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Life in communism vs democracy in Poland

scrappleton  - | 829  
2 Jan 2010 /  #211
and in Germany at least green-tech becomes more and more an important economical factor which makes for more and more employment)

Yep.. they're bringing those jobs to the US Midwest I just read. German and Italian firms.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
2 Jan 2010 /  #212
No, I'm not an accountant but I use one every March... :)
If we did not 'waste' energy, we would not have to "save" it. Do you know how hot offices are kept in the winter in this country? I could wear a tank top and shorts at work every winter! However in the summer, they are chilled so much that I need to keep a sweater on.

I consider it a total waste of energy. Why do we have windows which we can not open? Imagine the electricity saved during April or May, when we could keep the windows open instead of turning the air on? It is still free. Simple.

Only: Profit, profit, profit, money, money, money. Now my poor generation has to clean up and pay for your idiocy.

but scrappy..don't you agree that we're all working for money? All everybody wants is enough money for a good, decent living. So maybe the corporate greed goes too far, especially at the top, but they at least know how to take care about their employees and would always throw you a bone (bigger or smaller) but enough to get you a house and a good living...it worked, it still does.

Get the green 'thing' going and your generation will be into a huge profit and a huge money pile in no time! ;)
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Jan 2010 /  #213
However middle class has international connections when it sees its interests in danger in one place it intervenes to save them.Most of EU is middle class network between european countries.

So you seems to recognize Marxist theory of class struggle?

It's much easier to be successful in the US than it is in Europe if you come from modest means.

Well said, Europe is a socialist sh*thole. You always need tones of papers to start something and all of this cost tones of money. A pity that Americans seems rather to start follow European way of thinking, this is not the road to prosperity for sure. Think twice before you let bureaucrats to run your life, if once they gain too much influence only some serious social turmoil may remove them.

The new EU-university reform will lead to a streamlining of universities across the EU, meaning that you can get your degree in one country and get accepted with it later in the whole of Europe...how is that for mobility and chances!

University should be outside of state control but the EU must handle everything. Same about socialist Polish state and probably the rest of socialist Europe. Kick out politicians from university, leave it to professors!

This system will always be sick as long as people wont understand that this is up to employer to recognize or not degrees from various university around the world. This is not a job of state bureaucrat. The first create jobs, the second is just a parasite who try to make it harder for everybody else.

I don't think so Eurola...green technology is a necessity, not only a trend, and will only grow as it has only just begun. The demand is rising enormously.

The demand is not rising, because it is still inefficient.

Hence the ABSOLUTE NEED for green tech to stop at least the polluting at home...

One thing is to reduce pollution and the second talking BS about global warming. Socialists of course do the latter thing.

Look at what your babyboomer generation has done to one of the greatest economic machines ever conceived. .. and still you don't get it do you? Only: Profit, profit, profit, money, money, money. Now my poor generation has to clean up and pay for your idiocy.

Babyboomers, yours obsession :) Amazing how do you identify with your generation. Just wait to hear similar nonsense from you children and grandchildren.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
2 Jan 2010 /  #214
I know South Africa well. Have had several business friends from there visited here, factory owners, etc etc. They told similar things. I just listened to them without replying as these guys were my visitor. These white rich guys are just twisting the reality. Yes, these poors are not used to work as they have been used as slaves for little food, but, the main reason is that white riches are eating things there by big spoons and they gave things by small tea spoons. Note that gold mines, etc etc are still owned by this small minority of white rich guys. They are still taking 9 of 10 and giving only 1 to majority. Just like anywhere in capitalist society.

He told me... Freedom is just a word , in the communist days i had a job , food on the table , i was not hungry , what need do i have of freedom...?

It seems that freedom is a great thing...if you have the money to enjoy it...

Russian communism was a nationalist communism applied by a capitalist mentality. They just used the socialism concept to become a superpower. How did they do this? Folks brains were working better as they were not hungry and their brains worked a little more efficient and they progressed in the science easily and they were 20 years ahead of capitalist world in science. I know this very well as a former scientist. Problem was that nationalist deep state in Russia who are actually capitalists in deep minds had controlled the process rather than leaving the process to the socialist scientists there. When these nationalist capitalists saw they got to be enough superpower, they wanted to stop using socialism as they didnt know what to do after. In closed doors, they decided it is time to stop using the socialism that they didnt understand well. And they were satisfied enough as they were superpower (in space and military technology anyway.)

