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Is 5th partition of Poland possible? What kind? How? When?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Apr 2016 /  #31
Once again, the absolute opposite of the truth. Not one of those unrecognised states has embassies, not one issues passports that are recognised outside Russia.

Indeed. Our Russian troll here may try and convince people otherwise, but this news report from last year about some treaty between Russia and South Ossetia shows it to be absolute tosh.

Focus on the thread, not on other posters


The United States and the European Union said in their statements on the eve of the signing of the treaty in Moscow that they do not recognize its legitimacy.

jon357  72 | 23482  
4 Apr 2016 /  #32
Same with so-called Transdnistria and whatever the Russians pretend to call the parts of Ukraine they've illegally invaded. Not one of those places is recognised internationally, and so many countries' Foreign Office information for travellers make it very clear that they are not recognised in any way and that travellers who go there will not receive any support from their embassy/consulate since none of those unrecognised states have one.

And even if some country thousands of miles away like the US suddenly decided to recognise Transdnistria etc (which they daredn't) it would still not be recognised by the countries that matter, i.e. those in the region.

All this just shows what a daft non-starter a partition of Poland or Ukraine would be.
5 Apr 2016 /  #33
... The U.N. is powerless to change anything, and the U.S., U.K. and NATO decline to start WWIII over any of this. That is the fact.

The fact is Russia's illegal actions are not recognised by the rest of the World. Crimean is still Ukraine and its borders are unchanged.. The West doesn't have to start WW3 to get Crimea back, just as it destroyed the Russian Empire in 1991 without war.

(And yes, another Russian paid troll attempting to question Poland's legitimacy)
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
5 Apr 2016 /  #34
The fact is that the U.S. and other Western powers are not providing Ukraine with military aide, nor will they. Nothing else matters. Ukraine's president has been caught evading taxes while he tries to rally the masses against the Russians. He represents the dysfunction of the failing novel state of Ukraine perfectly. The scandals in Ukraine from its ruling elite continue and will only stop when the Western money backing them, which they are embezzling shamelessly, stops. That day is coming soon.

Ukraine's time as a buffer state between Russia and the West is ending.

Since when have the people of Lwów been consulted about the border? 1944? 1945? 1946? So, the discussion you want to have is about squatters' rights? Why should the Russians that Stalin moved into Lwów get a say on the border?

And you still haven't said a word about the wishes of the people who currently live in [Lwów].

jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #35
1944? 1945? 1946?

Is the behaviour of totalitarian regimes a guide to how countries should behave now? By the same logic you could justify all sorts of nonsense just because someone did it in the past. LOL!


What 'squatters'?

Why should the Russians that Stalin moved into Lwów get a say on the border?

What Russians? Do you mean the Ukrainian citizens living in their own country? And you still haven't dared to say what, if your silly plan to chop up sovereign states ever came to fruition (which it won't) what would happen to the citizens of Lviv who prefer their city to remain in their own country?
5 Apr 2016 /  #36
Yes, specially with the changing of Germany to a Islamic Country in the next 2 decades (being optimistic), the more atheist cities of Western Poland (Yes, i am talking about you, Poznan) will be easily taken over by the Germans in the name of "Multiculturalism"

While the cities that resort to Catholic Faith (Specially at eastern Poland) will resist the forced conversion to Islam.

So a partition of Poland is unfortunately very possible in this scenario.
nickknock  - | 19  
5 Apr 2016 /  #37
Bad new for you, Christianity is leaving Poland, as people get wealthier and ditch that bronze age middle east mythology.
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
5 Apr 2016 /  #38
No, the issue is the restoration of the victim of totalitarian regimes' crimes against humanity, which were condoned by so-called Western democracies despite the undemocratic change in the border. There is no statute of limitation for crimes against humanity and recovery of stolen property.

Is the behaviour of totalitarian regimes a guide to how countries should behave now?

Stalin's crimes against humanity included deporting ethnic Poles from the very Polish city of Lwów. The city was repopulated with ethnic Russians and Russian speakers from Eastern Ukraine since the local peasants were unable to hold more important jobs. Thus. the city was renamed in the Russian style, Lvov. While the language and the population in recent years is more likely to be identified as "Ukrainian", the Russians still remain there.

What Russians?

Poles now forced to live in the failing Ukrainian state would no longer need to wait at the Polish consulate like a communist toilet paper queue for a visa. Silly question!

[W]hat would happen to the citizens of [Lwów] who prefer their city to remain in their own country?

Denial isn't a river in Egypt. Many Poles from Lwów were forced to relocate in Wroclaw. Others who fought in the West were unable to return after the war. Lwów's Jews and their families never received compensation from the commies or the present band of Ukrainian nationalists. Clearly, you don't give a damn about justice for these victims of crimes against humanity. It isn't popular in Warsaw's alternative life style crowd.

What 'squatters'?

jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #39
the issue is the restoration of the victim of totalitarian regimes' crimes against humanity,

No it isn't. All that was done with years ago and neither Poland or Ukraine are claiming each others territories. They respect each others borders...

