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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #511
I am in fact the one who condemns those who say the Jews are THE Chosen People who therefore can do no wrong!

That very noble of you. Where is your post I missed condemning those scam-artists for trying to extorts money from Poland under the false pretext.

There is one dude called F. who did just that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Feb 2012 /  #512
Where is your post I missed condemning those scam-artists

Where's your post condemning the RCC for similar behaviour?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Feb 2012 /  #513
The RCC has robbed Poland

we can get back a great deal of what the RCC 'retrieved' from the state in not so lawful manner (with the help of the representants of the state btw) - and we don't need to make the same mistake again, now with Jews, period
Marek11111  9 | 807  
6 Feb 2012 /  #514
Harry if you are purposely trying to lead this thread off-topic because of Mark's posts, my advice would be - ignore him. You only make it worse, not to mention delph commie BS about RCC.

well Iron it is not off-topic, Jews killed Poles so why we talking about Jewish restitution and not Polish restitution from the state of Israel.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #515
No, it's exactly what anyone with half a brain would say. Investing in children (the future of Poland) or a bunch of fat, spoiled old men with no interests other than buying yet more expensive dresses for themselves? Come on!

You miss your Kirk aren't you?

The RCC has robbed Poland, now it's the Jewish turn.

The RCC want its back property robbed by Commies,only commie of fool would call that robbery.
Its not about the Jewish - its about some Jewish scam-artists looking free monies,
delph most of them are from the USA, knowing your dislike of Pol-Ams I would think that you would equally dislike Jew-Ams. I guess you know your preferences.
6 Feb 2012 /  #516
Foreigner4, you name me a country which hasn't executed, murderers, traitors or other capital criminals, in some cases, publically!! The analogy isn't applicable here. Whilst I normally oppose capital punishment, even for hardened and repeat offenders, there was nothing "normal" about the Shoah, therefore abnormal measures, such as the death penalty, have to be applied. In the case of Herr Eichmann, a man to whom none of the attributes of a hardened criminal apply to any sob-story degree, furthermore, who masterminded only the most hideous end to an entire group of human beings, deserves only death himself, as human lives meant nothing to him.

Not all situations are relative, I'm afraid.
6 Feb 2012 /  #517
Let's distinguish though "scam-artists" as unfair label for those truly deserving of restitution froma recalcitrant regime vs. those others who honestly desired to DISHONESTLY bilk money from the Polish government. The two do not belong in the same category.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #518
Are you reading post here at all ?
Those who truly or less truly deserve restitution for property can and do get it in Poland.
We are talking about attempts on extorting monies from Poland's government for all Jewish property based on estimation of their worth nowadays. It means also for property returned already or paid for already as for property without survivors to claim it .
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Feb 2012 /  #519
Foreigner4, you name me a country which hasn't executed, murderers, traitors or other capital criminals, in some cases, publically!!

I never stated other governments don't do such things, I merely pointed out that your claim regarding the Israeli government is fictitious.
6 Feb 2012 /  #520
Now I think I finally understood your last post, Ironside. We seem to be on the same wave length (..regarding this issue, at least)


Sorry there, dude, but my post regrading Israel's policies aren't fictitious!! Fictitious would be the claim that Hamas DOESN'T want to wipe Israel off the map, that Arafat was "secretly" a friend of Israel etc.... Apparently, you still can't tell the difference between fact and fiction.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Feb 2012 /  #521
Sorry there, dude, but my post regrading Israel's policies aren't fictitious!!

You say you're sorry then insist on the veracity of you lie; perhaps you simply can't stop lying on this matter.

Fictitious would be the claim that Hamas...

I am not discussing Hamas, I hadn't brought up the topic nor had I contributed to discussing Hamas- you have brought up that organization for the sole purpose of a red herring. We're at the point now where your dishonesty is so evident that there's nothing you can write which could distract from it. Nonetheless, whatever Hamas' position is (I honestly don't know what they have said about Jews, Catholics or Hindus for that matter), it does nothing to preclude Israelis from also being contemptuous of others' rights and engaging in immoral or downright evil endeavors (regardless that be the slaughter of non-jewish families in their homes or pursuing illegitimate property claims in Poland).

