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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

5 Feb 2012 /  #481
Marku, your query is specious, since this argument is not unlike African-Americans, who, as descendents of slaves etc.., once picketed the Obama White House, requesting for "compensation" for their being enslaved, or, Native-Americans similarly demanding land back to their respective tribes (including parts of Long Island), since this was, after all, THEIR territory which WE stole from THEM!!

Obviously, no self-respecting person, Jew or gentile, is expecting the present Polish government to compensate Jews expelled under the Nazis at an increased rate of interest. Such as thing is clearly ludicrous. The point about property compensation though, does begin to make sense when one stops and considers the manner under which that property was Aryanized, not ONLY in Poland, but throughout occupied Europe.
modafinil  - | 416  
5 Feb 2012 /  #482
You don't think creating Israel was the compensation?
5 Feb 2012 /  #483
Israel was a response, i.e. reaction, to the Holocaust, and nothing else. In other words, no Shoah, no Israel as we know it today.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Feb 2012 /  #484
Actually - in Poland - they should get exactly the same as the RCC got. Which was a considerable sum of money.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
5 Feb 2012 /  #485
What RCC properties are you talking about specifically?
Marek11111  9 | 807  
5 Feb 2012 /  #486
Israel was a response, i.e. reaction, to the Holocaust, and nothing else. In other words, no Shoah, no Israel as we know it today.

What you think Jews going to get for this

Jewish Terrorism

1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946.
2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951.
3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948.
4. Falameh, April 2, 1951.
5. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948.
6. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953.
7. Carmel, April 20, 1948.
8. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954.
9. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948.
10. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955.
11. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948.
12. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955.
13. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948.
14. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955
15. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948.
16. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955.
17. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950.
18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955.
19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956.
20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956.
21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956.
22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956.
23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956.
24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956.
25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #487
son, Jew or gentile, is expecting the present Polish government to compensate Jews expelled under the Nazis at an increased rate of interest. Such as thing is clearly ludicrous. The point about property compensation though, does begin to make sense when one stops and considers the manner under which that property was Aryanized, not ONLY in Poland, but throughout occupied Europe.

What are you even talking about ? Did you read that thread ?Some as-holes want to make a few bucks. It has nothing to do with rights, Nazis or anything. Some Jewish scam artist on the roll and you are meekly swallowing all that BS. Why ? Because they are Jewish ? That is a very good question !
6 Feb 2012 /  #488
I repeat Ironside, there'll always be a couple of rotten apples in the bunch, but does that mean we throw out the entire batch???!! Sure hope not:-) Remember, the harvest of hatred can only be tilled so long as it is irrigated by anger and ignorance.

Love thy neighbor, lest you've forgotten, comes from the Old, not the New, Testament!!!
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #489
I repeat Ironside, there'll always be a couple of rotten apples in the bunch, but does that mean we throw out the entire batch???

Exactly ! So, you should write something about those rotten apples not condone them.
Part of the problem could be the fact that there is no Jewish organisation who would say - hey you are just scam-artists and you do not represent the Jewish people!

You haven't done it either and then you are surprised that some people do throw out the entire batch !
6 Feb 2012 /  #490
What you think Jews going to get for this

Do they get a bunch of bigoted twats banging on and on and on and on and on about zionists for the rest of eternity?
Marek11111  9 | 807  
6 Feb 2012 /  #491
"And the Jews kissed Soviet tanks"


terrorism is terrorism and does not matter which side comes from but Jews need to realize they are guilty of mass murder and terrorism then we can move on.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #492
Do they get a bunch of bigoted twats banging on and on and on and on and on about zionists for the rest of eternity?

Even better they get you Harry all cooked and with an apple in your mouth.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Feb 2012 /  #493
What RCC properties are you talking about specifically?

The case of the high school in Poznan and the case of the premium land next to Lake Malta in Poznan. Two excellent examples of where the greed of the RCC has hurt Poland.
6 Feb 2012 /  #494
Jews need to realize they are guilty of mass murder and terrorism then we can move on.

a) No you won't, you will never move on and you can never move on: your hatred and bigotry runs far to deep. No matter what happens, you will always need to have people to hate and to blame your inadequacy and failing on.

b) The topic for this thread is "Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?" If you want to post your 'anti-zionist' rubbish in this forum, you'll need to start a thread in which such drivel will be on topic.

Even better they get you Harry all cooked and with an apple in your mouth.

Nice to see that you are as classy as ever.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #495
Two excellent examples of where the greed of the RCC has hurt Poland.

Per usual delph talking nonsense, BS and propaganda.
Sad case!
6 Feb 2012 /  #496
Per usual delph talking nonsense, BS and propaganda.

Just in case anybody hasn't heard of the case which Delph refers to:

The Archdiocese of Poznan is demanding PLN 6.5 mln from Poznan City Hall in return for using its property without permission and is taking the authority to court. The long-running argument concerns Poznan's High School number 8, which was illegally appropriated from the Church back in 1956.
The church is demanding the massive sum for the use of the site since March 2007 to the present day, both for the use of the school building, the land it stands on, the car park on its terrain, the use of external walls for billboards and the roof for a mobile telephone mast, and is demanding court experts establish the precise sum.
Part of the City's argument is that the Church leases a number of buildings from the authority for a peppercorn rent and that it's not unreasonable to expect a little reciprocation. "The City subsidises repairs to historic churches and has over the years spent millions supporting the religious community," added Kuligowski.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Feb 2012 /  #497
Per usual delph talking nonsense, BS and propaganda.

You really are in some sort of hyper denial, aren't you?

