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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

Marek11111  9 | 807  
24 Apr 2010 /  #181
you could say the same about governments as they become bought by corporations they become corporation to protect corporations which trumps the iniquity of individual or to serve good of population.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
24 Apr 2010 /  #182
Just thought I'd reproduce a "letter to the editors" from todays Chicago Tribune. Now, that's a nice piece.

Yes that is a nice piece. Its true, many Jews mourned for the Poles killed in the Polish Plane Crash.

"Poland's Tragedy is our Tragedy" by Ed Harris - American Jewish Committee

NEW YORK (JTA) - When the plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and dozens of other officials crashed in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia on Saturday, this immense disaster was also a personal tragedy.

(David Harris is executive director of the American Jewish Committee.)

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
26 Apr 2010 /  #183
Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

Well, because they are Jewish, and, of course, this is what they do!...They say 'Never Forget' but what they really mean is 'Never Enough!'...Getting money gives them 'natches'.
OP rychlik  41 | 372  
9 Jun 2010 /  #184
So, I get the feeling the Jews won't get their money from Poland. Good. But then what?
Does anyone know of any well known Jews in the Polish government?
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jun 2010 /  #185
So, I get the feeling the Jews won't get their money from Poland. Good. But then what?

Why are you calling it 'their' money? Have you learned nothing since you started this thread? Go back to page 1.
9 Jun 2010 /  #186
Exactly! Hasn't he learned that while some Jews have entirely justified claims which it shames Poland not to pay, other Jews have utterly ungrounded 'claims' which it would shame them to make if they had any shame?
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jun 2010 /  #187
Exactly! Hasn't he learned that while some Jews have entirely justified claims which it shames Poland not to pay

Many more Poles have claims than Jews for property lost. The proper venue for these claims are Polish courts. Look at Hotel Europejski, it has been recovered.
9 Jun 2010 /  #188
Er, those Jews are also Poles, try to remember that.

As for Hotel Europejski, Polish courts proved to be the wrong place for that! Or have you already forgotten that the owners got it back only after going to the European Court of Human Rights?
Rogalski  5 | 94  
9 Jun 2010 /  #189
There are Jewish organizations that are seeking reparations from Poland for property lost during and after the war. When starting a thread, you should site a source of your information, not just posting any random thought that pops into your mind.

What Jola said.

As there are German organisations seeking reparations for property lost in Poland after the war too.

Getting money gives them 'natches'.

Personally I'd use the money to get nachos ... covered in cheese.
2 Apr 2011 /  #190
Jews will never stop. They received a tremendous amount of money after World War II. Now I think it's time to get reparations back from the Jews. Stalin, Hitler, Lenin (All Jews). Technically, Jews killed more Whites in WWII than any other ethnic group in history. My family had a great deal of land in Poland, I think it's time my family gets it back from the Jews.
2 Apr 2011 /  #191
Jews are greedy! This is extortion - mafia tactics, first they start negative campaign in the press, then they demand hash money and a decade or so later they revisit the issue to get more. It has nothing to do with justice or rightful compensation. They themselves were the ones who were stealing private property from everyone as they were the communists the executioners etc., when they bankrupted the communist block they got the nation’s wealth for cheap as they had dibs on those so called failed state owned big businesses not to mention individual properties that were confiscated during their reign of terror. Same tactics are employed by the state of Israel as we speak do any of you honestly think they will ever compensate those people for their property lose or grant them a right of return. It’s time we start demanding compensation for the gulags, the force resettlement, property lose and ethnic cleansing committed by Jews all over Eastern Europe. Time to stand up to those thugs.
pawian  226 | 27817  
2 Apr 2011 /  #192
nd there are individual Jews who would like their pre-war property back too. Of course there are also lots of Catholics who would like their pre-war property back too. Unfortunately the Polish government is being rather difficult towards all those people.

