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Life in communism vs democracy in Poland

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #91
yes, it makes luxury and race cars,,, but, it cant help finding a simple cure to cancers.

You are confused, the function of capitalism is not to cure cancer.
but it does work on an incentive basis (at best) and creates an environment that someone can find a cure and get a reward for it.

go and learn cuba hospitals. maybe not to cancer yet, but to many illnesses that capitalist world dont know the cure yet, but, cuba.

This is simply not true.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
31 Dec 2009 /  #92
Cuban democracy movement


The Cuban democracy movement is a political movement in Cuba whose aim is "to replace the current regime with a more democratic form of government" [1]. According to Human Rights Watch, the Cuban government represses nearly all forms of political dissent.[2]

Wait...people who fight for democracy are oppressed in socialist Cuba??? Who would have thought it...
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Dec 2009 /  #93
How you are so sure ? You should make an election to know it.

happiness of polish people about their own economies? i am sure 90% is unhappy. i dont need surveys and false biased graphs of capitalist mentality showing them happy about their own economy.. a few rich people will print graphs etc showing their folks are happy.

poland is different than russia that used socialism to be superpower nation (nationalists actually.) poland has a chance now as they are experienced the both. i guess poland may make a good movement toward the world true socialism. if they dont work on this way, they wont be head or tail.

ps: about cuban medicine.. google and or ask any medicine doctor around world. if you still dont believe, catch some illnesses and you will have to learn cuban medicine then.

ps: dont bring me texts of capitalist media. that is doing propaganda against socialism. you believe capitalist greedy monsters? idiots
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
31 Dec 2009 /  #94
i dont need surveys and false biased graphs of capitalist mentality showing them happy about their own economy.

Facts aren't your strength at all it seems...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #95
happiness of polish people about their own economies?

In comparison to communism, Poland has a healthier economy now.

ps: about cuban medicine.. google and or ask any medicine doctor around world. if you still dont believe, catch some illnesses and you will have to learn cuban medicine then.

So, in other words you have no back up, well that doesn't surprise.

Just where the heck are you from? You have not been to Poland or Cuba by the sounds of it.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Dec 2009 /  #96
In comparison to communism, Poland has a healthier economy now.

talk about distribution. unhealty, very unhealthy, just like these pictures. this is capitalism. same pictures even at local towns... success? where?

  • poor.jpg

  • rich.jpg
mephias  10 | 296  
31 Dec 2009 /  #97
i am sure 90% is unhappy

This is I can only call ignorance so you will force them to be socialist without caring what they want. Dictatorship so bad.

Poland has a chance now as they are experienced the both. i guess poland may make a good movement toward the world true socialism.

Oh my God we have a new crow. I suggest you to come here and ask it to Polish People . They will give you the exact answer I believe :).

And don't live in dreams like crow I have been many former soviet countries and almost all people other than some beggers and taxi drivers are happy about collapse of communism.

By the way it is time for me to take some polish medicine (Vodka) before 00:00.

Happy new year for all.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Dec 2009 /  #98
print as much money as we need
During the height of hyperinflation in 1992–1993, the Central Bank actually tried to derail reforms by actively printing money during a period of inflation. After all, the Russian government was short of revenue and was forced to print money to finance its debt. As a result, inflation exploded into hyperinflation, and the Russian economy continued in a serious slump.

If everyone did it, maybe there wouldn't be such a thing as "hyperinflation". That concept was invented to derail prosperity among all people.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Dec 2009 /  #99
Mephias, you still bringing russian communism as example. how many times will i say it was russian nationalism that used a concept poorly but goodly to become a superpower and they did.. however, it was still better than capitalism as they showed finger to problems of world.. we humans, right? now, we know problems. we can not solve? but, war? this is capitalism. when minds are squeezed their minds dont know anything but war war war. and these rich dont kill each others but poor idiots kill each others. for what? they will own the gold minds under your lands, NOT YOU, idiots.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
31 Dec 2009 /  #100
Yeah, Nomaderol...why don't you make a poll?

It seems most people prefer capitalism...what are you going to do about it??? ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #101
That concept was invented to derail prosperity among all people.

Have you a link for that?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Dec 2009 /  #102
Yeah, Nomaderol...why don't you make a poll?

here? i know idiots will win
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
31 Dec 2009 /  #103
Well...here and probably everywhere you would ask!

Now...what are you going to do with these millions of "idiots"? Re-education Gulags???
Or an easy shot in the neck?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Dec 2009 /  #104
Have you a link for that?

I can't provide a link to my brain because it isn't online. Think about it. Concepts like "hyperinflation" were invented as roadblocks to oppress people. Observation is enough proof of that!

If people are always spending money, it is never devalued. As long as we are using it to pay for things, it has plenty.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #105
why don't you make a poll?

here? i know idiots will win

Welcome to democracy :) hahahaha.

Now...what are you going to do with these millions of "idiots"? Re-education Gulags???
Or an easy shot in the neck?

Siberia is nice this time of year for those.

This is all very fun but seriously folks, I think Poland is much better off having democracy rather than being a puppet communist country for the U.S.S.R.


I can't provide a link to my brain because it isn't online. Think about it. Concepts like "hyperinflation" were invented as roadblocks to oppress people. Observation is enough proof of that!

