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What do nations of the world owe to Poland and Polish people?

Tim Bucknall  7 | 98  
6 Feb 2013 /  #31
Torun Gingerbread
Przewalski's horse, and the subsequent preservation of it made possible by the interest caused by Przewalski's "discovery" of it
jon357  72 | 23712  
6 Feb 2013 /  #32
Now he was an interesting man. He and Fredro were proof that sexuality is no bar to distinction among Poles in days past.
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
6 Feb 2013 /  #33
1931 50.4%

based on 'mother tongue'
not nationality

or would you like me to explain the rigged census of 1931
Ironside  51 | 13132  
6 Feb 2013 /  #34
or would you like me to explain the rigged census of 1931

no need delph for you everything in the antebellum-war Poland was rigged
nasadki  - | 43  
6 Feb 2013 /  #35
based on 'mother tongue'

No by language it is much higher. 63.5%
Tim Bucknall  7 | 98  
7 Feb 2013 /  #36
Holger Czukay- Can Bassist & Music genius was born in Gdansk.

thanks Gdansk!
4 eigner  2 | 816  
7 Feb 2013 /  #37
What do nations of the world owe to Poland and Polish people?

it almost looks like some of you guys are obsessed with the word "owe".
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Feb 2013 /  #38

Doesn't happen very often that someone remembers Can. Good on ya! I love the band, especially the line-up with Kenji Suzuki.
Palivec  - | 379  
8 Feb 2013 /  #39
Holger Czukay- Can Bassist & Music genius was born in Gdansk.
thanks Gdansk!

And Kant, philosopher and genius of the enlightenment, was born in Kaliningrad. Thanks Kaliningrad, thanks Russia!
4 eigner  2 | 816  
8 Feb 2013 /  #40
did you mean to say Königsberg, Prussia?
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Feb 2013 /  #41
ETA Hoffman spent time living in Warsaw. So did Glinka, Saki and Isadora Duncan.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
8 Feb 2013 /  #42
Now he was an interesting man. He and Fredro were proof that sexuality is no bar to distinction among Poles in days past.

Nobody cares as long as it is not flaunted in public and made into a value in itself like in the case of a certain MP!
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Feb 2013 /  #43
Of course the Nobel laureate Singer - a wonderful writer, came from Warsaw. I sometimes wish Zeromski was better known abroad.

Along with Przewalski and Fredro, It's also worth mentioning Karol Szymański, Wanda Landowska the world's best-known harpsichordist, Tamara de £empicka and Wacław Niżyński (known in the West as Nijinsky). I forgot to mentionthat Isadora Duncan was a distinguished LGBT icon too

certain MP!

In the capital at least, most people don't get in nearly as much of a tizzy as you about so-called 'flaunting'. How long have you lived outside Poland?
Ironside  51 | 13132  
8 Feb 2013 /  #44
In the capital at least, most people don't get in nearly as much of a tizzy

You get tizzy very easily obviously, nothimng to do with me.
The point is his only "value" and achievement is his sexuality.
Tim Bucknall  7 | 98  
15 Feb 2013 /  #45
The Nagra tape recorder!

did you mean to say Königsberg, Prussia?

nah!, he meant Krolowiec, Lithuania Minor ;-)
nasadki  - | 43  
18 Feb 2013 /  #46
America owes Poland a bit for this guy's help.

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
18 Feb 2013 /  #47
America owes Poland a bit for this guy's help.

Yes, but only a bit. That guy lost a war against Russians in Poland, then didn`t support Napoleon. Loser!
18 Feb 2013 /  #48
Napoleon was a self consumed idiot, and never cared for Poles or their interests, he used us like a cannon fodder, just more subtle.
( Samosierra was a great Polish heroism though)

... In my opinion, Kosciuszko is one of our greatest heroes, Pawian not every great thing has to finish with a victory.
Kosciuszko, Pilsudzki and Jan Pawel II are my three main heroes in my life, Kosciuszko and Poles could never win with Russians, but he took his chance, he was a true patriot till the end of his life...

It is very weird, but I find that the most patriotic people are he ones living on migration, since they are the ones that actually know what they have lost, and I am not writing this to offend anyone, and please dont take it as an insult, this is just what I think.

" Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie.
Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie,
Kto cię stracił."

