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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
3 Feb 2012 /  #421
Yeas I am right. Historical anti-semitism in Poland was the background to the 1968 Polish pogrom.

That "Historical anti-semitism of Poland" must have also been the reason why most of the world's Jews CHOSE to live in Poland for 1000 years. LOL

Jonny who do you care more about? Jews or Poles?

Why do you keep banging on about Russia? In 1968 Russia did not exist as a country: it was part of the USSR.

Russia was part of the USSR and the USSR favored Russia over all other nations. Why do you think Moscow was chosen as the capital of the USSR and the USSR imposed the Russian language on its republics? Even Stalin spoke highest of the Russians of all the USSR countries.

The first census of the Soviet Union (1926) showed that there were 2.67 million Jews in the USSR. In 1959, despite the effects of the holocaust and WWII, there were 2.26 million, in 1970 2.15 million. If your claim is correct and Poland was only carrying out its 'anti-zionist' campaign on the orders of Moscow, why were so many Jews allowed to remain in the USSR?

The USSR was a huge nation. So even if the Jews were pushed to the outer area of the USSR/Russia Pale settelment area, that was good enough for Catharine the Great and other Russian leaders who wanted to push Jews away from the heart of Russian society in the Moscow area.

Since Catharine the Great, Moscow made sure to push Jews out of Russia. If they weren't pushed out of Russia the Russians made sure the Jews were at least pushed out of the heart of Russia/Moscow area. Do you deny this? Do you think when Moscow put its enemies into remote areas of Russia/USSR, that it was a term of endearment to those people?

It's not so much that, it's just his instinctive need to blame other people for Polish failures.

Similar to your instinct to blame Polish people for all the problems in the world to make you feel better about yourself, your personal failures and the failures of your ancestry?
3 Feb 2012 /  #422
The USSR was a huge nation. So even if the Jews were pushed to the outer area of the USSR/Russia Pale settelment area, that was good enough for Catharine the Great and other Russian leaders who wanted to push Jews away from the heart of Russian society in the Moscow area.

Got to love the way you completely ignore the fact that Catharine the Great died 126 years before the USSR even existed!

If they weren't pushed out of Russia the Russians made sure the Jews were at least pushed out of the heart of Russia/Moscow area. Do you deny this?

You are claiming that Jews were pushed out of the heart of Russia by the USSR: you prove it. I've already proved that, despite your claims to the contrary, there were millions of Jews in the USSR and they were not persecuted in the same way as the tens of thousands of Jews in Poland in 1968.

Similar to your instinct to blame Polish people for all the problems in the world to make you feel better about yourself, your personal failures and the failures of your ancestry?

a) I blame Polish people for what they did, and nothing else, just as I credit them for what they did, and nothing else.
b) I feel neither pride nor shame with regard to any of the actions of my ancestors: I did not chose my ancestors and had no influence at all over who they were. It is utterly pointless to feel any pride or shame as a result of actions in which one had no involvement.

c) I address my personal failings and take full responsibility for them. You might care to try it some time.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Feb 2012 /  #423
He certainly should be prosecuted for some of the things he has said about that particular community. If he'd said that stuff about Poles there'd be a thread on here 50 pages long with people baying for his blood.

No. I'd probably need to be as drunk as Mel was just to figure out how you think that's anything but ridiculous. Was it deliberated and designed to incite people towards cutting down the Jews one by one? Fcuk no. Was it bigotted drunk talk? Yes. Whoop dee fcuking doo.

"50 pages long with people baying for his blood[?]" If he'd said such things about Poles then it wouldn't be surprising there'd be 50 pages of rhetoric on POLISHFORUMS.COM and not Israelforums.com but seeing as he said something about Jews it would be unlikely to find the 50 pages you desire on POLISHFORUMS.COM.

The most frustrating thing about reading what you idiots try to pass off as educated and nuanced opinions is that it's mostly cheerleading from one side or the other (THERE CAN ONLY BE 2 SIDES ON ANY ISSUE) with an additional dose of SFA for context i.e. perspective other than your own lives taken into account before coming to your dull and predictable conclusions.
3 Feb 2012 /  #424
Thank you for that. The topic of this thread, however, is "Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?".
ReservoirDog  - | 132  
3 Feb 2012 /  #425
In 1968 Russia did not exist as a country: it was part of the USSR.

o my God, you are ...Harry nobody should talk to you anymore, cos you pretend to be an idiot all the time. You are not welcome in my country.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
3 Feb 2012 /  #426
No. I'd probably need to be as drunk as Mel was just to figure out how you think that's anything but ridiculous.

