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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
19 Feb 2019 /  #721
Did you know there's a town in France named 'death of the Jews?'

That photo isn't surprising. French people, and I mean actual French people not africans, are realizing how much the Zionists are screwing up their country. There's tons of yellow vest signs, grafitti and chanting of macron vvhore of the Jews that is censored by Jewish owned media and images of famous hand rubbing Jewish merchant meme. But it doesn't change the fact that the French are awakening. I just hope someone starts supplying them with some proper weaponry so they can overthrow macron the Rothschild's and get rid of all the kebab
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
20 Feb 2019 /  #722
Over 100 Jewish graves were vandalised in Quatzenheim in the Grand Est region of France (see attached photo).

Implication being what?
In my black and white world, I don't trust anything until a jury tells me it's true. Even then, it's still only 99.7%.

I know how to spell provocation and hoax and what they mean.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
20 Feb 2019 /  #723
That's interesting.

Yisrael Katz, Minister of Transport of Israel, who said that "Poles suckled anti-semitism with their mother's milk" claimed that Poles killed his father.

His father, Szlomo Jeziernicki, was a member of Judenrat, Jewish council in a ghetto, and collaborated with German Nazis.

Polish underground Home Army often eliminated those who collaborated with Germans and sent others to death, be it Poles, Jews or any other nation.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Feb 2019 /  #724
Poles killed his father.

Did they or didn't they?

As for the rest of your claim, isn't it strange how you're repeating PiS propaganda word for word? For someone who claims to be a nationalist, you seem rather quick to repeat government propaganda.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
20 Feb 2019 /  #725
Did they or didn't they?

Documents says nothing about it. They only confirm that he was indeed a member of Judenrat. I don't have your capacity of making up facts to suit my narrative, so you'll have to dig it yourself.



If your Polish is good enough, you can also read this article with links and references:


you seem rather quick to repeat government propaganda

So I'm not a pro-russian nationalist nor korwinist anymore? Maybe I'm a pink elephant or a two-headed calf? You have to make up your mind :-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Feb 2019 /  #726
this article

Written by a website where anyone can publish stuff. Not exactly credible, not least because it's full of "in my opinion" and so on.

Needless to say, it's just more propaganda.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
20 Feb 2019 /  #727
Written by a website where anyone can publish stuff. Not exactly credible

That's why I've mentioned that it has links to sources. Stop acting like one of conditioned Pavlov's dogs and take your time to learn something first before you comment.

First use your brain and then open your mouth - not the other way around.

Do you want to be a dilettante your entire life?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Feb 2019 /  #728
There's no denying judenrat, Jewish ghetto police or the countless individual jews that collaborated with the Nazis. Even Hitler's chauffeur was a jew. They're no less guilty than poles, Ukrainians, etc. Don't forget Soros either. Their tired line oy vey hard times I had to collaborate or I'd become a lamp shade doesn't hold water.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107  
20 Feb 2019 /  #729
Even Hitler's chauffeur was a jew

Part Jew,and he was SS.
But what about Kempka?
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Feb 2019 /  #730
You mean Emil Maurice? Yes, furthermore, top Luftwaffe chief (under Goering!) was Erhard Milch, allegedly a Mischling as well. The German head of the Olympic Committee, Dr. Lewald, was apparently a half-Jew, I'm told.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
20 Feb 2019 /  #731
Goering has famously said (repeated after Karl Lueger actually):

"Only I will decide who is a Jew!" when asked why is he socialising with Jews.

I general, the whole crest of Nazi party was an motley crew of people who pretended to be something which they were clearly not. And a few Nazi poster boys for propaganda reasons.

Judging by the appearance - by Nazi race standards - would you call a person like Joseph Goebbels an ubermensch, or even an arian? By those standard he could barely be classified as European! :-) And how about Adolf Eichmann, the major organizer of holocaust?

It's funny how Germans believed it. And it's even funnier that some people still believe it! There are dozens of neo-nazi marches in present day Germany. This whole "nazi" idea seems to be very attractive to weak minded individuals.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Feb 2019 /  #732
So true.