In capitalist society, yes, you have freedom if you have the money. The more money the more freedom. Butttt, people dont live alone. When you are richest person or even if you have biggest weapons, you will find yourself sqeezed between the wallls with no freedom at all. I can understand their logics of very rich people and people with big weapons. Their logics are locked with no freedom. Cause the mentality is problem and our hopeful guys who trying to be like them are following their this mentality problem. Now, most of guys with hopes and who consider themselves smarts here with little knowledge think that the richest guys are happy with what they have. No, they are like fat men who are busy with their problematic logic mentality and i am sure they too are very interested in socialism, but, how? this is their problem. If one of them is coming here to learn what public and so called intelligent guys think about sharing his wealth, to share the wealth or not. when he listening to public here who supporting capitalism, he will give up sharing the wealth because of these idiots and actually thinking not good for his health of fat men either. if i were richest guy, i would own these guys as slaves at my companies.

hey, rich fat man, do this to these idiot, so called smart guys who thinking nothing but considering themselves as smarts with their little knowledge who making you fat and others starving... dont worry about socialism, true socialism.. i will tell how it is done. i wont tell as all these sh*ts are your own sh*ts, so you all together have to clean your own sh*ts first.. but, as a human, as a member of this society, i can give a hint: air is for free, you dont have to have money.. a very small effort is enough to live.
scrappleton  - | 829  
2 Jan 2010 /  #215
Babyboomers, yours obsession :)

Well, not really.. You study economics , right? You want to tell me the US is not in serious decline? It is.. mostly because of these idiotic decisions made by these babyboomers. I'm sorry but it is true. They have been in power for sometime now. Not only do the decisions effect us but also Europe.. I dont know why you should be so kind to them. ??
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Jan 2010 /  #216
You want to tell me the US is not in serious decline? It is.. mostly because of these idiotic decisions made by these babyboomers.

The US is in serious decline because of extensive corporate and social welfare and bad monetary policy. Companies and individuals are dependent on handouts that destroy the level playing field that is needed in capitalism.

Not only do the decisions effect us but also Europe.

Greedy Europeans are to blame for the problems in Europe. European governments fight just as hard to try to prevent needed corrections in the economy. They are just as guilty at keeping people hooked on credit as the US. For bonus points, in Europe, the people that tell us that there is no money for health care, pensions, and infrastructure...the people that tell us that humans are destroying the earth, these same people are telling us to have more kids to support their social ponzi scheme.
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Jan 2010 /  #217
Well, not really.. You study economics , right? You want to tell me the US is not in serious decline? It is.. mostly because of these idiotic decisions made by these babyboomers. I'm sorry but it is true

I study economic only in this sense that this is one of my hobbies. Anyway, you looking at current problems from strange perspective. No generation ever signed any bill. You cannot blame average people for stupid policy in this case of American establishment. Certain people influenced by certain lobbies signed certain bills who encouraged people to take credits. Average person is responsible for its own mistakes and should face consequences. This is happening and there is no need for you to bash them. People make mistakes and they will always do.

How about establishment? Those who in fact created such trend wont face any consequences! So, here we have real problem. Here you should transfer you anger.

Not only do the decisions effect us but also Europe.

European problems have its source in Europe itself. Do you know that over here you need to have a paper (not free of charge of course!) to even change a light bulb. :) Just wait till they will chase people who still have some common sense and are able to change a light bulb without passing exams and without paying. Those socialists ruining this civilization, because you get automatically retard treatment. People treated like retards slowly become retarded indeed.
scrappleton  - | 829  
2 Jan 2010 /  #218
How about establishment? Those who in fact created such trend wont face any consequences! So, here we have real problem. Here you should transfer you anger.

Now we know who you talk about here.. Babyboomers are in control and let the "establishment" do these things. What can I say, things turn slowly in a big country.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
2 Jan 2010 /  #219

What's BWL?

Which one?

Justice system can be a joke. Look at the guy who played a large part in the Air India Bombing back in the 80's. I think he got 5 years. How many people dead?

