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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

johnny reb  49 | 8003  
15 Feb 2019 /  #631
Germany remains the one who bares the financial burden for reparations to those descendants of families living in occupied Poland,

The jews remain the ones who bare the financial burden for reparation to those descendants of families (ME) because of my father (an American G.I.) donating three years out of his life, being shot up and disabled while saving the jews lives.

I guess it is all on how you look at after the fact and who is telling the story.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
15 Feb 2019 /  #632
Who is making these claims on Poland?

Some scammers, vultures and Israeli politicians plus all other who are sniffing after easy money to extort.

Not many of the original owners of property I suspect....

Absolutely, American citizens should be compensated by the USA gov according to agreement from 1960. All others can and do get compensations as well as their progeny in Poland. Polish people even if their are citizens cannot do that. Not really.

Its not about it!
Its is about EXSTORTION pure and simple and its about MONEY and GREED pure and simple.

They claim that all property ever owned by Jews regardless if they are owners or their progeny alive should be given to some 'Jewish' organization and have been backed by t he American Congress which is further prove that swamp hasn't been dried by Trump at all.

To get it those creatures claim that Poland is responsible for holocaust. Vile scum!

So why are these people claiming on Poland?

Well apart from the obvious - money and greed.

Poland is a weaken post-colonial country without elites able to take a charge of the country Hence all kind of dirty scum and opportunist are attracted to it and embolden to make all kind of claims.

See even now that PiS people in charge. They are doing nothing. I don't know for sure but I can guess there no long term plans in motion. Countermeasures or whatnot. They just take it up their ass, smile and pretend to like it. That angers me a great deal - F losers!
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
15 Feb 2019 /  #633
Johnny, you're then saying that it was somehow the victim's fault for simply being who they were and "allowing" themselves to get slaughtered by the enemy!

That's like blaming a rabbit for simply being a rabbit and being fair game for a poacher.

If you want to "blame" anybody, blame the bleedin' Church which marginalized the Jews of Europe for centuries by forbidding them from joining local professions (including the military) which would have integrated them into Christian society and allowed them during the plague years to die as well as live amongst their brethren.

Luther himself wanted the Jews driven out of town on a rail, if they could, since they refused to convert to Christianity.

Being quarantined in state-imposed ghettoes, they remained immune from the pestilence which wiped out the communities of their gentile neighbors, while allowing the Jews to retain their own belongings, making it seem to the average dirt-poor slob that the Jews stole what was Christian property, as the latter often had nothing when they returned from the ravages of war, and the Jews still had their house and their family.

Nobody "asked" to do the unpopular jobs of pawnbroker or money changer; this work was OFF LIMITS to gentiles.

It was simply a vicious circle and cannot be simplified by quick-fix prejudices!!
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
15 Feb 2019 /  #634
Johnny, you're then saying that it was somehow the victim's fault

Like I said, "it all depends on who is telling the story."
Are you saying my father was not a VICTIM when he got shot up while helping to stop the slaughter of jews ?
Are you saying that he and his descendants don't deserve reparations because of his sacrifices ?
How was he responsible for what happened ?
The difference is you don't hear me or the American G.I.'s and their allies wining about what they are owed because of what they stopped like we are with the bleeding heart jews.

The jews should be damn happy that Poland was the only country in the world that really offered them a place to live.
It wasn't Poland's fault for what happened as they lost millions of their own.
The jews owe a lot of country's in the world that helped stop their extinction is the way I see it.
It's long over due to call by gone's be by gone's and not have third generation expecting reparations for something they did not expeience.

Again, I guess it is all who is telling the story.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
15 Feb 2019 /  #635
Let's drop all that property and other bullshit, and cut it to the chase.
It starts and ends with the fact that, statistically, Jews in Poland never identified themselves as Poles. Period. End of the story. Poles have a special place in heaven reserved for them for their infinite patience with that nonsense.

I wasn't there, but if Germany had the same problem, death camps and other violence aside, Hitler was right. The US interned Japs merely on the suspicion, rather than proven acts, of disloyalty.

Pogroms and the rest were just a consequence of that them Poles, us Jews disgusting, moronic, and almost suicidal attitude.
15 Feb 2019 /  #636
The Jewish demands are completely and utterly nonsensical for several reasons:

1. Why on earth should some strange American organisation receive money from Poland for the property of Polish citizens murdered by the Germans? Just because the dead Polish citizens were of the same religions as the aforementioned Americans are today? This is such a nonsense on SO MANY levels.

2. 1960 treaty - it was already mentioned.

