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Life in communism vs democracy in Poland

randompal  7 | 306  
14 Sep 2008 /  #31
There is another way to look at it, that it is not the human which is flawed but the theory.

naw, it's the people. people can only get along for so long, then they turn on each other and all goes to rot. the theory isnt flawed, its people - the only animal on earth that kills/mistreats for pleasure, etc..
Fikolecek  - | 13  
14 Sep 2008 /  #32

Kostia .... :)
lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Sep 2008 /  #33
Its like choosing between the theif and the robber :P ... but then... i think theif is better than the robber, as often the theif dont murder! Isnt that what you mean?

Yes, this is close comparison.


Your assumptions are completely false. I do support Laissez-faire capitalism... Anyway if I describe some certain political system this doesn't mean that I'm for or against. My personal preferences? This is topic for another thread if you are really interested. I have nothing to hide.

There is another way to look at it, that it is not the human which is flawed but the theory.

Obviously this is correct interpretation. Some wonder whether people who prefer public property over private property are really humans. :)

you think that communism is in the past? I think it's a huge mistake, we are still on the way, still on the way Sean!

On the way? where?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Sep 2008 /  #34
To the shining aim which name is communism.
lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Sep 2008 /  #35
Do you really believe that Putin and Medvedev will bring you communism?
Dekameron  1 | 146  
14 Sep 2008 /  #36
bviously this is correct interpretation. Some wonder whether people who prefer public property over private property are really humans. :)

If you have an expensive car than it should definitely be made public property so i could have it :)
Sasha  2 | 1083  
14 Sep 2008 /  #37
Do you really believe that Putin and Medvedev will bring you communism?

He's kidding around.
lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Sep 2008 /  #38
If you have an expensive car than it should definitely be made public property so i could have it :)

You would get nothing unless you would be high ranking communist apparatchik.

He's kidding around.

He often trolling, I know. However he made many anti-free market comments before.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Sep 2008 /  #39
here I mean not Russia, but the world in whole. It is quite obvious that gradually we will build the communism in future. You may name this regime as communism or capitalism with human face, it dosen't matter. The true sense of future society will be close to idealistic forms of communism, and without any signs of free market!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
14 Sep 2008 /  #40
There seems to be a very strange logic being used, if the theory (communism) does not fit the reality (people) change the reality (people)?
No, no , no, people are real, ideoligies are theory, so we must change the theory, would you not agree?

the only animal on earth that kills/mistreats for pleasure, etc..

Humans are not the only animal that do these things, think about it.

Capitalism is not perfect, you say that people are flawed but communism is perfect, I do not think so.
I do think that with the passing of time and as we (the human race) continue there will be something more, if we are to survive.

Ha ha ha, youz are going to laugh at me now but I am thinking of star trek. You know the way they live to progress themselves, well something like that. Not communism,socialism or capitalism.

As for democracy, I think educated people can make educated decisions.
slo  1 | 51  
15 Sep 2008 /  #41
Pros of communism? You probably never lived under a communist regime. I wish you never try. ... Some ppl can find pros in prison, may be in a prison there are some pros, but not in communist ruled country.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 Sep 2008 /  #42
Pros of communism? You probably never lived under a communist regime.

Could I object? I suppose that nobody have ever lived under communism. Do you remember that all states of former Soviet Union and his sattelites had had the name "Socialistic"...Really I want to live under communism...

As for democracy,

I don't know what do you mean under this term? IMHO it is lies in the same box as communism...idealistic and unachievable....
lesser  4 | 1311  
15 Sep 2008 /  #43
As for democracy, I think educated people can make educated decisions.

This is correct statement however solve nothing. I could ask who are the educators and what kind of program they realize.

Smart people can make smart decision, while they are in minority and always will be. Thus general effect of democratic rule might be shamelessly average at best.
randompal  7 | 306  
17 Sep 2008 /  #44
Humans are not the only animal that do these things, think about it

I tried thinking about it and couldn't come up with any other animal in the animal kingdom that kills or harms other (whether same or different species) just to get his pathological rocks off, or out of hateful intolerance. Lions don't kill antelopes because they look funny or belong to a different religion, they kill them to eat in order to survive. Give me an example of an animal that waterboards other animals, for example...

As far as the press.media goes, here is the difference between Communism and Democracy:
Communism: Lies, omissions and disinformation plus a healthy dose of trivial garbage regarding manganese production.
Democracy: Lies, omissions and disinformation plus a healthy does of trivial garbage regarding celebrities and cool gadgets you can buy.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
18 Sep 2008 /  #45
I think in terms of communism Ants are probably perfect, the queen is not a ruler, her only purpose is to produce more ants. They are some what mindless creatures when you look at the individual but together they wage wars, farm, cultivate other animals, great builders etc... (emergance)

The best example I can think of democracy is google, if you click on a website it gets a "Vote" the more people who click on or "Vote" for a certain site, the more "power" the site has and it goes further up the list it goes. The further up the list it goes the more "Voteing Power" it has. This has been and still is being manipulated, of course.

Put it this way I would don't want to live in communism do you?

I could ask who are the educators and what kind of program they realize.

I know where you are coming from, I agree. I think it is importent to teach people how to think, not what to think, of course it is not easy to find, again the closest I can get to it is the scientific method.

any other animal in the animal kingdom that kills or harms other (whether same or different species) just to get his pathological rocks off, or out of hateful intolerance.

