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Poland obliged to make war reparations to Austria and Germany after WWI. Why?

Trevek  25 | 1699  
28 Jan 2011 /  #91
To all, the topic is wandering.

Sorry, Prussian king to 1918, Post-WW1 war reps... seems vaguely relevant.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
28 Jan 2011 /  #92
Whilst this is not the year Zamoyski is talking about, this is an example of the stuff he Is talking about:

No...the thread was about polish reparations to Germany and a policy of scorched earth during WWI aimed at a non-existent Poland.
Both is not true!

When you think Kalisz was bad just look at France during WWI....
OP hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
28 Jan 2011 /  #93
Come now BB, we must pay attention. The scorched earth, is a Russian tactic, Germans did not do that in WWI. You seem to be far to harsh on th Germans BB(:

Yes the reparations are the main bit that interests me. But Zamoyski did mention the confiscation of property and so does the the little snippet that I have pasted. Alas I am still going to have to write to the publisher to find out.

The practices mentioned by Zamoyski seem to be overwhelmingly indulged in by the Russians from the information I have come across.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
11 Feb 2011 /  #95
Ive payed attentiona and NOTHING! I want more!! :=)
3 Jul 2011 /  #96
Jacques Delpla: Germany owes Greece €575bn from WWII

Talking to Les Echos the French econonmist Jacques Delpla claims that Germany still owes €575bn as a result of World War. He calls on Greece to respect its engagements with Europe by being serious about reforms and repayment of the debt. And he calls on Germany to keep its engagements with Europe by continuing to support Greece.

greeceandworld.blogspot.com/2011/06/jacques-delpla-germany-owes-greece .html

See.. Germany still owes a vast amount of noney!
ender  5 | 394  
3 Jul 2011 /  #97
Full article (in french)

The Germans do not seem very enthusiastic about this idea?
The Germans forget their debt policy. We must remind them. In 1945 the winners of the war have drawn a line under the human and physical capital destroyed by the Nazis. It was the ECSC and the Treaty of Rome. Political and financial liabilities of Germany under the war amounts to 16 times the German GDP, you can call it the implicit debt of Germany. We do not claim it in return, he was asked to play the European game, a politically and financially. Today, this means saving Greece.

PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
3 Jul 2011 /  #98
Yeah Germany got their war reparations from Poland after WW1.

Germany looted 90 percent of Poland's wealth after WW1.

So, Germans themselves got their reparations in the means of looting.

Is looting reparations for losers too?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Jul 2011 /  #99
Germany looted 90 percent of Poland's wealth after WW1.

How could Germany 'loot wealth' when it was hers to take?
Palivec  - | 379  
3 Jul 2011 /  #100
See.. Germany still owes a vast amount of noney!

I wonder how many more centuries this will be used to pressure Germany to pay more money to Brussels and Southern Europe.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Jul 2011 /  #101
Actually the greek government accpeted a haircut in 1953 of the german debt including reparations.There were some secret agreements(they gave us some pre war trains) and the whole issue was solved.The essential difference in the greek case contrary to other countries occupied by Germany is that Germany during occupation took an obligatory loan from Greece including the whole gold in greek national bank.This was a legal transaction and this gold was never paid back.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Jul 2011 /  #102
No...the thread was about polish reparations to Germany and a policy of scorched earth during WWI aimed at a non-existent Poland.
Both is not true!

BB the fact is Germans destroyed or stole all polish industry, the reason why Poland after WWI was so poor was because Germans either destroyed or carried away all polish factories none of your neo-nazi stormfront denial can hide this.
Eagle20  16 | 119  
3 Jul 2011 /  #103
This might be of interest,

Poland under the Germans. (From "The Times," February 24th, 1916)--German exactions in Poland. (From "The Times," May 12th, 1916)--The sufferings of Warsaw. (From "The Times," June 17th, 1916)--Indentured labour in Germany. (From "The New statesman," June 10th, 1916)


Palivec  - | 379  
3 Jul 2011 /  #104
BB the fact is Germans destroyed or stole all polish industry

What are Polish factories? These factories were owned by someone, and I suspect these factories were simply owned by Germans and moved to Germany, since the owners didn't want to live in Polska.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Jul 2011 /  #105
What are Polish factories? These factories were owned by someone,

By Poles mostly.

and I suspect these factories were simply owned by Germans

Nope, Polish factories owned by Poles were either dissasembled or blown up as in accordance with the general order of german high command there was to be no industry left for Poland to ensure Poland will become weak.

