That's interesting. Could you describe in detail mechanism of this exploitation? And provide links to some trustworthy info?
Where do you think you are? On some scientific seminar exploring areas of interest? lol!
This is forum - you can tell your opinion and you can listen to other people views.
BY the way - why would I do your homework for you for free? I'll do it and you stop posting for three or four days to be back to the same lines as if nothing happened. I remember you from ATP so cut the crap.
Why don't you simply admit, Ironside, that your English is often faulty, full of GoogleTranslate, and needs work?
Dude my English is sufficient for this forum. I don't know what is your issue and I don't care. I just point out to you your the most outrageous and false periconception you post in here. I write in the same way in Polish. If I don't go over my post to check it. there are lots of linguistic and stylistic errors.
It is because I write here on the fly AH I don't use Google translate nor dictionary.
So what? Your English sounds as if it were your second language so don't be so sly.
Soviet Union won WW2 and saved many American lives in Europe
hmm.. sucked up a lot of money and resources to protect Europe, and other places, not to mention that it cost a lot of American soldier life in Korea, Vietnam and other places.
To sum it up - your argument doesn't add up.