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Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries)

scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #211
you have no place in Obamas new world so step off will yah

What do you know about Obama, boy? The Jews own him and the Jews don't like Europe general. Wonder why. All we have to do is drum up hate through our population in the South and Midwest.. and it's lights out EU. Russkie can have the center and east Europe even. As Tym says they will probably welcome Putin home.

What fun we will have!!!

Scrappy, why can't you discuss the thread items properly? Weapons of WWII, any thoughts? Lord Only Knows, America supplied many of them through their arms firms. Care to discuss that!?

Admonish your boy, WB. As he was "having a poke" at the Yanks. As he so eloquently put it I think. I don't know, I don't speak cockney.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Oct 2009 /  #212
We tried to give you Marshall Plan.. you took somebody else's hand. :- (

We were not a sovereign nation, Poland refusing Russia equaled getting invaded thats for one, Marshall plan was not a great benevolence of US, it was simply helping your then major trading partner, there was no China to trade with, Russia was not enough, US was simply helping themselves by helping a major trade partner recover.

.. opinion... and so , so rude. :- (

I know how many states USA has, what countries it borders with and when was your constitution established, can you without looking at wikipedia tell me on what planet Slovakia is?

Those other guys were not the sole superpower.. they shared it with others.

Hell no, Napeleons France was the sole superpower on the continent, so was colonial England, there were other powers just like today but there were superpowers before you, not to mention Rome.

Both Poland and Germany were only regional powers but thats because of the fact they're not on the shores of any ocean and had MUCH greater odds stacked against them then US ever had and still managed to hold on much longer.


What opinion? You're going broke, your economy is driving on fumes and every economist can tell you that, there's a bazilion articles which you can read by your own specialists and there's enough signs on the home market with the housing situation, USA that you're masturbating over so much is ending, quickly and permanently and it has nothing to do with me being European and everything with your marvelous America raping itself in the arse for the past 30 years.

.. I thought you didn't want to talk to me because I'm "retarded, moron, fat, stupid, sub-human......" ????

I'm ill at home and bored, not bored enough to talk to Harry but you'll do.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Oct 2009 /  #213
It's his thread so I'm sure he'll steer it back on course if he knows that sb has the knowledge to discuss it with him.

Were Raytheon and Lockheed Martin active back then?
scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #214
I'm ill

Yes Sok.. I think that is and always will be the consensus.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Oct 2009 /  #215
Were Raytheon and Lockheed Martin active back then?

Raytheon yes (though under different name i think) Lockheed not, it was started in the 90s.
scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #216
Have you ever heard of Google. I have. Yankee invented it!

It's free, have fun.

Weapons of WWII? Hmmm.. how about fear that the German manufactured and apparently the European consumed?
OP Wroclaw Boy  
25 Oct 2009 /  #217
What do you know about Obama, boy?

Just what i see and i like what i see, you cant fool the people.

The Jews own him and the Jews don't like Europe general.

Shut up you great big fcuking paranoid idiot. Why do the Jews not like Europe, surely theyd dislike theyre Arab nations first or do they hate them aswell, or in fact everybody.

In any case hate is a matter of prioritys, does the trigger happy yankee even know the meaning?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
25 Oct 2009 /  #218
There's plenty of countries, some of them you lack education to know about that were a regional or global power centuries longer then US and faced much greater odds then America, you're not the first, not the last and definitely not the greatest.

Painfully true to a certain degree. Power comes and power goes. Same story different location.
With regard to the former empires and such, We don't need to know about most of them, they are not "our" history. I can see how it makes a difference to Europeans primarily due to their tribal nature and such. But here, we tend to remember the story not the actors.

Scrappy, you can't take this stuff personally. adjust yourself and come back.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
25 Oct 2009 /  #219
Painfully true to a certain degree. Power comes and power goes.

Fcuking hell never has a truer word been said i was toying with the same sentance myself earlier, what goes around comes around, the same applies to nations and countries. Laters.

Congrats to SEANUS, all the best my man where was my invite?
scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #220
Scrappy, you can't take this stuff personally. adjust yourself and come back.

Haha.. who says I am, Tym? Look, you know they hate us.. why do you bow to them like that. If it was the other way around they would have invaded us already. Look what they do to each other. C'mon.. it's you that maybe needs a cooling period. I told you , these are just hypotheticals. The European loves them.. why can't we theorize?

You tell me it's beyond the realm of reality that they could one day make war on us? In the next 20 years or so? You really think it's that far fetched?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Oct 2009 /  #221
Even close people here didn't get an invite because she wanted to keep it in the family. Still, I will definitely give you a shout if you plan to be in Wrocław for some time more. Any plans to go to Canada or...?

Anyway, what made you write a thread like this one? Pretty good choice. Many focus on strategy and the actual battles but forget the technical spec of the weapons and the various ways they can be used. I'm pretty amateurish when it comes to these things but I guess that SLR's were employed a fair bit. They are interesting weapons. SUSAT sighting was great technology for its time.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
25 Oct 2009 /  #222
Look, you know they hate us

I bow to no one. I just pick my battles carefully. Not every provocation needs a response. There are some pretty standard Euro arguments and such that get tossed out here pretty regularly. Some are genuine and some are intentionally crafted. This forum is a part of geo-politik as well. I actually look forward to Europe being the next super-power. I dont think they really have the will to impose themselves on anyone though. I think we could get back to the topic at hand, we've found each others buttons.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Oct 2009 /  #223
We don't want to see the weapons of WWIII, Timotei ;) Europe as a superpower, no thanks. Merkel, Brown and esp Sarkozy don't need any more power trips.

