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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

RobertLee  4 | 73  
15 Jul 2011 /  #211
Latest news!
After many months of hard negotiations, Polish and Jewish teams finally reached an agreement. Jewish side agreed to withdraw all their financial claims on Poland in favour of a regular supply of kosher śliwowica to all the entitled heirs. Additional batches will be regularly delivered to Anti Defamation League, Yad Vashem and other Jewish organizations.

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joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
15 Jul 2011 /  #212
Now we have a common sense solution.
OP rychlik  41 | 372  
16 Jul 2011 /  #213
Poland is being asked by FOREIGNERS to give those properties to FOREIGNERS!

Beautiful quote. Does anyone know the status of this issue? I know Sikorski made some statements concerning this a few months ago.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #214
Does anyone know the status of this issue?

A matter in the courts still, but I've noticed quite a few Warsaw buildings have been returned to their original owners.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
17 Sep 2011 /  #215
Forgive my ignorance on this topic but it is it true that the Polish Jewish diaspora around the globe is still pestering Poland for "proper" monetary restitution/reparations (ex. $65 billion) for atrocities committed against them in WWII? Weren't Jews compensated greatly after the war? What are the Jews p'issed about?

Please. "Pestering"? First, you let the Roshim try to murder us during the pogroms, the Pre Shoah (if you will). Then you still have failed to repairate us completely both b'Galut and b'Eretz Yisra'el.
legend  3 | 658  
17 Sep 2011 /  #216
I like these two articles:

The Secret War against Slavic Peoples


There was the Hot War, then there was the Cold War, and now there is the Secret War. All of the wars being directed against the Slavic People, to fulfill the ambitions of the inhabitants of Western Europe to "Push East" (Drang nach Osten). The Western European ambitions to expand eastward have always been at the expense of the Slavic Nations. The Slavic nations have been viewed by their European neighbours as being in their way, as being in the way of their ambitions to expand eastward.

Swiss debts to Slavic nations.

LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
17 Sep 2011 /  #217
The squatters are being told by POLAND to return those properties

Well said.
19 Sep 2011 /  #218
i'm just wondering - are jews claiming their property only from poland, or also from germany and russia?
how about ukraine? i'll bet there was lots of jews properties in lwow, etc, but there was no ukraine, only sowiet sojuz, so who are they claiming property from? if they do.

maybe they should claim properties in lvov from poland, as poland lost it in war, so pand is guilty.
21 Nov 2011 /  #219
"Please. "Pestering"? First, you let the Roshim try to murder us during the pogroms, the Pre Shoah (if you will). Then you still have failed to repairate us completely both b'Galut and b'Eretz Yisra'el.

Were you alive then? What, specifically, are your personal claims? What is the exact amount needed for a final and complete payoff? What exact amount is paid up until now, inclusive of what Jews claimed after WWII until the present? You can't have a claim without an exact accounting, or a final payoff number.

Also, why are the Jews so special that they keep getting paid 70 years later, but no one else gets compensated? War happens, people die, property is destroyed, and no-one generally expects to be able to keep whining about getting paid, especially two generations later and especially when you are talking about a war that happened outside of your supposed homeland. And speaking of "homeland", wasn't the gifting of Israel to you enough "payment"? After all, that was the ultimate result of WWII. Lots of gentile allied soldiers died to get you that little piece of land. How about you pay us for sacrificing our men for you, to save you from annihilation? How about you repay our billions in tax money that has been gifted to you every year for thirty years? How about that? Yes, that's a good idea. Our incredible sacrifice of men, families, raw resources, money and everything else, as gentiles, we want paid back. After all, you owe your survival and existence to us, 100%. So, pay us. Without us, you'd be wiped out, and we're sick of hearing about you shaking down gentile nations since that time. You uppity bastard. Lots of Poles died and lots of Poles think that the Jewish led Bolsheviks are largely responsible for that, and rightly so. I'd say the slate is at least even from their perspective, if not balanced to you owing them. After all, despite you being a separate race and nation, you continue to insist on inhabiting their lands.

BTW, have you repairated the Ukrainians, completely, or at all, for the Holdomor?
Marek11111  9 | 807  
22 Nov 2011 /  #220
maybe the Jews will return Palestine to rightful owners Palestinians and Golan hight to Syrians
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
22 Nov 2011 /  #221
A matter in the courts still, but I've noticed quite a few Warsaw buildings have been returned to their original owners.

question: There were buildings still standing in Warsaw after the war?
question: The owners are still alive?
Question: How many buildings could actually be "returned" under such conditions?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Nov 2011 /  #222
question: There were buildings still standing in Warsaw after the war?

Many. Some still have the bullet marks on the walls.

The owners are still alive?

In a few cases (including Gen. Jaruzelski's villa, where the owner is in his 90s), yes. But mostly it's the children and grandchildren.

How many buildings could actually be "returned" under such conditions?

No need for 'inverted commas'. The answer is as many as fit the legal criteria. From aristocratic palaces to peasants' cottages, as long as there's proof of ownership, they can be reclaimed.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
22 Nov 2011 /  #223
But mostly it's the children and grandchildren.

not the owners then
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Nov 2011 /  #224
Yes, the owners.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
22 Nov 2011 /  #225
Are we talking about the owners then? I was talking about the past owners.

The answer is as many as fit the legal criteria.

And what's the legal criteria btw?
Ironside  51 | 13086  
23 Nov 2011 /  #226
the key is bribe if you have monies for bribes you can get property back.
Why all properties taken by commies didn't come back to the rightful owners when their are Poles ?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
23 Nov 2011 /  #227
And what's the legal criteria btw?

