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Watch Poland grow and shrink (interactive map)

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
2 Jan 2011 /  #31
Always the easy choice ehh? ;p
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Jan 2011 /  #33

Looks like malignant tumor treated by X-rays.
grubas  12 | 1382  
6 Jan 2011 /  #34
Why would you need such a big country?

Because we need more Lebensraum.Should not be hard to understand to a German.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
10 Jan 2011 /  #35
We would like to hear how the population of Denmark, Italy, Portugal or Belgium

10 Jan 2011 /  #36
Poland's losses in WW2, percentage-wise, were higher than Russian losses.

*but of course, compared to the countries I mentioned, Russia suffered enormous losses*
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
10 Jan 2011 /  #37
Poland's losses in WW2, percentage-wise, were higher than Russian losses.

You might have ment Israil, for mostly these victims, from Polish side, had been of jewish origin.
10 Jan 2011 /  #38
1. Poland in 1939 had 35 million people.
2. 3 million Jews were murdered in Poland during WW2.
3. Poland in 1945 had 23 million people.

Now, you're a smart boy - do the maths and stop talking nonsense.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
10 Jan 2011 /  #39
You might have ment Israil, for mostly these victims, from Polish side, had been of jewish origin.

They were Polish citizens of Jewish origin, and some day, Jewish citizens of Israel will be Polish citizens once again. We count dead as Polish, why shouldn't we count alive as such, aren't people worth more alive than dead?
10 Jan 2011 /  #40
Very good point!

They were all citizens of Poland, no matter their religion, but even if we count followers
of Judaism separately, it still doesn't make Constantine's statement...

mostly these victims, from Polish side, had been of jewish origin

...true. Polish losses among non-Jewish population were equally high.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
10 Jan 2011 /  #41
They were Polish citizens of Jewish origin, and some day, Jewish citizens of Israel will be Polish citizens once again.

Ah, that is why all these generous Poles haunted remaining Jews after WWII ! I see, well done.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
10 Jan 2011 /  #42
Your knowledge of Poland's history is enormous, but a bit distorted. "These generous Poles" were actually Soviet agents, we do not have anything in common with them. Aren't you now ashamed of Russia's Soviet past?
milky  13 | 1656  
10 Jan 2011 /  #43
So Poland's "population", is now seriously shrinking due to a cowboy government and the phony free-market..
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Jan 2011 /  #44
In all former communist lands the population is shrinking.In Poland's case immigration is the main reason.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
10 Jan 2011 /  #45
Your knowledge of Poland's history is enormous, but a bit distorted.

There is no doubt that all wrongs were done actually by agents! Simply holy Poles are...holy. They are so holy that having pooped they produce only sweet butterflies.
milky  13 | 1656  
10 Jan 2011 /  #46
In Poland's case immigration is the main reason.

and when Germany opens border,will it be flooded with Poles looking for an easier more democratic society.
10 Jan 2011 /  #47
when Germany opens border

Last time I checked the German border was open. Unless you meant the job-market.
In that case, no, I don't think Germany will be "flooded" with Poles. Most of those who
wanted to go abroad, already did since 2004 (and many of them came back already.)
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Jan 2011 /  #48
Current socioeconomic trends lead to a severe decrease in slavic populations.It can be worrying.
When Germany opens the gates Poles will immigrate in mass since german economy is the only one with dynamism in Europe now.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
10 Jan 2011 /  #49
imply holy Poles are...holy.

Odor sanctitatis
milky  13 | 1656  
10 Jan 2011 /  #50
Most of those who
wanted to go abroad, already did since 2004 (and many of them came back already.)

Well children and students would hardly go, back in 2004. I reckon Germany will be flooded as the Polish government are happy to sit on their hand,while the population argue about moral issues.
10 Jan 2011 /  #51
I reckon Germany will be flooded

So, how many people from Poland, do you reckon will go to Germany this year?
What will this "flood" look like in numbers? Make a guess and we'll soon see how
precise your prediction turns out.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Jan 2011 /  #52
2011 will be the start of the Pol-Turk era as the polish girls will discover the 3 million sex starved Turks in Germany.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Watch Poland grow and shrink (interactive map)Archived