This position of having to choose one side or the other is naive if we consider for a moment that political groups are under no obligation to be honest with their motives and objectives- their goals are historically of self-interest. It is perfectly plausible that neither side is acting in good faith and it seems to me preposterous that so many insist (parrot) on exactly that scenario.

You sir, cause me impatience on this topic- make a statement worth responding to or relieve me of your deceptively barren rebuttals.
7 Feb 2012 /  #522
Neither side IS beyond reproach for foul acts, that's not a subject of debate on my part (and never was). I merely wish to keep a balanced perspective, something becoming harder and harder to manage here:-)
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
5 May 2012 /  #523
A good book to read on this subject is "The Holocaust Industry" written by Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish son of Auschwitz survivors , the book is full of documentation that points to the whole holocaust being a Jewish moneymaking scheme where nearly none of the actual monies gathered, actually get into the hands of genuine holocaust survivors, but into the big Jewish agencies and lawyers.

It goes into great detail about the Swiss banks in the 90s where this industry demanded an outrageous sum of money from the Swiss banks, even when Swiss records proved it to be so, but the Swiss banks where threatened with an American boycott if they failed to pay this "blackmail money", the book noted at the end that Poland was to be their next target.

Other interesting points this book brings up is that according to his own parents who where at Auschwitz, most of what is written about it is "a load of nonsense".

The book also documents the reported number of Holocaust survivors that increase each year to the point now where if such Jewish evidence can be believed, not a single Jew could have actually died in the Holocaust.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
5 May 2012 /  #524
A good book to read on this subject is "The Holocaust Industry" written by Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish son of Auschwitz survivors , the book is full of documentation that points to the whole holocaust being a Jewish moneymaking scheme where nearly none of the actual monies gathered, actually get into the hands of genuine holocaust survivors, but into the big Jewish agencies and lawyers.

I didn't read the book but watched an expose on TV about a year ago. It was very interesting. All the big Jewish organizations have disowned him as one of their own.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
5 May 2012 /  #525
If they feel that Poland should pay restitution,under their logic why not everyone?Do they honestly accuse Poland for what Hitler
initiated there?
jon357  72 | 23654  
5 May 2012 /  #526
the book is full of documentation that points to

A total fraud. The only moneymaking scheme is that book.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 May 2012 /  #527
A total fraud

Well to make the claim stick, you have to provide something more than baseless accusations. Who are you to question his integrity?

The only moneymaking scheme is that book.

How is the Jewish community NOT making money from victim status? No complaints from you about that, eh?
Finkelstein may be making money from his book but he was doing just fine financially before making his stand against the Holocaust Industry. His background certainly puts him in the category of those who could have profited from toeing the line.

Could it possibly be that Finkelstein is simply telling the truth?
jon357  72 | 23654  
6 May 2012 /  #528
Who are you to question his integrity?

Someone who has read the book and can see what errant nonsense his spurious claims are. If you want a second opinion though:

"this is not research; it isn't even political literature... I don't even think it should be reviewed or critiqued as a legitimate book."Israel Guttman, Chairman of the Scientific Council of Yad Vashem, Advisor to the Polish government on Jewish affairs, Judaism and Holocaust commemoration

"a most trivial book, which appeals to easily aroused anti-Semitic prejudices."Hans Mommsen, Professor of History at the University of Bonn

"trash" Peter Novick, Professor of History at the University of Chicago

How is the Jewish community NOT making money from victim status? No complaints from you about that, eh?

Don't you think they'd rather 6 million people weren't murdered because they were of that community and that any property restitution is simply recovering their own property?

Finkelstein may be making money from his book but he was doing just fine financially before making his stand

He'd actually lost a fortune through successful libel actions against him.

