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Why is Poland weaker than Russia?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jan 2019 /  #151

Not at all. Poles killed about 4k 5k jews at the upper limit.


Stella Kubler alone is responsible for around 2300 dead jews. Chaim rumkowski alone is responsible for tens of thousands of jews.

I agree wholeheartedly. My issue is that world jewrt condemns poland and calls us collaborators and immediately goes to 'shut it down, the goyim know' mode after morawiecki says there were Jewish collaborators. Jewish leaders never apologized for Jewish collaboration yet try to guilt trip everyone else about it then demand billions of shekels as reparations.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
8 Jan 2019 /  #152
Poles killed about 4k 5k jews at the upper limit.

They turned in a whole lot more to the Nazis.....allegedly.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jan 2019 /  #153
I know that this forum does not like cutting and pasting and I try to follow that rule. Except this time. Quoting from Wikipedia:

Polish rescuers of Jews were hampered by the most stringent conditions in all of German-occupied Europe. Occupied Poland was the only country where the Germans decreed that any kind of help to Jews was punishable by death for the rescuer and the rescuer's entire family. Of the estimated 3 million non-Jewish Poles killed in World War II, thousands - perhaps as many as 50,000 - were executed by the Germans solely for saving Jews.

From now on, I don't want to read any s*** about Poland and the Poles being the bad guys in this matter. Ever.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jan 2019 /  #154

And saved more jews than any other naziboccupied country. And this is the thanks we get decades later...
Ironside  50 | 12946  
9 Jan 2019 /  #155
They turned in a whole lot more to the Nazis.....allegedly.

yada yada ...the same old BS again . So F what? You say it as if that was some kind of a big deal, a fact they will trump all other facts. When if fact all you do is nip and heels and change the subject with your nagging ... damn washerwoman.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Jan 2019 /  #156
rumkowski was jewish so was this kubler.stop talking rubbish
why everything in this forum end up about killing jews and antysemitism..even if i start thread about pink unicorns,soon some guys will start posting rubbish about poor jews mistreated by poles.. here,one hour version: youtube.com/watch?v=PUCgC_TukKg&t=2756s
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jan 2019 /  #157
No **** that's what my point is - a single jew like kubler was responsible for more deaths of jews than any pogrom committed by a group of poles.

There is nothing antisemitic with pointing out facts.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jan 2019 /  #158
Then, you don't know how the liberal morons operate when their pet subjects are on table.
Just venting.... I know you know.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Jan 2019 /  #159
Where does this "exodus" of polish Jews during th 60s fit in?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jan 2019 /  #160
Your question is not clear.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Jan 2019 /  #161
That was clear state anti-semitism, wasn't it?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jan 2019 /  #162
It was "state" alright but not antisemitism. Antisemitism, like racism, properly defined, is hate of somebody for his immutable characteristics. Like being black.
Jews in Poland overplayed their hand and in the 60's realized that the days of oppressing and exploiting Poland are coming to an end. So they left they way you (editorial) leave a bar when the barman tells you that you are drunk enough.

To the best of my knowledge, there was no violence (pogrom) and nobody was deported. So, it was not "antisemitism".
They just lost an internal power struggle and were hated by the rest of us for what they did in the past and for never having any loyalty to Poland as their homeland. Personally, and without proof, I am willing to bet that these bastards didn't even know how to sing our national anthem, but I could be wrong.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jan 2019 /  #163
Most Jews living in the city ghettos and shtetls around the countryside pre end of WW2 most certainly wouldn't. Majority of Jews during that time didn't speak Polish, they spoke Yiddish.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Jan 2019 /  #164
Jews in Poland overplayed their hand and in the 60's realized that the days of oppressing and exploiting Poland are coming to an end.

So...things were looking up after they left?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jan 2019 /  #165
Yes, a lot. And not because they were Jews but because they were the Soviet imports, occupiers, and enforcers in Poland before they left. Just think Beria cloned 100,000 times. How do you think I was able to leave in 1966 for the Western Europe in full daylight by simply taking a train to Holland? It was not easy but more doable than ten years earlier.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
9 Jan 2019 /  #166
@Dirk, the wonderful World Jewish Congress way back in the late '30's, while Hitler was starting to make good on his no-longer idle threats (e.g. the famous speech at the Kroll Opera where he states point blank for ALL brain-damaged Holocaust deniers to hear: "Hier ist nicht die Bolschewisierung Deutschland, sondern die Ausrottung der juedischen Rasse in Europa!" (This will not be the Bolshevization of Germany, but rather the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe) to thunderous applause) stood by and did NOTHING. Yes, there were constant protests in Madison Square Garden during those years, but on the whole, far too little was done, far too late.

So much for Jewish indifference across the pond.

