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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

Shitonya Brits  
17 Feb 2019 /  #691
Poland ows us reparations...Stop being filthy beggers.

You are such a brainwashed Zionist.

You won't address the topic of this thread and you would never dare call Jews "filthy beggars" like you just did about Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Feb 2019 /  #692
Jews try to blame and guilt trip Poland for 'Holocaust.' Plan backfires.


Poland is not scared to stand up to the Zionist entity. If only they were more vocal about the Jewish funded groups seeking to bring the globo homo run by Shlomo agenda to Poland

Stop being filthy beggers.

Who's dumber, the one who asks for reparations or the one who allows themselves to be guilt tripped into thinking they need to pay the Jews billions of dollars for things their ancestors did? I'd say the latter... and that'd be the Germans..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2019 /  #693
Too bad we see all setteled and give nothing

Everything is settled. Poland has no legal claim against the Federal Republic of Germany, it's not the same country as existed before WW2 and the Federal Republic took sovereignty from the Allied occupation, which very clearly and decisively ruled that it was occupying "terra nulla", not the German Empire.

International courts have also made it clear that the Federal Republic isn't the same country.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Feb 2019 /  #694
Who's dumber, the one who asks for reparations or the one who allows themselves to be guilt tripped?

Without taking sides, it's legally possible to sue the estate.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
18 Feb 2019 /  #695
@Shitonya Brits

I give a **** about Zionists or any non German. I hate beggars. Its that easy.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
18 Feb 2019 /  #696
PM slams 'racist anti-Polonism' amid spat with Israel over WWII history

Poland's prime minister on Monday slammed racist comments by Israel's foreign minister, who reportedly claimed that Poles "suckled anti-Semitism with their mother's milk."

I think that's the right way to deal with a chauvinist state of Israel over those slanderous accusations.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Feb 2019 /  #697
chauvinist state of Israel

There are no longer many Jews in Poland, people in Poland aren't even interested unless a row like this kicks off, kids in Poland have to be taught about Jews because there aren't any to mix with.

In the six years I have been here my friends have only mentioned Israel or Jews maybe three four times, but only after some political spat occurs.

Fact is from what I see is that nobody is bothered about Jews/Israel in Poland , they mainly talk about migrants and Ukrainians.

Only a fool or trouble maker could say "Poles "suckled anti-Semitism with their mother's milk." to be honest I am changing my mind about Judaism and Israel , but maybe this is their plan to turn Poles against therm by causing trouble then screaming antisemitism when we kick back.

I am going off Jews and Israel at a rapid pace now, I would have been their greatest allie in the past.

Wonder how many other people they are turning against themselves.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
18 Feb 2019 /  #698
It is not in the jewish DNA to understand the causes of "antisemitism", nor accept responsibility for same. No sense arguing with them over it.
18 Feb 2019 /  #699
Poland's prime minister on Monday

I am by no means a PiS supporter, but I have to say Morawiecki is dealing with this in an exemplary manner. Poland was angelically patient in the past, but the amount of vile slander poured on our country proved simply too much too tolerate. It has to end now.

Only a fool or trouble maker could say "Poles "suckled anti-Semitism with their mother's milk."

Exactly. It looks like something written on an Internet forum by some random girlfriendless troll, but it was said by a foreign minister in an official interview! Un-be-lie-va-ble...

I am going off Jews and Israel at a rapid pace now, I would have been their greatest allie in the past.

Same here. They surely know how to lose friends quickly.

Apparently this Katz person (who is acting Israeli foreign minister) not only had indeed made the disgraceful remark about Poles, but he maintained his statement today and even added that "Antisemitism was inborn/congenital in Poles before the Holocaust, during it and after it also".

"Prawdy historycznej nie można zmienić. Wielu Polaków kolaborowało z nazistami i brało udział w zagładzie Żydów (...)" - powiedział Katz w izraelskim radiu wojskowym. "Antysemityzm był wrodzony u Polaków przed Holokaustem, podczas, i po nim też".


It's one thing to say something unbelievably stupid, and another to maintain it the next day and keep adding new insults!

This is so unbelievable, it's almost surrealistic. Israel is handing PiS electoral victory on a golden plate - they are already winning a lot of support and respect from people who never voted for them, and if they handle this correctly to the end, the number of such people will only increase.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
18 Feb 2019 /  #700
Poland and Israel....two overly sensitive (prissy) girls! :)
18 Feb 2019 /  #701
This is not a joking matter, BB. We were insulted first by the prime minister and then (repeatedly!) by the acting foreign minister. And Israel is supposed to be our ally!

Sorry for the slight crudeness of the question, but it really has to be asked: WTF???
18 Feb 2019 /  #703
A sensible voice from AJC (again)...


... perhaps the current crisis can yet be overcome and damages minimalised.

I am impressed with AJC recently--their Thursday statement about Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was spot on as well...


... stating the obvious, but apparently stating the obvious is neccessary sometimes these days.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
18 Feb 2019 /  #704

Extortion, money.
18 Feb 2019 /  #705
Or maybe just plain stupidity and/or willingness to win some extra voters in the electoral year.