Basically a conspiracy theorist, and as a person who describes himself as "an old-fashioned communist" one with unsavoury political views.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 May 2012 /  #529
Don't you think they'd rather 6 million people weren't murdered because they were of that community and that any property restitution is simply recovering their own property?

That doesn't answer the question. The question is, how are some Jewish people not profiting from the Holocaust Industry? They are, full stop. A logical question is then, why you went to the effort of trying to distract from this? What are you trying to avoid?

Someone who has read the book and can see what errant nonsense his spurious claims are.

Such as?

He'd actually lost a fortune through successful libel actions against him.

So? What was the evidence provided? Who was the judge? Who was the plaintiff? What were the circumstances surrounding the events? If it was libel for speaking out against the Holocaust Industry then it would seem as though he chose the path with the most resistence and stuck with it. It kinda contradicts what you were tyring to suggest.

Basically a conspiracy theorist, and as a person who describes himself as "an old-fashioned communist" one with unsavoury political views.

Based on?
You're just calling the guy names without actually providing a detailed basis for your accusations. I could write "you're just a greedy pig who wants to continue profiting off the sacrifice of millions and this guy bugs you because he's calling you out on it" without any proof whatsoever- it's hardly valid discussion. We can just call eachother names and call others names if what they say or write doesn't support what we think or want to think- is that where you'd like this to go?

I can post reviews by people too:

Mahatma Gandhi once wrote: “Massacre of innocent people is a serious matter. It is not a thing to be easily forgotten. It is our duty to cherish their memory.” Finkelstein’s book reads like an indictment against Israel fit for the world court and his quest for uncovering the truth is a fitting tribute to the martyrs of Gaza. by Ziyaad Lunat

Reading Finkelstein cautions Jews and others to be careful with memory. In certain contexts, memory can be subversive; in others, memory can shield the status quo. When individuals and communities become vested with memory as a form of identity and specialness, then other suffering threatens to displace the centrality of our experience. by Marc H. Ellis

What specifically is your beef with what he's stated? Where do you think he hasn't been honest in his observations and experiences? What do you think his goal is?
jon357  72 | 23654  
6 May 2012 /  #530
The question is, how are some Jewish people not profiting from the Holocaust Industry

No. The question is whether or not people are.

So? What was the evidence provided? Who was the judge? Who was the plaintiff? What were the circumstances surrounding the events?

Read up on it.

If it was libel for speaking out against the Holocaust

It wasn't.

You're just calling the guy names without actually providing a detailed basis for your accusations.

Actually, that's his own description, but don't let the truth stand in the way of your paranoia.

I can post reviews by people too:

Yes - and for every one that damns him with faint praise there are a dozen who expose the nonsense he writes.

There is no 'holocaust industry'.
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
6 May 2012 /  #531
Perhaps others who are reading this thread should read the book for themselves and make their own mind up along with further research, for instance, the very title of this thread indicates that their is indeed a "Holocaust Industry",

I just looked up one of the main topics of the debated book and instantly found this [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Jewish_Congress_lawsuit_against_Swiss_banks] which backs what Norman Finkelstein was reporting.

Or you could find other Jews who also campaign against the holocaust industry such as Menachem Begin Prime Minister of Israel: "Our honor shall not be sold for money; Our blood shall not be atoned by goods. We Shall wipe out the disgrace!".

As with all recorded history, the winners, and those who can gain from a particular version of truth, are always going to defend their Golden egg laying goose, they are never going to admit, "yes, you are correct, here, have your money back", so it is utterly pointless debating with such.

Always best to use your own eyes, mind and common sense.

As an aside, I wonder how successful we Prussians would be in claiming for the properties we lost as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, one of my Grandparents had to abandon his horse farm as refugees from Polish persecution.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 May 2012 /  #532
Foreigner4: The question is, how are some Jewish people not profiting from the Holocaust Industry
No. The question is whether or not people are.