Taxation and redistribution of wealth in the Unemployment insurance system. Working people in Ontario and Alberta pay the most into the system, but when it comes time to draw from the system, they can't get what the person in Nfld gets. It is a skewed system that really had it's flaws shown in this last recession.

The welfare system in general. There is no reason an able bodied, mentally healthy individual should not be forced to work, rather than collect, collect, collect for a lifetime, if they so desire.

If you didn't genuflect to the limey so much I would respect you more.

Just wait for us to become more multi-kulti. That too will end, then you can love us more! ;-)

Americans have always worked hard and even more so now being scared of loosing the job.

But the system is working against them, as more jobs are being outsourced to low cost countries. I read some articles that indicate Americans (including Canadians too) are starting to realize this, and there may be more of a shift back to domestic production of goods and services. We can hope.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Jan 2010 /  #220
What's BWL?

"Betriebswirtschaftslehre" = business administration
(Yes, it is that mind numbing as it sounds)

The demand is not rising, because it is still inefficient.

The demand is extremely rising! And seeing how new that whole concept is it is no wonder it is not efficient....yet!
Give it another 25 years though...

Well said, Europe is a socialist sh*thole. You always need tones of papers to start something and all of this cost tones of money.

I always find that thinking funny as for example Germany was always big on welfare and beaureucracy and still managed to be a highly efficient and successful society and economy!

Not to talk about the scandinavian countries as another example, all are alot more regulated
than the US - but nobody would call them less successful or a "sh*ithole"!

Remind me again, where did the biggest economic crisis of the modern times stem from?
Regulated Europe or unregulated US/UK???
Ever visited the new tent cities outside of big american cities with those millions of newly homeless people in them in the States recently???

The same as the nearly "communist" EU (only in your head though mind you) is taking over the lead as more successfull economy than the US despite all that "meddling" and "coddling" of their citizens....how come???;)

lesser, your EU-phobia is starting to cloud your brain!

University should be outside of state control but the EU must handle everything.

Well...it will make the future students in the EU more mobile and hence better suited to adapt to the new and bigger markets...they will profit from it in the end.

The whole of Europe will be open to them to study and to search for work, much more possibilities for them.

One thing is to reduce pollution and the second talking BS about global warming.

I really doubt that stopping to talk about it will do a thing against the pollution...
Behaving like the three apes...you know: Not seeing/Not hearing/Not telling is a first class ticket into the catastrophe!
king polkakamon  - | 542  
2 Jan 2010 /  #221
theory of class struggle?

Of course there is class struggle.There is huge class struggle.And it is not done by the glove.We talk about pure violence my friend.

business administration

Germans never respected anglosaxon management.They prefer management by experienced workers.What can a 24 year old boy tell the Volkswagen technician who has been working there for 25 years?I mean is there anything useful the youngster can do apart from giving BJs to a banker to get a loan?(it i not called like that but it has another name in Germany).

Anyway there are many issues and nobody who can,is also eager to provide solutions because there will be only one solution.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Jan 2010 /  #222
Germans never respected anglosaxon management.

With good reason!
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Jan 2010 /  #223
Remind me again, where did the biggest economic crisis of the modern times stem from?
Regulated Europe or unregulated US/UK???

The problems in the US stem from regulation, corporate welfare/social welfare, and idiotic monetary policy. Capitalism was trying to fix itself by punishing companies that made bad loans and bringing housing prices back into line. The government responded by devaluing the currency again. A lot of what you guys are calling the business class/capitalist class should have lost all their money. The government somehow convinced people that houses would stand empty and people would freeze to death if they didn't rescue the mortgage backed securities of the banks/pension funds/mutual funds. Instead of letting housing prices drop back to where people can afford them, the government is keeping them high in order to support people that make bad choices. They fed is also in a bad place with interest rates, as ****** banks are so over leveraged, that increasing interest rates would cause them to tumble down, as they should.

The problem is arguably worse in places like the UK, Spain, Greece, and Iceland, which last I checked were in Europe. Public debt as a percentage of GDP is officially higher in a number of countries in Europe (but I don't trust GDP numbers in general, the US and UK have a grossly overstated GDP), including Germany. The social systems are unsustainable, that's why the government is pushing more children during a time in which smaller families would be much more beneficial to the environment and national infrastructure.

