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Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations?

27 Jan 2012 /  #331
I do too!

Really, what the nay-sayers are doing is classic projection; they project onto the Jews the awful qualities they the anti-semites themselves possess such as anger, viciousness etc...
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Jan 2012 /  #332
^So in your mixed up logic it's okay if some members of a tribe take from others AND have returned to them what was taken from some other members of their "tribe?"
07 zglos sie  
27 Jan 2012 /  #333
I do too!

Really, what the nay-sayers are doing is classic projection; they project onto the Jews the awful qualities they the anti-semites themselves possess such as anger, viciousness etc.

So,what did you lose and demand to be "returned" to you?As a guest i can not post links but yesterday I read an interview with prof.Finkelstain who's familiy actually lost property in Poland and who could be demanding compensation yet he doesn't and says he is not going too.In this interview he also calls Jewish Congress and Jews like you crooks and thieves and he is right.Bottom line is if you lost something in Poland go there and demand compensation in a court and if didn't just f u c k off.
27 Jan 2012 /  #334
I lost nothing. I speak on behalf of those who did.
07 zglos sie  
27 Jan 2012 /  #335
Did they gave you any rights to do so?Prof.Finkelstain says he does not want anybody,Jews or non Jews to speak on behalf of him and his rights to compensation.Also before the war my grandfather but also many more Polish people were ripped off by Jews.Now,my question is WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO COMPENSATEME?

I also knew someone who was arrested and tortured by UB after the WW2 and he told me there was many Jews among UB crimminals.I think you should pay me for that too.

i am not greedy pay me $100k for his suffering.After all i believe you want be right and just.Or am I wrong?
27 Jan 2012 /  #336
"Ripped off"???

You don't understand then the meaning of "ripped off". "To rip off" = kradzić = to steal, purloin, take what doesn't belong to someone

As the Jews stole nothing from the gentiles,but rather VICE-VERSA, I don't see your point at all-:)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
27 Jan 2012 /  #337
This thread is not about suicide bombings. I am under no obligation to say anything about them. Harry's claim that my not mentioning Palestinian suicide bombing, in a thread about Jewish demands for WW2 reparations from Poland, proves that I believe Jews are sub humans is completely ridiculous and his "feeling" that I thereby support "the final solution" is an example of completely obnoxious flaming by a person with absolutely no sense of decency, Here we see a "gang of three" doing their worst to take a thread off-topic. Thankfully this forum has members with a sense of decency that try to reason with them:

For what it's worth, the seizure of Palestinian land is what seems to have prompted suicide bombing in Palestine.

This reasoning is unfortunately responded to with yet another off-topic non-sequitor:

one needs to recognise that the USA is even more of an illegitimate state than Israel is.

The moderators are here reading this thread, as one can see by their admonishment of Lzyko in post #334. Why do they allow this flaming and off-topic posting without admonishment, editing, or removal of the posts?

However, I do find it amusing that people who think that Jews are acting disgracefully by asking for compensation for the property they lost to the Polish state also think that Jews are acting disgracefully by refusing to return land to Palestinians.

I certainly have never stated on this thread that individual Jews, with legitimate claims, are acting disgracefully if they seek redress in Polish courts. Harry is putting forth a straw man fallacy if his comments are directed at me, for I agree with 07 zglos sie:

Bottom line is if you lost something in Poland go there and demand compensation in a court and if didn't just f u c k off.

This thread seems to have exposed quite a bit of hypocrisy on the part of those who support Poland paying reparations to Jewish organizations while also supporting the denial of individual Palestinian's property rights.

So in your mixed up logic it's okay if some members of a tribe take from others AND have returned to them what was taken from some other members of their "tribe?"

We all await Harry's answer to this question. Will we get it, or just some more off-topical illogic coupled with unfounded accusations of anti-Semitism?
27 Jan 2012 /  #338
My typo, 'scuse:-)

'Nazis' refer to German adherents of the Nazi Party, nothing more, nothing less.
I shan't even dignify your response with a reply. What did Jews "kraść", eh? If you're so smart.
27 Jan 2012 /  #339
" ^So in your mixed up logic it's okay if some members of a tribe take from others AND have returned to them what was taken from some other members of their "tribe?" "

Sorry, I was unaware that Poland had finally passed a property restitution law, can you go into details about it?

Dessie, love your off-topic whining about flaming, don't you think that your complaints would be more likely to be listened to if you apologised for your repeated outbursts of homophobic abuse rather than simply lying about having posted it?