No, that was most definitely not my question:

How is the Jewish community NOT making money from victim status?

And some Jews are profiting off of the Holocaust Industry and I would suspect some are profiting far more than others and far more than they claim they suffered. This is not to say all those receiving or who have received compensation have done so out of some sick burnt offering. Shouldn't it draw ire from the Jewish community that some of their own are making out like bandits at the expense of others?

Okay, so he was sued for libel and knowing nothing else of the circumstances, what conclusion do you recommend people draw from that?

Actually, that's his own description, but don't let the truth stand in the way of your paranoia.

I was referring to your accusations outside of the quotation marks. Why are you calling anyone paranoid? This is the part where you call people names and then pretend it's something other than you're opinion.

You claim some things to be true about the guy yet can't seem to bring yourself to actually explain why. What exactly is your beef with the guy and what exactly are your reasons/evidence for whatever it is your problem is?
pawian  226 | 27817  
6 May 2012 /  #533

I haven`t heard of any new claims made by American Jewish organizations recently.

I think they have finally understood it was all futile and have given up.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 May 2012 /  #534

I haven`t heard of any new claims made by American Jewish organizations recently.

And you are working for the Polish government in what capacity exactly!
pawian  226 | 27817  
6 May 2012 /  #535
I work for the Polish government in the capacity as a high school teacher. Field - public education.

Next schoolyear we are going to have an exchange with Israel. I am a coordinator and partly responsible for the success of the exchange.
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
6 May 2012 /  #536
Next schoolyear we are going to have an exchange with Israel. I am a coordinator and partly responsible for the success of the exchange.

Why not have an exchange with the Palestinians? Iam sure they need it more and it would sure make Poland look better in the eyes of the rest of the Free world.
pawian  226 | 27817  
6 May 2012 /  #537
Why not have an exchange with the Palestinians?

Polish schools don`t do exchanges with Palestinians. They are not Europeans.

The only Arab students that come to Poland are from Turkey which has European aspirations.
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
6 May 2012 /  #538
Polish schools don`t do exchanges with Palestinians. They are not Europeans.

So you are saying Jews are not Semitic but are in fact Caucasian?

By the way, Iam not disagreeing with you, I too consider modern Israelis to fulfill Jesus words at Revelation 2 verse 9

I would be interested in learning if the Jews themselves share your views on their ethnicity.
pawian  226 | 27817  
6 May 2012 /  #539
I would be interested in learning if the Jews themselves share your views on their ethnicity.

After WW2, many Jews who created the state of Israel had Polish connections.

However, this small nation - in 1948 in the British mandate was only about 700 thousand Jews - not only won the war with all its neighbors, but over time has become a regional power with a developed economy and democratic political culture. How was it possible? The answer may be surprising. To a great extent, this has been because of the Polish Jews, the Poles of Jewish origin.

Israel in the years 1948 - 1949 survived through military victory over its Arab neighbors in the war for independence. And then we looked like an army? Just look at the memories of a young officer then, later General and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.It describes that the army was dominated by Poles. During the walk was to hear the English

commands and orders, and soldiers wore such names as Jacek, Marek or Lolek. It is the young Poles, just recently saved from the Holocaust, died in heavy fighting with Jerusalem. Today is estimated that more than half of the then 130-thousand Israeli army were Polish Jews.


I hope you understand now why some Polish schools, including mine, are running exchanges with spoiled Israeli students. :):):):):):)
Peter Rossa  2 | 30  
7 May 2012 /  #540
I hope you understand now why some Polish schools, including mine, are running exchanges with spoiled Israeli students.

Iam teasing Pawian, I am aware of the origins of modern Israel, I just take exception to their stealing and ethnically cleansing another peoples land, claiming to be the rightful and God given Semitic heirs to that land, and the whole world plays along with their game,

Yet Iam sure Poland would have been appalled at any country running student exchange programs with White South Africa during the days of Apartheid, and they also where Europeans.

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