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Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960

27 Mar 2011 /  #31
They certainly don`t know the International Private Civil Law and the basic rules of Polish Law.

Oh, they know it and ... still don't care. They want it and will stop at nothing to get that.


He himself is a piece of work.
27 Mar 2011 /  #32

Oh, they know it and ... still don't care.

Nobody takes them seriously ( WJC ) We here do not care what they say or what they want .
Marek11111  9 | 808  
27 Mar 2011 /  #33

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if you had a chance to put your hand on 60 billion $, you'd cry, too ;)

exactly the chosen people need more money to build illegal settlements and arm themselves to kill walking by Palestinians.
who cares about the laws Monia chosen people have special privileges
27 Mar 2011 /  #34
who cares about the laws Monia chosen people have special privileges

In Poland we keep insane people in mental facilities:)
rychlik  41 | 372  
27 Mar 2011 /  #35
Now do you guys see how Jews are bad for Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Mar 2011 /  #36
Would you like me to illustrate how the Catholic Church has been bad for Poland in monetary terms?

By your reasoning, Catholics are also bad for Poland.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
28 Mar 2011 /  #37
Would you like me to illustrate how the Catholic Church has been bad for Poland in monetary terms?

Please do, mr d you think you know everything but actually know nothing, the fact remains that non jews are not given the same treatment in claiming land than those owned by the Jew, there are currently approx 80,000 claims by the jews being processed and the government is not in the position to act due to funding problems.

The fact remains that claims are now being made by family of victims, you may want to ask if cousins etc are entitled to claim as the event occurred so long ago.

People should tell the US President to mind his own business and get his own house in order before causing trouble, ie he could start by offering compensation to the negro population for abuse and maltreatment which occurred for such a long time.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Mar 2011 /  #38
Please do, mr d you think you know everything but actually know nothing

Shall we start with the case of the high school in Poznan and follow it up with the case of the land by Lake Malta?

Those two claims alone are going to cost the Polish nation over 100 million zloty. Who gets the money? The Catholic Church, of course.

the fact remains that non jews are not given the same treatment in claiming land than those owned by the Jew, there are currently approx 80,000 claims by the jews being processed and the government is not in the position to act due to funding problems.

What utter unsubstantiated rubbish.

The fact remains that the RCC has systematically and criminally looted the Polish state since 1989. Unlike you, I can back this up with hard facts.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
28 Mar 2011 /  #39

What utter unsubstantiated rubbish.[/quote]

you can now see why I said you talk so much rubbish!
point taken!!!
rychlik  41 | 372  
28 Mar 2011 /  #40
there are currently approx 80,000 claims by the jews being processed

So do those Jews want those "homes" back and evict the current residents? Or do they strictly want money? I hope Poland gives them nothing!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
28 Mar 2011 /  #41
LOL Diplomatic way of saying (feck off) we do not really care how US classifies its citizens, in the eyes of the law there is no difference based on ones religious preference, all are her citizens and Poles with equal rights, if U.S makes that distinction it's their right but Poland does Not so there's no need to put an emphasis on one special group.

Good for Sikorski.

90% of the Swiss bank compensation that certain Jewish special interest groups (Holocaust Industry) demanded, never went to the actual Jewish victims. Instead, 90% of that Swiss bank money went into the bank accounts of the Holocaust industry special interest groups.

I could maybe see individuals looking at compensation for their individual properties but absolutely NOT compensation sums given to any ethnic special interest GROUP. If anything this should be done on a property by property case by case basis.

Also Jewish Poles should not be given preferential treatment when most of the people who owned property (Non-Jewish Poles) have not been compensated.

Most of this property was in Warsaw and it was mostly owned by non-Jewish Poles who have not been compensated.

Most of this property was also destroyed in WWII and since built back up. Therefore will the claimants for compensation pay for construction costs and back taxes??

But if Poland in 1960 already made compensation to America for claims by Jews residing in America, then there should be no more need for compensation. As Norman Finkelstein said, today's compensation claims by special interest groups is nothing more then an attempt by the Holocaust Industry to shake down Poland.

These are the same people who perpetuated this Holocaust Fraud Scam

FBI Report on 2010 Holocaust Scam

6 Apr 2011 /  #42
Poland was ruled by jews for decades after WW2. Pretty sure jews ruled the polish government in 1960 as well.
meirys7  - | 27  
25 Apr 2011 /  #43
Unfortunately, there's several people here (minority) that i can easily smell the smells of anti-Semitism from tham.
You certainly should be ashamed of yourself, You are hiding behind the mask that called so-called: "Opine".
But there will always be among us people who search for an excuse and a reason to blame the Jews for their personal failure. In short, I have a message to all those "thinkers": Shame on yourself!