Stalin's crimes against humanity included deporting ethnic Poles from the very Polish city of Lwów.

Not much of an answer. the wrongs of the past should remain there.

Poles now forced to live in the failing Ukrainian state would no longer need to wait at the Polish consulate like a communist toilet paper queue for a visa. Silly question!

Even sillier statement. If they're Poles, let them get passports and move to Poland.

And you still haven't said how your evil personal masterplan (shared by no Polish politicians) would affect the Ukrainian citizens of the Ukrainian city Lviv.

Many Poles from Lwów were forced to relocate in Wroclaw.

And you think they all want to up sticks and move to the Ukraine.

WWII finished 70 years ago. You weren't even born then. Get over it; everyone else has.
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
5 Apr 2016 /  #40
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą odbierzemy.

Poland has not yet perished,
So long as we still live.
What the alien force has taken from us,
We shall retrieve with a sabre.

No true Pole would argue otherwise.
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #41
Poland has not yet perished,

Indeed, though they have firmly and cordially agreed their borders with their friendly and independent neighbour, Ukraine...
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
5 Apr 2016 /  #42
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą odbierzemy.

What the alien force has taken from us,
We shall retrieve with a sabre.

A pity that Tusk and company handed out citizenship to foreigners without true allegiance to Poland, and Polish culture.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
5 Apr 2016 /  #43
Lwow Eagle - Many Poles from Lwów were forced to relocate in Wroclaw.

Including my grandparents. I love Wroclaw - it's where I was born and most of my family resides. Has all the great things a big city would without all the traffic and ridiculous rent.

I don't think Poland's land borders are going to change anytime soon. I feel a partition would be more of the economic and political type.
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
5 Apr 2016 /  #44
Wrocław is Silesia. Lwów is the Kresy. Poland holds Wrocław as a steward of its culture and history. However, Wrocław is not compensation for the loss of 700 years of Polish art, history and culture in Lwów. No serious person would argue that Poland had consented to that. Yet, it is posited as a fait accompli. With the Poles, it is never over. Never.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2016 /  #45
I don't think Poland's land borders are going to change anytime soon.

Poland doesn't even want them to change. I cannot imagine the economic catastrophe that would follow eastwards expansion, nor can I imagine the inevitable bloody civil war.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
5 Apr 2016 /  #46
Szablą odbierzemy, still looking to buy the right one came close at the weekend can't wait to get some practice in, it has been 30 years since I last wielded the Szablą
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #47
We shall retrieve with a sabre.

I doubt that.

A pity that Tusk and company handed out citizenship to foreigners without true allegiance to Poland, and Polish culture.

More of a pity that you think "true allegiance to Poland" involves signing up to your madcap irredentist scheme to invade a friendly neighbouring country!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2016 /  #48
However, Wrocław is not compensation for the loss of 700 years of Polish art, history and culture in Lwów.

Perhaps not in your book. Those of us that don't have a pro-Russia agenda consider Wrocław and her 100 bridges to be far more beautiful than the depressed wreck that is most of L'viv.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
5 Apr 2016 /  #49
"depressed wreck that is most of L'viv." So what do you care delph, you have no connection you are just a wanabe pole and not doing very well at it , I thought for a moment you cared, L'viv as you call it was ./ is a beautiful city , even after the wanton destruction of Russia and Germany, Not everyone had the benefit of the marshal plan.

Whats your Problem do you hate the Ukrainians more than the Poles ? or do you have some other political agenda, or is it that it is your mission to wind up everyone on the internet as you have stated elsewhere?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2016 /  #50
So what do you care delph, you have no connection

Who said I have no connection? The passport stamps say otherwise...

That's why I know that the city is in pretty poor state - it was only before Euro 2012 that the streets in the centre were repaved, and a lot of the old kamienicas in the centre are in a bad way. That's not even talking about the areas outside of the centre - the less we say, the better.

Wrocław is infinitely more beautiful.

I also wouldn't trade Karpacz for Yaremche.
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
6 Apr 2016 /  #51
Hopefully, it doesn't come to that. There are enough Ukrainian citizens who want to be in the E.U. and the West, that Ukraine's financial collapse, combined with Putin's annexation of Crimea and support for separatists, can easily result in the fragmentation of Stalin's Ukraine. Pole's don't want Putin to get stronger, but no nation is going to start WWIII over Crimea. Poland can take full advantage of the situation to achieve something substantial.

Szablą odbierzemy, still looking to buy the right one came close at the weekend can't wait to get some practice in, it has been 30 years since I last wielded the Szablą

The West told Ukraine not to fight for Crimea, and the didn't They can also tell them not to fight for Lwów because Stalin's Ukraine is now finished, and they won't. There are also non-Ukrainian Rusyns stuck in Eastern Ukraine (and elsewhere in the former USSR) where Stalin forcibly resettled them, who have rights to consider as well.

More of a pity that you think "true allegiance to Poland" involves signing up to your madcap irredentist scheme to invade a friendly neighbouring country!

