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The ongoing de-Germanisation of the Nazis and the Holocaust adds to Poland's Responsibility

land of thunder  
29 Nov 2016 /  #91
To the Ethnic Polish People here, the Gentile Slav/Sarmatians
Learn about your own Heritage and your National History for yourselves from Polish People who are for you and who will build you up.
The foreigners here are never for you, and that other self separated ethnicity does not consider you kashrut.
The language in Poland is Polish, [why? mystery!]. EUese is always translated into Polish, [why? who knows?].
"Polish death camps", means camps specially created by Poles, where Polish killers exterminated prisoners.
'German death camps' is as specific and factual, [not all German murderers were Nazi, but all were enthusiastic].
Not too many Dutch death camps nor French death camps nor Slovak death camps, [why? not nice!].
"Polish Hair Salon" means a shop where beautiful coiffure is liquidated.
Polonophobia and Anti-Polonism is alive here amongst outsiders who want something for nothing by twisting.
Outsiders don't know Polish History and don't care. It is also strange and complicated, and "beyond the pale".
Insisting on getting it STRAIGHT is the business of every Polish Person, and those who are piecing together the Eastern jig-saw puzzle.
Germans never declared war on Poland. The invasion was for Lebensraum. All Polish men, women and children were to be exterminated. Killing for any reason was permitted. German settlers could kill the evicted Polish families.

German civilians conducted largest massacres in first months of WWII.
Piasnica = 6,000. Szpedowsk = 7,000. Kocborwo Hospital = 1,692. Grudenz = 6,500. Mniszek = 12,000.
Karlshof = 8,000, [15 Nov]. Germans formed militias and roamed towns and countryside killing Polish women and children after the Polish men were gone. 30,000 in first months. There were German "Execution Tourists".

The actual figure will never be known, but, x 10 = closer to reality.
The Jews swore allegiance to the Germans and were spared as they were not Polish. At first. Didn't work for them; they got Karma, for sure.

''The German War, citizens and soldiers'' - Nicholas Stargardt
Fighting slanderous accusations = justice4poland.com
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
29 Nov 2016 /  #92
1939 was the year German troops pressed into Gleiwitz/Gliwice and declared Poland to be German territory, one year to the day following the invasion of the Sudetenland! Poland didn't invade Germany. She couldn't and she knew it also.

It most certainly was an invasion, dress it up any way you like...Lebensraum/-born or no Lebensraum!!!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 Nov 2016 /  #93
1939 was the year German troops pressed into Gleiwitz/Gliwice and declared Poland to be German territory

Wrong! Half of Poland was occupied by someone else.

the Gentile Slav/Sarmatians


EUese is always translated into Polish, [why? who knows?].

Because most Polish politicians don't understand English or French?

Outsiders don't know Polish History

Yeah, yeah ... only Poles know Polish history, and only the Polish version of history is correct.

Killing for any reason was permitted. German settlers could kill the evicted Polish families.

Total BS.
29 Nov 2016 /  #94
>The language in Poland is Polish, [why? mystery!].


>"Polish death camps", means camps specially created by Poles, where Polish killers exterminated prisoners.

No! The words "Polish Death Camps" are ENGLISH words, not Polish words, and so are not the language of Poland, which your first comment agrees! We can agree on that.

Polish has its own words for "deaths camps in Poland" and "Polish Death camps" but they're not necessarily a direct or accurate translation of the English words and its usage.

So by poorly translating the English into Polish, PiS seem to think they have detected some sort of crime of error, when the ACTUAL error is in their own understanding of the Polish translation from the English. There is no original error in the English - the error comes in the translation. The English words "Polish Death Camps" does not mean "camps specially created by Poles, where Polish killers exterminated prisoners" like you say and seem to think. English usage can depend a lot on context and nuance. A native speaker knows what the phrase means, and PiS trying to 'educate' them in their own misunderstanding just makes them appear to be fools.

>The foreigners here are never for you

Such as Serbians...they have their own agendas.
Crow  155 | 9728  
29 Nov 2016 /  #95
Such as Serbians...they have their own agendas.

