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Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us

Babylon  16 | 192  
4 Jan 2007 /  #1
Norman Davies is well known for his love to Poland. He Wrote many books about Polish history. After so many years he speaks Polish excellent. What do you think of him? He is often criticism cuz of his Polish-PHOBIA.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Davies - About him.
stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/91/910905Arc1210.html -case Davies vs. Stanford University (about that He minimalist Polish Anti-Semitic during WWII)
bbc.co.uk/radio3/johntusainterview/davies_transcript.shtml -interview with Davies
prospect-magazine.co.uk/article_details.php?id=4526 The historian Norman Davies is attacked for being "rightwing" and "anti-Semitic."
Ranj  21 | 947  
4 Jan 2007 /  #2
Honestly, I am not familiar with him, but I will check out the links you posted and get back with you.
OP Babylon  16 | 192  
4 Jan 2007 /  #3
For years he was known as the unrivalled historian of Poland from BBC - 100% right! He is probably the best Polish ambassador in the World. I'm not sure whether he has a Polish citizenship already, but for sure after Pope JP II, Lech Wałęsa, he is on my 3rd position to be the most positive Pole in nowadays, of course Pope JP II is gone.
iwona  12 | 542  
4 Jan 2007 /  #4
I have heard about him and his book about Polish history.

You are right, he is one of the best polish ambassador.

I don't know much about his private live. Does he live in Poland? Is his wife Polish?
4 Jan 2007 /  #5
Norman Davies' book 'Microcosm: Portrait of a Central European City' (available in Polish, English and German) is quote superb. A very thoughtful account of Wroclaw over almost a thousand years. I believe he is a London based academic.
4 Jan 2007 /  #6
I heard about him but not too much really.
4 Jan 2007 /  #7
I neglected to mention in the earlier reply. Yes, Norman Davies wife is indeed Polish.
bossie  1 | 123  
6 Jan 2007 /  #8
He wrote more than Microcosm, the history of Wroclaw. He also wrote History of Poland in three parts (God's Playground), Europe at War (the contents is obvoius, WWII), , Europe: A History, The Isles: A History, Rising'44. Oxford graduate. Friend of opposition leaders in Poland and Czechoslovakia in the communist era.

My husband is a great fan. There are few historians who are objective and don't write 'for the glory of the nation'. He's one.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Jan 2007 /  #10
If I may: He was born in Bolton, England. His family are Welsh.
Moralny  1 | 60  
6 Jan 2007 /  #11
Norman Davies for President of Poland
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
10 Jan 2007 /  #13
He is of rare breed: he is leftist but he doesn't sugarcoat actions by USSR. I respect him.
Another good historian is Anne Applebaum (who is also married to a Pole):
OP Babylon  16 | 192  
9 Feb 2007 /  #14
Anne Applebaum - can you say more about her?

Stefan Batory was a Hungarian and one of the best Polish King so why not Davies?

He is of rare breed: he is leftist but he doesn't sugarcoat actions by USSR. I respect him.
Another good historian is Anne Applebaum (who is also married to a Pole):

Oh my good! She is married to Radek Sikorski one of the most popular politic in Poland - the most honorable man in Poland military and who will probably could win presidential election!
kaka  1 | 142  
9 Feb 2007 /  #15
h my good! She is married to Radek Sikorski

and who was dismissed from government yesterday...
Huegel  1 | 296  
9 Feb 2007 /  #16
Sure? I heard he resigned because of a slight problem about his request for the dismissal of Antoni Macierewicz.

gazetawyborcza.pl/1,75248,3899296.html (in polish)
Riff  - | 61  
10 Feb 2007 /  #17
Huegel: I am certain I wrestled with him. He put me in a headlock and squeezed real hard.
Huegel  1 | 296  
10 Feb 2007 /  #18
whoever it was you were wrestling with (in the Greek style i'm assuming?) he must have squeezed a bit too hard mate, because you're now posting in the wrong thread. :)
Riff  - | 61  
12 Feb 2007 /  #19
Huegel: Did not get to answer your question in the other thread because it closed. Sorry to bother you. If you wanted an answer to your question what difference what thread it is in. I wrestled with God and I am certain of it. That is why I am rather certain Jacob wrestled with him. If you hope I am lying thats cool. If you think I am telling the truth thats cool. If you do not think Knowing God is important do not waste my time asking a question about him. Until meeting God is a high priority of yours it probably won't happen.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
12 Feb 2007 /  #20
blah blah blah blah.....

Wrestle Mania 80
The almighty "GOD" vs. Riff & GOD vs. Jacob II
Huegel  1 | 296  
12 Feb 2007 /  #21
Did it get locked? I never noticed. Ah, that explains it then.

You mean you're actually claiming that you physically wrestled with a character from a 3000 year old compilation book?

I wrestled with God and I am certain of it.