Please back on topic, everyone
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Jan 2019 /  #167
to simply answer this question,we had our chance in 16 and 17 century. reason polish Lithuanian commonwealth collapsed,was terrible social-economic system.
this so called noble democracy.with elected king with no power
lack of centralized power,nobility very often working against the state ect.Poland was declining and degenerating since late 15 century when privileges for nobility were first implemented.similar thing happened in Ottoman empire.both countries become sick man of europe

just as example how mad that state was.do you know that armed rebellions were legal in polish commonwealth?at some point there were 1000-ts rebellions a year.

or situation with army...since polish nobles were liable to pay for the army but King was commander of it,both parties hostile to each other. this create situation that nobility was doing everything it could to make sure that Poland had no standing army .reason ,cus it cost them and second cus they were afraid of too powerful King

there were many sick and degradation ideas such as liberum veto-paralyzing reforms ,or king elections-very often rigged with corruption
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
9 Jan 2019 /  #168
You know, the fact that tiny (though very wealthy) Saxony managed to get the Polish throne twice is both quite telling and hilarious.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jan 2019 /  #169
Almost all the royal houses were related to each other - poles to hungarians, Germans to russian, French to british, etc. The fact that they were all basically family didn't prevent them from ruthlessly killing each other.

And where is Saxony and the rest of German today? They might as well be ruled by the house of saud.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
9 Jan 2019 /  #170
Where does this "exodus" of polish Jews during th 60s fit in?

Hmm in Soviet strategy devised in Moscow. Same like 'exodus' of Polish jews during late 40'.

to simply answer this question,

What question? Ah the big Russia versus Poland? I don't think you need to go back to 16th century. While we are on it I would like to briefly adders this point. Democratic governments are by definition inefficient. It is so Much more true without the modern technology. Facing authoritarian centralized tyrannies is a only one of many complex issue. Short handing it like you did - doesn't explain anything. Thing is Commonwealth kept electing foreign nobles who had no understanding or knowledge of the Polish system and customs (with one or two exception) - thus lie the crux of the matter. Beside like Ottomans cutting off 'the silk road" effectively cutting Poland off far east trade. Like a climate change that undermanned further Polish agriculture based economy, and so on...

Alas, Poland is not weaker than Russia. At the moment Russia has bigger military and nukes. Economically distance is not that great. In 1920 so about 100 years ago Poland was the one stronger. In WWII Russia need Germany to conquer Poland. Same in 1793 Prussia And Russia not Russia alone.

So the OP premise is rather silly. what is now can be something else in the future.
Wincig  2 | 225  
9 Jan 2019 /  #171
And where is Saxony and the rest of German today?

They are ruling the UK
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Jan 2019 /  #172
Germans to russian,

Actually it's the other way around...the Russians are related to the german blue bloods (Catherine the Great was prussian)....as are most european royals.

....following are of German descent:

Royal Family of Belgium
Royal Family of United Kingdom
Royal Family of Denmark
Royal Family of Liechtenstein
Royal Family of Luxembourg (Now Italian House of Bourbon-Parma but historically Germanic House of Nassau)
Royal Family of Holland
Royal Family of Norway

....In the past German House of Habsburg has even ruled Spain & Mexico. Hohenzollerns ruled Romania. German houses also ruled Greece and some other countries....

Lyzko  44 | 9713  
9 Jan 2019 /  #173
...as well as to the ancient Swedes.. Rurik was actually a Slav:-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
9 Jan 2019 /  #174
More German superiority from BB..... LOL!!!!
You just can't stop these Germans can you?
Once they have an idea in their heads......it's all donner und blitzen!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Jan 2019 /  #175
You just can't stop these Germans can you?

I can't help it...it's all facts! :)

I keep posting such things also to comfort the Dirk's of this forum who seem to be so incredibly concerned about the coming doom of the german people to show that this is an unnecessary worry...Germans are just everywhere (even if not always in name)...we can't die out or be overtaken, heh:)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
9 Jan 2019 /  #176
BB you are either seriously deluded,or live out in the sticks and out of touch.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Jan 2019 /  #177
Well...I have the stats to support my opinion...you have?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
9 Jan 2019 /  #178
But you miss the point....lies,damn lies and statistics.....stats are the biggest lie of all.....
You have nothing but your opinions and use lies to back them up.
I just have my opinions,I don't need lies to back them up.....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Jan 2019 /  #179
Well..when you state your opinion that the moon is made up of blueberry yoghurt and I find only stats and facts pointing out, proving something totally different...nun ja...as much as I like you and think you are a really great guy...ummm....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jan 2019 /  #180
I love you both and that ping-pong is fun to watch. In the meantime, the white race is really getting f***ed, here and in Europe.

We should invite some Muslims to this forum, or their misguided proxies, to re-direct our debating energy and a good reason to unite.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia?Archived