3. The overwhelming majority of Jews were quite poor in the interwar Poland; if they had houses, apartments, shops, workshops, bakeries etc. etc. they were very often bought on loans taken from Polish banks (most notably: Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Państwowy Bank Rolny, Pocztowa Kasa Oszczędności and many others). So, a lot of the property was:

1. bought for Polish money (never repaid for obvious reasons)
2. the Germans destroyed most of it (for example, if we talk about the most valuable property in Warsaw that was razed to the ground by the Germans)

3. Poland rebuilt the property from the ashes
4. Now Poland has to either give back the property (paid for with Polish money, and rebuilt by Poland) or pay some 300-400 billion dollar to some funny hutpzah boys in the US.

This is unbelievably impudent to even put forward such demand.

Serious cooling of our relations with the USA and Israel is called for, until the idiotic demands are dropped. Really, our patience with the idiots was wearing thin for quite a long time now, and now it's time to take action.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
15 Feb 2019 /  #637
Of course Poland doesn't owe Jews jack. If anything Jews owes Poland. Poles aren't going to be guilt tripped into making extortion payments to the Holocaust industry like Germany. F

The Jewish demands are completely and utterly nonsensical for several reasons:

That's bc the Jews asking for this money are completely and utterly nonsensical. Their con worked in Germany USA etc so they're trying the same in Poland. When it doesn't work they call poles antisemites and sick their political shills on Poland. There's legislature stating that Poland must pay money/return property to Jews. I forget the prop number but you can Google it
15 Feb 2019 /  #638
I know there is - that's why I think we should seriously reconsider our relations with the USA. Not only did they f**k us with the various arms deals (most notably the F-16 offset), but they continue to humiliate us on the international area.

Besides there is hardly less reliable ally than the US - first they sold us to Soviets, and now they try to ruin our economy with this "reparations" nonsense. We don't even have to go back to WW2 - look how the US treated their allies Kurds - it should be a warning to ANYONE willing to become American "ally". There have to be serious protests about the presence of American troops on Polish soil (if the s**t hits the fan they'll do absolutely nothing anyway), closer integration withing the EU, and USrael (as they can really be considered one country when it comes to foreign policies) must be told to f*ck off - the sooner the better.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
15 Feb 2019 /  #639
Besides there is hardly less reliable ally than the US - first they sold us to Soviets, and now they try to ruin our economy with this "reparations" nonsense.

Easy. That's a drunk in the bar at 2 am talk. You can't sell what you don't own. The US did what was good for the US then. You can call it bad for the US or whatever, but not a sellout. The US in 1945 owed you and Europe nothing and owes you and Europe nothing in 2019.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
15 Feb 2019 /  #640
Assimilated Polish Jews most certainly did identify themselves as Poles of Jewish lineage! Although it is true that those who typically lived in shtettls, the vast majority of them, considered themselves by and large YIDDISH, and not even Polish-speaking Jews, loyal only to one another, nonetheless, they certainly wanted to be treated as human beings, citizens or not.

It's always easy to make the expedient rather than the right decision.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
15 Feb 2019 /  #641
Of course Poland doesn't owe Jews jack. If anything Jews owes Poland.

The ungratefulness of Polish Jews really irks...and the money grabbing of their ancestors is even worse.
Of course,Poles won't fall for it because we know The Jews better than anyone else.
The good points as well as the bad points.
It's a shame The Jews didn't spend as much time understanding Poles.....

Assimilated Polish Jews most certainly did identify themselves as Poles of Jewish lineage!

This is true,but there were so few of them.I'm not laying any blame on anyone for that...
Jewish collaboration with Communists is the chief cause of this Polish/Jewish problem.
If The Jews had accepted Poland as Poland accepted The Jews,this would never have happened.
I say all this as someone who has many Jewish friends,mainly Polish,and love many things about Jewish people,customs,cuisine,culture,music etc.

So please,do not label me as an anti semite....I don't care what anyones race,creed,colour or culture is,I will always judge them as individuals.

But I will continue to make generalisations on people because I think that works too.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
15 Feb 2019 /  #642
An example to show the whole absurdity of this a claim:

Let's say a wealthy Italian Catholic man was killed in Italy and he had no living relatives. Legally speaking the State would take his property. But me, a Polish citizen, want to claim his property because I'm also a Roman Catholic! Doesn't matter that we're not related - we are both fellow Catholics so I want my money ASAP.

In order to do so me and few of my friends will create an NGO called International Catholic Organisation [which claim to represent all the Catholics around the world] and from now on we will make a constant pressure on Italian government to give us that money. We'll occasionally send slandering letters to the press [owned by our fellow Catholics] and to mass media [same here] to put more pressure on Italy and to blackmail them into giving us that money.

Just a silly story? Think again

"If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims, it will be publicly attacked and humiliated" ~ Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress [1996]
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
15 Feb 2019 /  #643
Assimilated Polish Jews most certainly did identify themselves as Poles of Jewish lineage!

