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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

pawian  226 | 27817  
7 May 2012 /  #541
I understand your stand but our discussion has evolved into a direction which directly leads to the bin. You`d better move it to another thread, e.g., Where does Poland, the people of Poland stand with the Palestine/Israel issue


but I can`t promise I will follow you there as the issue is of no importance to me now.
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 May 2012 /  #542
Holocaust Industry

No such thing and a very loaded term.

You claim some things to be true about the guy yet can't seem to bring yourself to actually explain why

Claim what? That he's a Communist (his own words) or a Conspiracy Theorist (read his book).

It is the young Poles, just recently saved from the Holocaust, died in heavy fighting with Jerusalem. Today is estimated that more than half of the then 130-thousand Israeli army were Polish Jews.

Very much so. The links between the Jewish people and Poland go very deep - one can't separate Jewishness from Warsaw's history, nor can one dodge the issue of confiscated property.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 May 2012 /  #543
a Conspiracy Theorist

What is such a person? You know what conspiracy theorists used to be called? Journalists.
Now anyone who questions the status quo is dismissively labelled as such without anyone ever having to justify why.
I'm asking you to give some examples of why you write so negatively about him but the best you've managed is "read the book."

No such thing and a very loaded term.

No such thing as what, the Holocaust Industry? So you're saying no one's made their livelihood off of their real or perceived attachment to the Holocaust? What does that word mean? What is it's origin? Is it a loaded term too? What does it mean for a term to be "loaded?"
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 May 2012 /  #544
You know what CONSPIRACY THEORISTS used to be called? Journalists.

Don't be so silly.

So you're saying no one's made their livelihood off

Next you'll be saying that Primo Levi 'cashed in' by writing his memoirs of the camps!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
7 May 2012 /  #545
Polish schools don`t do exchanges with Palestinians. They are not Europeans.

And Israelis are?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 May 2012 /  #546
Don't be so silly.

Dismiss/deflect and provide nothing of substance- you are consistent.

Next you'll be saying that Primo Levi 'cashed in' by writing his memoirs of the camps!

A childishly paranoid response.
jon357  72 | 23654  
7 May 2012 /  #547
But nevertheless one that rings true. At least you haven't tried to cast doubt on the numbers murdered.
pawian  226 | 27817  
7 May 2012 /  #548
And Israelis are?

Yes, they are. The ancestors of today`s Israelis spent hundreds of years in Europe and acquired European standards. Look at the political system in Israel - the only democracy in the region, surrounded by dirty dictatorships.
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
7 May 2012 /  #549
Israel - the only democracy in the region, surrounded by dirty dictatorships.

You can see why people are starting to call Israelis, "the new Nazis", next thing they will be digging pits. getting 10 year old boys to kneel in front of them, and then shooting them in the back of the head.

Oh, silly me, I forgot, they already did it in 1947, Read about it here folks:-

Yes I know jon, another Jewish liar and conspiracy theorist just like anyone else who dares reveal Israels sins and deceit, best to lock em up eh?
pawian  226 | 27817  
7 May 2012 /  #550
next thing they will be digging pits. getting 10 year old boys to kneel in front of them, and then shooting them in the back of the head.

I don`t think so.

reveal Israels sins and decei


The main sin of Jews was the fact they were unable to prevent fellow Europeans from murdering them by thousands, then by millions throughout centuries.

Finally, Jews decided to do sth about it.
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
7 May 2012 /  #551
I don`t think so.

Holocaust denial, shouldn't people be locked up for this?
pawian  226 | 27817  
7 May 2012 /  #552
Do you expect me to comment on your void posts? :):):):)
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
7 May 2012 /  #553
I think we are getting off topic here, let me steer it back a touch.
If Jews expect Poland to provide reparations for the homes and land they lost in WW2.
Shouldn't they set an example and provide reparations for the land they steal to this day from Palestinians?
pawian  226 | 27817  
7 May 2012 /  #554
If Jews expect Poland to provide reparations for the homes and land they lost in WW2.

Which Jews exactly?

nor can one dodge the issue of confiscated property.

Nobody is dodging anything.

But if you knew history, you would know that not only Jews were wronged during and after WW2. Poles were too.

Sorry, years 1939-1989 was the Time of Trouble for Poland and 99% people who lived here.

And whenever the Time of Trouble takes place on Earth, do not expect to receive the earthly justice.

You will receive it in Heaven.

Therefore, never lose hope.
jon357  72 | 23654  
8 May 2012 /  #555
conspiracy theorist just like anyone else who

The issue in hand isn't about 'anyone else' it is about one particular person - who is a conspiracy theorist of the worst kind.


The real estate in question is in Poland, not Israel and whatever you personally believe the shortcomings of that country to be, it is has nothing whatsoever to do with property claims here.

Nobody is dodging anything.

Unfortunately there's an element in this country who believe that no property should be returned.

But if you knew history, you would know that not only Jews were wronged during and after WW2. Poles were too.

I do know history, thank you - however two groups being wronged by the same party isn't a good reason to allow members of one group to have the permanent use and 'ownership' of the homes of members of the other group even when claimed by the heirs of the rightful owners.

And whenever the Time of Trouble takes place on Earth, do not expect to receive the earthly justice.

You will receive it in Heaven.

An interesting thought, Pawian, however if that were the basis of any kind of law suit - not only property claims - nothing would ever get done.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 May 2012 /  #556
Yes, they are.

No, no they are not. My atlas says Israel is in the middle east. Give it a swirl and tell us what yours says.

The ancestors of today`s Israelis spent hundreds of years in Europe

So what?

Lets say a third generation Turkish immigrant family living in Athens decide to pack up and relocate back to their homeland due to the economic mess in Greece. They return back to their ethnic homeland and have children in Turkey. Are their kids Turkish or european?

