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Why is Poland weaker than Russia?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
7 Jan 2019 /  #121
Dirk is right on every point he made now. I know because I actually lived in the Jew-controlled Poland and remember the days of the Jewish exodus in 196x. It was massive. Some left their PZPR ID's stuck in the s*** they deliberately did not flush.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
7 Jan 2019 /  #122
No he isn't, and you too ought to be skeptical of easy answers!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jan 2019 /  #123
Not every single Polish Jew was a shtettl-bound Yeshiva bruchar, some unwashed, illiterate bumpkin

You're right. The more assimilated and opportunistic preferred to collaborate with whichever occupying force happened to be present

So you deny that Jews were overrepresented in the Ub/Sb, didn't collaborate with bolsheviks and soviets (and even Nazis) and aren't overrepresented in many governments especially the US today?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Jan 2019 /  #124
No he isn't, and you too ought to be skeptical of easy answers!

I am. Like, if the US hands over a trillion or two to some parasites at UN or in Brussels, climate will quit changing.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
8 Jan 2019 /  #125
I know because I actually lived in the Jew-controlled Poland and remember the days of the Jewish exodus in 196x. It was massive.

That is an oxymoron....how can Poland have been ever "Jew-controlled" when they were forced to flee the country?

I'm still awed at how many of them chose Germany as their new home...not even a generation after the holocaust!
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
8 Jan 2019 /  #126
Good one, Bratwurst Boy. Two points!
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
8 Jan 2019 /  #128
That's just what Daniel and Eva said, my two travelling partners in Germany:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jan 2019 /  #129
.how can Poland have been ever "Jew-controlled" when they were forced to flee the country?

Well it was in the years following WW2 up until the 50's with their power gone by 68. Zydokomuna is no myth....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Jan 2019 /  #130
Thanks for doing it so I don't have to.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
8 Jan 2019 /  #131
Zydokomuna is no myth....

I always wonder how such a mighty people which controls just everything and sits on the gold no less get's itself always killed and expelled so easily...
Spike31  3 | 1485  
8 Jan 2019 /  #132
There's a difference between fanatical anti-semitism and discussing historical facts which involve a group of Jewish people and their [documented] actions.

Not every single instance of criticizing them is "anti-semitism". Abusing this term will only lead to its inflation.

We are allowed to criticize Germans, Poles, Russians, Jews as long as they do wrong things. And we can also freely discuss their past actions.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
8 Jan 2019 /  #133
There's actually a long history of Jewish people supporting political ideas or movements that turn out to be.... not good for the Jews.

Communism and extremely open refugee policies are included in this. The ideas don't have to be bad, you might also mention Jewish support for the Civil Rights movement, which in many ways was good and noble but also ended up.... strengthening anti-Semitic feelings among American Blacks (which runs very deep).
bolek_tusk  3 | 156  
8 Jan 2019 /  #134
Soviet Union won WW2

According to the Russians, when did WW2 start? Only after they fell out with Nazi Germany, did they become 'allies'. Like Nazi Germany they invaded Poland in September 1939 and soon afterwards murdered 40,000 Polish officers in Katyn. With 'allies' like that who needs enemies. And yet who provided the fourth largest armed forces in Europe against Germany.

From a modern day perspective it's fairly accurate to say that Germany won WW2, after all the EU should be considered as Greater Germany.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
8 Jan 2019 /  #135
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus aren't in EU yet, but if they would then power of Germany as EU economic center probably will grow many times. And maybe even exceed that of USA in some senses.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jan 2019 /  #136
he ideas don't have to be bad, you might also mention Jewish support for the Civil Rights movement

The Jews basically invented the civil rights movement in the US - it merely had black figureheads. Same with the feminist movement.

A Jew could walk through the worst neighborhood of NYC counting stacks in public and no one will try to rob him because they know they'll get charged with not only a robbery but also a hate crime. Any NYC black will tell you that jews are totally off limits - especially in Crown Heights.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Jan 2019 /  #137
Not every single instance of criticizing them is "anti-semitism". Abusing this term will only lead to its inflation.

...and always meant to end a discussion, not to advance it. Just like the claims that one is a racist or a xenophobe. Then, even numbers, like the FBI stats, are hateful.

Only after they fell out with Nazi Germany, did they become 'allies'

I never claimed that the Soviets were allies. They were the enemy of my enemy and, therefore, helpful. Big difference.
Allies or not, by D-Day, the war was over and it was so thanks to the Soviets who had no choice but to fight it. The American war with the Japs was purely elective and, thus, totally avoidable since no liberation of "America" was at stake, as it was with the USSR. To see all the Americans killed "liberating" some God-forsaken islands in the Pacific is gut wrenching.

