The way you used words "civilised world/society" is a popular expression not a scientific one, in my opinion. And pretty arrogant too...
one can say Saudi is civilised because they have indoor plumbing in the majority of housing, but they still stone women to death and are looking in to sever a man spine in an "eye for an eye" ciminal you consider that "civilised"... civilisation is an evolving thing...its not something that can be quantified...
Amathyst, the Arab civilisation and culture was thriving when in Europe we had Dark Ages with people being killed for their beliefs, women burned on stakes as "witches" and so on.
In the US even in the second half of the 20th century they still had racial segregation. Do you consider that "civilised"? Was the US "civilised" at that time?
Would you say corrida is civilised?
all it did was to explain what "civilisation" is...
Indeed, that was my intention :)
You omitted to mention that it evolves and omitted to say that some countires are still devoping.
Developing doesn't mean uncivilised :) There's a civilisation already. Just some areas of it are not as developed as in some other countries.
And, according to what you wrote before, such countries like UK, USA, Greece, Spain, France, Sweden, Japan, Germany, Italy, Australia were all uncivilised because people burned themselves there in protest:
Can admin remove uncouth racists like Paulina from the forum?
:D Sweetie, it was sarcasm in response to what Amathyst wrote :)))
Paulina (going for weekend to the almost civilised countryside :D)