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Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2?

ShawnH  8 | 1488  
15 May 2011 /  #121
to see through their various strategies.

Russian Strategy
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #122
LOL, that sums it up in a nutshell.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #123
Britain entered very quickly whilst Russia sat as an observer til Apr 1940.

:))) Oh yes... you are always in the first rows. The problem is that you always defend your own interests and do this in the most selfish way. Easy come, easy go. )))) It was very brave to you to declare war, especially when everybody in London knew that fate of Poland would be of no interest for UK-government.

It is a great pity that both Napoleon and Hitler changed their minds concerning the conquest of Islands. In this case you would have a good chance to represent your courage. Though, I hardly remember any direct attack that have been repulsed so far, be that either Norman conquest or Glorious Revolution...
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #124
You don't defend your interests? Yes, successive British governments have done it in very selfish ways, I agree. However, at least we don't kill hordes of our own people like in the former Soviet Union.

The French lost control of key waters and it wasn't like we could just freely fly over to Poland. Be realistic about the logistics of it, CK. CK, are you proud that your govt attacked Poland in WWII?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #125
You don't defend your interests?

Not that way as you did this.

However, at least we don't kill hordes of our own people like in the former Soviet Union.

Oh yes, here you are 100% right. You preferred to obliterate other nations - Indians, Negroes, Sikhs, Chinese. To tie men to artillery guns, to poison by morphine, or simply reduce free men to slavery, that are your styles. It is so British.

The French lost control of key waters and it wasn't like we could just freely fly over to Poland. Be realistic about the logistics of it, CK.

What? Am I so simpleton? And what about Britain as greatest marine empire? "Reign Britania" what happened with your fleet?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #126
Oh, please elaborate.

Though I can never condone some of the horrific things done by British forces in the past, at least we didn't kill our own people en masse

The Nazis had effective U-boats. It was hard to get an effective, strategic position.

Now, are you proud that your country attacked Poland in WWII? ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2011 /  #127
are you proud that your country attacked Poland in WWII? ;)

It was done for strategic reasons to gain time.Or gain land to exchange with time in case of german attack.Look at the borders of Poland in 1939.If Germans conquered whole Poland they would come close to Minsk and from there Moscow is just 680 km.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #128
The Nazis had effective U-boats. It was hard to get an effective, strategic position.

Both Americans and you managed to establish marine routs to Murmansk during WWII and I will never believe that it was impossible to do the same at far close distance between UK and Poland.

Now, are you proud that your country attacked Poland in WWII? ;)

I cannot understand this. When we attacked Poland? During WWII? Nonsense!!! You would prefer if we concluded separate treaty with Hitlear, thus leaving Poland in his hands?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #129
We all know that, southern, I was asking him if he was proud of the attack. CK, a lot of the damage was done in the years 1939-1941 to Poland. The Americans joined in 1942 and things took a different shape.

You are now denying that you attacked Poland? Poland WAS carved up, CK. This is a historical fact! I'm not interested in papers that were signed or might have been signed in that time as most saw fit to abandon them anyway. I go with what actually happened.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #130
CK, a lot of the damage was done in the years 1939-1941 to Poland.

WWII started in 1941. Setting it in 1939 would meant that you fall into total voluntarism. Why, in this case simply would not just set 1936 as the real starting point of the WWII?

The Americans joined in 1942 and things took a different shape.

Pacific Ocean! You forgot to mention that it was Pacific Ocean which dose not have any relation with Polish affairs.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #131
Most of the major players were active by Apr 1940, CK. The Soviet Union, GB, France, Nazi Germany and Poland. You are deflecting attention away from what actually happened.

Exactly! What are you discussing the Pacific Ocean for? The Soviet Union had far easier access coming in from the east.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 May 2011 /  #132
WWII started in 1941

LOL comrade history is a wonderful thing, so much ahead of you to 'rediscover'. Enjoy, I almost envy your ignorance, what a bliss :)

World War II, or the Second World War (often abbreviated as WWII or WW2), was a global military conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945,...

The war is generally accepted to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany and Slovakia, and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and most of the countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #133
World War II, or the Second World War[3] (often abbreviated as WWII or WW2), was a global military conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945,...