Proof of ownership - usually documents.

Why all properties taken by commies didn't come back to the rightful owners when their are Poles ?

Many have. The ones that haven't were nationalised for industrial use. It doesn't matter whether the owner is Jewish or Gentile - those properties weren't illegally seized. Much the same in the UK, where properties were nationalised during the same period.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Nov 2011 /  #228
Proof of ownership - usually documents.

Let's say I bought 10 years ago a house, which had belonged to some Jew before WW2... what should happen now in your opinion ?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
23 Nov 2011 /  #229
^yikes, that probably rings true for each and every case !!!
24 Nov 2011 /  #230
How about this: they lost their property to soviets (war), they weren't here to fight it back when poles did (eighties and before), so now they should repay people who were suffering, bleeding and lost they relatives to get property back from soviets, if they wants "their" property. Or they can sue soviets.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Nov 2011 /  #231
Let's say I bought 10 years ago a house, which had belonged to some Jew before WW2... what should happen now in your opinion ?

'Some' Jew. Or the owner who had it taken from them illegally?

And why on earth would you have been so stupid as to buy a house ten years ago (twelve years after the PRL ended) that had been seized from its owner who may well claim it through the Polish courts (with full proof of ownership) at any time? Anybody with one iota of common sense would check before buying. That's what lawyers are for.
1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Nov 2011 /  #232
(with full proof of ownership)

Once again, this is not about heirs who want their property returned; it is about heirless property which some unscrupulous Jewish organizations claim belongs to all Jewish people. Is it so difficult to see through this scam?

Now, again, Jewish heirs have the same rights as Poles to demand satisfaction in Polish courts. Some of these from both groups are successful at it, and some aren't. The claims are about 15% Jewish and 8o% Poles.

From wiki on Israel Singer:

In 1996, the Reuters news agency reported that at a meeting of the WJC congress in Buenos Aires, Singer said "[m]ore than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this.... They're gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be publicly attacked and humiliated."[2] This was perceived as another threat, but this time against Poland.

Many think that the "Polish death camps" smears in the world press are exactly part of this "public attack and humiliation" campaign.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Nov 2011 /  #233
it is about heirless property which some unscrupulous Jewish organizations claim belongs to all Jewish people.

Not unscrupulous, and morally it should probably be held in trust for the Jewish community.
hythorn  3 | 580  
25 Nov 2011 /  #234
There has to be some happy medium here. Look at Romania, the land ownership law is such a mess that people are frightened to buy land in case some 'heir' c

crawls out of the woodwork.

If 'heirs' are going to lay claim to property, they have an annoying habit of waiting until the property has been renovated or developed and then they pop up like a jack-in-the-box

It will be difficult to attract investors to any country where there are doubts over land ownership. It is not as though these guys have really contributed anything to Poland's economy post WWII. This is not directed against Jews, it is against anyone who buggers off from Poland. Then waits until the rundown property that they owned has been spruced up and then lays claim to it. The Poles ought to pass a law that people have until December 31st 2012 to lodge a claim or the unclaimed property will revert to the state
owainglyndwr14  - | 1  
14 Jan 2012 /  #235
A fact that has raised concerns in the past is the Katyn Forest Massacre which during the Nuremberg guilt was continuously leveled at Germany when it was obvious the NKVD were behind the Massacre .. I have researched this subject and found to my astonishment that the leaders of the NKVD were Jews.. A lot has been said about apportioning blame for crimes committed and the general consensus is that the buck stops at the top .. In light of the facts it would be ideal under the circumstances to air these findings with a view to reconciling the past for if reparations are granted to the Jews it should be noted that descendants of the Polish officers who were murdered should also be compensated for their tragic loss..
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
14 Jan 2012 /  #236
descendants of the Polish officers who were murdered should also be compensated for their tragic loss

Absolutely right!
I believe the claims are for the time period after September 1, 1939 (property ownership changes caused by WWII).
Poland was a double victim of this war, first attacked by Germany and Soviet Union in 1939, and left to fight alone despite international
treaties, then again sold out at the end of WWII and given along with Cental Europe to Soviet Union as gift for defeating Germany.
There was no free Polish administration in Poland until 1989. The legal Polish goverment in London was delegalized by Western powers in 1945.
The first Polish administration in 50 years implemented legal procedures for former property owners that work very well.
There will be no summary 'reparations'.
If anybody needs any convincing, please look at Swiss claims.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
20 Jan 2012 /  #237
In Hitler Army there ware around 140,000 Jews serving and who knows how many in Russian NKVD ware Jews so the reparation needs to be paid to Poland from Jews for the crime committed against Polish population.
Midas  1 | 571  
20 Jan 2012 /  #238
In Hitler Army there ware around 140,000 Jews

Looney bin.

who knows how many in Russian NKVD ware Jews

Learn to spell. "Were".

Some Jews were presen't in NKVD. Which, coincidentally, was founded by a Polish guy --> Felix Dzherzhinskiy, a nobleman ( szlachta ), no less. Apart from that people in the security apparatus in the Soviet Union hailed from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds.

reparation needs to be paid to Poland from Jews for the crime committed against Polish population.

Looney bin.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
20 Jan 2012 /  #239
Midas, I'am not taking sides here. The guy could of taken info from a link like the below. It is a fact that a certain amount of Jews did join the German army, they may have held desk job.

Marek11111  9 | 807  
20 Jan 2012 /  #240
Looney bin.

Yes go for it attack, the truth will set you free.
In 1933 Jews declare war against Germans.


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