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Why is Poland weaker than Russia?

dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
3 Jan 2019 /  #31

Yes vlad social nationalism , communism same thing, Hitler, Stalin more than happy to make a pact to carve up cultured Poland, barbarians for sure.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
3 Jan 2019 /  #32
Russian culture have not influenced Polish culture in any significant way. Even when it was brutally enforced on Poles.

Did Russian brutally enforced on Poles Dostoyevsky and Pushkin?..
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
3 Jan 2019 /  #33
By the same token, how would the average kulak have reacted if conversely dictatorially exposed to Mickiewicz or Slowiacki?
One man's lit is another man's poison.:-)

If death by boredom be one's ultimate fate, imagine any one of Chopin's weaker works being imposed on helpless mouzhiki??
gumishu  15 | 6228  
3 Jan 2019 /  #34
Did Russian brutally enforced on Poles Dostoyevsky and Pushkin?..

Vlad - ever heard of the Polish Operation of NKVD in the later part of the 30's - Soviets haven't bothered with enforcing Russian poets on the targeted populace - they prefered shooting them in the heads and burying the bodies in mass graves - this was before the WWII ever started - about 100 000 Polish people mostly men fell victim - females and children on the other hand were sent to the wilderness of Siberia or Kazakhstan

older and more educated Poles also remember how Soviet Union sucked upon Polish People's Republic - it lasted well into the 80's
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
4 Jan 2019 /  #35
...shoving Mao's Little Red Book down unsuspecting throats.....UGGHHH! Sounds at first glance nearly as vile as being force fed "Mein Kampf".
Spike31  3 | 1485  
4 Jan 2019 /  #36
Some people like to pretend that Hitler was a communist.

Hitler wasn't a communist but a socialist. National socialist to be precise. Right now in Europe we've got a plenty of international socialist politicians.

Nevertheless, their economical views are much closer to that of a Hitler than of any [real] right-wing conservationists such us Reagan or Thatcher .
Spike31  3 | 1485  
4 Jan 2019 /  #37
...shoving Mao's Little Red Book down unsuspecting throats.....UGGHHH! Sounds at first glance nearly as vile as being force fed "Mein Kampf".

Lyzko, let's not forget than a Chinese "Cultural Revolution" have swallowed lives of 10 000 000 people in the People's Republic of China. Communism was as deadly as Hitlerism.
4 Jan 2019 /  #38
Btw, while I have lived a long time in Perzalka in Bratislava, I'm actually Bulgarian.
I understand a lot of Slovak, but also get the main meaning of someone talking in Polish when hearing it. I find the Polish way of putting stress sounds better.

Slovak, Czech, Serbian and Croatian all put the stress usually on the first syllable which to me sounds weird.
Polish therefore to me sounds more pleasant. :) However, reading it is so hard compared to Slovak and Czech (although I personally don't like the hachek ˇ, a dot or line would look better).

When it comes to understanding, Czech is the hardest for me to understand from the Western Slavic branch and they have changed a lot of things there.

Anyway, back to original topic, Poland is stronger than Russia in economy, as it uses its resources more efficiently and doesn't rely solely on extraction and elements. It has a more active/efficient industry. However, Russia is of course bigger in land and population and therefore stronger politically, which is normal.

Bulgarian (and Macedonian) have no cases as they were removed. You could say they're the least conservative Slavic langages. However, we have a definite & indefinite articles which substitutes for some cases. Old Bulgaian used to have 7 cases.
Tacitus  2 | 1269  
4 Jan 2019 /  #39
Hitler wasn't a communist but a socialist. National socialist to be precise.

The NSDAP was socialist in name only to attract underclass voters. Those who had genuin socialist ideas were purged in 1934 during the night of the long knives.

Hitler received so much support by the wealthy conservative elite because he was so outspokenly anticommunist and pledged to preserve the old social order.

It is astounding how this view is still repeated so often, despite the fact that it is so easily refutable. The only explanation is that some people want to see Hitler as a socialist because of their political agenda.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
4 Jan 2019 /  #40
To me it looks like the "new left" did a good job since WWII at depicting Hitler and NSDAP as a "right wing" despite the fact that most economical ideas of nazis were socialist to begin with.

The Nazi State is not a "bourgeois" but a "Socialist" State, on the strength of which it can afford to prevent workers from defending their own interests.

Aurel Kolnai, The War Against the West (1938)

excessive quotes

There's much more of this material if you're interested.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jan 2019 /  #41
The NSDAP was socialist in name only to attract underclass voters

But...how should they know? Did you ever take a look at the party program?


Alot of these 25 points would be totally agreeable for many not only on the left side today too...
gregy741  5 | 1226  
4 Jan 2019 /  #42
there is no doubt that Nazis were leftist trash...no matter how laud leftist libtards try to hide it.
not only todays libtards share same ideology,but also behavior-hate for freedom of speech,liberty,and love to control society,prosecute people for having different opinion,violence.

libtards are todays Nazis.totalitarian scum. clear to see.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Jan 2019 /  #44
hate for freedom of speech,liberty,and love to control society,prosecute people for having different opinion

So, PiS are leftist trash in your book?

They hate freedom of speech (hence trying to prosecute people for saying "I'm pissed off"), they hate liberty (rushed through surveillance laws), they love to control society (centralising everything) and so on.
cms neuf  2 | 1943  
4 Jan 2019 /  #45
Well it is a hilarious portmanteau of liberals and retards - of course if Gregy ever met a "retard" or their parents in real life he would not have the balls to use that language to their face.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jan 2019 /  #46
Actually the welfare they (PiS) shuck out for families and children is very socialist....and that "for polish families and children only" to make the polish people grow is very nationalist....to what makes them that?
Tacitus  2 | 1269  
4 Jan 2019 /  #47
right wing" despite the fact that most economical ideas of nazis were socialist to begin with.

