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EU or Russian Empire, who taking/took more from Poland and Poles?

OP Crow  155 | 9736  
28 Oct 2010 /  #31
About EU

its all about Greater Germania and Co. It now feed Poland with `investments`. Later, it would come to profit from those `investments`
sascha  1 | 824  
28 Oct 2010 /  #32
We know what they have been given (generally good things) but taken away?

Dignity? Identity? Pride?

28 Oct 2010 /  #33
I think the secret supper club scene would go down well in PL, they pay the flat fee and its byo.

thebear45  1 | 66  
28 Oct 2010 /  #34
i think rossiya.. but they are just bit*CHes. anyway, eu is good organ.y the hate??
polends, u r getin free cash, y hate???!

anywayz, albania is bigger ally to polend then da 2.

come to albania..!!
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
28 Oct 2010 /  #35
Dignity? Identity? Pride?


well noticed. After Polish-Russian collision, Poles were spiritually stronger. We shall see what would be spiritual outcome of Polish-EU clash.
20 Mar 2011 /  #36
About 600 billions USD (american billion is european milliard) was pumped out from Poland to EU in years 1991-2001 as result of preparations for future Polish membership in EU.

Source? Many, for example this old and quite good text (for other sources, try Google with proper key words):

- patriota.pl/169_polska_doplaci_do_unii_europejskiej_80_miliardow_euro

- direct links are forbidden here to me as guest.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
20 Mar 2011 /  #37
....and not to forget the Jews. You surely want to say that those EU-bloodsuckers are all Jews anyhow...am I right?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
20 Mar 2011 /  #38
....and not to forget the Jews.

don't forget the Serbs, they took more than anyone else (lol)
20 Mar 2011 /  #39
....and not to forget the Jews. You surely want to say that those EU-bloodsuckers are all Jews anyhow...am I right?

Of course. :-) But not "all Jews anyhow". Many of them are Germans, just Jewish servants and slaves :-)

BTW and OT: in other topic here, you are quite silent after my post regarding genetics of Indoeuropeans, Slavs and Germans as to the genetic haplogroup R1A1... :-) ;-)

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