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Why will Poland always be the puppet of America?

bolek  6 | 330  
3 Apr 2010 /  #91
.Its very hard these days to be polish patriot and live in PL ,unless you blind and daef ofc.

The young generation thanks to all the rubbish TV and films from the United States will certainly change Poland for the worse, add on the British/Irish influence its time for many poles who can to pack bags, for those patriotic Poles who would love their country to be part of the United States, please have a cold shower, as the United States only defends those who are of commercial interest.

At any rate that's what Poles wanted when they joined the EU! Free dollars was too much to refuse, when money runs out the real problems will start.
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #92
At any rate that's what Poles wanted when they joined the EU!

I praise EU for opening itself for Poles,at least now we can leave this s**thole.Crooked regimes take care of everything else but its own citizens.The worst part is that ordinary Pole can't do anything about it.Milions decided to leave the country coz you get more respect being immigrant somewhere than citizen in your own country.And this f***ing crooks dare to talk about patriotism?They should be hanging from the trees,but I am not going to waste my life fighting them.F**k them and THEIR poland.
bolek  6 | 330  
3 Apr 2010 /  #93
A bit harsh, but I can understand where your coming from, One thing about Poland its everyone for himself, and if you see a opportunity to cheat or steal, its open season. Just look at the people who claim to have a disability and get a pension, ( a high proportion of them work) Tell a Polish person his home is worth a million zlote and he believes you, then tell him its worth less and you have a enemy. I think the communist system started all this?
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #94
A bit harsh, but I can understand where your coming from

Harsh or not, it is what it is.I was born in PL(well it was acctually PRL) and would love to live in Poland but since I have travelled a bit I can see (I think) how much things are screwed up there.They make everything as hard as possible, tax you to death and then waste the money.To give you an example they spend bilions on missions in Iraq and Afganistan,saying this is to protect us against terrorism.I am asking what is the point,since polish ppl kick the bucket "en masse" without terrorists help, just bcoz there is not enough money for healthcare.They care about some Chechens and other fugees while there are polish kids starving.That makes me lose my cool.I was harsh bcoz I care for this country but I am completly powerless.
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Apr 2010 /  #95
not always. Poland would retreat from this humiliating situation. Poland have where to retreat. Its much batter for Poland to be first in Slavija then last in Euro-Arab axis. Actually, there won`t be Poland in future of Euro-Arab axis, if Poland fails to retreat on time.
agugu6210  2 | 17  
3 Apr 2010 /  #96
The puppet is not still iuncluded in US visa waiver program..hehehhehehe..
i dont see it happening....
poland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 be wise and OPEN your EYESSSSS
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Apr 2010 /  #97
only Slavija, only Slavija, people. It becoming obvious
Nika  2 | 507  
3 Apr 2010 /  #98
The puppet is not still iuncluded in US visa waiver program..hehehhehehe..
i dont see it happening....
poland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 be wise and OPEN your EYESSSSS

Very intelligent reply. Thanks for sharing your precious thoughts with us agugu.
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #99
The puppet is not still iuncluded in US visa waiver program..hehehhehehe..

Why is it such a big deal for pollack politicians anyway?What are these traitors going to give to Yanks this time in exchange for visa"free" travelling to US?Its f**king disgusting to watch them begging for this.Solution is simple:Introduce visas for Yanks (paid,not free) and we are even Steven.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
3 Apr 2010 /  #100
The puppet is not still iuncluded in US visa waiver program..

i dont see it happening....

poland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 be wise and OPEN your EYESSSSS

yes you opened my EYES!!!!!!! :/
convex  20 | 3928  
3 Apr 2010 /  #101
Why is it such a big deal for pollack politicians anyway?What are these traitors going to give to Yanks this time in exchange for visa"free" travelling to US?Its f**king disgusting to watch them begging for this.Solution is simple:Introduce visas for Yanks (paid,not free) and we are even Steven.

It's not really that big of a deal to Polish politicians, and honestly, not much of an issue for the constituency. If it were, they'd push it a bit harder. It's dickish, but not as big of a problem as more rpessing concerns.

Regarding visas for Americans, Poland no longer has a say in tourist visas, that has been farmed out to the EU.
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #102
Regarding visas for Americans, Poland no longer has a say in tourist visas, that has been farmed out to the EU.

If PL had any balls it would introduce visas for Americans and then let EU sort it out with US on EQUAL TERMS.
convex  20 | 3928  
3 Apr 2010 /  #103
Poland can leave Schengen and impose whatever visas it wants. Of course, they'll never happen.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Apr 2010 /  #104
Of course, they'll never happen.

Of course it won't, Schengen has far too many benefits for Poland - even now, it amazes me.
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #105
Of course, they'll never happen.