Ants have wars, dogs kill birds as presents, cats torture mice, apes have been known to kill each other, none of this happens out of hunger.

The reason Lions do not kill antelopes for the reasons you have stated is bescause they would stand to loose more, if the antelope were to injure the lion, the lion's chances for survival are greatly deminished. Same reason Nuclear Powers don't just go mad pressing that red button.

As for serial killers, I do not know enough about the animal kingdom but we are animals.
Dekameron  1 | 146  
18 Sep 2008 /  #46
You would get nothing unless you would be high ranking communist apparatchik.

Which i would of course be. Commisar Dekameronsky has a nice ring to it.
celinski  31 | 1258  
18 Sep 2008 /  #47
Commisar Dekameronsky

and his mighty ants
Dekameron  1 | 146  
19 Sep 2008 /  #48
The ants are marching hurrah ! hurrah !
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Sep 2008 /  #49
Communist spider.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Jul 2009 /  #50
check out the pictures... ludzie.onet.pl/kluby/6jp,540ko,k7tcm,0,zdjecia.html
nomaderol  5 | 726  
14 Nov 2009 /  #51
Social programs, low crime, no unemployment, free education, free medicare, same standards for all.

only free medical care and low crime are enough to see pros of socialism over capitalism.

title is wrong: true democracy is in socialism. capitalism dont give any freedom, you just think so while you dont.

however, past socialism, especially russian socialism was not a true socialism, was used only as a tool to gain power.

to understand which is better, socialism or capitalism, you need to think whole world with one system only.

capitalism as single system in world has been experienced for centuries and has always failed over and over. So, all should admit this CAPITALISM is A PROBLEM as it doesnt care others, but, only egos.

socialism as single system in world has never been experienced. Fake socialism experienced and partially regionally. Should be improved further... Imagine and think all resources are used by public of world with no border anywhere and free health, etc. Science will have developed highly and cures will easily be found to cureless illnesses such as cancers because humans will not have to worry about incomes, hard living conditions etc and they will focus themselves more on science, art, love, etc. Thinking these, SOCIALISM is A HOPE.

if you dont work for hopes, you live with problems. as its been happening for long time and now.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
25 Nov 2009 /  #52
As far as the press.media goes, here is the difference between Communism and Democracy:
Communism: Lies, omissions and disinformation plus a healthy dose of trivial garbage regarding manganese production.
Democracy: Lies, omissions and disinformation plus a healthy does of trivial garbage regarding celebrities and cool gadgets you can buy.

The difference though.. is that under the examples we have to work with.. with communism the media is heavily controlled by the state.. whereas (ideally, without restrictions) with democracy the media is controlled by private corporations. At least in democracy we are free to use or provide alternative media for an alternative point of view to the corporations.
jacquie  - | 2  
31 Dec 2009 /  #53
Deep down, I don't see all that much difference btw communism and democracy.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
31 Dec 2009 /  #54





20 - 30 years later


so honestly all the moaners can suck my honourable dck
slawekk  - | 18  
31 Dec 2009 /  #55
socialism as single system in world has never been experienced

As some old mathematicians say, socialism is like complex numbers. There are two kinds: real and imaginary. People like you talk about imaginary socialism. As long as it stays in people's imagination it is OK. As soon as they start to implement it on a larger scale it becomes real. Sometimes it only means humiliation (like shortage of toilet paper, see the last black and white picture above). Sometimes 1/5 of population die as a result.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
31 Dec 2009 /  #56
At least in democracy we are free to use or provide alternative media for an alternative point of view to the corporations.

In a democracy I can say my representative he can ***** if I don't like his work (if I care enough).

In a dictatorship I better don't....

Deep down, I don't see all that much difference btw communism and democracy.

Deep down you have definitely a problem....
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Dec 2009 /  #57
Democracy doesn't have a dictator. In communism, you got to have the proletariat dictatorship first, then the communistic state can supposedly be reached where you don't need one. It's supposed to be a proletariat state which sounds good until you got the proletariat all vying for power, trying to knock each other out. Then it sucks.

It's got some things in common with American democracy and the concept of majority rule, or, at least, it was that way with the Bolsheviks.
mateinone  5 | 58  
31 Dec 2009 /  #58
The thing is that most of these are achievable without communism.

The same standards for all is not necessarily a positive (in fact I think it is a negative). It is an idealistic benefit, but then if one person works harder or has more skills, why shouldn't they be rewarded with promotions, better pay etc etc.

low crime is achievable anywhere, no unemployment is not really, but very low unemployment is. Free medicare and education is common in a number of countries.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Dec 2009 /  #59
Social programs, low crime, no unemployment, free education, free medicare, same standards for all.

The only way it can be truly "free" is if you can motivate people to work without any reward. Is it possible? That's a good question to ask. Will people provide everything for free without demanding payment? Then you can have that communistic state. Dreamers like to say "all for free". There's only one way to have everything truly free. Otherwise, it's taxes that pay for it and the govt that provides it. Is that really "free"?

People have found that money is the best way to motivate others to work, so they use that to get people to do things they hate.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
31 Dec 2009 /  #60
comiunizm is you have limited choice but you can afford them and government is screwing you, politicians lying to you

democracy is you have all the choices but can't afford them and corporations and government screwing you, politicians lying to you

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