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Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland

pagan  2 | 26  
17 May 2013 /  #1
Khazars were an ethnic mixture of people occupying the land which stretched from the Caspian Sea to the lands of today's Russia and Ukraine. They were predominantly of Turkish and Tatar origin (some sources also mention Hungarian and Bulgarian). The frequently raided neighbouring nations, mainly the Slavic pagan tribes, including the tribes which later made up the population of Poland. In the 8th century they adopted Judaism and became Jewsand continued their murderous raids during which they turtured,murdered and kidnapped Slavic pagan children, women and men from neighbouring Slavic villages.These slaves were later castrated by other Jews, the Radhanites (Jewish merchants - mainly Semites - travelling between Europe and Middle East), who either kept the slave or sold him/her to the Muslims to harems. This went on for centuries,most of the kidnapped were young men or boys who were highly valued by the Muslims as fair skinned harem keepers eunuchs. Also, Slavic women were kidnapped and kept by the Jews as concubines or unwilling lovers/slaves. Those women were often raped. Raping and castrations went on for many centuries and the trade made those Jews extremely rich. Unfortunately, Slavic people never received any apologies nor acknowledgment from the Jews for their crimes. When will Jewish people apologise and admit to theit brutal history and treatment of the Slavic pagans (many of which are Polish today -the descendants of those the Khazarian and Radhanite Jews tormented for centuries)?
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
17 May 2013 /  #2
Do you have any kind of link/source? It would be very helpful
OP pagan  2 | 26  
17 May 2013 /  #3
Hi Pierog!

There are many links but not enough I think,I have books on pagan history but these are in Polish. The links on the internet are good but not exploratory enough, however,I will post some soon (today I ran out of time) and this will certainly help, some links explain in more detail the trade practices of khazars and Radhanites in reference to Slavic pagans, I read most of them.
ob1  1 | 30  
17 May 2013 /  #4
A pagan is someone who doesn't believe in the religion dictated to them. I know a Russian woman who's dropped Christianity and has gone back to 'pagan' beliefs. Christianity was forced on Russia, just as it was forced on Poland by the 'crossmen' who in reality wanted land/serfs. Religion in whatever form is used to 'control' people, support the rich/powerful.

The people of Poland are not unlike the aboriginees of Australia, the indians of America, indians of Argentina. Their land was stolen from them by the rich/powerful, leaving them to be homeless, beggars. To an extent this was done in England, France. Ever wonder why you have those large landed estates and huge unpeopled areas? Those areas were stolen for the indigenous peoples by first the Romans, then other rich/powerful. This theft has been the basis of capitalism, the 'milk' that has nurtured criminals. The rich get in, bribe the politicians to do their bidding, leaving the people homeless beggars.

Aren't 'stories' 2000 yrs old the basis for the taking land from muslims in the Middle East for the state of Israel? Wasn't that act based on the Biblical stories that describe a country of Israel? You will never find any hard evidence that describes the Khazars; it has all been destroyed to protect the powerful (Roman and whatever) leaving only heresay passed down from father to son over time. Remember, those who win the wars, write the history books. You will only find 'heresay', which will never be accepted.
Lenka  5 | 3546  
17 May 2013 /  #5
I will wait for the links till tomorrow. Please post them or I will put the thread in the bin
Wulkan  - | 3136  
17 May 2013 /  #6
good point
17 May 2013 /  #7
Lenka: I will wait for the links till tomorrow. Please post them or I will put the thread in the bin

good point

Don't worry, I'm sure that he will have found the necessary links by tomorrow.
ob1  1 | 30  
17 May 2013 /  #8
Lenka  5 | 3546  
17 May 2013 /  #9
Thank you for the links but they do not prove the point made by OP Quite the contrary- from the Britannica link:

"Whatever the case may be, religious tolerance was practiced in the Khazar empire, and paganism continued to flourish among the population."
ob1  1 | 30  
17 May 2013 /  #10
I submit that there are two reasons at play here:

1) Defined religions that did not present a threat were tolerated. By definition, pagans/barbarians would not qualify as a religion. Certainly pagans/barbarians who could not be controlled would constitute a threat to an empire seeking resources and serfs. The Romans were very tolerable of religions as long as they did not present a threat. Once they were seen as a threat to Roman order, they were destroyed. Rome destroyed Israel when they were seen as a threat. Rome put down the Picts/Druids when they got in the way. In the 1500's Spain put down the indians of South American using the moral justification of spreading the gospel. Islam fought the Christians when they were seen as a threat. The crossmen from the West destroyed pagan/barbarians at every opportunity with the moral justification of spreading Christianity. The Brits quelled any religious sect that interfered with their control of India. The Brits sold opium to the Chinese to dope them into submission. (Remember Hitler's statement that religion was the opium of the people.) Should we expect that the Khazars would do any less to fuel their empire? I submit that it is naive to think otherwise. BBC documentaries are concluding that should an alien race come to the Earth that the alien race would be aggressive and see Man as a threat to their designs. I submit that it is illogical to conclude that the Khazars would tolerate any pagan/barbarian sect that presented a threat to them. Yes, they would accept sects that gave up their land and accepted serfdom. Do you think for a minute that the Slavs would be more docile/less proud than the Jews of Israel? Non sequitur. I submit that the Brit encyclopedia is saying that pagan/barbarian sects were tolerated as long as they toed the line. Once they got out of line, they were labeled terrorists and were destroyed.

2) The winners fight for the moral high ground to justify what they do. Hitler did this. I believe that he said that Poland attached Germany and that the Germans were therefore justified in invading Poland. I'll let you decide who else has done this. The winners write the history books. Rome destroyed all records of Carthage.

Thanks for replying to me in a human manner rather than a computer program.

Weren't the Khazars converted to Judaism? If so are they considered to be in the blood line of Abraham?
Lenka  5 | 3546  
17 May 2013 /  #11
Hm, we can't argue that there always were places where ppl were more free to practise their religion while in others they were persecuted. But what I read in those articles suggested the Khazars empire belonged rather to the former. I don't deny they had some dark things going but it seems it was better there than in other places.

We can't expect any country to accept religions that are disrupting society. Now we just call them sects. Of course it's a little bit different now but still...

If the thanks are adressed to me- it's nothing really.


Weren't the Khazars converted to Judaism? If so are they considered to be in the blood line of Abraham?

From what I read in those links they were converted. I can't answer to the second part of your question.
Polson  5 | 1767  
17 May 2013 /  #12
When will Jewish people apologise and admit to theit brutal history and treatment of the Slavic pagans (many of which are Polish today -the descendants of those the Khazarian and Radhanite Jews tormented for centuries)?

Hmm, I'm not sure who they should apologize to. The Polans? They don't really exist anymore.
Did the Danes and Norwegians apologize to all Europe for the Viking raids of the 9th and 10th centuries?
legend  3 | 658  
17 May 2013 /  #13
From what I read in those links they were converted. I can't answer to the second part of your question.

Afaik the Khazar-Jewish link is still being debated (there are reports coming out monthly/yearly). Some say it was a mass conversion of Khazars, some say only the elite, etc.
OP pagan  2 | 26  
12 Aug 2013 /  #14
Hi Everyone!

Thanks Ob1 for the links!!! Here are few of my links:

1. semiticcontroversies.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/jews-and-early-white-slave-trade.html#!/2012/06/jews-and-early-white-slave-tra de.html
2. fordham.edu/halsall/med/lewis1.asp
3. theoccidentalobserver.net/2012/07/who-are-the-jews/
4. survincity.com/2010/11/the-slave-trade-and-neutering-of-slavs-in-the/

These are all good links, the best would have to be the last one, it illustrates more closely what went on. It is a real pity that no body, except for pagans paid the price. Jews and Muslims are responsible for the atrocities caused, the abuses of Slavic women and youg girls and the castrations of men and young boys. I would like everyone to have a read, it is worthwhile and every Polish should know this piece of our ancestral history, we owe it to our Polish?Slavic ancestors! I hope in the future that Jews and Muslims will be made to apologise for what they have done to Slavic pagans. I hold Jews especially responsible since they were the ones carrying out the worst of the activities: the executions - that being the castrations. Muslims were prohibited to erform castrations and so it was the Jews who undertook this disgusting task. Unfortunately, today pagans do not matter, yet we all came from pagans, all humans, how ironic. Its also ironic that crimes against pagans, especially Slavic pagans,on such massive scale, much larger than any other mass murder in the human history apart from the slave trade of African people have gone unnoticed. It does not matter when it happened, Slavic people are still here and are here to stay and it is our responsibility to bring reconciliation to our ancestors, they want to be heard, they want us to tell everyone about it and they want the culprits: Jews and Muslims to explain themselves.

You are right Lenka, Khazars were converted and as such became legitimate Jews, the first Jew also had to be converted in order to become a Jew and so conversions make one a 100% Jewish. As for the second part of the question there are some disputes as the origin of Khazars, most sources agree that they were predominantly of Turkish origin and then a mixture of all sorts, this may or may not have included some Semitic descedants of Abraham, either way they were Jewish.
Crow  154 | 9561  
24 Sep 2013 /  #15
This thread is very important. It shows that Slavs still suffer due to crimes committed on them in past.

i myself confirms this feelings in case with issues from the time when Slavs were objects of slavery.