Exactly. You got the point. Our own. See, that makes us valuable for Poland.
29 Nov 2016 /  #96
>See, that makes us valuable for Poland.

Poland seems to be prioritising Kosovo over Serbia. So maybe not so valuable after all.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
29 Nov 2016 /  #97
@TheOther, when most histories refer to "The Nazi Invasion of Poland", they're usually referring to 1939, which was around the time of the Night of Broken Glass throughout the Reich, and NOT to the military takeover of the so-called "Polish Corridor"!

There's sometimes confusion on this point, since Poland was in fact invaded twice within the last twenty years, including 1939:-)
Crow  155 | 9728  
29 Nov 2016 /  #98
Poland seems to be prioritising Kosovo over Serbia. So maybe not so valuable after all.

No, its only sign that official Poland, same as previous ruling political block, losing connection with Polish public, which massively support Serbian sovereignty.

It also means that official Poland more and more isolating itself from rest of Visegrad Group.

Think about that.

Instead to be leader, Poland falling.
29 Nov 2016 /  #99
It means Kosovo and the EU is more important to Poland than Serbia. Think about that!
Crow  155 | 9728  
29 Nov 2016 /  #100
We would learn a lot of about Poland after next elections or coup.
29 Nov 2016 /  #101
56% of Poles are in favor of recognising Kosovo as a state, only 23% against. So Poland's government seems to reflecting the people's wishes on this matter.


Welcome to the real world, Crow.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
29 Nov 2016 /  #102
Yo, people! What does this have to do with the discussion thread "The ongoing de-Germanisation of the Nazis...."???
Crow  155 | 9728  
29 Nov 2016 /  #103
Let me explain. Those Poles who support partition of Serbia (ie independence of Kosovo) are germanized. They would be de-Germanised eventually.

56% of Poles are in favor of recognising Kosovo as a state, only 23% against. So Poland's government seems to reflecting the people's wishes on this matter.

Welcome to the real world, Crow.

I don`t buy it. I would wait till the next elections or coup.
30 Nov 2016 /  #104
No, let me explain. Everyone agrees that Kaczynski is the the policy maker in the Polish govt. His President is Duda, his Prime Minister is Szydło. They lead a nationalist conservative govt. They are eurosceptic, anti-German, and populist. They despise the previous govt, and seem to be wanting to undue many of their policies. Are you seriosuly saying that Kaczynski is somehow a Germanized Pole (whatever that means)?

If ever there was a Polish govt that would reject recognition of Kosovo, and had the motives and opportunity to do so, then it is now, IF they thought it was considered an important issue for Poles (populism), and IF it was considered an important issue for Poland strategically (alliance with your glorious Slavic bloc), and IF they thought that Civic Platform had made a mistake in recognising Kosovo in 2008.

But instead, today they recognise Kosovo not only as a state, but urge it to be a member of the EU, thereby safeguarding its statehood and discounting Serbian claims for the forseeable future.

That tells you that both the left and right of Polish politics cares little about Serbia, reflecting their population on the left and right of politics. Serbia is clearly an irrelevance to most Poles and to the Poland nation. You need to accept that.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
30 Nov 2016 /  #105
To the Ethnic Polish People here

Hmm? Culture and values that what constitute being Polish not your origin.

The English words "Polish Death Camps" does not mean "camps specially created by Poles, where Polish killers exterminated prisoners".

No S.it Sherlock!

English usage can depend a lot on context and nuance

There, there you hit the nail on the head sir!
Crow  155 | 9728  
30 Nov 2016 /  #106
Serbia is clearly an irrelevance to most Poles and to the Poland nation. You need to accept that.

How I understand things, politicians as politicians, wants to live and rule. That goes for Poland`s politicians, too. So, when Serbia starting to winning, they would feel necessity to respect Serbia. As for Polish public, well, I believe that are problems of every day life in the focus of Poles, no matter that they, I believe by all signals, feel empathy for Serbian cause. All in all, judging by politics of official Poland, Polish public would be shaken and awaken.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Nov 2016 /  #107
partition of Serbia

That is misleading. It's not a partition but a realistic recogntion of Kosovo's actual current ethnic makw-up. In a referendum how many in Kosovo would vote to be under the serbian boot again?
30 Nov 2016 /  #108
So, when Serbia starting to winning, they would feel necessity to respect Serbia.