DE and Harry, you both will be out if you don't behave and stay on topic. Enough of your crap.
07 zglos sie  
27 Jan 2012 /  #340
What did Jews "kraść", eh? If you're so smart.

The Jewish shopkeeper did not give the change to my at that time 12 y/o grandfather.You don't call it a ripp off?
I wonder what your tribe have done to the Germans that they decided to annihilate your kind like a pest?Kinda hard to believe that the Jews were innocent and only bad Germans,oops sorry,Nazis woke up some day with a thought "It seem to be a good day to eliminate all these nice Jews like cockroaches as we (the Nazis) have nothing better to do today".So, what have you done to them that they had to take up such drastic measures???Tell us.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Jan 2012 /  #341
Also before the war my grandfather but also many more Polish people were ripped off by Jews.Now,my question is WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO COMPENSATEME?

Yeah, so your grandfather says. He'll never admit to the truth, will he?

Harry's claim that my not mentioning Palestinian suicide bombing, in a thread about Jewish demands for WW2 reparations from Poland, proves that I believe Jews are sub humans is completely ridiculous

Actually, what's ridiculous is that you seem to support any actions against Jews, no matter how terrible. Yet you criticise them for doing the same sort of thing back - which proves your agenda.

Thankfully this forum has members with a sense of decency that try to reason with them:

Holocaust denial is illegal in some countries, you know.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
27 Jan 2012 /  #342
Kinda hard to believe that the Jews were innocent

In the matter of the holocaust, to which you refer, they were entirely innocent.

bad Germans,oops sorry,Nazis

Entirely the same. They believed that behaviour was somehow predicated by race or nationality. Science knows that to be false as did good people back then.
07 zglos sie  
27 Jan 2012 /  #343
Holocaust denial is illegal in some countries, you know.

And who is denying it?I only want to know what the Jews have done to the Germans,damn it sorry again Nazis,that they had take up so drastic measures to defend themselves?There had to be something as nothing is happening without a cause.

In the matter of the holocaust, to which you refer, they were entirely innocent.

Well that's what Jews say but to get a clear picture we should listen to what Germans/Nazis have to say on the subject and the truth will be most likely in between.

I don't believe that such sophisticated and civilized nation as Germans would gas humans with diesel fumes without a reason.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Jan 2012 /  #344
There had to be something as nothing is happening without a cause.

What did Poles do to the Germans to justify such brutal actions towards them? As you say - they had to take up such drastic measures against them...

Oops, sorry, that doesn't fit into your holocaust justification (a crime, incidentally) - does it?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Jan 2012 /  #345
what the Jews have done to the Germans,damn it sorry again Nazis,that they had take up so drastic measures to defend themselves?

'defend themselves'
yeh right.
'sophisticated and civilized??????????
they could have been asked to leave, perhaps? If Germans were so 'civilised'
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
27 Jan 2012 /  #346
to get a clear picture we should listen to what Germans/Nazis have to say

It's all been through the wash, the murderers' motivations were in print long before they did it and discussed long after. A few are still alive even now. Adolf Eichmann at his trial said that he did what he did because he had been told to.

the truth will be most likely in between.

'In between' what?

I don't believe that such sophisticated and civilized nation as Germans would gas humans with diesel fumes without a reason.

Their reason was evil, insecurity and hatred with a heavy dose of paranoia and racialistic/nationalistic pseudoscience. They didn't only use diesel fumes, they used a whole host of foul methods, including Zyklon B and and shooting men women and children, to murder 6 million Jews all across Europe. As Hans Frank, the governor of Poland wrote in a letter about the Birkenau Death Camp not long before he was caught "we can explain away a lot, but not this".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Jan 2012 /  #347
they could have been asked to leave, perhaps? If Germans were so 'civilised'

They were. Poland refused to take them in - one of the more shameful incidents in Polish history. And one of the most bizzare - they had people who were almost certainly going to be very pro beating up Germany - and they treated them badly!
27 Jan 2012 /  #348
" They didn't only use diesel fumes,"
They barely used diesel at all: all the AR camps used petrol engines, as is shown by the testimony of the hasmeisters, Fuchs, Bauer and Hodl.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Jan 2012 /  #349
"Sorry, I was unaware that Poland had finally passed a property restitution law, can you go into details about it?

Law and logic are not synonymous.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
27 Jan 2012 /  #350
Actually, what's ridiculous is that you seem to support any actions against Jews, no matter how terrible.

