If Poland was such a horrible place why did the Jews live there for 500+ years?
Actually more that 900+ years.
They liked it in Poland because, while most other European countries either kiled them, or expeled them, Poland gave them unprecedented rights and freedoms. It was actually better to be a Jew in Poland than a Polish peasant, or a peasan of any ethincity other than Jewsh. See more in Statute of Kalisz
It is in Poland that, according to modern Jewish sources, Jews had their Golden Age. The Statute was renewed a few times but it lost its power with Poland's loss of inependence at te end of te 18th century.
New GERMAN University study from last month 74% of Poles are
anti-semitic. Why?
Why they found the number to be so high?
Traditionally Germans were not the most reliable source of information about Poles, and it was sometimes the West's great mistake to believe them. Some Germans also have an axe to grind. They want some of the lands taken away from them by the US UK and USSR to Poland, while more than that was taken from Poland and given to the USSR.
Does some Jews hatred of Poles have a basis in reality?
What is it that you are asking about here? That Jews really hate Poles?
If this is the question then yes. Just read some of the posts by the Jews on this forum. The reverse is also true, and at this point it's hard to say whether the antisemitic coments are caused by ones that are antipolish, or the other way around.
The fact though is that bashing Poles is a popular acivity among many Jews. It makes it easier to blackmail Poland for money. It's pretty much the same tactic they used with Switzerland, and are trying to use again with germany (to increase yearly payment fom $10 to $50 per year)
Jews drank the blood of children?
Did they?
Or are you trying o put too much weight on some stories you heard from some Polsh morons?
compare itto Kosinski's so called literature (some of it plagiarism). Saved durin WW2 by Poles he basically kept on spitting on Poland and everything Polish. But hey, money was good. And then it was proven he was a liar. Tried to wigle himself out trough the "artist's expression" spiel etc.
Do Poles actually believe that?Roman Vishniac photographed Jews in the Ghettos of Poland.It was later determined that many photos were staged to evoke sympathy in the viewer(NY TIMES magazine article)>Why?
NY Times is garbage that lost credbility a long time ago. The reason they spit at Poles is the one I mentioned above. You gotta put someone in bad light befoe you can get the world's opinion to help you extract some more cash from yet another country.
Whydid she know something that she dared not tell my wife?
Many of us were born after WW2 but the memories were told and re-told ofen. These weren't the well rehearse movies by the famous director but real stories told by mily members. Some of them experienced hell personally. My aunt was in Aschwitz, my two uncles in Germany as slave workers. Stories have a different, and much personal dmensions when they are not a wrok of fiction that you buy for $9.95 in paperback edition.
The issue are much more complex but I'mpretty sure that canot be summarized by "Poles hate Jews" or "Jews hate Poles". Most of the garbage comes from te US Jews, exactly the ones who have little to nothing to do with Poland, and whose parents and grandparents didn't want to have anything to do with European Jews trying to escape Hitler and get to the US. You won't find this info in mainstream meadia because that would greatly weaken American Jewish stance in continued demands for ever more money.
If interested in the subject, get hold of Finkelstein's "Holocaust Industry". A real eye opener.