AMEN! What a great post!
Nail right on the head there!
Crumbs,I shall have to post more during the day,Mr angry tends to come out more at night :)
But at least you can get a decent pint when you're in London....
Aye lad,but has tha seen t'prices, tha cud buy thee sel' a barn full 'finest racin' pidgins this side uv ilkely moor....
I also believe isthatu2 has a good point, that here in the States those further removed from their roots can be the most vocal and yet the most uninformed about current things in the old country.
Thanks,though I claim no first hand experience of the States ( but NYC and,Cajun country are on my destination wish list :) ) but its an impresion I get.
Im Scottish born and proud of it,Im also half irish but in this part of England thats hardly an exception,the same as if Id been part Polish,it just wouldnt mark me out,and didnt so beyond getting a bit rowdy watching Braveheart or an England v Scotland Soccer/Rugby game Im about as "Scots" as Bernie Mac and as "Irish" as Barak O'bama...and would never dream of wearing a Kilt except at a wedding where as Ive seen first hand the north american families walking round edinburgh decked out in full "clan tarten" and talking about "english sasenachs" :)
Its understandable and quite sweet when its innocent affection or even afectation,its only when someone adopts a nationality or "roots" who already has the addition of a rather hatefull personality that problems come up.
re the returning stuff. There has to be a cut off point or where will t all end?
Do I get back a strip of land stolen from one set of ancestors during the aftermath of the 45 and the highland clearances? Maybe another ancestors home in calcuta,sure he was there as part of the emerging empire but he bought the land fair and square so....? Should Dennmark maybe pay reperations for the Vikinger raids? Or the city of Gdansk pay a levy to the descendents of the Hanseatic league? John Paul Jones Bombarded the Yorkshire coast, can I have a tenner in damages please Uncle Sam or does one of his descendents owe me the money? If so,thats handy,I'll ask my Aunt for it next time I visit :)