Let's stick to the discussion of WWII weapons and hope for a better future without warmongers.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
25 Oct 2009 /  #224
OK, I'm with you!
scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #225
Puss1e ass mutha ******.

lol.. well now...that wasn't very nice. Tym, look at your pal here. Care to rap his knuckles like you did mine?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
25 Oct 2009 /  #226
Care to rap his knuckles like you did mine?

Thats his peoples job not mine.

Anyways, I have a M1 Garand that I like to shoot but Its much too heavy for deer hunting and such. Very accurate but verrry heavy.

scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #227
I have a M1 Garand

How much did you pay for it, if you don't mind? Get it at a gun show?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
25 Oct 2009 /  #228
Bought it from a private owner(family friend). Paid $50 about 15 years ago. It was with the stipulation that I keep it for myself or in my family. This rifle had "significant" sentimental value to its previous owner. The money was at my insistance, She would have just given it to me. I will bequeth it to a nephew I suppose. (I take these things very seriously)

I remember British .303 rifles going for $20 in the 80s.

My mother had a .32 cal Walther ppk (pre war) that she carried. That is still in the family as well. I have one also, but it is a .380 ppk/s en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walther_PPK
scrappleton  - | 829  
25 Oct 2009 /  #229
I actually look forward to Europe being the next super-power.

You think they have conquered the need to conquer? This might be true. Hard to tell with them right now. They are often both brilliant and feckless at the same time.

This forum is a part of geo-politik as well

Why don't you elaborate on that, please.

Bought it from a private owner(family friend). Paid $50 about 15 years ago.

Pretty good price.. could fetch about $1500 right now. Yes keep it in your home as long as you can. It's not just a weapon it's a symbol of stability. Nothing like an M1's kick on your shoulder.
southern  73 | 7059  
25 Oct 2009 /  #230
It would be good if we brought some US systems to Europe(esp shops structure etc) but how to do that?Most laws forbid sth like that.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
25 Oct 2009 /  #231
Lets hear it for the U BOATS.....an awesome weapon at the start of the war

There is something about a sub, I would not consider myself claustrophobic and being in an aeroplane doesn't bother me but the creaking and knowing the pressure would crush you like a tin can under a car wheel, I don't know something too life threatening about it.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
25 Oct 2009 /  #232
I would not consider myself claustrophobic

Well i would.....my only trip on a submarine was not something i enjoyed a whole lot , and we were not under any threat from anybody.....i am not sure i could cope with being in a ww2 sub whilst under a depth charge attack......Since the allies had cracked the code for the enigma machine , and could read all the orders sent to the u boats , it was only a matter of time before they were found and sunk.....They knew they were doomed from the moment they left port...but still they went out....They had the highest casualty rate of any armed force in the later years....
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
25 Oct 2009 /  #233
cope with being in a ww2 sub whilst under a depth charge attack......

I don't know how anyone could deal with that, you'd go bonkers for sure.
And all that time in such a confind space with other people would do my head in, but the noise of the water crushing up against the sub and then add people trying to blow you up.

An Irish man Seán Pilib Ó hUallacháin
invented the first fully submersible submarine the Fenian Ram
in the U.S, for the IRB in 1881 but it was never used.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
25 Oct 2009 /  #234
An Irish man Seán Pilib Ó hUallacháin invented the first fully submersible submarine

Thats right...didn,t he later go and sell it to the Americans.....?
southern  73 | 7059  
25 Oct 2009 /  #235
USA simply lacks the resources for long term occupation.This is sth everyone has understood.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
26 Feb 2010 /  #236
Had anybody metioned battleships on this thread? I cant remember and im not going over it again.

Just read the last few posts and ohh those were the days, friday nights arguing with Scrappy. LOL

Anyway the great Battleships of WWII, deserve a mention - awesome weapons to have. Hitler (after several whoopings from the Brits) was close to dispanding the German navy altogether.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
26 Feb 2010 /  #237
No , i don,t think we covered any battleships...My uncle served as a stoker on HMS Hood , which at the time was thought to be the cream of the British navy , it came as a big shock when the ship blew up and sank after only one hit...! My uncle was not on board on the fatefull voyage , as a stoker , way below decks , he would have had no chance of escaping the sinking....

The ship with the biggest guns during ww2 i think was the Japanese battleship Yamoto , but i don,t believe it got much chance to use them , it got bombed to bits by American aircraft....

The Japanese had some pretty awesome submarines , the i class subs were way bigger than anything anyone else had , but they were not used very wisely and failed to copy the American and British tactics that brought Japan to its knees...
Marek11111  9 | 808  
19 Mar 2010 /  #238
the best weapon of WW2 was Polish soldier. case close
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
19 Mar 2010 /  #239
The best weapon...

This thing made all the difference. Too bad the chosen ones got to write on it last.


  • The best weapon of war

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries)Archived