker.[2] On his travels, he meets Zosia, a girl who uses her magical power for good.[2] Together, they fight an evil wizard, and Kaytek chooses the path of a good mage.[2] The book contains some gaps, including one of the chapters, which were sections that were crossed out because they were too frightening to children.

Reminds me of Harry Potter.

Shortly speaking, ultra nationalist parties in Poland which openly declare their antiJewish animosity get less than 1% votes in various elections.

While other parties and their leaders, including Presidents of Poland, keep up good Jewish Polish relations:


Poland president



Kwasniewski Poland
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Aug 2013 /  #93
While other parties and their leaders, including Presidents of Poland, keep up good Jewish Polish relations:

Didn't Lech Kaczynski actually have excellent relations with Jewish people and Israel?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Aug 2013 /  #94
Yes, he always attended Jewish holidays and ceremonies, there are plenty of photos available. Lech was a much better man than his younger brother, Jarosław. Maybe naive and too easily influenced, but much more decent.
Kaworu  2 | 3  
28 Aug 2013 /  #95
Polish people ARE antisemitic - every day I read at last one comment about "the Order of Syjon" and "jewish conspiracy against Poland". Also, in this country "jewish man" ("Żyd") is a synonim of greedy person ("Oh, nie bądź żydem, pożycz mi pieniądze").
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Aug 2013 /  #96
every day I read at last one comment

Only one?? :):):)
Don`t worry, it is the same guy, paid by certain dark forces... :):):)
15 Mar 2014 /  #97
Merged: Why are Polish people so antisemitic?

As a fellow Pole, I am embarrassed at the antisemitism that some Poles exhibit. That includes my parents who will not go a week without saying something nasty about the Jews. You should've seen how angry they were when I dated a Jewish guy.

There's no doubt antisemitism is prevalent in Polish society. Where does it stem from though?
15 Mar 2014 /  #98
from jewish antipolonism
15 Mar 2014 /  #99
I am embarrassed at the antisemitism that some Poles exhibit.

What are they doing?

hat includes my parents who will not go a week without saying something nasty about the Jews

What like?

There's no doubt antisemitism is prevalent in Polish society.

No doubt?
15 Mar 2014 /  #100
What like?

For one thing, they blame most political/economic problems on Jews.
archiwum  12 | 122  
22 Mar 2014 /  #101
Why were Slavic societies more tolerant towards jews then Western Europeans?
yehudi  1 | 433  
23 Mar 2014 /  #102
Who said they were?
23 Mar 2014 /  #103
Jews are just the same as as, just because I dislike a pole doesnt not mean that i am a Polonophobe, persoonally i think that jews use the terrible events of the Shoah to victimise themselves, it's a smokescreen behind what mossa and the Israeli army is doing in Palestine daily.

Poles are not antisemitic, we defended jews in the war, saved a lot of them as well, shame that Jews forgot about it...
I believe that we are all equal in the eyes of God, (I know that a lot of Jews wouldnt agree with me, (Oh I am such a silly Goiyem ;) ), because I believe, mor or less in the equality, I'd like to see a movie about the bad side of Jews, in the 2 WW and afterwards in the soviet-occupied Poland... ever heard of the Jewish gestapo, unit 13 of the Warsaw ghetto? or the Jewish bandits that went together with the soviets in 1945?

I bet not, thus, please leave Poles alone, we have forgiven nearly everything that had been done against us, we helped you a lot, we even gave your people a free choice of joining up to the Israeli armed forces in 1943/4 when the Anders Army was stationing there.
23 Mar 2014 /  #104
I want to say the creator of this thread has a very silly mindset considering the examples he listed.

Naming things after Jews is something the majority of Poles had no saying in. That in no way proves that antisemitism is not a problem in Poland.

Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that antisemitism is quite common among Poles. I live in the UK and I'm a Polish Gentile woman. When I was dating a Jewish man, many people back home were not too happy about that. :-\
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
17 Feb 2019 /  #105
I want to say the creator of this thread has a very silly mindset considering the examples he listed.

Yes, some thread creators have no idea whatsoever.

Naming things after Jews is something the majority of Poles had no saying in.

It sounds as if some aliens dropped from the moon and arranged things for Poles without their knowledge and permission.

If they were antisemitic,

would they put such displays in classrooms?

  • komrka124.jpg

  • komrka125.jpg

  • komrka126.jpg
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
17 Feb 2019 /  #106
Poles who were polled across Poland several years ago, according to leading Polish as well as international news agencies, considered themselves "tired" of being
"bullied" by Jews and their desire for attention (I'm quoting).

This is compared with a slightly older poll of Austrians who declared themselves DEFINITELY anti-Semitic.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
17 Feb 2019 /  #107
We really need to get a perspective here.
My parents generation were fairly anti semitic in their disrespect of Jews.
But they still worked closely with Polish Jews in The UK.
My Dad did a lot of business with a Polish Jew,he even came to our house,but I never knew his name because Dad only ever refered to him as Zyd......but he didn't want to kill him.....unlike The Germans.....

I think that the Polish mistrust of Jews came when Jews started to support Communism......it was seen as a way out by Jews.
But seen as traitorous by Poles.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
17 Feb 2019 /  #108
Polish mistrust of Jews came when Jews started to support Communism.

