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Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage...

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Dec 2010 /  #91
Who said i don't plan on doing so?

You'll only have 90 days residence - can't see you changing the world in 90 days, racist!

and you are? on your profile you write that you speak Polish badly I highly doubt you are but for your information I am Polish :)

You don't have Polish citizenship - therefore, you aren't Polish.

Whats with all the hate? If you don't agree what I say just say so you don't have to call me a racist.

I've no time for racist Polacks.
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
9 Dec 2010 /  #92
You don't have Polish citizenship - therefore, you aren't Polish.

LOL your making assumptions you have no idea if I have citizenship or not.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Dec 2010 /  #93
Make that "no time for racist, dumb Polacks"

Can you get Polish Citizenship if your Grandparents were born in Poland
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
9 Dec 2010 /  #94
Make that "no time for racist, dumb Polacks"

LOL you dont like to answer my question just like to call me a racist ok whatever.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Dec 2010 /  #95
You posted the thread about "can I get Polish citizenship", not me - racist!
David_18  65 | 966  
9 Dec 2010 /  #96
what connections does Poland have with Brest?

Historical connections... Brest belonged to PLC untill the partitions of PLC.

What useful purpose would it serve Poland to occupy that space?

Nothing. Poland would probably have to pump in Billions of euro into Brest before it would even look like a city...

Likewise, I've met 3 of them and they've integrated very very well.

Haha common you've met "3". Nothing to brag about....

If you are a Polish - make hypothesis about your own country's existance - not others. Bielorusians are a nation like yours.

Yea wow Belarus has been a nation for 20 years... Give me a break!

and they said that Bielorusians are the most hospitable people they have ever met.

Yea right. What do you know about the poles living inside Belarus? I heard the Belarusian goverment is very generous to the poles inside their country <Sarcasm>

True also on the second point. There was a program once about Poles in Belarus (Minsk, I believe) and, despite feeling it to be grey (like Aberdeen), they were generally impressed with the people and offerings of the city.

A program sponsored by the Belarusian Goverment haha! ;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
9 Dec 2010 /  #97
Until the partitions, right ;)

Precisely. It's hardly a bustling metropolis ;)

No doubt :) Their one and only due to a limitation of funds :)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
9 Dec 2010 /  #98
Yea wow Belarus has been a nation for 20 years... Give me a break!

I can break your filthy ignorance if you want. You don't need a break, you need to sit down and read and don't be afraid of knowledge about other people and states.

Nation - for your general knowledge - is not exactly equal to independance. Was there a Polish nation in 1873, for example? According to you - not. Questions for you:

"Were there Belarusy as a nation in 1989 when the Soviet Union still existed?", "Was Belarus' as a state-republic represented in United Nations Organization since its creation in 1945 and one of 15 republics of the SU"? I hope you say "yes" as an answer because these are historical facts.

Here is some info on Belarusian language:


And this is not the earliest period when Belarusian language was recorded - check XII century religious works. And for them to exist there should have been population who already spoke the language.

What do you know about the poles living inside Belarus? I heard the Belarusian goverment is very generous to the poles inside their country

I said it already - Belarusians are very hospitable people and these conclusions were drawn not even from a few encounters with them. "I heard that Belarusian government..." - what in hell are you talking about? Have you heard what Belarusians themselves (in their own country) go through in Lukashenko's regime? Their is no freedom of speech, people are scared to say things, everything is controlled by the state,... I am not talking about the government which as you might already know cannot be called legitimately elected for 20 years in a row, but about people. If a title nation is not living under decent democratic standards, what would you expect of some minority?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
9 Dec 2010 /  #99
He will be a future target, that dictator. For now, he is not making enough waves to attract attention but he might in due course. Then objects might fly!
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Dec 2010 /  #100
Nothing. Poland would probably have to pump in Billions of euro into Brest before it would even look like a city...

Brest, like Minsk, is in excellent condition. Belarus is one of the cleanest most well taken care of countries that I've ever been to. People are great too. Political system, not so much.

I heard the Belarusian goverment is very generous to the poles inside their country

So much persecution that they decide to stay there...Even though there is a city named "Polack"....hmmm
Seanus  15 | 19668  
9 Dec 2010 /  #101
You are a bit of a Brest man then, convex? It does it for you? ;)

Joking aside, I would like to visit Belarus one day. It's not on the agenda for now but....

I'm guessing that the efficiency level in administrative offices is somewhat higher there. I waited for 2 hours just to get a letter and also some of my personal details changed. They are some of the slowest and dullest fools around in such positions here.

Sorry Nathan but they should be shunted across to Lvov. We don't want them! ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
9 Dec 2010 /  #102
Brest, like Minsk, is in excellent condition

Wait Convex are we talking about the same two cities?

Belarus is one of the cleanest most well taken care of countries that I've ever been to. People are great too. Political system, not so much.