So, it's just your belief then?

I once met Bigfoot, he showed me his hideout in the middle of the forests in California and we laughed and joked about the time he got captured on camera over grilled vennison. He apparently, was very annoyed at being called a female in the local press and he has no way of refuting it, as he doesn't want to end up in a zoo. Poor fella. :)

You have to believe this story because it is true and I am convinced of it.

Of course I have no real world proof and the fact I sound like a stark raving looney does not diminish the validity of my claim. I know it for certain. :) So if you don't believe me and you say there is no Bigfoot, you're a complete and utter fool. :)

Thanks for your reply, content notwithstanding. :)

Please don't reply further, it's obvious we'll never agree, so it's probably best to let you just carry on in your beliefs. Besides, this thread is a good one, we don't want to hijack it now do we. :)
Ranj  21 | 947  
12 Feb 2007 /  #22
I once met Bigfoot, he showed me his hideout in the middle of the forests in California and we laughed and joked about the time he got captured on camera over grilled vennison.

Was that back in 2000, Huegel? I admit, I was the one who took the picture and sold it to the tabloids......what can I say, I was hurting for cash.......I'm glad he was able to laugh about it, though.:)
Huegel  1 | 296  
12 Feb 2007 /  #23
what can I say, I was hurting for cash

We;ve all been young and short of money Ranj, he says he has no hard feelings! :)
Ranj  21 | 947  
12 Feb 2007 /  #24
he says he has no hard feelings!

Phew, that's good. I was afraid of running into him again and having to explain myself. Good to know he's forgiving and has a sense of humor:)
Riff  - | 61  
12 Feb 2007 /  #25
Keep hoping I am not telling the truth. Please keep up on your current events. The widow of the man that started the bigfoot hoax lead athorities to his costume and the fake foot that made the footprints. Hey Clown, keep your parakeet brain in a little box. There are many believes but only one truth. Your a silly, silly child. Can you spiritually mature ? No need to reply. If you have any more questions I suggest you ask God.
Huegel  1 | 296  
12 Feb 2007 /  #26
Hey Clown, keep your parakeet brain in a little box. Your a silly, silly child. Can you spiritually mature ? No need to reply.

Ahh, wonderful. Thank you for showing us all your true colours. It's amazing that once you cannot argue rationally, you resort to the only remaining option in your arsenal of persuasion. Insults. :)

Very Christian of you! :) Keep on turning that other cheek. :)
Poles support  
12 Feb 2007 /  #27
I recently captured a mermaid. I was out fishing in the middle of the pacific, and I had a vision and God came to me and said" seek ye a mermaid". At that very momment I had a bite and bingo one mermaid.:)
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
12 Feb 2007 /  #28
Ahh, wonderful. Thank you for showing us all your true colours. It's amazing that once you cannot argue rationally, you resort to the only remaining option in your arsenal of persuasion. Insults

I expect this from most people that live in Pensyltucky.
Riff  - | 61  
13 Feb 2007 /  #29
Very Christian of you

Sorry,I can't call somebody who is a dunce wise. I fell it is better for you to know the about your folly. Jesus told it like it is many times. I think you know God exists or you wouldn't be asking questions about him.

I didn't realize that there was an argument. You have a small worldy way of thinking(fact). You do not believe in a spirit world (silly). Knowing God is not a priority of yours(fact). Instead of mimicking me understand the phrase and actually ponder it. Anyone who says there is Know God is a FOOL. God knows better than anyone who the fools are. Oh thats right, Since you say God does not exist that means he does not exist.

I expect this from most people that live in Pensyltucky.

I already heard this one. Try to come up with your own thoughts.
Huegel  1 | 296  
13 Feb 2007 /  #30
you say God does not exist that means he does not exist.

Oh boy, today's the day, isn't it! Omm, etc God give me strength.

Please do not put words into my mouth. :) Thanks.

The difference between you and me sunshine, is that I do not ram my god damn beliefs (THAT IS ALL THEY ARE!) down other people's throats.

I have my own ideas BUT I am happy to accept that I may not be right.

You however are convinced that you are right and everyone else, that does not agree 100% with you is wrong. Fullstop, end of story.
That is extremism at worst, evangelicalism at best.

You claim you were wrestling with god. Fine you're welcome to that belief.
Other people have exactly the same "experience" as you discribed; the whole bright light, floating off the bed, being manhandled but say they're abducted by aliens instead.

I assume, going on your past form, you'd say they're poor deluded fools as there are no little green men. But then in the next breath claim you were 100% physically being pinned to the deck by an embodiment of someone who alledgedly lived 2000 years ago.

If you aren't prepared to be a bit flexible and admit, there is a slight chance you are wrong, then you are discrediting yourself. (THough you do that everytime you resort to personal insults, as I say very christian of you.

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these [...] Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. [...] And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Your mileage may vary. :)

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