Bigoted drunk talk from Joe Bloggs, Foreigner4 or Uncle Tom Cobbley is one thing - bigoted drunk talk by a very high profile A list Hollywood Royal that's reported round the world and goes unpunished is quite another.

And it adds to the vile racist sentiment that is reflected in the title of this thread.

o my God, you are ...Harry nobody should talk to you anymore, cos you pretend to be an idiot all the time. You are not welcome in my country.

Fortunately you have absolutely no say about who is or is not 'welcome' in 'your' country.
3 Feb 2012 /  #427
Harry nobody should talk to you anymore, cos you pretend to be an idiot all the time. You are not welcome in my country.

Can I reply to this or is it off topic?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Feb 2012 /  #428
Bigoted drunk talk from Joe Bloggs, Foreigner4 or Uncle Tom Cobbley is one thing - bigoted drunk talk by a very high profile A list Hollywood Royal that's reported round the world and goes unpunished is quite another.

If you're serious then you have issues with logic and proportion on this particular topic. Following your train of thought, it wouldn't matter what anyone said if they were not "high profile" and even then it would only matter if it were broadcasted to the world be it through their consent or not. It was bigoted drunk talk that he would have liked to surpress not publicize so blame the media for that one.

And it adds to the vile racist sentiment that is reflected in the title of this thread.

What is racist about the thread title? If it read the same but with a different nationality e.g. Russians, Germans, Americans would it still be racist?

This will probably be booted to off-topic anyhow
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
3 Feb 2012 /  #429
You've got the wrong end of the stick. He said it in the first place; everything newsworthy he says is likely to be reported, and he knew that. He cared not one little bit that it was adding to the already seamy store of hate speech about the particular people he chose to malign.

What is racist about the thread title?

Read it.

If it read the same but with a different nationality e.g. Russians, Germans, Americans would it still be racist?

Are any of those a race?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Feb 2012 /  #430
Are any of those a race?

Are "Jews" a race?

You've got the wrong end of the stick. He said it in the first place; everything newsworthy he says is likely to be reported, and he knew that. He cared not one little bit that it was adding to the already seamy store of hate speech about the particular people he chose to malign.

If that's how you see the issue then you've got some problems with continuity of thought. You, while possibly very talented, likely have no idea whether or not Mel knew what he said in his drunken ramblings would be broadcasted around the world. I will go out on a limb and say it not very likely. There's hate speech about everyone these days, quit yer crying.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
3 Feb 2012 /  #431
Are any of those a race?

Are Jews race ?
You should compare nots with Harry then.

The 1968 Polish pogroms

What pogroms? Are you claiming that pogroms originated in Poland?

Historical anti-semitism in Poland

You are kidding right ?
3 Feb 2012 /  #432
Yo folks, let me reiterate "THE JEWS ARE NOT A RACE!!", they are a people, much like the Hamites, the Cushites and Semites. If they were a separate ethnicity, this might mean they are non-Caucasian, which they most certainly are NOT. Jews are white, as Slavs are white, despite claims to Turkic/Asiatic admixture.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
3 Feb 2012 /  #433
You, while possibly very talented, likely have no idea whether or not Mel knew what he said in his drunken ramblings would be broadcasted around the world. I will go out on a limb and say it not very likely.

Undoubtedly very talented, however what Mel Gibson is responsible for his behaviour, and has a duty to behave decently whether drunk or sober. Hate speech should be addressed by prosecutors. Same as Galliano. Somebody media-sensitive should know better than to shoot their mouth off, alcohol or not. You seem to be justifying his behaviour...

There's hate speech about everyone these days, quit yer crying.

And hate speech needs to be stamped out.

What pogroms? Are you claiming that pogroms originated in Poland?

Read the post.

You are kidding right ?

Plenty of it documented.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Feb 2012 /  #434
you seem to have issues with reading comprehension. Not condoning and not seeking prosecution are not one in the same; I had expected better of you than that low-ball attempt though. It would suggest you know you're losing this one so best to get off the first salvo of crying "racist!" before beating your retreat.

And hate speech needs to be stamped out.