Never say never.I still hope some day this poor country will be run by Polish patriots not a bunch of pollacks.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Apr 2010 /  #106
It was run by "Polish Patriots". What did they do, apart from isolate Poland and make her the laughing stock of Europe?

Anyway, when you stop being a plastic pole, we can talk.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
3 Apr 2010 /  #107
It was run by "Polish Patriots".

What do you mean?
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #108
It was run by "Polish Patriots"

When was that?Must have been ages ago.or did I miss something?
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Apr 2010 /  #109
some day this poor country will be run by Polish patriots

then and just then, Poland shall emerge into the real power. If Germany just try something, count on northern and southern Serbs. We shall eat them with appetite
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
3 Apr 2010 /  #110
Says the one who whines day in day out about the mean Germans and what they did to poor Serbia??? ;)
(Not to mention begging for help...)
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Apr 2010 /  #111
while Serbs whines Serbs work
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #112
Crow,lets be realistic.PL will never be any real power by herself.She can not be since she doesnt have enough population nor territory to be a major player.Poland IMO is in world's 3 division.I will be more than happy if PL only take care of her citizens.As for foreign policy I think PL should be as close with Germany as its only possible.
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Apr 2010 /  #113
grubas, are you Russian?

Let me tell you something. We shall see what would Russians when Serbs support Polish revival and when Ukraine, Cezska and Slovakia join us. maybe even Byelorussia. Then, Russians would found itself in situation to support Polish revival or to say good-bye to Slavic south and to Slavic west that would without Russian support obviously collapse under pressure from so called west and Islamic league. If we collapse, we all know, Russia is next on menu. So, what shall be? Or there would be Sarmatia Europae or there would be just memory that Slavs once existed.

Those are calculations. Quite simple.

Yes, Poland can emerge into the great power.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Apr 2010 /  #114
We shall see what would Russians when Serbs support Polish revival and when Ukraine, Cezska and Slovakia join us.

Probably nothing. First of all because it will never happen and secondly, why would Russia care about ideas that belong in the 19th century?

Look at it this way: Serbia wants to join the EU, just like the other states you've mentioned already are, except Ukraine, which will never be part of it. Ukraine probably will be rejoined with Russia once again and once Serbia joins the EU together with Croatia, B-H and Macedonia, Montenegro, all will be united anyway and there de facto IS a Great Slavia, with the extension of a mere country or two to the West of it.


M-G (tiens, tiens)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
3 Apr 2010 /  #115
I think Ukraine has the same chances as Serbia.
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Apr 2010 /  #116

my dear. Poles have right to walk with dignity and Serbs and Ukrainians and Slovaks...

Dignity can`t be get on the silver plate. One must won dignity for himself. Poland once was core of one power- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Poland was always important in Slavic world.

So, why would Poles accept to live as dependent form Euro-Arab-USA axis when Poland can be leading power of one entire civilization.

ideas that belong in the 19th century?

fu**. In Canada, in every primary school, children have to listen Canadian anthem before classes. What are those ideas???!!! To what kitchen belong those ideas?

Probably nothing

i`m not that sure. On the contrary. You know what happened before WWI when Serbs coordinated with Poles and decided to liberate itself from Austro-Hungarian and Turkish oppression? Russia paid price and leaved Poland and with all her power forced Germanics and Ottomans to retreat. Russians paid terrible price (20 mil. Russians died in WWI and even Russian government collapsed). But, Russian calculations were simple- or Serbs live or there is no Slavic south. If there is no Slavic south, Russia is isolated and doomed on the long run.

See, in one moment Serbs and Poles would decide that Russian and German schemes belong to past and that era of dignity occurred. Russians would be with us or against us, with Germans. Then, let Germans save Russia from isolation and give guaranties for Russian southern and western borders.
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Apr 2010 /  #117
grubas, are you Russian?

If I was Russian would I be advocating close aliance between Poland and Germany?I am 100?%Pole (even though one of my grandmas was 100% German,but it don't matter)

Crow look at the map.There are 2 potential invaders Germany and Russia.I think close aliance with Germany is the best option for PL.Now lets say Russia is invading Poland.Germans are not dumb ppl and they should know that they will be next in line (sooner or later).Knowing that its in THEIR best interest to defend Germany in Poland rather than on Berlin suburbs.Does it make any sense?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
3 Apr 2010 /  #118
Russian would be with us or against us, with Germans.

Interesting read for you Crowie:
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61  
3 Apr 2010 /  #119
Oh no, their allying against us again! Next it will be joint military actions!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
3 Apr 2010 /  #120
To do what? To lose against millions? I for one don't want to rebuild all over again...;)

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