Look at the political system in Israel - the only democracy in the region,

Its a Jewish state for Jewish people. The same people are calling for multiculturalism in europe, and only in europe. Never in their beloved Jewish state.

Compare this....
To this....

Israel must remain an ethnic Jewish nation and the problem to peace in the Middle East is that the Palestinians don't want to accept that, Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren has said

Do as I say, not do as I do.
sofijufka  2 | 187  
8 May 2012 /  #557
when claimed by the heirs of the rightful owners

If "rightful" - it's OK. Unfortunately, often these "heirs' are cheats and liars.
yehudi  1 | 433  
8 May 2012 /  #558
You can see why people are starting to call Israelis, "the new Nazis", next thing they will be digging pits. getting 10 year old boys to kneel in front of them, and then shooting them in the back of the head.

Oh, silly me, I forgot, they already did it in 1947,

Except that we didn't.

Let me ask you a simple question: If Israel has any policy of exterminating Arabs, how is it that i see Arabs in the street and in stores every day here in my Israeli town? How can it be that they're in the parliament, are treated (and employed) in israeli hospitals and sit in classrooms with everyone else in Israeli universities. How can it be that there are arabs living all over israel leading normal lives and enjoying more political rights than any citizen of an arab country? If we are the new nazis, how can all that be true? And yet I see it every day! You simply have no idea about what Israel really is, and instead you just repeat lies and bullshit. I have nothing against arabs. I do have something against filth like you.

I am aware of the origins of modern Israel, I just take exception to their stealing and ethnically cleansing another peoples land,

For the benefit of anyone who thinks that PR actually knows something about Israel, the only ones that did ethnic cleansing in the middle east are the arabs:

Every inch of land conquered by the arab forces in 1948 was "cleansed' of Jews. On the other hand, arabs continue to live in Israel to this day. Jews were forced out of Iraq and Egypt leaving all their property behind. Arabs practice ethnic cleansing in Sudan, Iraq and Egypt, against christians and jews. Where's your concern for ethnic cleansing when the arabs are doing it?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 May 2012 /  #559
But nevertheless one that rings true. At least you haven't tried to cast doubt on the numbers murdered.

I think it's practically illegal to do that in some places. Odd you would bring that up though, is this just you going fishing?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 May 2012 /  #560
I have nothing against arabs.

What lovely, peace loving people Israelis are........

from israel with love

Get off the Palestinians damn land and take the jews in europe with you.
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
8 May 2012 /  #561
For the benefit of anyone who thinks that PR actually knows something about Israel, the only ones that did ethnic cleansing in the middle east are the arabs:

You must think us human cattle are stupid, do you really think we don't know what you are doing?, that we don't see your Apartheid wall and your checkpoints, that we don't see the films of you dropping phosphorous bombs on schools full of Palestinian children, that we don't see how you murder piecefull activists and aid workers because they try and help what you call Amalekites, a people God told you to kill every man, woman and child of.
pawian  226 | 27817  
8 May 2012 /  #562
What lovely, peace loving people Israelis are........


Get off the Palestinians damn land and take the jews in europe with you.


by pushing America to attack peace loving Iran


No, no they are not. My atlas says Israel is in the middle east. Give it a swirl and tell us what yours says.


Guys, anything intelligent from you?
modafinil  - | 416  
8 May 2012 /  #563
Guys, anything intelligent from you?

Shouldn't they set an example and provide reparations for the land they steal to this day from Palestinians?

And this juxtaposition:

As an aside, I wonder how successful we Prussians would be in claiming for the properties we lost as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, one of my Grandparents had to abandon his horse farm as refugees from Polish persecution.

Seem to be intelligent and valid.
pawian  226 | 27817  
8 May 2012 /  #564
Seem to be intelligent and valid.

Sorry, my requirements for intelligent discourse seem a bit higher than yours. :):):):):)
modafinil  - | 416  
8 May 2012 /  #565
Because you do not understand the union of hypocrisy and have an inability to have joined-up reasoning in the two points shown by Peter does not make me or him less intelligent than you. The opposite, in fact.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
8 May 2012 /  #566
be in claiming for the properties we lost as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, one of my Grandparents had to abandon his horse farm as refugees from Polish persecution.

Or so he said.

Question - what have he been doing on the Polish land?
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
9 May 2012 /  #567
what have he been doing on the Polish land?


enjoying it after the treaty of St. Petersburg, January 26, 1797, declared

"to abolish everything which could revive the memory of the existence of the Kingdom of Poland, now that the annulment of this body politic has been effected…the high contracting parties are agreed and undertake never to include in their titles…the name or designation of the Kingdom of Poland, which shall remain suppressed as from the present and forever…"

but I am sure he thinks that it was legal, proper and just.

To this day Russians, Germans and Jews believe they have legal rights to properties in Poland, which were confiscated from Polish owners during partitions and uprisings and given or sold for nothing to them. The victors' justice... I guess we have only ourselves to blame.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
9 May 2012 /  #568
I repeated the point in an expectation of hearing Pawain's (or anyone else's) opinion

pawian opinion ? His opinion is a mainstream opinion on any given subject - or almost any subject !

where or how they would draw a line

Drawn a line ?err you lost me ..
modafinil  - | 416  
9 May 2012 /  #569
Drawn a line ?err you lost me ..

Partly what x7 refers to in the last para. What about dispersed Polish orphans throughout Russia maybe their grandchildren? The Polish in the UKs resettlement camps maybe some cash to the UK government for the initial cost incurred etc.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 May 2012 /  #570
Sorry, my requirements for intelligent discourse seem a bit higher than yours. :):):):):)

I hope that you are not teaching your students that Israel is in europe.

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