Lithuania, my fatherland! You are like health;
How much you must be valued, will only discover
The one who has lost you. "

Coming back to our great hero Kosciuszko, please pawian you should weigh you words better before you start writing you silly comments:

" Titan, although you’re as strong as God himself and as mischievous as Satan,
While Balkan Turks only threaten your storerooms,
While the ambassadors from Paris pay homage at your feet -
Warsaw alone defies your power,
It stretches out its hand to bring down the crown,
The crown of the Polish Kings, down from your head,
For you have stolen it, you soiled it with blood, you the son of Vassily!"

Pawian yo call me a traitor etc.. do you know where from is this?
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
19 Feb 2013 /  #49
What do nations of the world owe to Poland and Polish people?

Croissants and coffee.

Kissing ladies' hands.

Modern liberal democratic governance.
nasadki  - | 43  
19 Feb 2013 /  #50
Yes, but only a bit. That guy lost a war against Russians in Poland, then didn`t support Napoleon. Loser!

You can't win em all.
legend  3 | 658  
19 Feb 2013 /  #51
I have a question...

Poles, Jews, and many others suffered in WWII greatly.

Today Israel gets 3-6 billion dollars per year from USA (this has been happening for decades). They get plenty of military equipment from USA.
They are even allowed to have nukes.

Why is Poland (a member of NATO) treated in a different way? What makes Israel/Jews so special?
Poland was squished by Germany and Russia. Why cant Poland have some nukes?
19 Feb 2013 /  #52
Napoleon was a self consumed idiot, and never cared for Poles or their interests, he used us like a cannon fodder, just more subtle.

He was much more generous to Poland than Frederick II, his Prussian counterpart. Joseph Bonaparte treated most Poles with respect, and forbade his troops from raping and pillaging the major towns. Talk about cannon fodder, Fred's forces shielded themselves behind civilians in Wrocław (Then Presslaw) until the surrounding villages were dust. When Napoleon's brother entered Wro, he was treated as a liberator, and all he did was take down the city ramparts to deny future fortifications by the Prussians.

Today Israel gets 3-6 billion dollars per year from USA (this has been happening for decades)

Israel is the only country to receive American aid with strings attached. The "Palestinians" and their lot get billions, as well, and what do they have to do for it? Do they even have to recognize Israel's right to exist before receiving this money? Hint: NO.
grubas  12 | 1382  
19 Feb 2013 /  #53
the most patriotic people are he ones living on migration,

Ain't that right?
19 Feb 2013 /  #54
jason I was talking about Napoleon Bonaparte, btw :)
Ans yes, I will stan by my opinion that migrants are more patriotic than people living in the country
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
19 Feb 2013 /  #55
Why would you generalize that they are "more" patriotic?

Certainly they could be, but they could just as easily be "less" patriotic or even the same.

Of course, if they take citizenship in their new country of residence it is sort of hard to accept that they have the same feelings for their ancestral home as the one they have just sworn to uphold.
yehudi  1 | 433  
19 Feb 2013 /  #56
Poles, Jews, and many others suffered in WWII greatly.

I don't see the cause and effect here. Do you think the US gives us military aid today because Jews "suffered" during WWII?

If that makes sense to you, then how do you explain that they waited till the 1960s before giving us military aid? Does the term "cold war" say anything to you?

Why cant Poland have some nukes?

How pathetic. Maybe if you ask them nicely, they'll let you have some. But wait, you're Canadian aren't you? So I guess you don't need nukes there since America protects you anyway. What makes Canadians so special?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
19 Jun 2013 /  #57
Ans yes, I will stan by my opinion that migrants are more patriotic than people living in the country

Of course not, quite the opposite. If they were patriotic, thye would stay or come back to the motherland.

Yours is a nice self-indulging thinking but quite schematic for Polish emmigration. :):):)

Kosciuszko and Poles could never win with Russians, but he took his chance,

That is pathetic. If you start an uprising, you do everything to win. The problem is that Poles didn`t want to win, they didn`t care much. They woke up when it was too late.

Another case of a nation which owes to Poland gratitude.

"God gave Jews Poland."

Who said it and how should we interpret it?

Krakow rabbi Moses Isserles said once that without Poland, the fate of people of Israel would be unbearable.


10 Nov 2015 /  #58
I am grateful for the winged horseman

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