Yes, but one could say something very similar, that when unicorns start forming vast successful communities, Polish politicians might feel the need to respect unicorns. Unicorns start forming vast successful communities is about as likely to happen. The main difference is that Poles like unicorns, which may in part be due to the fact that, unlike Serbs, unicorns didn't collaborate with the Germans and play an active role in the Holocaust.
Crow  155 | 9728  
30 Nov 2016 /  #109
Winning you all need. Only winning. No problem. You`ll get it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Nov 2016 /  #110
collaborate with the Germans and play an active role in the Holocaust

On the contrary, Serbs erred on the side of communism; it was the Croates that set up a Nazi puppet state and persecuted Jews.
Crow  155 | 9728  
30 Nov 2016 /  #111
On the contrary, Serbs erred on the side of communism

During WWII Serbians were split on royalists and communists, which both resisted to Nazis, while mutually were confronted.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
30 Nov 2016 /  #112
, Poles or Ukrainians serving in an overwhelmingly lower-level capacity

******** my friend as far as Poles go
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Nov 2016 /  #113
Poles or Ukrainians

Let's not forget SS Galizien, a largely Ukrainian Nazi unit. There was no such unit for Poles.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
30 Nov 2016 /  #114
Well then, gumishu, would you've preferred that they served in an overwhelmingly higher-level capacity??
How about no capacity at all:-) Don't see your point.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Nov 2016 /  #115
royalists and communists

Maybe so, but one doesn't hear much about royalist partisans opposing the Nazis. It's always Tito and his communist cohorts.
Crow  155 | 9728  
1 Dec 2016 /  #116

That is normal. See, same way as Poland was betrayed by Anglos and left to communists, that also happened to Yugoslavia and Serbia. So, considering that royalists and communists were confronted (Tito promoted socialist revolution and declared to fight for communism after world war is over, while Chetnik royalists were for restoration of monarchy), they mutually engaged in open and propaganda war, while also fought the Nazis and from time to time wee forced to collaborate with them (see, Germans used to kill one Serbian for every killed German and periods of ceasefire were necessary).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Dec 2016 /  #117
Germans used to kill one Serbian for every killed German

Wow! The Germans really treated Serbs with kid gloves! In Poland, 50 Poles were shot for every German killed by the AK.
Crow  155 | 9728  
1 Dec 2016 /  #118
Kragujevac massacre is flagrant example of that German policy

21. October 1941. The German massacre in Kragujevac: one more unpunished crime

The Kragujevac massacre was the massacre of over 5,000 civilians - men, women and schoolchildren - in Kragujevac, Serbia, Yugoslavia by the soldiers of Nazi Germany, on 20 October 1941. It was one of the worst massacres during German military occupation of Serbia.

The Germans had threatened to shoot 50 Serbs for every wounded German soldier and 100 for each killed. They were attacked in early October near Gornji Milanovac so the massacre was a direct reprisal for the German losses in that battle.

History remembered that during massacre, few German soldiers, ethnic Lusatian Serbs, refused to obey to orders and shot at people. They were then as well executed.
1 Dec 2016 /  #119
On the contrary, Serbs erred on the side of communism

Have a look at the photos below:


That's Rade Radic.


Stick to the topic, please
Crow  155 | 9728  
1 Dec 2016 /  #120
Rade Radic

First he was communist and then came in conflict with his own man and massacred them. Then, he joined to Chetniks claiming that is he now for King. He then betrayed again and opted to cooperate with Nazis and Croatian ustashe in `Kozara genocide` hunt on his own Serbian people. He distinguished himself to the maximum by showing to Nazis and to ustashe where are hidden places of Serbian woman and children.

I don`t know what to tell. Every people has its own traitors. This Rade Radic was traitor on the double. Worse possible scum.

I only don`t know what this hairy Harry want to prove with posts about Rade Radic. Tragic failed man. After world war he was captured and hanged by his own people for treason. If it was possible Serbs would hang him not once but trice.

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