Jews should think of apology to Slavs. Not, only Jews. Germanics, Italians and Arabs, too.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
24 Sep 2013 /  #16
All this stinks of too much beer, stupidity and Hitler quotations fitting a vandal and a hooligan of the worst kind.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
25 Sep 2013 /  #17
This thread is very important. It shows that Slavs still suffer due to crimes committed on them in past.

Sometimes I long for the return of P3.
25 Sep 2013 /  #18
Jews should think of apology to Slavs. Not, only Jews. Germanics, Italians and Arabs, too.

Of course, before those apologies are made, Serbs will apologise to Croats, Bosniaks and Kosovans for invading their countries with the aim of raping the women and children and murdering the men (and more than a few women too). I mean, you aren't asking other nations to do what your own nation refuses to do, are you?
Crow  154 | 9561  
25 Sep 2013 /  #19
nonsense. You just repeat EU and NATO anti-Serbian propaganda.

Not to say that in this thread it looks like simple trolling and plus off-topic talk.

But, listen. Let us agree in something. If you want to talk about issues in connection to the history of conflicts in former Yugoslavia, just start thread about it and i would respond. i would (in accordance with my time schedule) answer to all of your questions absolutely honestly and i would tell you some historical facts so that later, you alone can google about it and learn even more. What you say?

With best regards,
from Serbian Novi Sad (BDW, city of EXIT fest)

/weather is just fine here/
Marek11111  9 | 807  
25 Sep 2013 /  #20
nonsense. You just repeat EU and NATO anti-Serbian propaganda.

it is more like a EU lies and Clinton should be charged with war crimes for that war.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
25 Sep 2013 /  #21
Jews should think of apology to Slavs. Not, only Jews. Germanics, Italians and Arabs, too.

and Chinese, Africans, Americans and Malasians too, get a life or a good head doctor.
legend  3 | 658  
25 Sep 2013 /  #22
it is more like a EU lies and Clinton should be charged with war crimes for that war.

I believe it was Chomsky (himself a Jew) who said that if Nuremburg laws were applied today all the Post WWII US Presidents would be hung.
jon357  72 | 23529  
25 Sep 2013 /  #23
You're confusing the Nuremburg laws with the Nuremburg trial.
legend  3 | 658  
25 Sep 2013 /  #24
Right, I missed that.
BBman  - | 343  
26 Sep 2013 /  #25
It should be noted that the descendants of these khazars continue to commit crimes against humanity!
DaveInCal  - | 23  
26 Sep 2013 /  #26
Why don't we just send some love to the Khazars and drop all of this useless indulgence in hatred?
legend  3 | 658  
26 Sep 2013 /  #27
It should be noted that the descendants of these khazars continue to commit crimes against humanity!

Again no one knows how many Khazars converted to Judaism.
Different experts on the subject will publish different results from their studies.

Sure many can argue that if they are not "semitic" they have no claim to the land.
Certainly some do though.

Either way they are Jews by religion.
Can they claim the land by religion? Personally I would say no.

Its a tough case. My opinion is they can have a little homeland but they need to share with Palestinians and invite the Jews from other countries too lol.

If they are really Khazars then they have claim to that part near the Caucasian mountains, but I guaratanee other groups would be disappointed just as many are disappointed now.
jon357  72 | 23529  
26 Sep 2013 /  #28
Again no one knows how many Khazars converted to Judaism.

Not enough to make much difference to the gene pool.

The Khazar myth has been debunked here before. There are threads on that great ancient culture. Genetic evidence suggests that the remnants just assimilated into the local populations (including Poles) and the Ashkenazi Jews don't have any particular connection with them.
26 Sep 2013 /  #29
The Khazar myth has been debunked here before. There are threads on that great ancient culture. Genetic evidence suggests that the remnants just assimilated into the local populations (including Poles) and the Ashkenazi Jews don't have any particular connection with them.

Not according to Johns Hopkins researcher Eran Elhaik (who is Ashkenazi Jewish himself)


The people attacking him and his work have a big stake in the narrative that Ashkenazis are native to Israel, but it is clear that they look nothing like Sephardi Jews or any other Middle Eastern population. Most likely they are descended from Eastern European nomads who made a language shift to Turkish during the early Middle Ages. Khazars were said to be red-haired, which is a common trait of Ashkenazis.
jon357  72 | 23529  
26 Sep 2013 /  #30
And whose 'theory' has been debunked by scientific analysis. If you want links to the findings of studies rather more respectable than his, try the search function here. There are links to dozens of studies.

Interesting you should obsess about the people who you say are 'attacking him'. That or just disproving his hackneyed idea.

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