This pepole forget that this is the property of Jews who were Polish citizens before the ww2,
These Jews (3.3 milion Polish citizens) were brutally murdered by the Nazis on Polish soil, While some citizens of Poland informed to the Nazis where every Jews live.

90 percent of the property that the Polish government had nationalized were Jewish property.
All the things I say are based on the facts of a Polish historian,Anyone that interested in the historian's name is: "Jan Gross".

Those who do not know any Jewish person could not sue the Polish government from 1946 to 1989 Because the communist government ruled in Poland at this time and she ignore from any lawsuit.

only in 2004 When the government of Poland joined the European Union she allowed to handle with this topic.
Does anyone of you know that until to this days (more than 65 years) the Polish government earns huge sums from rental apartments/properties of Jews to Its citizens?!
25 Apr 2011 /  #44
90 percent of the property that the Polish government had nationalized were Jewish property.

Bring us a link for such statement .
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Apr 2011 /  #45
Although it's a highly sensitive issue on many levels, a greater drive towards restitutio in integrum should be made. The problem is the can of worms it would open. Opening Pandora's Box in such fashion could easily cause more harm than good. However, some tactful efforts could be made. It has been left to linger so that Jews will forever have the victim complex to call upon. Poland is in a Catch 22 here so has to make some token gestures.
meirys7  - | 27  
25 Apr 2011 /  #46
You can read yourself the three books of the Polish historian "Jan Gross".
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Apr 2011 /  #47
He is but one man with one viewset (a new word :)). Best to stick to the available facts rather than choose authors that just want to sell books.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Apr 2011 /  #48
You can read yourself the three books of the Polish historian "Jan Gross".

Go read yourself a book of a Jewish historian Norman Finkelstein.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Apr 2011 /  #49
I like Finkelstein. I think he is a very level-headed man that is extremely well read and also speaks in numerous places. I'd trust his judgement in most cases.
25 Apr 2011 /  #50
This pepole forget that this is the property of Jews who were Polish citizens before the ww2

Yes, and all the property should be returned to rightful owners, or to their descendants, if they
can prove the right to said property. Nothing, and I will repeat it again - nothing should be
given to some chutzpah boys in America, who think that Poland owes them something, just because
they are Jews.

90 percent of the property that the Polish government had nationalized were Jewish property.

You'd be wrong here. Almost all private property, including land, real estate and industry, was
confiscated and nationalized. Or maybe you are saying that 90% of all land in Poland belonged
to Jews?

All the things I say are based on the facts of a Polish historian,Anyone that interested in the historian's
name is: "Jan Gross".

Which explains the "accuracy" of your information.

Does anyone of you know that until to this days (more than 65 years) the Polish government earns huge
sums from rental apartments/properties of Jews to Its citizens?!

Those Jews were Polish citizens, as you said yourself, so the same law applied to them as to
any other Polish citizen, whose real estate is left with no owner after his death, and there are
no rightful heirs claiming it - it is taken over by the state.

One might also say, that those apartments/houses were rebuilt after the war for Polish government's
money and the same money also paid for the upkeep and maintanance of those buildings. If they were
left as they were, after the war, there would be nothing to give back today.

we will see...

As I said, the right to one's property is one of the mainstays of Latin civilization, and obviously, if there
are living owners or their rightful heirs, who can prove their rights - EVERYTHING should be given back
to them. On the other hand, NOTHING should be given to some Jewish organisations, who want
billions of dollars from Poland, only because their members happen to be Jewish.

I might as well start a Polish organisation and start demanding reparations from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus
and Lithuania, for the former Polish property on their lands (even though neither me nor my family ever
owned any property there). It would make just as much sense.
25 Apr 2011 /  #51
Jan Gross".

He is not any expert or reliable source about an issue concerning real estate Jewish owners in Poland,
I am affraid
25 Apr 2011 /  #52
There is one more thing that I would like to emphasize - Poland should not pay any money to the rightful
owners (or their heirs) of the Jewish property. We don't have money to spare - our health service,
education, army, and practically every area that is dependent on government money, is heavily underinvested.

Simply - the property, as it is, should be given back to righful owners. The said property should be given
back, and we should be magnanimous and not demand any recompensation for the cost of rebuilding,
upkeeping and taking care of the maintanance of it, that we had to pay for the last 65-70 years.