Bang on , Jews sided with the Bolsheviks against pilsudski, 500,000 were part of the soviet war machine that invaded Poland, 11 out of 12 camps in Siberia were run by Jews, Jews sided with the Soviets in the east of Poland to deport us to Siberia.

But crimes were committed by individuals on all sides, what I am not happy about is Jewish conspiracy to blame the Polish government for Polish individual acts , similar crimes Jewish individuals were committing themselves see above.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
17 Feb 2019 /  #109
Dear guys, stay on topic. This is not a historical thread, it is about modern times.


if Poles were antisemitic, would they....

..organise this festival in Krakow?

Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow is the largest presentation of contemporary culture created by the Jews in Israel and the entire Diaspora. The festival has grown to one of the most important cultural events in our city and country. Outside of Poland, Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow is one of the best known, recognized and appreciated by both artists and audience cultural events from Poland.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
17 Feb 2019 /  #110
This is not a historical thread

I am afraid that history still has a hold on today, reparations are being called for, accusations fly on all sides, Pawian , I can only wish that this past could be settled and we could all move on without all the recriminations the past flying around today.
Shitonya Brits  
17 Feb 2019 /  #111
Is there some reason people (generation after generation) and entire countries have to prove themselves to Jews and not the other way around?

That sort of relationship is only found in cults and is very unhealthy.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
17 Feb 2019 /  #112
I am afraid that history still has a hold on today, reparations are being called for, I can only wish that this past could be settled .

Yes, but can`t we put negative things aside for a while? Only for a while? I am begging you....


if Poles were antisemitic, would they...

reconstruct the Jewish shtetl in Biłgoraj?


Conceived by local entrepreneur Tadeusz Kuźmiński, who is financing the project along with other investors (application for EU funds was rejected), the project is a modern housing estate constructed to look like an open air shtetl museum.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
17 Feb 2019 /  #113
Only for a while? I am begging you

No need, I am with you, Sadly Polish kids today have no reference point to the way things were in the II republic when Jews and Poles lived side by side, I have many positive stories from my parents about their Jewish neighbours, I am pleased to see that there is education today about how things once were.
Shitonya Brits  
17 Feb 2019 /  #114
Sadly Polish kids today have no reference point to the way things were in the II republic

Sure, sure. Shame Polish children while believing the Jews always got their act together and never get it wrong.

Actually, even Jews admit they have gone wildly overboard with their Holocaust narrative to their own detriment.

Go read this: timesofisrael.com/does-focus-on-holocaust-tourism-dim-the-memory-of-vibrant-prewar-jewish-life/

- by focusing almost exclusively on Holocaust tourism - which largely incorporates graveyards, synagogues, and religious iconography into its narrative - the Jewish heritage industry is in danger of erasing from collective Jewish memory a vibrant world that existed before the Shoah.

- a muddled narrative of Holocaust history - which wrongly accuses all Poles of anti-Semitism - has made its way into Israel's education system. [Israeli students] now come to Poland with deep prejudices.

So there you have it.

The next time someone's teaching why don't you get taught?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
17 Feb 2019 /  #115
Well I did get taught , by my parents who lived alongside Jews, some of who'm later helped put them onto cattle trucks to siberia.

But far many Jews also were friends,

Who do you suggest would have the real life experience and qualifications to teach me today?
Shitonya Brits  
17 Feb 2019 /  #116
I just taught you.

All you need is some critical thinking skills and go look for facts.

You gave your opinion that it is Polish kids who need to step things up because they don't have a positive image of Jews from a bygone era. An era where Jews chose to live a parallel existence away from Poles anyway.

No different from today really where diverse communities all across the West still self-segregate. Did ever hear of a thriving Jewish quarter in a large black neighbourhood? Me neither. That's because it's a choice not to have one. It isn't a coincidence.

You fell for the trap that Polish people need to prove themselves to Jews and blamed inadequate Polish instruction compared to your own family stories.

It didn't even dawn on you that the Jews are their own worst enemy and are a huge part of the problem for poor relations.

Otherwise you would have said Jews need to do a lot more beyond having never-satisified expectations from others.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2019 /  #117
Who do you suggest would have the real life experience and qualifications to teach me today?

You'll notice that the experiences personally related to you by your parents are being downplayed in favour of a narrative which blames Jewish people for everything.
Shitonya Brits  
17 Feb 2019 /  #118
You'll notice that personal opinions like the one expressed immediately above are made in favour of a narrative which insists that Jewish people must never take responsibility for anything.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
18 Feb 2019 /  #119
It didn't even dawn on you that the Jews are their own worst enemy and are a huge part of the problem for poor relations.

I read what you wrote. You are a racist living in denial about it.

No matter what you try to walk back now from what you wrote years ago you are still bothered about Jews.
Shitonya Brits  
18 Feb 2019 /  #120
A racist?! Living in denial?! Oh my!

Yes, someone is still bothered about Jews.

Back in 2013 you wrote:

Let`s see how antisemitic Poles are......If they were antisemitic, would they offer objects of art based on Jewish motifs for sale in Clothes Hall in Kraków?

And SIX YEARS later:

if Poles were antisemitic, would they......organise this festival in Krakow?...reconstruct the Jewish shtetl in Biłgoraj?

You need to be reminded of the Polish saying: only the real culprit is doing his/her best to explain things. :)

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