Got any other anti-polish remarks?
Palivec  - | 379  
3 Jul 2011 /  #106
Yes. I read here all the time how evil Prussia suppressed poor Poles... and now, suddenly, Poles owned most factories? It must suck when two conspiracy theories collide... :D

And when it became clear that Germany would lose the eastern territories the German army wasn't in the position anymore to do anything, since the German army was in shambles.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Jul 2011 /  #107
Actually eastern Germany paid more reparations(forced by Soviets) than West Germany did.The reason was that a collapse of western Germany would mean end of capitalism in Europe so Ameeicans did whatevee possible to lessen the german burden.(good choice if we think what happened after Versajes treaty in 1919).
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Jul 2011 /  #108
Yes. I read here all the time how evil Prussia suppressed poor Poles...

Which it did and in the end it stole all the fruits of polish labor for itself to ensure Polands economic weakness.

and now, suddenly, Poles owned most factories? It must suck when two conspiracy theories collide... :D

Thats chiefly because despite supression Poles proven to be superior merchant, businessmen and better organized than Germans, under draconic laws they still managed to develop the region significantly.

And when it became clear that Germany would lose the eastern territories the German army wasn't in the position anymore to do anything, since the German army was in shambles.

See? Not only are you an anti-polish bastard you're also an ignorant moron, Germany had in Poland more than four hundred thousand troops who begun the operation weeks before the Greater Poland uprisings.

By the time Poles started to boot Germans by force of arms most of polish industry was already stolen and inside Germany or destroyed.
Palivec  - | 379  
3 Jul 2011 /  #109
Thats chiefly because despite supression Poles proven to be superior merchant

And the Poles under Russian rules were less superior merchants and businessmen, and less organized, that's why these eastern Polish territories are less developed. Yes, it all makes so much sense... :D

See? Not only are you an anti-polish bastard you're also an ignorant moron

Hmm. Anti-Polish bastard. Ignorant moron. Nice. Looks like forum rule #2 to me.
And maybe, if you would read a few more modern books and not only Commie propaganda, you would know that not the German army fought against Poles during the uprising but mainly irregular troups, since the German army was de facto non-existent.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Jul 2011 /  #110
And the Poles under Russian rules were less superior merchants and businessmen, and less organized, that's why these eastern Polish territories are less developed.

Actually you're correct, because of the uprisings the polish elite in the central and eastern polish territories was more or less wiped out or forced to flee.

In 1830 Congress Kingdom (russian partition of Poland) constituted 30% of all of Russias industry, as a result in 1831 Poles were able to fight a year long war bloody and only very narrowly won by Russians, Russia never again permitted Poland to have industry whilst occupying Poland.

Hmm. Anti-Polish bastard. Ignorant moron. Nice. Looks like forum rule #2 to me.

Dont care, you're a prejudiced anti-polish f*ck.

not the German army fought against Poles during the uprising but mainly irregular troups, since the German army was de facto non-existent.

Rubbish, there was more than 100.000 regular troops in Greater Poland alone, the army itself numbered nearly a milion, thats what the books say, modern and not polish either.
Crow  155 | 9700  
1 Dec 2018 /  #111
Strange, isn`t it. Imagine them ask reparations. There was something in media on it. So they still demand money from Poland, too? They eventually gave up to ask reparations from Serbia.

Fortunately, our beloved and loyal allies in WWI, urged on Serbia`s army to stop its advance in Austria before entering Vienna. Actually, one of demands for capitulation conditions of German Kaiser to France and Britain was that they stop advance of Serbs at Vienna. Oh, they were morbidly frightened. Those Germanic chickens.


Monument in Austria`s town of Velden am Wörther to mark the moment when Serbian army ended its advance in Austria, when courier from behind informed Serbian cavalry front regiment to stop
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
1 Dec 2018 /  #112
POLAND obliged to make war reparations...???!

Ahemm, the shoe's on the other foot here.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
1 Dec 2018 /  #113
Strange, isn`t it. Imagine them ask reparations. There was something in media on it.

Yeah it's strange..maybe crap? Do you have a link?
Crow  155 | 9700  
1 Dec 2018 /  #114
Link? What link? Why would I need a link? Sarmatian connection is enough to me. Plus, I didn`t start this thread.

And why do you ask? You are also guest in this thread and so behave as one.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
1 Dec 2018 /  #115
And why do you ask?

Yeah...why do I care...
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
1 Dec 2018 /  #116
Sure, no skin off your nose!
Crow  155 | 9700  
1 Dec 2018 /  #117
He surely worry because of Deutsche Bank. As if reparations from Poland can save Deutsche Bank. Can`t. Nothing can save Deutsche Bank.

Pane Wurste, if you have deposits in that crumbling bank I warmly suggest you to pull it out in time.
Crow  155 | 9700  
1 Dec 2018 /  #119
Wise. You properly understand value of sharing info on Polishforums.

And translate your money in some bank in Poland. Serbian astrologist said Poland will be bigger.


Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Poland obliged to make war reparations to Austria and Germany after WWI. Why?Archived