Majority of Jews before prl didn't speak Polish nor identified as poles. If anything they adopted the German culture and languave more often than polish


There's a reason why jew can be also used as a word. You'd never hear oh man I got Italianed at the car dealership... But jewed tbough....
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
15 Feb 2019 /  #644

Nice post mate!
Bobko  27 | 2215  
15 Feb 2019 /  #645
Clever, no doubt...

I try never to wade into these questions, b/c more often than not it's a fool's errand. However, it's necessary to point out that Jews are special in this sense, in that it's not just a religion, but also an ethnicity. The "blood" aspect is important here, and the Catholic analogy does not cover that.

That's it from me, I'm out :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
15 Feb 2019 /  #646
religion, but also an ethnicity.

...which they use alternately depending what fits better at the moment.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
15 Feb 2019 /  #647
it's necessary to point out that Jews are special in this sense, in that it's not just a religion, but also an ethnicity

But it is not an ethnicity at all.
Just like Muslims come from many ethnicities,so do Jews.....
Jews cannot claim any form of racial connection.
Being Jewish is just a religion,not a race,this was one of Hitler's greatest mistakes,to think of Jews as a race.
They are not a race.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
15 Feb 2019 /  #648
Being Jewish is just a religion,not a race

No. There self-declared Jews who are self-declared atheists. There is no such thing as an atheist Muslim or an atheist Catholic.

please stick to the topic
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
15 Feb 2019 /  #649
There self-declared Jews who are self-declared atheists

I don't get your point.
I said Jews are not a race.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
16 Feb 2019 /  #650
first they sold us to Soviets,

That was Roosevelt and Democrats.

warning to ANYONE willing to become American "ally".

Not really. It is up to the Polish people and their gov to negotiate, lobby and deal with USA in purported manner in order to get what they want. Thing is they are not doing it and suck at deal making. Alas they have no clue how to talk to them in order to get anything done.

THAT is the problem.
16 Feb 2019 /  #651
There is no such thing as atheist Catholic

To the contrary - there are throngs of them. They belong to the Church formally, get married in Church, baptise their children, but have no faith at all, and don't follow any religious duties (dont pray or dont even go to Mass). They are, to all intents and purposes, atheists - the Catholic part of their life is just a cultural thing. I suppose it's similar with Muslims

Jews are most certainly not a race - they are a mix of ethnicities just like any other nation.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
16 Feb 2019 /  #652
Especially those blond and blue-eyed ones...looking more nordic than most Germans....

I always wondered about that. Considering where they came from and to be accepted as a bona fide Jew you need to have a jewish mother...

I suppose it's similar with Muslims


There is nothing more effective to breed rejection than force...and in most islamic countries it's all about force till up to the sheer fear of death. The secret number of atheist Muslims must be staggering! But we will never know it....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Feb 2019 /  #653
Pence comes to Poland, visits a bunch of Jewish sites, talks about the Holocaust, chastises Poles for not 'compensating' Jews... and doesn't visit a SINGLE POLISH heritage site. He praises some Jew real estate developer as the 'spirit of Poles,' but not a word about people like Kosciuszko or Pulaski.

I'm starting to hate Pence and Trump more and more...

Basically, they want Poles to give billions to the Jews and as a reward we'll get a few battalions of US troops to aggravate Russia even more...
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
16 Feb 2019 /  #654
They're trying in their own way to rectify past wrongs, turn the tables on false beliefs and distinguish healthy from sick traditions!
I don't like Pence or Trump any more than you do, but I applaud Pence for having the guts to stand his ground and not to cave.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Feb 2019 /  #655
Not cave?? ROFL - if he had guts and balls he would stick try to his Irish Catholic upbringing and not be a giant shill for Jewish interests. He's not even representing American interests - he's clearly representing Jewish ones.

They're trying in their own way to rectify past wrongs

When will the Jews rectify their past wrongs? When are they going to pay for all the people they murdered in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, etc. while serving as stooges for the PRL, Red Army, etc.? When is Israel going to give millions to the families of Americans they killed on the USS Liberty and the false flag they staged in Egypt?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Feb 2019 /  #656
Catholic part of their life is just a cultural thing

No. You just made it up. Being a Catholic is not like having AIDS or herpes - for life. It requires an active and deliberate continuation of belonging to the organization. Just like being a communist. Once you say "f*** no way", quit paying dues, and throw your PZPR ID into garbage, you are no longer a communist. Or a Catholic.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
16 Feb 2019 /  #657
Pence comes to Poland

Pence is a hardcore Evangelical. He hates Europe and catholics with a passion.
Joker  2 | 2447  
16 Feb 2019 /  #659
He heard it on CNN, of course!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Feb 2019 /  #660
That would not be as bad as hearing funny noises and not immediately seeking help.

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