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Why is Poland weaker than Russia?

Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #331
didn't kill close to 25 thousand the day before and deported 125,000 opponents

Maybe even blankets contaminated with smallpox given to Tatars was little bit overkill?
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 Apr 2019 /  #332
Russian government talk about self-determination is hilarious....

Russia lies like others breathe.
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #333
Everyone know this, but nobody have enough discipline to stop breathe.
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 Apr 2019 /  #334
Just as Russia lies more and more as it fails as a state.
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #335
I often read SF books about time loops and wormholes to other reality lines. But looks like I just found one by myself. ;)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
7 Apr 2019 /  #336
Russia lies like others breathe.

You mean like Obama?
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 Apr 2019 /  #337

The whole place is a giant Ponzi scheme dependent on minerals and hydrocarbons increasingly available cheaper elsewhere.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
7 Apr 2019 /  #338
I often read SF books about time loops and wormholes to other reality lines.

The Russia haters are a funny lot. You could produce a truckload of notarized sworn statements under oath from every single referendum participant and these idiots will still tell you with straight face that Russia "annexed" Crimea.

It looks like Russia hate is a global mental disorder. We have that here in the US as a handy explanation for everything, elections included. Just like global warming.

I wonder if I just committed a federal felony by "colluding" with you? You are in Moscow, right?
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #339
Near Moscow right now. Near SVO airport.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Apr 2019 /  #340
Just to point out: Poland doesn't recognise the 'referendum' in Crimea, the result or the annexation by Russia.
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #341
hydrocarbons increasingly available cheaper elsewhere

We all already heard about US LNG that is 0.3 times cheaper than russian natural gas.

Just to point out: Poland doesn't recognise the 'referendum' in Crimea, the result or the annexation by Russia.

This makes our lives much harder. Even sunlight somewhat darker over Russia due to lack of Polish recognition of Crimean referendum.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
7 Apr 2019 /  #342
Russia is shaking in its boots. I can hear it from here.

BTW, you have those quotes misplaced. There was a referendum. No shots fired. Nobody died. In fact, Eddie Kennedy killed more people than the Russian army in Crimea.

There was no "annexation". Only in the minds of the Russia hating idiots and the Polish government.
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 Apr 2019 /  #343
Just to point out: Poland doesn't recognise the 'referendum' in Crimea, the result or the annexation by Russia.

Of course not. And Putin's facelift almost splits open whenever he thinks of the new gas fields that are opening up...
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #344
facelift almost splits open whenever he thinks

How it is scary to live in this world. They have not only a high-resolution camera constantly watching Putin, but also an implant in his brain that broadcasts all thoughts in a real time.
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 Apr 2019 /  #345
How it is scary to live in this world.

When countries have the misfortune to be near Russia, it can be scary indeed...

have not only a high-resolution camera constantly watching Putin

You can see his facelift a mile off. Botox too; he's got a really waxy look like Lenin's corpse.
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #346
When countries have the misfortune to be near Russia, it can be scary indeed...

Sad to say, but Russia have no plan to dissolve in a thin air, or disappear by any other mean. So, either you have to learn how to live as a good neighbour (just like Finland done pretty quickly), either prepare to be deeply disappointed.
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 Apr 2019 /  #347
Russia have no plan to

It isn't about what they plan.

you have to learn how

Nobody is interested in learning what Russia wants them to do. Poland above all.
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #348
Nobody will spend part of their life to teach those, who prefer to learn hard way, repeating same mistakes once and once again.

Everyone have their very personal way to hell.
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 Apr 2019 /  #349
Russia certainly repeats their mistakes.
Velund  1 | 497  
7 Apr 2019 /  #350
Can you name a few, most important ones?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Apr 2019 /  #351
When countries have the misfortune to be near Russia, it can be scary indeed...

Living next to Germany is a bliss because Poland can happily offload its underemployed.

Can you name a few, most important ones?

You are funny! How dare you ask such questions! This is a hit-and-run bunch and asking questions is out of line.
Instead, innuendos and implications without facts are the preferred methods.

The funniest part is the anti-US and Trump crap. At the same time, sticking it to Russia while counting that the US will defend Poland at the risk of a nuclear exchange. Of course, they don't remember that the USSR was arming North Vietnam and Vietcong to eventually defeat the US and that the US did absolutely nothing about the Soviet shipments of arms to them.
Velund  1 | 497  
8 Apr 2019 /  #352
How dare you ask such questions!

Russians are lost most of their sense of fear. If someone will dare to ask to choose between horrible end and endless horror - answer will be "horrible end". ;) For both, if necessary, but preferably for those who ask.... ;)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Apr 2019 /  #353
Velund, please tell me that the Russian army is not a social experiment with gays and the transgenders in need of reproductive organ alterations. I need to believe that the Western insanity didn't spread to you yet. If it has already reached Russia, please, lie.

BTW, I am again waiting for your May 9 parade. It's great to see your guys and the Americans as allies
Velund  1 | 497  
8 Apr 2019 /  #354
Unfortunately, Israeli's american colony is not a ally of Russia anymore.

And with a limited defense budget, Russia cannot afford all those gayish toys, like separate mobile toilets for all three sexes on the edge of each battlefield.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
8 Apr 2019 /  #355
So, either you have to learn how to live as a good neighbour

You first! When has Russia ever been a good neighbor to any country unfortunate enough to find itself in close proximity to it?

Russia hasn't fundamentally changed since the tsars... it's all rule by tyrants (whether tsar, party secretary or whatever job Putin's given himself) and a docile serf population that suffers what it must from the predatory elite of the country...

Please stick to the topic, everyone
Velund  1 | 497  
8 Apr 2019 /  #356
Agree. They have no recipe how to make Poland stronger, so they discussing how to make Russia weaker. And how to bury Lenin body as well. ;)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
8 Apr 2019 /  #357
Fvck Lenin, but how would you address the question of Putin interchanging the top post in Russia with Medvedev? You conveniently skipped that question over ...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
8 Apr 2019 /  #358
I remember when the US was ready to start WW3 over the Soviet rockets in Cuba. Today, the US and NATO in Poland is so cool.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
8 Apr 2019 /  #359
They have no recipe how to make Poland stronger

Poland is already pretty strong with much lower levels of social stratification and corruption and is integrated into European and NATO defense structures....

how to make Russia weaker

Russia makes itself weaker, the Russian people have tremendous potential with massive amounts of (as yet unrealized) educational and cultural and social capital but tend to throw it all away through their inability to govern themselves by any means but tyranny and corruption... then they try to make up for that with a belligerent attitude towards other countries. So sad...
Velund  1 | 497  
9 Apr 2019 /  #360
but how would you address the question of Putin interchanging the top post in Russia with Medvedev?

Seems legal, and quite similar to Bush-Clinton-Bush sequence that is not questioned.

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