Life in general is unfair, especially in this part of Europe it has been unfair for the last 500 years. People should get used to it at last.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
2 Apr 2011 /  #193
Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?
because they have no shame and someone needs to pay for new settlements and ghetto guards and new prisons for Palestinians.

Sure...those things cost money, bubla.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Apr 2011 /  #194
My family had a great deal of land in Poland, I think it's time my family gets it back from the Jews.

You're not getting it, so tough :)

Let's be realistic - such plastic Poles as yourself only want the land because you're greedy for more money, not because you'll actually do anything good with it.
13 May 2011 /  #195
You must not forget but, for something to be taken without reason or permission is theft.

So if I come rolling through your front door, terrorise, humilliate and dispose of you and your family like vermin. Take all your worth, money and property and say its now mine. That is ok with you?????

Better yet, try this one ...........

Who do you think you are??? and how dare you come and ask me for some of your families stuff back!!! I stole that from you fare and square.!!!

????? hey????? I dont believe in the Jewish state called Islrael. This land ownership/re settlement is excactly the same as the jews undertook in Poland, Germany ect. The process of this was wrong from the start, Property must be returned to the original land owners.

But how to establish who's land it is?????

Take me for example,

I am Australian born and bred.

My father australian and my mother english.

My fathers parents migrated from germany after WWI. ( German )

My mothers parents evicted from their land, stripped of their wealth and their home, their way of live. They lost Everything, endured horrific treatement and went through the toughest times in human history.

Start a new life from scratch............

Now you explain to me why i can not have my families property and possesions?????

Because that most of all the stolen wealth was either illegally acquired by German forces for their own personal wealth or lost to the rest of the worlds private collections.

One thing that can't be hidden, sold or kept as treasured family aier looms. LAND

Land -

If you own the property that was my families it would hardly be fair of me to kick you out and claim ownership would it????

How do you fix this problem??????

You obviously are full of knowledge and wisdom, please i would like to hear your thoughts.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
13 May 2011 /  #196
Jews are pestering because they are always looking for some blood to suck.

Poland & All Slavic Nations should demand reparations from Jews for 95 percent of the Bolsheviks being Jewish including Trotsky & Lenin.
& For Jewish bankers funding the Bolshevik revolution.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 May 2011 /  #197
Jews are pestering because they are always looking for some blood to suck.

Come on PolskiMoc. Is it really necessary to use that language?
Rogalski  5 | 94  
14 May 2011 /  #198
PolskiMoc:Jews are pestering because they are always looking for some blood to suck.

You left out an important detail. Only kosher blood will do. So make sure you're up to the Mark when you bare your neck . . .
14 May 2011 /  #199
Jews are pestering because they are always looking for some blood to suck.

Don't be stupid.

The blood of Christian children is for the baking of matzos for Passover. Everybody knows that.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 May 2011 /  #200
The blood of Christian children is for the baking of matzos for Passover. Everybody knows that

I'm sure they know that at your house.
16 May 2011 /  #201
See you at Passover.

Trust me, once you try my grandmomma's goyim matzo, you ain't ever going goy.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
20 May 2011 /  #202
Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

need more money for new war with everyone
mirapolka  - | 1  
25 Jun 2011 /  #203
My mothers parents evicted from their land, stripped of their wealth and their home, their way of live. They lost Everything, endured horrific treatement

exactly this happened to my, like your parents/grandparents, and mine started again on foreign soil. I know, it hurts. But this happened to them- they are the ones with every right to complain-don't know about yours but mine never complained. Ever. So why do you
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
15 Jul 2011 /  #204
Most property taken by the Nazis and their quislings was simply retained and nationalised under Poland's postwar communist regime. Some remains in private hands. More than two decades after Poland became a democracy, the issue of restitution is still a blot on its historical record.