I am only asking for you to backup your statement.
Perhaps you could expand upon your idea and we could have a sensible discussion.

It has happened before here in Poland, it doesn't work.
So everyone has millions, a shop keeper wanting to sell a cabbage has now a bid for his cabbage because everyone can afford it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Dec 2009 /  #106
Those pictures tell it all. Poland looks happier now. Let's think about this, though. Don't most places look better now than they used to? Where I live looks a lot better since we got these retailers, and we just got them in the past ten years. We didn't have them before, so, even we look better now than we did just ten years ago.

I did explain my answer. It's true, concepts like "hyperinflation" are used by the "haves" to oppress the "have nots". Money has value as long as people are using it to pay for goods and services.
mephias  10 | 296  
31 Dec 2009 /  #107
Mephias, you still bringing russian communism as example

It is what you believe. And it is obvious many don't believe same here. You can't expect people have respect on your opinion if you don't have theirs.

here? i know idiots will win

For example...

Yes you think a system which is never applied to any country we don't know why is better than current one and we should try to change current system because you are a genius and more intelligent than all other people here.

Strange conclusion.

Anyway now nothing can stop me I have to drink my vodka and get drunk before 00:00.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #108
Money has value as long as people are using it to pay for goods and services.

It has happened before here in Poland, it doesn't work.
So everyone has millions, a shop keeper wanting to sell a cabbage has now bids for his cabbage because everyone can afford it, money becomes worthless.

Poland went through inflation (second time) between 1989 and 1991. The highest denomination in 1989 was 200,000 zlotych. It was 1,000,000 zlotych in 1991 and 2,000,000 zlotych in 1992; the exchange rate was 9500 zlotych for 1 US dollar in January 1990 and 19600 zlotych at the end of August 1992. In the 1994 currency reform, 1 new zloty was exchanged for 10,000 old zlotych and 1 US$ exchange rate was ca. 2.5 zlotych (new).
Previously, between 1922 and 1924, Polish inflation reached 275% and exchange rate in 1923 was 6,375,000 Polish marka (mkp) for 1 US dollar (...)

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Dec 2009 /  #109
It's only worthless if we believe it is. It's artifical, anyway, because we use something that is worthless on it's own to bribe people to do what we want. The cabbage is actually the thing with value, not the money. We need the cabbage to survive.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #110
The cabbage is actually the thing with value, not the money.

The money is a representative of the cabbage.
It is easier for us to believe that 3 Zloty is equal to one cabbage.
So I can carry 300 Zloty on me and not three hundred cabbages.
Or a ship etc...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Dec 2009 /  #111
That is why money is so artifical. Some people believe the barter system should be the only monetary system because it's truer.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #112
I think you missed my point.
I like the barter system but it is impractical and you still have to "make up" a trade offer (your point about artificial), 2 sheep = a 1000 cabbages.

Those 1000 cabbages have to be stored or they'll go bad, so we use a representative.
Also the more of any thing the less it is worth, if everyone in your village has a thousand cabbages, the cabbage is worthless, it is the same for money, hence hyperinflation.

And logistically speaking it is impractical to lug all your possessions to the market place with you.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Dec 2009 /  #113
Communist girls were more intellectuals.And had more hair on their thighs.What an era.
When will these times come again?When stockings were enough.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #114
Communist girls were more intellectuals.And had more hair on their thighs.What an era.

Did many turn up in your Southern Greece dreams?
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Dec 2009 /  #115
I tell you only one thing.The great czech actor Robert Rosenberg got 50 milenkas just in the summer of 1978 having just one thing as property.These were the times man.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
31 Dec 2009 /  #116
50 milenkas

What was the exchange rate at the time? I don't remember the Czech Milenka as ever having been a valuable currency.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Dec 2009 /  #117
Robert Rosenberg has such qualifications that he doesn't need any currency.The man is a class himself.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 Dec 2009 /  #118
What was the exchange rate at the time?

This talk of money made me think of that funny/ironic youtube link that you posted awhile ago about money or banks. i think it was you anyway...

Robert Rosenberg got 50 milenkas just in the summer of 1978

He was born 1975, so he was 3.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
1 Jan 2010 /  #119

When I saw the opening page about "yeah, I am 18..." I thought better of opening it.

i think it was you anyway...

I think it was on nomaderol's what is money thread. If so, guilty as charged, squire.
ob1  1 | 30  
1 Jan 2010 /  #120
"Pure communism" in the Marxian sense refers to a classless, stateless and oppression-free society where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made democratically, allowing every member of society to participate in the decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life.

I suspect this can only be achieved when all people are on the same plane of consciousness. It's the job of philosophers/religions/inspired leaders to put us all on the same plane. This is happening slowly but won't reach completion on Earth any time soon. Many people on Earth are still motivated by greed and what position and power will come with money. To the extent that governments 'govern' this greed, people will benefit. To the extent that this greed isn't governed, people will suffer as the indigenous peoples of Africa, Asia, Asian Pacific, etc. Laissez-faire capitalism causes social unrest of one form or another. (One might look at this unrest as the system's 'self correction'.) The greed of the oligarchs must be governed as the power of horses for the benefit of the people. An 'unbridled' team goes no where.

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