After the property is given back, the owners can do whatever they want with it: sell it on free market,
keep it, paint it pink etc. etc. - it's their property. No money, I will repeat again, should be paid from this
poor country's budget to citizens of the United States of America and other, much richer than Poland,
countries of the world.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Apr 2011 /  #53
I agree, Torq. Whilst it was not the fault of the Jews that Hitler pushed East to hunt them down, we all know the effects on Poland. Poland suffered enough in that time and to ask them to pay reparations would be to rub salt in the wounds.
25 Apr 2011 /  #54
Exactly, Seanus. If there are rightful owners, or their heirs, we should give their property back to them.
If not, then Polish law applies and American chutzpah boys can sit quietly on the decks of their yachts
in Florida and weep.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Apr 2011 /  #55
True! It should be assessed on a case-by-case basis which hinges on its own merits. I watched the 2009 documentary on anti-Semitism, 'Defamation'. There are many who have profitted from exaggerated hysteria, aka mild anti-Semitism (yes, largely in America). You and I could discuss the issue as a phenomenon without looking for any profits but these guys have lined their own pockets to unprecedented levels. They have to accept the bad with the good but we should be ever more careful to separate those innocent Jewish families who lost everything to those that are in it for the money.
meirys7  - | 27  
25 Apr 2011 /  #56
Dear torq-I definitely prefer to conduct a dialogue with you than with "rychlik", you know why?
Because somone stupid like "rychlik" think & say:"Now do you guys see how Jews are bad for Poland?"
Such a retarded like him make larger damage to Poland than you can imagine.

If the Polish government and all those people who oppose the views of the historian "Jan" Claim that he had no idea what he's talking about, So maybe you can explain to me why the Polish government ordered to sell the book in 70 percent more than any other book? I am sure that you will have an "Science" explanation to it!

Oh, I almost forgot. Also the former wife of the historian she itself a historian who holds the same opinions! Maybe this is coincidence???

"seanus" says that he belive to the Jewish historian-"Norman Finkelstein". I must admit (cynically of course) someone here believe the Jew, wow, what an achievement!

torq-I must to admit you are certainly intelligent and realistic person. I agree with you in 100 hundred percent.
the Jewish property only has to return to its rightful owners and / or to his heirs.
Property without an owner or without heirs must remain in the State Treasury!
You're right even when you say that only need to return property instead of money.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Apr 2011 /  #57
It doesn't matter what he is by label, it matters what he says as a qualified commentator with more experience in such matters than you or I (sorry, I only presume this. Forgive me :)). He doesn't tend to embellish like other fanciful figures. Some American Jews are a real danger. In fact, they should be dubbed as Zionists. I am very impressed with what I have seen of Rabbis. To me, they are the true voice of Jews through Judaism. They have a social conscience and tend to endorse doing the right thing.
25 Apr 2011 /  #58
Dear torq-I definitely prefer to conduct a dialogue with you

Dear Meirys, I'd also like to say that conducting a conversation with you is an undeniable pleasure.

why the Polish government ordered to sell the book in 70 percent more than any other book?

I am not quite sure what you are referring to, but let me assure you that Polish government has very
little authority to order booksellers which books to sell, and even less to order people to buy them :)

Anyway, all jokes aside, the historian which you mentioned doesn't seem particularly unbiased, I'm afraid.
There are better historians writing about Polish-Jewish relations in the past, and if you know Polish, you
can read about them in the thread below...

wife of the historian she itself a historian who holds the same opinions! Maybe this is coincidence???

A wife? Holding the same opinion as her husband? This cannot be. They're definitely not Polish :)

I must admit (cynically of course) someone here believe the Jew, wow, what an achievement!

If you came to Poland, you would find that there is no widespread anti-Jewish sentiment here.
As for Internet - that's a completely different matter, but I wouldn't worry about that ;)

torq-I must to admit you are certainly intelligent and realistic person. I agree with you in 100 hundred percent.
the Jewish property only has to return to its rightful owners and / or to his heirs.
Property without an owner or without heirs must remain in the State Treasury!
You're right even when you say that only need to return property instead of money.

You are an asset to your country, and a true Israeli patriot. I thank you for your valuable voice in this
discussion (especially that you agree with me, which immensely increases the value of your opinion
in my eyes). I am happy that we agree on this very important subject.
meirys7  - | 27  
25 Apr 2011 /  #59
"seanus"-I can only regret that you are wrong and even misleading when you think that Mr. Yan did not reflect the reality.

Perhaps you will deny the fact that dozens of Jews were murdered in the city of Kielce by Poles after the war. These things have clear evidence.

Can you argue with the fact that some Poles passed information to the Nazis where Jews live?
I suggest you to read well the history books instead of reading books that made by Holocaust deniers!
25 Apr 2011 /  #60
As I said, the right to one's property is one of the mainstays of Latin civilization, and obviously, if there
are living owners or their rightful heirs, who can prove their rights - EVERYTHING should be given back
to them. On the other hand, NOTHING should be given to some Jewish organisations, who want
billions of dollars from Poland, only because their members happen to be Jewish.

Now ,You are talking as a reasonable person , I agree 100 % with you .
Thanks for your comment

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