I do not support any terrible actions against Jews. If it "seems" to you like I do then you have a problem with reading comprehension. I have repeatly denied being an anti-Semite and I have said absolutely nothing on this thread, or any on other, to make it "seem" otherwise.

Holocaust denial is illegal in some countries, you know.

I do know that it is. Are you accussing me of having denied the holocaust? I most certainly have not denied it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Jan 2012 /  #351
Your lack of criticism of terrorist acts by Palestinians suggests an agenda.

I do know that it is. Are you accussing me of having denied the holocaust? I most certainly have not denied it.

Holocaust denial is illegal in Poland - did you know?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
27 Jan 2012 /  #352
Your lack of criticism of terrorist acts by Palestinians suggests an agenda.

I don't care what you think my "lack" of statements about anything suggests. Delphiandomine, stop trying to make this thread about me and things I have not said. You are trying to take this thread off-topic and you should stop it.

Holocaust denial is illegal in Poland - did you know?

Yes, I do know this. How does that have anything to do with the topic of this thread?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
27 Jan 2012 /  #353
Are you accussing me of having denied the holocaust? I most certainly have not denied it.

On past form, when you have said one thing, the opposite turns out to have been the truth
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Jan 2012 /  #354
I don't care what you think my "lack" of statements about anything suggests.

You don't have to care - the fact that you refuse to criticise terrorist acts by Palestinians says it all.

Perhaps people will take you more seriously when you look at such a conflict through netural eyes, rather than through Jew-obsessed eyes.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
27 Jan 2012 /  #355
You don't have to care - the fact that you refuse to criticise terrorist acts by Palestinians says it all.

How do you know what I refuse to criticize? Stop making inane assumptions and realize that Palestinian acts are not the topic of this thread.

Perhaps people will take you more seriously when you look at such a conflict through netural eyes, rather than through Jew-obsessed eyes.

My eye are not "Jew-obsessed" and I can say, without a doubt, that people would take you more seriously, delphiandomine, if you respected the rules of this forum and stopped making off-topic posts in an attempt to provoke other members of this forum.

On past form, when you have said one thing, the opposite turns out to have been the truth

JohnnyM stop trying to make this thread about me. You need to obey the rules here too.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
27 Jan 2012 /  #356
I wonder when mods in here will take an action and suspend delpian as he is clearly flaming posting off-topic and generally talking rubbish and Harry too.

They are not doing that for the first time.
mod are you sleeping?

If somebody would started discussion about hairstyles they would have accused him/her of hating bold people.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
27 Jan 2012 /  #357
U.N. report on terror

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
27 Jan 2012 /  #358
mod are you sleeping?

i was until you woke me up.

Des does seem to have a point.
07 zglos sie  
28 Jan 2012 /  #359
They didn't only use diesel fumes, they used a whole host of foul methods, including Zyklon B and and shooting men women and children, to murder 6 million Jews all across Europe

Yeah I know but having watched "Shoah" recently I was most moved by a testimony of a German/Nazi who "worked in Treblinka processing Jews" (his words according to translation) and they were using captured Soviet tank to do it.He said that often the Jews were not dead yet when they opened the chamber and were coughing out black particles.Pretty ****** up way to die if you asked me and that's why I said fumes.

Captured Soviet tank engine.Sorry.
28 Jan 2012 /  #360
07 zgłoś się, your grandfather, as with millions of other Europeans over the last several hundred years, may indeed have experienced similar stories as your, then again, maybe not. Most cannot be verified, but instead chalked up to bitterness and anger brought on by sheer BAD LUCK!

The again, had the Catholic Church NOT prevented Jews from joining guilds, i.e. learning a respectable trade etc., attend university, fight in the army alongside their gentile neighbors, that is, die as well as live with them, and not be eternally perceived as living OFF them, you and I would never be having the conversation, most likely there would have been no Shoah and the world would have turned out far better for everyone. The Jews would never have been seen as universal paraiah (outcasts), but simply as fellow citizens who follow a different faith, that's all. But no. The Church spoiled it all by herding the Jews into ghettoes, removed from society so that when their Christian brethren were out fighting in wars and returned home, usually to nothing, the Jews were basically well to do, since they never lost their property; they weren't allowed to leave!

You and others make the constant error that it's ALWAYS someone's fault if people hate them. Ever heard of the saying: "Some people are plain rotten and it doesn't take much to turn them into monsters"?

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