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Poland, Lacking External Enemies, Turns on Itself

Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
30 Nov 2010 /  #91
Your Wikipedia post is more of an historical document of the Iceland financial debacle. Here's an article about the aftermath: krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/24/lands-of-ice-and -ire/

To reiterate my post Iceland has it's own currency, no minor thingy. Even the Irish are already coming to the conclusion that by giving up the punt they've given up their hard fought sovereignty. Poland has just come out of a 300 year occupation, no need to yield to Brussels on the zloty.
A J  4 | 1075  
30 Nov 2010 /  #92
Poland has just come out of a 300 year occupation, no need to yield to Brussels on the zloty.

I'm sorry, but didn't you guys sign the papers already? From what I understand, you guys are to introduce the Euro in the year 2014 or 2015?

Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
30 Nov 2010 /  #93
Bad move. Can't they change it? I would think they can.
A J  4 | 1075  
30 Nov 2010 /  #94
Bad move.


Can't they change it? I would think they can.

Yeah, just like France, Holland and Ireland voted ''No'' against the Euro.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
30 Nov 2010 /  #95
Here's an article about the aftermath

Krugman is so yesterday :)

He still can't explain why Germany is booming...doesn't fit into his world view!

To reiterate my post Iceland has it's own currency, no minor thingy. Even the Irish are already coming to the conclusion that by giving up the punt they've given up their hard fought sovereignty

They had all the souvereignity to use the funds from the EU to build themselves an economy bubble...which now burst.

They don't have to ask for more money to help them out...but they are souvereign enough to do it anyway, nobody is forcing them to!

Poland has just come out of a 300 year occupation, no need to yield to Brussels on the zloty.

Nobody is forcing them to...it's all about souvereignity! :)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
1 Dec 2010 /  #96
I guess racial tolerance doesn't come under "christian teachings" eh?

Oh, it does, absolutely...Only some of us try to be realistic, as 'call a spade a spade'.

And speaking of 'spades', a summary of Iceland looting:

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Dec 2010 /  #97
Bad move. Can't they change it? I would think they can.

In theory, all Poland has to do is not meet the convergence criteria, thus they won't be eligible for ERM2 membership, which is a pre-requsite for Euro membership.

But in practice, the EU has made it clear that staying outside the Euro isn't an option in the long term - the accession agreements clearly stated that the new countries had to join the Euro. But - I don't think there's any appetite for enforcing this. Estonia is due to join on the 1st of January, but Poland will be much harder to swallow economically.

And speaking of 'spades', a summary of Iceland looting:

Shame that most of it is factually incorrect. Even the article admits that it's using supposition to assume that one of the debtors of Kaupthing was Jewish.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
1 Dec 2010 /  #98
But in practice, the EU has made it clear that staying outside the Euro isn't an option in the long term - the accession agreements clearly stated that the new countries had to join the Euro.

There is a paragraph which forces countries to join???? Please show me!
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
2 Dec 2010 /  #99
Shame that most of it is factually incorrect. Even the article admits that it's using supposition to assume that one of the debtors of Kaupthing was Jewish.

It is factually correct.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Dec 2010 /  #100
Poles tend to cheat one another anyway. I've never met people with such ability to bicker and cause problems for others. The walking zombies or the barking little dogs, take your pick. Which is the lesser of two evils here?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Dec 2010 /  #102
As a Scot, you will be partly used to it but they are off the scale. Life in Scotland has become harder in recent years but we are still well behind in terms of making enemies and being downright awkward. I've had to wake up and move my stuff around as I found out that a woman had called guys to move my stuff away from a storage point. That's theft, people! Leave my things alone. The sneaky cowards would have moved it without my permission to Lord knows where. Intrusive to the max!!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
2 Dec 2010 /  #103
That wouldn't happen much in Scotland, cos you would always turn up at the woman's house for an "explanation".
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Dec 2010 /  #104
Exactly! We are manly and upfront about it, not a pack of sleekit cow'rin tim'rous beasties!! (Thanks Rabbie for that)
rychlik  41 | 372  
4 May 2012 /  #105
Read this: Russia threatens military strike over NATO missile defence 'if U.S doesn't back down'
Hipis  - | 226  
4 May 2012 /  #106
Poland would be very stupid to allow any US military installations on its territory. We owe the USA nothing. The US betrayed us at Tehran and Yalta, lied to us about maintaining the territorial integrity of our borders and are only sucking up the the Polish government now because it wants its misiile shield on our territory.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Poland, Lacking External Enemies, Turns on ItselfArchived