One way or another, this Katz has definitely crossed the line of common decency and it should be the beginning of the end of this person's career in politics.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
18 Feb 2019 /  #706
Or maybe just plain stupidity

I wouldn't call those people stupid. In their own nasty way they know what they are doing. I'm rather concern there is no major counteroffensive and no measures are being introduced to fix that problem.

The other issue, Lack of communication with the white house. What is that all about Poland going to war with Persia in the interest of Israel? If that is not a big mistake, those who are responsible for that mess in Poland should be fired.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
18 Feb 2019 /  #707
There is no "they", Iron. Millions of people....some good, some bad....some arseholes, some friends...some more diplomatic, some less....some smarter, some plain dumb.

You don't want ALL Poles judged by that nutter who burns an orthodox Jew effigy or denies the holocaust at the gates of Auschwitz either, won't you.
18 Feb 2019 /  #708

Yes, some of the things connected with the conference weren't thoroughly thought out, it seems.

Lack of communication with the white house.

It's worrying indeed. I think PiS is slowly realising now that they will be forced to conduct more independent policies, without counting on the US all the time (something like that was bound to happen sooner or later).

There is no "they", Iron. Millions of people....some good, some bad....some arseholes, some friends...some more diplomatic, some less...

Spot on.

Look at the AJC's statment and the reaction of some of the Israeli press. Sensible people are majority (luckily!) in both Poland and Israel, and nutters like Katz won't destroy everything with their vile venom.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
18 Feb 2019 /  #709
There is no "they", Iron.

they as if those who are behind it and participating in this hoax.

I think PiS is slowly realising now

Really? they are realizing it now? What they have been doing until now? arranging pens on their deck? What a bunch of useless incompetent morons.

I feel better now:) Yet it doesn't solve anything its a sad state of affairs in Poland.

what they think that an ally is their nanny? geez .
Spike31  3 | 1485  
18 Feb 2019 /  #710
A sensible voice from AJC

That's a classic good cop/bad cop approach.

Step one: a strong defamation from the officials which is delivered to, and covered by, press and mass media around the world. The message is strong and clear: "Poles are anti-semites". The damage was done.

Now step two: a vague "dementi" posted on some obscure government website and "sensible" voices from a Jewish NGO's
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
19 Feb 2019 /  #711
Look at the AJC's statment and the reaction of some of the Israeli press.

It's kind of like saying 'not all Muslims are terrorists.' I'm sure there's some Jews that aren't for the destruction of Poland and white Europeans.

You don't want ALL Poles judged by that nutter who burns an orthodox Jew effigy or denies the holocaust at the gates of Auschwitz either

I wouldn't mind. It sends a 'hands off - not in Poland' message.

FYI Morawiecki cancelled his trip to Israel

and if they handle this correctly to the end, the number of such people will only increase.

Those are the Poles that are sick and tired of the constant ass kissing and appeasement of Jews of which there are millions. Poles understand their shenanigans quite well.

The Zionists need to understand that Poles aren't going to let them control the country again. They're going to start flocking to Poland as Europeans are replaced in places like France, Germany, Belgium, etc. and there's no way a Jew can wear a yarmulke without getting verbally or physically attacked. In Poland they're safe and its a society where you can still leave your doors unlocked and women don't have to worry that they're going to get raped walking home at night.
19 Feb 2019 /  #712
Over 100 Jewish graves were vandalised in Quatzenheim in the Grand Est region of France (see attached photo).


I am waiting impatiently for Mr Katz's comments regarding the milk of French mothers.

EDIT: interia says over 100 graves, france24 says 80.

  • 1.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
19 Feb 2019 /  #713
100 Jewish graves were vandalised

Sick bastards
19 Feb 2019 /  #714
They are indeed.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
19 Feb 2019 /  #715
Begs the question why Poland is always in the firing line, The french capitulated with the Germans their french run railways took tens of thousands of Jews to the gas chamber.

How do we live with this racist "milk of our mothers" slander from such a senior politician, do we ready ourselves for war, invasion, are we now the untermenschen in the eyes of the Jews.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
19 Feb 2019 /  #716
Welcome in our world.

Now you see what it feels like. As German you get thrown such **** nonstop at your head.

In TV, movies, books and media. In holiday as jokes. At sport competition. I won a competition last year in denmark and was called a Nazi,
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
19 Feb 2019 /  #717
As German you get thrown such **** nonstop at your head.

That should not be the case, your generation has nothing to answer for, the same as your neighbours in Poland.

Just tell them to get stuffed , I am with you all the way.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Feb 2019 /  #718
That should not be the case, your generation has nothing to answer for, the same as your neighbours in Poland.

I agree with you, Dolno. It's not going to end well if everyone shouts about what they think they're owed based on historical grievances.

PiS don't realise it, but if the AfD start demanding compensation for post-war German losses, what happens then?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
19 Feb 2019 /  #719
Stalemate lol, the sun will still rise in the morning.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
19 Feb 2019 /  #720
Over 100 Jewish graves were vandalised in Quatzenheim in the Grand Est region of France (see attached photo)

I know that part of France intimately,these are not normal French people doing this.
I will bet you my house this has been done by French Muslims,of which there are many in this very Germanic region.

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