It is nothing more than convenient starting point for Poland and its misfortune allies France and Great Britain. I am sure that for Spaniards it started back in 1936 and for Russians in 1941. It would be too bold for me to assert that Russian did not participate in 1939 campaign. However, why then Brits declared war with such selectivity, only to Germany?

Get back on topic and stop sidetracking.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 May 2011 /  #134
It is nothing more than convenient starting point for Poland and its misfortune allies France and Great Britain


- The earth is flat!

- erh...what? why...??

- because comrade Putin says so and what he says is the truth!!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #135
CK, I'm still waiting for your answer. Are you proud of the Soviet Union's conduct in relation to Poland in WWII? Should you have saved Polish lives when you had the chance?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #136
Yes. I am proud. I dare to suppose that millions of jews who happened to live on territory liberated by Soviets also would say something grateful for this "occupation".
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2011 /  #137
to see through their various strategies.

Russian Strategy

Best punchline ever:)

Yes. I am proud. I dare to suppose that millions of jews who happened lived on territory liberated by Soviets also would say something grateful for this "occupation".

You know dude, its so obvious you're baiting people into discussion with low comments its clear you're just another breed of Harry, a twat who deliberately posts controversial stuff to irritate annoy and bait towards discussing with him.

Ie. an attention wh0re.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #138
Ie. an attention wh0re.

Yes I am sir....))) but it much better than mumbling all this soft and sweet stuff about St. Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #139
CK, so you did it to save the Jews, is that what you are telling me?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #140
Certainly not. That was just side effect. Partition was just the act of supreme justice. We simply returned our own lands lost during time of troubles of civil war.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 May 2011 /  #141
CK, so you did it to save the Jews, is that what you are telling me?

this is probably the new Putin-revised russian history books' take on this 'very insignificant incident' from September 1939 lol
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #142
So it was defence through offence? OK, I can accept that logic in a way but why didn't you fortify your own borders better? Returned our own lands? Sorry, I don't follow.
15 May 2011 /  #143
I am not patronizing anyone here,I am asking a simple question which it appears, cannot be answered.When are you Eastern Europeans going to step out of the shadow of 1939?Maybe a new way forward,(giving up on the centuries old hatred and suspicion) is frightening for you.Your insecurities cause you to hate others therby giving you a sense of empowerment and superiority.The Polish chap who posted somewhere on this forum that "500+ years of ethnic hatred is business as usual in this part of the world" was so right.When will you forgive each other for the sins of your elder generations?

When pigs fly.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #144
So it was defence through offence?


OK, I can accept that logic in a way but why didn't you fortify your own borders better?

Lack of time

Returned our own lands? Sorry, I don't follow.

All these territories were predominantly inhabited by Belorussian and Malorussian branches of Russian people. These lands are not Polish however nostalgic they were about them
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #145
You had months to mobilise, CK. Others weren't afforded that.

"These territories" and "these lands". Which ones are you referring to, specifically?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 May 2011 /  #146
I am not patronizing anyone here,I am asking a simple question which it appears, cannot be answered.When are you Eastern Europeans going to step out of the shadow of 1939?

my sentiments and thoughts exactly, though it is hard not to poke fun at guys like CK who try to revive decades old soviet propaganda just because his current PM is a Stalin fan boy lol
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #147
"These territories" and "these lands". Which ones are you referring to, specifically?

Lands seized from Poland during the partition of 1939.

though it is hard not to poke fun at guys like CK who try to revive decades old soviet propaganda just because his current PM is a Stalin fan boy lol

It is ridiculous, how you represent and understand current situation inside Russian society. Believe me, nobody here adore Stalin
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 May 2011 /  #148
It is ridiculous, how you represent and understand current situation inside Russian society. Believe me, nobody here adore Stalin

Really? So why is Putin so hell-bent on sugar-coating Stalin's image??

It is designed for teachers to promote patriotism among the Russian young, and seems to follow an attempt backed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to re-evaluate Stalin's record in a more positive light.

Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2011 /  #149
Names, please :)

Ah, that's Georgia's problem, is it? ;)
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 May 2011 /  #150
It is designed for teachers to promote patriotism among the Russian young, and seems to follow an attempt backed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to re-evaluate Stalin's record in a more positive light.

The key quotation is this "By Chris Irvine 8:25AM BST 03 Sep 2008". Can you please cite any Russian governmental source of Stalin adoration?

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