You mean you've been to some alternate reality Belarus? I agree with people but Mińsk is rolling in its own filth, thing i found great initially later not so much is that their meals consist of dinner, dinner and even more dinner.

So much persecution that they decide to stay there...Even though there is a city named "Polack"....hmmm

That depends, Poles are persecuted if they go into politics or celebrate their identity too much, Angelika Borys though is a political wh0re.

Anyway Belarus is much much better off than the dump they call Ukraine.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Dec 2010 /  #103
Wait Convex are we talking about the same two cities?

It's a nice place. Roads were well taken care of, greenery was manicured, no graffiti, no trash laying around. I really liked it.

You mean you've been to some alternate reality Belarus? I agree with people but Mińsk is rolling in its own filth, thing i found great initially later not so much is that their meals consist of dinner, dinner and even more dinner.

As far as "cleanest cities in Europe", Minsk ranks pretty high for me. Dunno, obviously commie as all hell, but I liked it :)

That depends, Poles are persecuted if they go into politics or celebrate their identity too much, Angelika Borys though is a political wh0re.

Don't know enough to comment, I'll stfu on that.

Anyway Belarus is much much better off than the dump they call Ukraine.

Without getting Nathans panties in a knot, I tend to agree...The countryside in Belarus is a lot more like Romania/Bulgaria.
David_18  65 | 966  
9 Dec 2010 /  #104
Until the partitions, right ;)

I would even go further and say that the Poles influenced the city untill ww2.

I can break your filthy ignorance if you want. You don't need a break, you need to sit down and read and don't be afraid of knowledge about other people and states.

I know plenty <gasps>

The Belarusian language evolved from the Ruthenian language just like todays ukrainian. You guys got no real identity, know why? Because both the Poles and Russian exploited you for over 1000 years. Both Ukraine and Belarus only existed on the map for 20 years as independent nations.

And this is not the earliest period when Belarusian language was recorded - check XII century religious works. And for them to exist there should have been population who already spoke the language.

Indeed. guess who the Benefactors was? The Radziwill family. They wanted the lands for themselfs thats why they cared so much but in reality they were Poles just like eveybody else in the Republic. Today they live in Poland and call themselfs proudly poles.

what in hell are you talking about? Have you heard what Belarusians themselves (in their own country) go through in Lukashenko's regime?

Have you ever heard what the Poles go trough in Belarus?

Brest, like Minsk, is in excellent condition. Belarus is one of the cleanest most well taken care of countries that I've ever been to. People are great too. Political system, not so much.

Actually i would't mind visit Belarus. I've meet plenty of Belarusians and most of them that iv'e been speaking too always claims to be polish descendants, seems to be the fasion over there.

So much persecution that they decide to stay there...Even though there is a city named "Polack"....hmmm

Do they got a chooice? probably their family lived there the past 500 years. Moving to Poland ain't an option fo most of them. What they gonna do if they got no job and no money in Poland?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
9 Dec 2010 /  #105
Without any shadow, yes. However, Russia influenced Poland for 43 years (much more really) ;) ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
9 Dec 2010 /  #106
Don't know enough to comment, I'll stfu on that.

Belarus aint anti-Polish, its anti-initiative, any initiative and its just so happens that Poles are The most active minority in Belarus so they get most boots.

Life is OK (as much as it can be in a commie state) as long as you play by the rules, belarussian rules suck major arse though.

I will double up on previous posters comments, Belarussians are not a nation, they're a bunch of guys without an identity held together by a local tyrant, give em time and they might or might not develop into a nation, today its completely artificial.

It's a nice place. Roads were well taken care of, greenery was manicured, no graffiti, no trash laying around. I really liked it.

The place has discipline ill give you that but it can be and is reaaally filthy once you're off the beaten track.

Have you ever heard what the Poles go trough in Belarus?

Not much really, life aint roses for them but our media made a case of demonising the issue, at the same time in Ukraine where Poles are really mistreated you get no media coverage of that.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
10 Dec 2010 /  #107
The Belarusian language evolved from the Ruthenian language just like todays ukrainian. You guys got no real identity, know why? Because both the Poles and Russian exploited you for over 1000 years.

Great to know :)

Indeed. guess who the Benefactors was? The Radziwill family. They wanted the lands for themselfs thats why they cared so much but in reality they were Poles just like eveybody else in the Republic.

The Radziwill family was Polish??? Hahahah :))) You made my day.

Have you ever heard what the Poles go trough in Belarus?

They have not worse than the title nation. Use your country to improve the conditions for all people in Belarus and then Polish minority will benefit as well.
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
10 Dec 2010 /  #108
The Radziwill family was Polish??? Hahahah :))) You made my day.

Some people are so stupid even I know that Radziwill family is Ukrainian some people should think before they speak.
1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Dec 2010 /  #109
The Radziwill family was Polish??? Hahahah :))) You made my day.