Ignore the delusional anti-Polonists, who also hate the broader multi-cultural mix that is the Kresy.

Whats your Problem? do you hate the Ukrainians more than the Poles ?

6 Apr 2016 /  #52
signing up to your madcap irredentist scheme to invade a friendly neighbouring country!

My father's family were also deported from south of Lwow, so I can sympathise with the concept of its return. However, I realise that only a disastrous war would enable it to happen.

The only beneficiary would be Russia, of course.

who also hate the broader multi-cultural mix that is the Kresy

Thats a Poland that no longer exists. Poland is a mono-culture and very proud of it.
6 Apr 2016 /  #53
As i said previously, the new partition of Europe (not just Poland this time) will be with the establishment of modern caliphates in Germany, Sweden, France and Belgium. Via democratic ways. In few time Muslims will be the majority and Sharia will be implemented.

And since cities like Poznan and region have a very strong german "culture" of be tolerant towards islamification, probably Poland will lose then to the caliphate

"Bad new for you, Christianity is leaving Poland, as people get wealthier and ditch that bronze age middle east mythology."

Bad News for you: Religious Levels not ever have relation with Poverty.

South Korea was a third world atheist country 30 years ago, no is one of the 10 most rich nations on earth and at the same time the proportion of Christians skyrockted from 8% to 30%. The proportion of Buddhists also increased. Same applies to the increase of Christians in Singapore and Hong Kong, both extremelly rich places.

Also, if Religious levels decreased with Wealthy, how that would explain France and Sweden adopting Islamism so fast?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Apr 2016 /  #54
There are enough Ukrainian citizens who want to be in the E.U. and the West, that Ukraine's financial collapse, combined with Putin's annexation of Crimea and support for separatists, can easily result in the fragmentation of Stalin's Ukraine.

I don't think you've ever actually been to Ukraine if you think that Ukrainians are going to give up Ukraine for the sake of the West.

Poland can take full advantage of the situation to achieve something substantial.

Poland has no interest in taking on a large, economically backwards territory. Western Ukraine is mostly based around agriculture, and the only thing of any real value is the IT sector in L'viv.

Ignore the delusional anti-Polonists, who also hate the broader multi-cultural mix that is the Kresy.

There was some philosopher who said something about Ukraine. I forget who it was, possibly Nietzsche - who said "Ukraine is not in the mind, but in the hearts and the fists of every man born on that soil".
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
6 Apr 2016 /  #55
Poland is a mono-culture

Thank God. Although this is something Poles must defend with our lives - a Muslim majority country WILL happen just west of us - it's just a matter of time.

I forsee another 'Battle of Vienna' in the future.
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
6 Apr 2016 /  #56
Which is exactly why Russia is expected to re-start its war with Ukraine:

Putin will, if he desires, be ready for stronger action against Ukraine by 2017.

Poland needs to be prepared for the realpolitik of the situation, and not obsessed with idealistic platitudes which were never applied to Poland by its "allies" to create the present situation.

The only beneficiary would be Russia, of course.

A homogeneous Poland was a Soviet communist creation which is in the process of transforming into what Poland has historically been, an ethnically and religiously diverse nation with people living in relative harmony. That communist "mono-culture", created by Nazi and Soviet ethnic cleansing, is not anything of which Poles should be proud.

Thats a Poland that no longer exists. Poland is a mono-culture and very proud of it.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Apr 2016 /  #57
"Poland has historically been, an ethnically and religiously diverse nation with people living in relative harmony. "

So true but so many either deny this historical fact or they do not want us to live harmonically but wish to maintain division of our natural allies ,with an intent to take control and make personal profits while proliferating division.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
6 Apr 2016 /  #58

I'll take Polish mono-culture over a multi-kulti Germany that has been invaded with Muslims which will one day rule the country due to their much higher birthrates - it's just a matter of time. Certain Muslims in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc. are going to become interested in running for office - whether it's in parliament or even maybe the presidency one day. As the Muslim population grows exponentially, these Muslim politicians will gain more power and more votes. Soon, more radical Muslims will want to be in government too so they can implement their customs and their laws. The worst thing is, the local native Belgians, Germans, etc. who welcomed them seem not too concerned with their ancestors' culture and religion being eroded.
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51  
6 Apr 2016 /  #59
I was referring to the Jews, Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Protestants, and yes a small Muslim minority. Being multi-religious and tolerant does not imply that Catholic values and morals get trumped. Poland historically had a small Muslim Tartar minority and it hasn't been a problem like the North African/Arabian Muslims.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
6 Apr 2016 /  #60
small Muslim Tartar minority

These people aren't an issue though. I don't care if we had 30,00 or 300,000 of them. They are well assimilated into our country. Many tatars fought on Poland's side through many wars. These individuals do not walk down the street calling Polish Roman Catholics infidels or create ghettos in Bialystok where terrorists are hidden by the community (as in Molenbeek again). This Tatar people even look like Poles. Unlike other minorities, they are not exploiting the country and selling it off to foreigners and cowering politically to the US and other Zionist controlled nations.

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