The total value of this expropriated property today is about $US60 billion ($56bn), including buildings, land and artworks. Many of the assets were seized from Polish Jews, some three million of whom, or 90 per cent of the prewar Jewish population, perished in the Holocaust. But of the claims for stolen property, only 17 per cent are made by Jewish survivors or their relatives - in most cases there was no one left alive to make a claim and no heirs to inherit it. An entire people was dispossessed.

This year, the Polish government declared that it could no longer consider paying compensation because of the world economic crisis. Work on drafting a law has stopped. Paying even partial compensation, it was claimed, would add significantly to the national debt and exceed debt limits imposed by the Maastricht treaty. Poland claims it cannot afford to pay its historical dues.

The greater question is whether Poland can afford not to.

Poland was a victim in the war. Invaded by Germany and the Soviet Union, it was looted and ravaged, leaving at least five million dead. It has confronted the demons of the past with extraordinary courage and greater honesty than any post-communist country. The role played by the Polish underground and Polish exiles in winning World War II is finally being acknowledged.

15 Jul 2011 /  #205
Is there no more money left to squeeze from Germany?
Somebody needs to compensate Polish "survivors" and their heirs, for death of their family members, imprisonment, torture, property theft, forced relocation, discrimination - under nazi, soviet and communist rule - at least until 1953, only then one can expect from Poles to pay compensations to foreigners.
15 Jul 2011 /  #206
Somebody needs to compensate Polish "survivors" and their heirs, for death of their family members, imprisonment, torture, property theft, forced relocation, discrimination - under nazi, soviet and communist rule - at least until 1953, only then one can expect from Poles to pay compensations to foreigners.

Poland isn't being asked to pay compensation for imprisonment, torture, property theft, forced relocation or discrimination: Poland is simply being asked to give back property to the people who owned it in 1939 or to their heirs.
RobertLee  4 | 73  
15 Jul 2011 /  #207
Poland is being asked by FOREIGNERS to give those properties to FOREIGNERS - either to people who renounced their Polish citezenship and left Poland for greener pastures, or, in most cases, to their heirs who have no Polish connection whatsoever.

Considering that Polish citizens haven't been properly compensated by FOREIGNERS, who caused their suffering, Poland's primary obejctive should be taking care of its own citizens, not of people who left Poland 60 years ago, or their relatives, who don't even speak Polish.

The idea of giving Polish taxpayers money to second generation of American Jews represents some twisted, totally disconnected from reality sense of justice. That may only be considered until after all Polish people will be properly compensated by those who caused their suffering.

To sum up - no money for you here, keep going!
15 Jul 2011 /  #208
Poland is being asked by FOREIGNERS to give those properties to FOREIGNERS

Poland is being asked to give stolen property back to the owners. Or is it OK to steal as long as one steals only from foreigners? So people steal from you?

Considering that Polish citizens haven't been properly compensated by FOREIGNERS,

Compensation is one thing, returning stolen property is another all together.

The idea of giving Polish taxpayers money to second generation of American Jews represents some twisted, totally disconnected from reality sense of justice.

Fine, so give them their property back.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
15 Jul 2011 /  #209
Poland is being asked by FOREIGNERS to give those properties

Should read: The squatters are being told by POLAND to return those properties
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
15 Jul 2011 /  #210
Poland is being asked to give stolen property back to the owners. Or is it OK to steal as long as one steals only from foreigners? So people steal from you?

Fine then let individual owners of property prove that they are the owners of the property and go through the normal process for obtaining it. For the record most non-Jewish Poles and their heirs have not gotten property they think is theirs, since most of the property was destroyed in WWII.

There should absolutely be no ORGANIZATION claiming property on behalf of alleged past property owners. This property issue should be done on an individual basis.

Also lets not forget that when you say "Poland is being asked to given stolen property back to owners" you have to prove they were stolen and still exist. Most of the property was destroyed by the Germans and Russians. Frankly they should pay for it not today's Polish taxpayers.

Fine, so give them their property back.

Fine then let them as individuals go about the normal process of "getting their property back".

Who will give back the property taken from Poland in WWII?

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