If people are desperate enough, they'll believe anybody.
Actually, when Goering made that claim, most of his German audience probably didn't know or care who Lueger was anyway.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
20 Feb 2019 /  #733
An Austrian, what else! The best Nazis had always been Austrians...:)
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Feb 2019 /  #734
By "best", I trust you meant "virulent" (rasend, tobsuechtig). If those were the best, who were the worst?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
20 Feb 2019 /  #735
you meant "virulent" (rasend, tobsuechtig).

Of course

who were the worst?

Probably all the millions of Mitläufer and Opportunists...
Miloslaw  20 | 5107  
20 Feb 2019 /  #736
An Austrian, what else! The best Nazis had always been Austrians...:)

So true.....I feel a creepiness about Austrians that I just don't get from Germans at all.
Why do I keep getting images of cellars in my mind?
Weimarer  6 | 357  
20 Feb 2019 /  #737

Same counts for catholicism
Spike31  3 | 1485  
20 Feb 2019 /  #738
Actually, German Catholics were the ones who didn't vote for Hitler and NSDAP. German protestants have elected him to power.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107  
20 Feb 2019 /  #739
This whole "nazi" idea seems to be very attractive to weak minded individuals

So true,but the same can be said about the extreme left.
However,in times like these,where so many people distrust mainstream politicians and parties,it is not just the weak minded who support the extremes,it is the disenfranchised,the poor,the unemployed,the entrepreneurs who are not being listened to.....the list goes on,you get the gist.

We live in dangerous but interesting and revolutionary times......
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Feb 2019 /  #740
he was SS.

Proof there' were good Jews afterall
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Feb 2019 /  #741
Although those two heroes of the religious resistance, Pastors Bonhoeffer and Niemoeller were Lutherans!
Miloslaw  20 | 5107  
20 Feb 2019 /  #742
Proof there' were good Jews afterall

A pathetic,childish and offensive comment.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Feb 2019 /  #743
What did you expect?
Miloslaw  20 | 5107  
20 Feb 2019 /  #744
Nothing more.......
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #745
German protestants have elected him to power.

They might have voted for him, but it was the Catholic Centre Party that passed the Enabling Act. If it wasn't for them, they would never have legitimately taken power.

Not to mention the role of Catholics in the Nazi leadership and the behaviour of Nazi-allied parties, such as the horrific Ustasha in Croatia.
mafketis  38 | 11124  
21 Feb 2019 /  #746
According to an older co-worker the brutal savagery of the Ustasha even grossed out the nazis.... that is an achievement of sorts.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Feb 2019 /  #747
Hey, genius, those were Germans. Who dropped the nukes? Americans or Democrats?
pawian  224 | 27164  
6 Aug 2019 /  #748
So, what do Am Senators expect Poland to do when they press on Pompeo to urge the Polish government to satisfy Jewish property restitution claims? What exactly should Poles do because I am lost who wants what?

The first 10 google results with this latest news come from Jewish sites and then there is void. E..g,


(August 5, 2019 / JNS) A bipartisan group of 88 U.S. senators signed a letter on Monday to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, asking him to "act boldly and with urgency to help Poland resolve this issue comprehensively" of compensating Holocaust victims whose property was stolen by German Nazis.
mafketis  38 | 11124  
6 Aug 2019 /  #749

that sentence is plain demented... why should modern Poland bear the burden of compensating people for things that happened when there was no Polish state...

I suspect that this is a grift - trying to get Poland to pay in perpetuity to various shadow 'foundations' and the like.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
6 Aug 2019 /  #750
Spot on mafketis!

I don't know why people on this site keep always banging about Russian corruption and how Russia is corrupt as a state. Certainly, in Russia there is corruption which is however mostly contained at the lower levels of government.

In the US it is not only possible to buy your local Congressman who will then lobby for you in Congress to change a certain law as per your desire (in case you are an owner of a big multinational corporation i.e. to lower the taxes for the rich) or as in this case to blackmail Poland, but you cannot even imagine how high up the level of corruption in the US goes, during the time of Bill Clinton and his deranged wife Hillary it was possible to even buy the President!

In Europe something like this would be a scandal, and there would be a public outcry while in the US such practice is considered as completely normal.

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