On paper perhaps and if you selectively quote them. Goebbels for example admired Lenin because of his demagogic talent and deemed his way to power as an example (Hitler on the other way admired Mussolini more).

Something to generally keep in mind that back then it was way more acceptable for even right-wing conservatives that the state should play a large part in the economy. The Nazis however were mostly content with leaving the industry in the hands of their current owner, only telling them what they needed for the future (especially for the army).

They enacted a few token social laws to appease the lower- and middle class, but they did so for the same reason as Bismarck once had done, to get their agreement for the new order. The communists and social democrats were in 1933 and later the biggest possible opposition to them, and the Nazis feared nothing more than something like the Spartacus uprising. So naturally they'll try to neutralize this source of discontent. Again, this is basic history. Communist dictatorships have already enough blood on their hands to show how bad of an odea they are, there is no need to artificially add Hitler to the list.

But...how should they know? Did you ever take a look at the party program?

Well, the German Wikipedia makes a better job of explaining that the party program from 1925 became quickly obsolete afterwards. It had the same role as the Weimar constitution after 1933. Pro forma it still counted, but nobody cared and it was deliberately ignored when necessary.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jan 2019 /  #48
Well, the German Wikipedia makes a better job of explaining that the party program from 1925 became quickly obsolete afterwards.

Yeah...well...that they have in common with alot of politicians and party's. The socialist GDR wasn't what they promised either.

But IMHO the NSDAP surfed big time on the leftist/socialist wave...not only in the name..
Tacitus  2 | 1269  
4 Jan 2019 /  #49
Perhaps to some degree, but considering how important rich buisnessmen were to the Nazi's economic goals, it can not have been too much. The problem is that there are still many myths about the Nazi's economic policies.

Many Germans for example still believe that the Nazi's reduced unemployment through large infrastructure projects like the Autobahnen. While those did exist, they had only neglible impacts. As some recent historians pointed out, only shortly before the war broke out did the average income reach pre 1929 figures. The main reason why the Nazis are credited with stabilizibg the economy are a) they benefited from the previous governments' work and b) they no longer published unemployment figures/falsified them.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
4 Jan 2019 /  #50
loving seeing two Germans quarrelling on NSDAP - the one more idiotic is of course Tacitus - completely blind individual
Tacitus  2 | 1269  
4 Jan 2019 /  #51
Everyone has their blind spots.
That being said, I consider myself fairly knowledgeable on the Third Reich and unlike some people here, I have this knowledge from history books that have actually done some research on this. I am always open for corrections but not on the basis of "The Nazis were Socialists because they called themselves National Sozialists". Because that is something anyone who has read even a single decent history book can refute.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
4 Jan 2019 /  #52
I happen to live in the area of Poland where the social programmes of NSDAP are very tangibly observable (in the area of Opole) to this day in the form of dozens of houses built in the same pattern (every village here has at least a couple) - maybe core German provinces don't have them I don't know
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
4 Jan 2019 /  #53
Poland traditionally had neither the natural resources nor the manufacturing development of Russia. Poland's geopolitical location as a buffer state has been her strength, from before the Cold War up until now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jan 2019 /  #54
Many Germans for example still believe that the Nazi's reduced unemployment through large infrastructure projects like the Autobahnen.

The Nazi system wasn't sustainable, that too they had in common with all socialist ideals.

Hence the wars, one big job creation scheme for the many unemployed....Hitler needed the wars to avoid to be found out, to gain the profits to pay for all this, to keep the men busy...that's why all the alternative history guys are so dead wrong when they fantasize about a victorious Third Reich...there would never have been an "Endsieg"....the outcome was unavoidable.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
5 Jan 2019 /  #55
Rather clinically, not to mention cynically put, Bratwurst Boy, but you're probably correct about that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
5 Jan 2019 /  #56
Clinically, yes...also abit emotionally distant with the hindsight of nearly 100 years...but never cynically.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
5 Jan 2019 /  #57
The Nazi system wasn't sustainable

A "1000 year" IIIrd Reich would economically collapse in 1940 had they not started the war in 1939 [a leap forward]. Germans wanted to emulate ancient Rome but their creation looked more like the USSR in 1989...

Ironside  51 | 13086  
5 Jan 2019 /  #58
nd that "for polish families and children only"

in fact legal immigrants in Poland even if they don't have citizenship are getting it too. Its kind of defies its purpose. It was meant to stop demographic decline in Poland.

Plus their children are getting the same benefits and perks as citizens of the county and I'm not even talking about EU nationals here. Like WTF?

Well, I guess everyone sees what they what to see, almost everyone that is.

Poland traditionally had neither the natural resources nor the manufacturing development of Russia

Dude what are you even talking about? Where are you getting this crap from? From totalitarian, tyrannical regimes like Russia and Prussia that went on propaganda campaign to justify their policy of conquest against Poland? What the hell is wrong with you? eh? A Russian stodge are you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
5 Jan 2019 /  #59
Like WTF?

Not out of love of these immigrants and their children, for sure!

That are called EU-Laws, Iron....and no wonder PiS isn't daring to touch them. Just imagine all those millions of Poles all over Europe, living and working in all EU member states cutted off from the welfare of their host nations too as in retaliation...now that would be for sure not a vote-getter.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
5 Jan 2019 /  #60
"Stooge" (szpieg) not "stodge", IronsideLOL Your English still needs plenty of work.

Stop being a contrarian and admit that I'm right. Sure Poland has coal, forests and the best apples on the continent. Her size and abundance can't even begin to compare with that of her big neighbor to the East, the single largest landmass on earth:-)

Don't let your Polish pride interfere with the truth.

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