No, I am not a Russian but I can set the the emotions aside (Katyn included) and give credit where it is due.
Crow  155 | 9700  
8 Jan 2019 /  #138
Russia have its national Church. Poland should also have its national Church. In case of Poland that`ll be Polish Catholic Church. It would make Poland stronger. Without it Poland isn`t even independent. In fact, Poland is subjugated by default.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Jan 2019 /  #139
Russia have its national Church. Poland should also have its national Church. In case of Poland that`ll be Polish Catholic Church.

You were doing fine until the last two words. "Catholic" means Vatican, the last place on earth I would go for advise, directives or commands. A cesspool of kid-raping fags and Marxist idiots like the current pope will not be able to deliver any of that because they have no clue how to manage their own house. They are merely in business of lying to the gullible masses about miracles and crap like this and collect a lot money in the process. Lately, they need it badly to shut up the victims and for lawyers.

Thanks for this opportunity, Crow.
bolek_tusk  3 | 156  
8 Jan 2019 /  #140
Allies or not, by D-Day, the war was over and it was so thanks to the Soviets who had no choice but to fight it.

Those nice Soviets who during Warsaw uprising of 1944 just camped on the east bank of the Vistula and laughed as the Polish forces fought the Germans and would not even allow US planes to drop supplies to help the Poles. If the Soviets had helped, the Germans would have been defeated much more quickly. In any case the AK did play a significant part in defeating Germany, it wasn't just the Soviets alone, a fact that is almost unrecognised in the teaching of the history of WWII.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
8 Jan 2019 /  #141
In case of Poland that`ll be Polish Catholic Church.

It already exists in two versions (one in Poland, one in the US)

Neither has ever really caught on...

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Jan 2019 /  #142
Those nice Soviets who during Warsaw uprising of 1944 just camped on the east bank of the Vistula and laughed as the Polish forces fought the Germans ....

You are adding meaningless words nobody used before. Soviets were never nice. They were Soviets. Were the Americans nice in Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq? The word stupid comes to mind faster than nice.

The Warsaw Uprising was the dumbest thing ever and was meant as an anti-Soviet move. How many Poles had to die for a political objective of having a government in place when the Soviet tanks were expected to roll through Warsaw? I almost did but luckily ended up in a camp in Hamburg unhurt. Lucky me.

In any case the AK did play a significant part in defeating Germany

You have got to be kidding. "Significant" in the context of the billions spent by the US and the millions of dead Russians? What are the numbers that make AK "significant"? I read somewhere that just to liberate Kolobrzeg, the Soviet losses were close to 100,000, but I could be wrong. I wasn't there to see.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
8 Jan 2019 /  #143
Right again, Maf!

Even read that a certain German-Jewish family, highly assimilated and "Germanicized", although Jewish in origin, namely the Bechsteins - the piano people, wanted to try to make a deal with Hitler to spare them and their family.

Might be true, then it might not be.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jan 2019 /  #144
There were numerous cases of Jewish collaboration - judenrate, Stella goldschlag, chaim rumkowski, Jewish ghetto police, etc.

Fact is, Jews killed more of their own in Nazi occupied Poland than Poles did during pogroms. Yet the zionists and Aipac ass kissers dare claim were the ones distorting history....
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
8 Jan 2019 /  #145
There were numerous cases of Jewish collaboration

Numerous cases of Polish collaboration too, allegedly..........
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jan 2019 /  #146
Yes, and they resulted in a fraction of the deaths Jews did to their own people and a fraction of the deaths Jewish Ub/Sb agents, bolshevik/Soviet sympathizers and red army collaborators did to Poles. Furthermore, Jews like Stella kubler would were paid by Nazis to seek out Poles hiding and helping Jews.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
8 Jan 2019 /  #147
In the case of the Jews, it was often a question of kill or be killed.

The Judenraete mistakenly believed, as did Chamberlain, that Hitler could be negotiated withLOL
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jan 2019 /  #148
Excuses excuses. Same could be said of Poles with kill or be killed. Yet they managed to save exponentially more Jews than died at the pogroms.

No killed or be killed excuse could be used with Jewish collaboration with the red army, bolsheviks and their extreme use of violence as Sb/Ub agents.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
8 Jan 2019 /  #149
Yet they managed to save exponentially more Jews than died at the pogroms.

I think you would have problems citing the figures for that claim.

Jewish collaboration with the red army, bolsheviks

Of course a great many of them sympathised with communism. So would you if you lived in such poverty. And so did Poles. The Polish communist party was founded in Sosnowiec in the 1920s, unless my memory fails me:)
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
8 Jan 2019 /  #150
Had the Jews not attempted to curry favor with Nazi higher-ups, who knows what might have happened to them:-) Collaboration is NEVER a fitting excuse, be it among gentiles or Jews!!

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