When one of the clan said at a party he was Lithuanian, someone asked him to say something in Lithuanian. Everyone had a good laugh. In Lithuanian their surname is Radvila, but they to this day use the Polish Radziwiłł. I can introduce you, if you like, and you can kiss the Prince's hand.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
10 Dec 2010 /  #110
Some people are so stupid even I know that Radziwill family is Ukrainian some people should think before they speak.

They are Lithuanian noble family which eventually spread out into all the Eastern Europe. To say that they are Polish or Ukrainian as such is incorrect.

I can introduce you, if you like, and you can kiss the Prince's hand.

Do you still do that? Do you like licking men's hands, jola? Nice name you have - manly ;) I am not that much into nobility cr*p and women are the only creatures I might consider kissing in the hand :)
1jola  14 | 1875  
10 Dec 2010 /  #111
To say that they are Polish or Ukrainian as such is incorrect.

To say they are Ukrainian would be ridiculous. Relax, I just happened to grow up friends with the family.
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
10 Dec 2010 /  #112
They are Lithuanian noble family which eventually spread out into all the Eastern Europe. To say that they are Polish or Ukrainian as such is incorrect.

Yes your right I just noticed my mistake just then lol.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
10 Dec 2010 /  #113
Your mistake was talking in the first place.

Radziwiłł family was originaly lithuanian, today they're as polish as any other Pole.
David_18  65 | 966  
10 Dec 2010 /  #114
The Radziwill family was Polish??? Hahahah :))) You made my day.

Ow gees... The Radziwill Family exploited Lithuania and Belarus to the limit. Sure they were decendants of the Lithuanian Astikai family but after the creation of the PLC Republic they went the polish way and have done so ever since.

If you asked a Radziwill 500 years ago if he were polish he would say yes. If you would ask them today they would say the same. There is a reason why they choose Poland over Belarus and Lithuania after WW1.

They have not worse than the title nation. Use your country to improve the conditions for all people in Belarus and then Polish minority will benefit as well.

Poland is doing a great work to improve the conditions in both Belarus and Ukraine, but it takes two to tango you know.

Some people are so stupid even I know that Radziwill family is Ukrainian some people should think before they speak.

Your intelligence amuses me :)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
11 Dec 2010 /  #115
Poland is doing a great work to improve the conditions in both Belarus and Ukraine, but it takes two to tango you know.

I don`t know what improvement and of what conditions you are talking about in case of Ukraine. If you could, please, give me some examples of single tango, I`ll appreciate it.

Your intelligence amuses me :)

You mean the lack of such, I hope?!
David_18  65 | 966  
11 Dec 2010 /  #116
Poland is letting Ukrainians come to Poland and work.
Poland supports an Ukrainian Eu entry and Nato entry.

Etc etc etc...

You mean the lack of such, I hope?!

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2010 /  #117
I don`t know what improvement and of what conditions you are talking about in case of Ukraine.

About the only thing I can think of is introducing the Karta Polaka, but that's about it. Unless of course, you count the investments made in Shegyni by Poles buying cigarettes ;)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
11 Dec 2010 /  #118
Poland is letting Ukrainians come to Poland and work.
Poland supports an Ukrainian Eu entry and Nato entry.

Ukraine is letting Polish come to Ukraine if not for work than for tourism. Ukrainians working in Poland bring benefit to your country by producing and paying taxes, which Poland uses. Is this correct? If you didn't need the workers, you wouldn't let Ukrainians in. So, you are not doing it exactly out of sheer love and passion, but for own benefit, which is great.

EU and NATO support and Ukraine's part in it is important for Poland on multiple levels: economy (Germany exports to Poland, Poland might need somebody too to invest and export not out of love, but to gain profits); geopolitics - stable state to be a buffer against Russia; an ally to feel better in a world of hatred and rejection ;) and many others.

So, it is not a single tango, David. It is mutually benefitial relationship.

you count the investments made in Shegyni by Poles buying cigarettes

Again - mutually benefitial :)
David_18  65 | 966  
11 Dec 2010 /  #119
You just proved my point. Thank you ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Dec 2010 /  #120
I don`t know what improvement and of what conditions you are talking about in case of Ukraine. If you could, please, give me some examples of single tango, I`ll appreciate it.

80% of revitalisation done in Lwów is done with money from Wrocław for example, if not for our money your country would be an even bigger dump than it already is.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians work in Poland.

If Poland ever wanted to collpse ukrainian economy all it takes is to expell some half a milion ukrainians working here legaly or otherwise and Ukraine is wrecked overnight, the only reason Poland does not is political, ripping Ukraine a new arsehole is not in our interest.

As for economy dont make me laugh, Ukraine has no market atm, Polands exports to Ukraine are pathetically small, you're an economic black hole and the only country that cares about you (Poland) cares about you because you're such a nice buffer zone.

Sucks to be Ukraine :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage...Archived