Germans never respected anglosaxon management.They prefer management by experienced workers

Bwahahaha. Are you serious? Deutsche Bank, Telekom, Allianz, RWE, Deutsche Post, VW, are all Mckinsey clients...If you look through Sr. Management bios, you'll find quite a few ex Mckinsey employees as well. It's all the same, the current crop of management all practice the same poison, regardless of which country they are from.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
2 Jan 2010 /  #224
They don't practice the same.Why Germany has a surplass in commerce balance while US has a deficit?
It is clear that they don't practice the same and that their goals are different.US seems to believe that borrowing money is always good while Germans are more tight and pay more attention to the real production and not the desires.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Jan 2010 /  #225
The problems in the US stem from regulation, corporate welfare/social welfare, and idiotic monetary policy.

Oh please!

I never heard someone state that the US is burdened by to much regulation and welfare...hell you hadn't even a health care till yesterday!!!

Most EU countries have much more of both and still managed to NOT throw the world into a crisis!

Madoff scams couldn't have happened with more control and regulations...neither would the victims left alone to hang themselves as they have no security net to fall back on now.
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Jan 2010 /  #226
Now we know who you talk about here.. Babyboomers are in control and let the "establishment" do these things. What can I say, things turn slowly in a big country.

You must be a really blind democrat if you think that people govern establishment. Democracy is just an illusion. Here politicians are happy, they love to see voters turning against each other. Democratic establishment is the only winner in this game.

The demand is extremely rising! And seeing how new that whole concept is it is no wonder it is not efficient....yet!
Give it another 25 years though...

No, everybody support green energy until they learn about costs. Corrupt socialists instead to help the poor people as they always used to say prefer to force them to pay higher bills.

Make it efficient and then people would switch voluntary!

I always find that thinking funny as for example Germany was always big on welfare and beaureucracy and still managed to be a highly efficient and successful society and economy!
Not to talk about the scandinavian countries as another example, all are alot more regulated
than the US - but nobody would call them less successful or a "sh*ithole"!

Germany deserve its prosperity to good working ethic, bureaucracy is always an obstacle. Now when welfare is stronger than ever before and slowly undermining this traditional working ethnic present in this society. Effects we already see, no GDP grow.

Also if one feel to be a cow then Scandinavia seems to be a good place to live. Forgive me BB, I'm human!

Remind me again, where did the biggest economic crisis of the modern times stem from?
Regulated Europe or unregulated US/UK???

Both of course, the US is not so unregulated as you claim. All this credit insanity was provoked by state regulations. The EU simply created good propaganda apparatus, blame the US, everything is so simple. The same about Putin, his own flawed policies lead to crisis in Russia. Of corse he blame the US. Ridiculous, the US has its faults but the fact that so few here is able to point out failure of domestic policies is completely ridiculous.

Well...it will make the future students in the EU more mobile and hence better suited to adapt to the new and bigger markets...they will profit from it in the end.
The whole of Europe will be open to them to study and to search for work, much more possibilities for them.

I'm a liberal and know very well what have to be done to archive such results without any sacrifices. Plenty of famous European scientists of past ages studied aboard and somehow state control of universities was not needed! Of course the EU must handle everything, control mania of this newborn state could be compared to old declarations of Benito Mussolini.

The EU cannot even run free trade zone. Limits, quotas, licences, directives this is something that every creative EU citizen must swallow. When I read that Spanish state was fined because Spanish farmers produced too much milk I wonder in what world I'm living. In Africa they would welcome such development for sure, the same in Asia or Americas, but for modern Europe this is unacceptable. This is simply insane, from the perspective of general social gains. However this is understandable from perspective of EU establishment who gladly accept all bribes and produce such "flowers".

I really doubt that stopping to talk about it will do a thing against the pollution...
Behaving like the three apes...you know: Not seeing/Not hearing/Not telling is a first class ticket into the catastrophe!

If they would transfer all cash spend on fighting global warming to reduce real pollution then at least one problem could be partially solved.

I will tell you something. Long ago, among tribal societies there were people called shamans. Those were wise but dishonest people who learned about wheather and used this knowledge to manipulate ignorant masses. They prospered really nicely.