Hate needs to be stamped out and the best way to do that is through EDUCATION and OPEN DISCUSSION, not legislation.
Why not just post facts to dispute what Mel or anyone else claims is true for one group of people and let those facts speak for themselves?

Personal insult removed.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
3 Feb 2012 /  #435
Plenty of it documented.

We should make sure then that there is not Jews in Poland. People would stop writing and talking about Historical or otherwise anti-Semitism and before you ask,it is just a logical conclusion.

Reading of Historical documents require sense.

Are Jews race ?

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
3 Feb 2012 /  #436
We should make sure then that there is not Jews in Poland.

it is just a logical conclusion

So what would be your final solution to this 'problem'?
3 Feb 2012 /  #437
Ironside, read post #443.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
3 Feb 2012 /  #438
So what would be your final solution to this 'problem'?

Well, ask Jews in Poland to sign a document stating that Poland wasn't and isn't anti-Semitic. Those who refuse should be moved to a country of their choosing, can't live any longer in such hostile environment can they ?

Seriously but, anti-Semitism should be defined precisely and used only in a real cases of Jew's hate because of their "blood". Other that that use of the word should be restricted and it misuse fined dearly.

Ironside, read post #443.

Hey I know, my question was addressed to Jonny who imply that Jews are a race.
Do not take all I post as a face value - I'm very sensible dude - what I don't like are labels and double standards.

doused with cold at the moment !
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
4 Feb 2012 /  #439
anti-Semitism should be defined precisely and used only in a real cases of Jew's hate

OK, you asked ironsite, here it is:

Antisemite: a person disliked by a Jew.

Precise enough for you?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
4 Feb 2012 /  #440
Well, ask Jews in Poland to sign a document stating that Poland wasn't and isn't anti-Semitic. Those who refuse should be moved to a country of their choosing, can't live any longer in such hostile environment can they ?

If somewhere's your home, why move?

anti-Semitism should be defined precisely

It is.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
4 Feb 2012 /  #441
Ironside: anti-Semitism should be defined precisely

If you criticize Israel you will be label as anti-Semite
If you say that Israel is state sponsoring terrorism ( assassination ) you will be label as anti-Semite
If you criticize Israel for creating biggest ghetto you will be label as anti-Semite
If you speak truth about Jews you will be label as anti-Semite
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
4 Feb 2012 /  #442
you will be label as

By whom and how?
Ironside  51 | 13086  
4 Feb 2012 /  #444
It is.

Is it ?
I don't think it is. There would be no misuse of said term at large.

It is not a question of how much we dislike you, but how much we like you:of whether we like you more than England, more than Europe, more than Poland the pillar of Europe, more than honour, more than freedom, more than facts. It is not, in short, a question how much we dislike you, but of how far we can be expected to adore you, to die for you, to decay and degenerate for you; for your sake to be despised, for your sake to be despicable .......

Actually the USA could be inserted in place of England, nowadays.

All I ask - no double standards.
englishwoman  - | 1  
4 Feb 2012 /  #445
My understanding is that the Polish people and soldiers of war, were abused and slaughtered by the Nazis also. Do Jewish people think they were the only ones??? ....everyone suffered.

We need to draw a line somewhere or should English people try to sue Italy for what the Romans did? or for what the Vikings (Denmark) did or for what the Normans (France) did when the British Isles were invaded - when do we draw a line and say lets get on with the future.

What has money got to do with it also! nothing pays for lost lives and suffering, it only goes away with time and forgiveness (never forgotten). Layers of centuries later it might all be ok,but it is right to say that the history of what happened in World War 2 can not be forgotten. (my father fought the Nazis).
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
4 Feb 2012 /  #446
We need to draw a line somewhere or should English people try to sue Italy for what the Romans did?

There's something in that, but the issue isn't so much about suing here; it's more about people getting their houses back.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
4 Feb 2012 /  #447
it's more about people getting their houses back.

What houses?Why are you misleading people ?
4 Feb 2012 /  #448
Marek, if you speak "the truth" about anti-semitism, you're labeled a revisionist. Get you terms straight! "The truth"? And you know what "the truth" is???! G_d help us that we should ahve your certainty.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
4 Feb 2012 /  #449
What houses?

You know perfectly well. The ones that are the subject of all those court cases this thread is about.

Why are you misleading people ?

Ironside  51 | 13086  
4 Feb 2012 /  #450
Read OP post, please.

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