Just in case anybody hasn't heard of the case which Delph refers to:

Thanks :) The case is an utter disgrace - and the same story has been repeated throughout Poland. The utter robbery by the RCC, almost as soon as the system changed is going to be a scandal in years to come. Let's not mention how nuns were working with ex-SB members to steal more, as well.

As is this one - link only in Polish, I'm afraid

6 Feb 2012 /  #498
Just in case anybody hasn't heard of the case which Delph refers to:

It's off topic. And it still looks like BS and propaganda. It's a common practice all over the civilized world to be paid when using someone's property. Your outrage seems rehearsed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Feb 2012 /  #499
Sorry, but when it comes to the education of children, this is far more important than paying a bunch of fat spoiled old men.

If you honestly think that the RCC's needs are greater than our children's needs - then...
6 Feb 2012 /  #500
It's off topic.

Really? Discussing restitution/reparations being demanded from the Polish state are off topic for this thread?

It's a common practice all over the civilized world to be paid when using someone's property.

So why does the Church pay so little when leasing buildings from the city of Poznan?

Your outrage seems rehearsed.

No outrage from me. Not even any surprise: this kind of thing is exactly what those of us who choose to live in Poland have come to expect from the RCC.
6 Feb 2012 /  #501
Really? Discussing restitution/reparations being demanded from the Polish state are off topic for this thread?

Do you see "Jews" in the title? I do. Big bold letters.

So why does the Church pay so little when leasing buildings from the city of Poznan?

You don't discuss in good faith. Looks like you two have an agenda. To quote you " a bunch of bigoted twats banging on and on and on and on and on about RCC for the rest of eternity"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Feb 2012 /  #502
Looks like you two have an agenda. To quote you " a bunch of bigoted twats banging on and on and on and on and on about RCC for the rest of eternity"

When you live here and see schoolchildren being kicked out of their school, or people going cold and hungry in dismal social housing in order to provide an institution operated by fat, spoiled, wealthy old men with even more cash - you do tend to oppose such things.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Feb 2012 /  #503
I think this topic can be boiled down to one word- hypocrisy. People take note of when someone or some people are being disingenuous. People take special note of when the disingenuous manage to fool people from catching on to their scheming. This is what's happening; there is a chance there are people who are being disingenuous with their claims and their "status" as victims. Those people in this case would be Jewish. This does not mean all or even the majority of claims in this matter are being made by disingenuous parties- it is mostly all hypothetical at this point. But already anyone doubting the veracity of every single claim based on their knowledge of prior deception made by some Jewish groups has to prove their innocence of bigotry despite never making any comments that could be interpreted as such.

It is of note that EVERY time anyone EVER objects to claims being made by Jewish people, in this matter or others and for whatever their reason, accusations of racism and bigotry come to the forefront faster than you can say Hozanah. If sound counterarguments can be made then certainly they can be made without the social knee jerk reactions (and I'm pretty socially liberal).

It is this and this alone that sets people off and causes people, myself included, to become suspicious of large scale "reparations" demands as it has been obvious for some time that there are despicable abuses and misrepresentations going on by some Jewsish people. Being disgusted by corruption in politics, business, social benefits and undue ww2 reparations are facts of life in Europe and the world, one should be free to inquire into them.

If a person cannot digest that then it is clear they have no interest in objective discussion.
6 Feb 2012 /  #504
Do you see "Jews" in the title? I do. Big bold letters.

Yes, I see it. Perhaps you can explain why some people think that Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution but that the RCC is simply behaving in a perfectly acceptable way when demanding restitution?
6 Feb 2012 /  #505
When you live here and see schoolchildren being kicked out of their school, or people going cold and hungry in dismal social housing in order to provide an institution operated by fat, spoiled, wealthy old men with even more cash - you do tend to oppose such things.

Stop pretending that you are the keeper of super cool, that the rest of us mere mortals miss. Its phony.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Feb 2012 /  #506
Wait, are people actually trying to argue that since the RCC is going unchecked with regard to their property and financial claims in this country, that it then follows that Jews should be free to do so if they wish to as well?
6 Feb 2012 /  #507
My dear old Ironside, you've clearly misunderstood (or -interpreted!! LOL) most of what I've written or you wouldn't post as you have:-)

I am in fact the one who condemns those who say the Jews are THE Chosen People who therefore can do no wrong! How can you claim I've said otherwise unless you haven't gotten what I was driving at?

Israelis who wantonly condone retribution without trial, even for Hamas leaders, are wrong. Interesting though when you stop to think of it that Eichmann was the sole person EVER executed by the State of Israel, not ANY Hamas, Hetzbollah or other Palestinian leader, including Arafat himself!!!!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Feb 2012 /  #508
Uh, dude, the politicians of Israel have had quite a few people executed, just not in the same manner as the example you've provided.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Feb 2012 /  #509
Sorry, but when it comes to the education of children, this is far more important than paying a bunch of fat spoiled old men.

If you honestly think that the RCC's needs are greater than our children's needs - then...

That exactly what commie would say !
Harry if you are purposely trying to lead this thread off-topic because of Mark's posts, my advice would be - ignore him. You only make it worse, not to mention delph commie BS about RCC.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Feb 2012 /  #510
That exactly what commie would say !

No, it's exactly what anyone with half a brain would say. Investing in children (the future of Poland) or a bunch of fat, spoiled old men with no interests other than buying yet more expensive dresses for themselves? Come on!

Wait, are people actually trying to argue that since the RCC is going unchecked with regard to their property and financial claims in this country, that it then follows that Jews should be free to do so if they wish to as well?

Why not - I'm all for religions being equally treated. The RCC has robbed Poland, now it's the Jewish turn.

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