I'm sorry to say but in XXI century in Europe or the US nothing changed. Modern shamans like Al Gore earn big bucks on talking complete rubbish to ignorant masses.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Jan 2010 /  #227
Effects we already see, no GDP grow.

This is the effect of your made-in-the-US crisis, THANKYOU!!! btw. and not because of our welfare.

Quite to the contrary, our welfare net kept Germans quite and not panicking. So our economy kept equally quiet, no desperate runs to the banks, people sold and did buy as usual as nobody feared to become homeless and jobless overnight without a dime to feed their kids.

Modern shamans like Al Gore earn big bucks on talking complete rubbish to ignorant masses.

I don't think Gore earns a buck if clean-tech get's developed and sold in Germany...cut the crap lesser!

Also if one feel to be a cow then Scandinavia seems to be a good place to live. Forgive me BB, I'm human!

Now that was mean! :(
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Jan 2010 /  #228
So our economy kept equally quiet.

The reason that the German economy is doing well was pointed out in polkakamons post, Germany still produces (less and less every year of course).

I never heard someone state that the US is burdened by to much regulation and welfare...hell you hadn't even a health care till yesterday!!!

Most EU countries have much more of both and still managed to NOT throw the world into a crisis!

Existing regulation in the US wasn't enforced. But seriously, people that invest in something that they don't have a clue about and then lose their ass, boo-hoo. Would you invest $200m in an investment fund that only gave you a single sheet of paper every month stating that you made money? Sound stupid? That's what every last one of Madoffs clients agreed to.

Who was balls deep in packaging and reselling all the crap mortgages? That's right, Deutschebank, Allianz, Dresdener Bank, Munich RE... I still have a hard time seeing how the US "caused" a global crisis. Anyone that invested in crap securites is at fault for their own actions, plain and simple. No need to pass the buck. Learn what your buying.

That detracts from the bigger point though, the idea that there is a deep difference between any of the countries or the banking systems anymore.

Most EU countries come no where near the level of corporate welfare paid out in the US. Regarding healthcare, Medicare and Medicaid cover more people than the total population of Germany.

As far as what you get for your 40% that is paid in taxes...well, AOK has nice buildings in just about every city...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Jan 2010 /  #229
Germany still produces (less and less every year of course).

It's still enough to be third even with only the size of Montana, barely any natural resources to speak of and only some millions of workforce...THAT is efficience (inclusive much welfare and a bulging bureaucracy) ;)

So something of your math (welfare + regulations = bad economy) is for the bin!
The one country in deep **** is one without much welfare and barely any regulations...

*tries hard not to look over to convex*
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Jan 2010 /  #230
It's still enough to be third even with only some millions of workforce...THAT is efficience (inclusive much welfare and a bulging bureaucracy) ;)

But alas, Germany is slipping away from manufacturing, and into the "service based economy". It's worrying to see the number of manufacturing jobs that have been lost over the last 10 years. That's not efficiency, that's outsourcing. Those Touaregs that are made in Bratislava, yea, they count towards the trade surplus.

So something of your math (welfare + regulations = bad economy) is for the bin!

The welfare system was amazing when there were more people putting into it than taking out of it, lets see what happens when that flips around.

The US is more heavily regulated than Europe, enforcement is just laxer.

The one country in deep **** is one without much welfare and barely any regulations...

China? Singapore? Korea? Or do you mean unregulated non-welfare cowboy states like Iceland, Spain, Greece, and the UK?
king polkakamon  - | 542  
2 Jan 2010 /  #231
cowboy states

I like this term.

Who was balls deep in packaging and reselling all the crap mortgages? That's right, Deutschebank, Allianz, Dresdener Bank, Munich RE...

They were forced by the Americans to do that.They did not want to do that really.After all it only caused them problems at the end.

That is why Merckel direcktly accused the US.
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Jan 2010 /  #232
They were forced by the Americans to do that.

Who forced who into what?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Aug 2010 /  #233
This thread has potential :) I recommend a discussion of the lustracja. Much of this has been swept under the carpet. Should Tusk be doing more to get the matter cleared up?
milky  13 | 1656  
15 Aug 2010 /  #234
Eastern European Communism used Vodka a lot to keep the people stupid,

explain please

Pity the question wasn't answered,,Just a load of b0lox..Not enough Poles on this Forum to answer questions, that are actually about Poland.

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